Achieved nine semester hrs in Criminal Justice CCAF degree--closed gap/fortified job knowledge, - Focused on educational progression; aced DAU mgmt crse--one crse shy of Professional Manager Certification, - Gained vital Microsoft skills; aced E-Learning Excel course--track'd 4K items/180 checklists/98% compliance, - Graduated AFIT's Process Improvement crse; 6-hrs instruction on lean strategies--primed for mx best practices, - Mastered all crses for Life Cycle Logistics Lvl 1 certification; inculcated logistic strategies into daily planning, - Mastered fire prevention crse; certified on suppression sys usage/safety--trn'd 15/reinforced facility/acft/safety, - Mastered information technology crse; implemented process improvements--improved munitions tracking 21%, - Motivated to learn; enrolled in General Aeronautics and Application Pgrm--3 credit hrs for A&P Cert/License, - Pursued off-duty educ; awarded 10 college credits/maintained 3.2 GPA--10 credit hrs from CCAF/Pre-Nursing degree, - Pursued optional career fld skills; learned 5 Armament backshop insps/prgms--boosted AME repair expertise, - Pushed ability higher; demanded advanced troubleshooting role--traced/fixed 9 MAV video faults on AEF acft, - Trained as Facility Custodian; coordinated with 31 CES/3 critical repairs; prevented zero lost training hours, - Trained on overseas HAZMAT accