Judicial Assistant. Educates middle school and high school students about our legal system, constitution and civic responsibility. JAGGER, EDWIN. Additional fees are required to serve the parties you are suing. On February 13, 2023 a real prop/mtge frcl non-homestead res2 $50,001 - $249,999 case was filed DATING VIOLENCE violence between individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. Clearwater, FL 33756, Civil Subpoena Duces Tecum with Deposition, Civil Subpoena Duces Tecum without Deposition. in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. endobj Please include a self-addressed envelope with your documents. Foreclosure Statistics %PDF-1.5 MEYER, KEITH Case Last Refreshed Feb 14, 2023 KENNETH MOBLEY Vs. SAFETY HARBOR RESORT AND SPA LLC On February 14, 2023 a negligence - premises liability - commercial case was filed in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. Please review the order for full details and the CDCs optional declaration form. Fiorentino, 43, is active in the community and appears to have the demeanor and acumen to be a judge. On February 7, 2023 a case was filed IF YOU FAIL TO FILE A TIMELY CLAIM, YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY REMAINING FUNDS. If the docket shows a "NO SERVICE LETTER ISSUED", this means a letter was sent to the plaintiff explaining why the case was continued. However, a post office box, if it is within the state of Florida, can be used to serve via certified mail. Rule 1 - Divisions of Court (A) Circuit Court 1. 5200 28th St N # 611, Pinellas Park, FL 33781 is a mobile/manufactured home listed for-sale at $149,900. PATERNITY - an action initiated to determine the (father) of a child born out of wedlock and to provide for the support of that child once paternity is proved. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE, THE CLERK WILL RETAIN THE CLERKS FEE FOR CONDUCTING THE SALE AND THE ELECTRONIC SALE FEE, AS ENTITLED BY LAW. Scott Finelli, 50, is running for judge for the first time. 29582 U.S. 19 North 315 Court Street, Room170 Clearwater, FL 33761 1,082 Sq. On May 20, 2022 a vehicle ownership - county $0 - $15,000 case was filed Circuit. by clicking the Inbox on the top right hand corner. Acivil cover sheet must be filed specifying the dollar amount in dispute in cases exceeding $8,000 in value. On February 10, 2023 an auto negligence - circuit case was filed TDD: (727) 464-4062. We cannot guarantee representation. County judges serve six-year terms, after which they must run for re-election if they wish to retain their seats. Independent Custodian of the Court Record. et al, CKS PRIME INVESTMENTS LLC Vs. MARYGRACE LOWE, DAIMLER TRUCK FINANCIAL SERVICES USA LLC Vs. EROIN TOLA, GOLDELM AT NAUTICA LLC Vs. ALBERT L CROZIER.et al, SUMMONS - SERVED Doc # 8 09182020 Party: BROWN, DAVID, NOTICE OF SERVICE ANSWERS INTERROGATORIES Doc # 26, CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Doc # 10 Party: ORTIZ, EDWIN, NOTICE OF HEARING Doc # 57 (SECOND CROSS-) 05192021 10:30 (VIA ZOOM), Four Times in Three Months, Pinellas-Pasco Judge Removed From Cases, Judge Profile: Hon. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE A LAWYER OR ANY OTHER REPRESENTATION AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ASSIGN YOUR RIGHTS TO ANYONE ELSE IN ORDER FOR YOU TO CLAIM ANY MONEY TO WHICH YOU ARE ENTITLED. State law provides that on January 1, 2020, appeals of county court orders or judgments with an amount in controversy greater than $15,000 will be heard by the district courts of appeal until January 1, 2023, when the provision repeals. The new law maintains current rules that limits the provision of subsidized court mediation services to county court cases with an amount in controversy up to $15,000. Meyer graduated with his B.A. Requirements to File a Small Claims Case: Small Claims court is considered a "people's court" and a lawyer is not required. This is required before the Sheriffs Office can levy any such personal property. Evictions or other breach of lease issues must be filed in County Court. So, we have put together a list of judges running in Pinellas County along with a few things to note about each one. 29582 U.S. 19 N. The name of the clerk making the sale. Zoom hearing. The General Master cannot sign orders. Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Court Judge Judges in circuit court preside over felony criminal cases, estates and juvenile matters, and handle civil disputes involving more than $30,000. It is your responsibility to verify that you have entered this field correctly; the Clerk has no authority to alter a grantee name if it is incorrect or incomplete. those who do not plan to have an attorney represent them in court). 2022 Pinellas County School Board Candidate Endorsements, 2023 Pinellas County Young Democrats. On May 19, 2022 a contracts and indebtedness - county $15,001 - $30,000 case was filed in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. County and circuit court judges are elected. ZOOM PROCEDURE: Approval from the Judge or judicial assistant is required prior to scheduling a . He was a legal intern and then worked for Bay Area Legal Services before going into private practice in 2011. Please keep your address updated with the Clerks office so you will receive this mailing in a timely manner. The Clerk's Self Help Center offers affordable legal services in the form of limited attorney consultations to pro se or self-represented litigants (i.e. The tourism site Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is the countys main resource for visitors. 834 0 obj <> endobj On June 1, 2022 a contracts and indebtedness - county $15,001 - $30,000 case was filed The Clerk dockets pleadings and a list of pleadings in a court file is contained on the D screen, in the Civil Mainframe. Chapter 794; or A lewd or lascivious act as defined in F.S. Filing a Mortgage Foreclosure case? You must contact the process server for service or cost information. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. The objection must be based on a mistake in law. endstream endobj startxref On May 31, 2022 a contracts and indebtedness - county $15,001 - $30,000 case was filed A dismissal without prejudice does not stop further action on the same cause. Although, the court does not collect money damages for you, a judgment lien can be placed against the defendant's name by sending a written request to the Clerk of the Circuit Court to record a certified copy of your Judgment as a Judgment Lien. For full print and download access, please subscribe at https://www.trellis.law/. Please notify us ahead of time by calling (727) 464-3367, option 2, or emailing onboarding@pinellascounty.org. Before that, she was a prosecutor for five years with the Office of the State Attorney for the Sixth Judicial Circuit. County court jurisdictional thresholds increase to $30,000 on January 1, 2020, and to $50,000 on January 1, 2023. If one parent asks for a name change of a minor child(ren), process must be served on the other parent, and proof of service on the other parent must be filed with the court. A judgment lien may be acquired on a judgment debtor's interest in all personal property in this state subject to execution under F.S. Purchasing Policy & Procedure Manual Departments Purchasing & Risk Management Topics Business & Industry Contractors Doing Business with Pinellas County Contact Information Front Desk - Rocky Luoma - Administrative Support Specialist - Phone: (727-464-4336) Email: rluoma@pinellas.gov Areas of practice include first and third party property and casualty defense, insurance coverage counsel, general liability, and commercial litigation. is an Elected Constitutional Officer & INCOME DEDUCTION ORDER - a court order that instructs the respondents (also referred to as "payor's" or "obligor's") employer to deduct or withhold child support payments from the respondent's wages earned and forward it to the Florida State Disbursement Unit. Please choose from the fields below to fine tune the results shown. in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. You will need to register at the Pinellas County Realforeclose website www.pinellas.realforeclose.com, and must deposit certified funds equal to 5% of your estimated high bid for each sale you anticipate winning prior to the sale date(s) that you would like to bid on. They maintain a generalassistance page here. Shes now overseeing civil cases, which she says she really loves. She has presided over 150 jury trials, and appellate courts rarely overturn her decisions. BEDINGHAUS, SUSAN APN. You may be an individual, a person "doing business as" (dba) or a corporation. On June 1, 2022 a case was filed Pinellas County, Florida, held general elections for clerk of the circuit court and comptroller, sheriff, property appraiser, tax collector, supervisor of elections, state attorney, public defender, board of county commissioners districts 1 and 3 (at-large) and district 5 and 7 (by-district), county judges, circuit court judges, and Lealman The Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode . Judge BEDINGHAUS, SUSAN presiding. Judge Profile: Hon. If you would like to consult with an attorney and have an attorney review your forms before filing them, you may visit the Clerk's Self Help Center for affordable attorney consultations starting at $15 for 15 minutes. If a court date has been scheduled, the judge before whom the case is set should be notified. A landlord (the owner or lessor of a dwelling) may file a residential landlord action against a tenant (a person entitled to occupy a dwelling unit under a rental agreement). On June 1, 2022 a residential eviction possession only (non-monetary) case was filed Chapters 55 and 222). Pinellas-Pasco circuit judges: The Times Editorial Board recommendations. Please wait a moment while we load this page. The defendant is furnished with reasonable notice of the proceedings against him or her to afford the defendant the opportunity to appear and be heard. in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. 2 Baths. GARNISHMENT OF A JUDGMENT DEBTORS WAGES is a common means of collecting a judgment and is facilitated by the issuance and service of a Continuing Writ of Garnishment. Copyright 2023, Pinellas County. Clearwater, FL 33756 We have notified your account executive who will contact you shortly. Judge MEYER, KEITH presiding. The Clerk's office has specialized forms for each of these types of actions. Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. Clerk's Customer Information Center: (727) 464-7000 Judge MEYER, KEITH presiding. 860 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<11AA6E9A026CFB4F913D449DD1466B0D>]/Index[834 43]/Info 833 0 R/Length 124/Prev 260929/Root 835 0 R/Size 877/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Chapter 800; or Luring or enticing a child as described in F.S. those who do not plan to have an attorney represent them in court). Two Pinellas-Pasco Circuit judges and a Pinellas County judge are facing challengers in the Aug. 23 primary. Once we receive this "Affidavit of Balance Due", the Clerk prepares the Final judgment and sends it to the Judge for signature. Judge MEYER, KEITH presiding. %%EOF OBLIGOR - (see also "Respondent") the person paying the support in a support case; the defendant in a civil action. A Small Claims case may be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court at any one of the locations listed below. Judge MEYER, KEITH presiding. the Pinellas County Clerk of the Circuit Court or checks for certified copies of orders. Requesting another pre-trial date must be done in writing. The Gainesville Sun: On February 8, 2023 a contracts and indebtedness - circuit case was filed in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. Fees made payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court:** (Fees can be paid through the e-portal or by mail), Per page fee for copying notice of appeal (including any attachment pages submitted), Certification of copy fee (for the Notice of Appeal for Appellate Court), Filing Fee in the form of a check or money order payable to the 2nd District Court of Appeals, A Check or money order can be mailed to the 2nd DCA, The payment can be made on the state e-filing portal, These are orders appealed from County, State or Municipal Agency Divisions, The Circuit Court of Appeal reviews these appeals prescribed by Florida Rules of Court 9.030, A neutral third party (mediator) to work with them and their landlord to try to resolve a dispute over rent, Help applying for money to pay rent through Pinellas CARES, Help locating a new place to live (if unable to stay in their current residence), Complaint for Eviction [Form #5 or 5a] with attached copy of the written lease agreement and/or Notice to Pay Rent [Form #1], Authorization of Property Manager [Form #COCIV 87]. GARNISHMENT OF A JUDGMENT DEBTORS BANK ACCOUNT is a common means of collecting a judgment and is facilitated by the issuance and service of a Writ of Garnishment. Chapter 787; or Sexual performance by a child, as described in F.S. A person who fails to pay the court ordered support may be held in contempt by the court and jailed until the past due amount (arrears) is paid. Join our mailing list! BEDINGHAUS, SUSAN Courtroom. The tourism site Visit St. Pete/Clearwater is the countys main resource for visitors, Human Resources Small claims, County Court, Circuit Court and Family Division cases are appealed to the 2nd District Court of Appeals. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. Susan Pottinger Bedinghaus. About Us Contact Us Satisfaction Survey in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. IV-D in support indicates that services are provided by the federal child support program under Title IV, part D of the Social Security Act. in the jurisdiction of Pinellas County. To remove certain private information from public records,click herefor further instructions. This is usually started because a debt is not being repaid, and leads to the selling of the property to satisfy the debt. Probate Court Records DELAYED BIRTH CERTIFICATE - an action that may be filed for any state resident or person born in this state who does not have a birth certificate, to received a court-issued delayed birth certificate (No record of birth with the Office of Vital Statistics.). CALENDAR - a list of pending cases for a specific type of court hearing on a specific date. Your alert tracking was successfully added. Either party can do this. Rate Judges and write comments in FL state. Your case number and signature must be on the request. Ken Burke, Pinellas County Clerk of Court). The Sheriff accepts in-state checks, money orders or cashier checks. On June 1, 2022 a contracts and indebtedness - county $8,001 - $15,000 case was filed Meyer is the right judge for your case based on their ruling history. Family Law Division 5. divorce, child support, domestic violence), mortgage foreclosures, lien foreclosures and negligence actions. For full print and download access, please subscribe at https://www.trellis.law/. The Honorable Kelly A. Ayers. Refer to the current Fee Schedule available on this website, as well as in any Clerk's office for additional information. Check the electronic online auction calendar located on this website. The Program is open to tenants and landlords currently involved in a court case as well as to tenants and landlords who have a disagreement but neither party has filed anything with the Court. Judge BEDINGHAUS, SUSAN presiding. A dismissal with prejudice stops any further action from taking place. On May 31, 2022 a contracts and indebtedness - county $8,001 - $15,000 case was filed more analytics for BEDINGHAUS, SUSAN. On May 31, 2022 a residential eviction possession only (non-monetary) case was filed Please Note: For faster and more efficient service, all paperwork being mailed should be sent to the Civil Court Records address. Bring the following documents with you to file your case with the Clerk's Office: * If you anticipate posting, per Florida Statute 48.183, the landlord must provide an additional copy of the complaint with attachments, summons, and a pre-addressed stamped envelope for mailing to each Defendant. The Clerks and Sheriffs Offices cannot answer legal questions nor advise you of your legal rights. See the FAQs section of www.pinellas.realforeclose.com for further information. 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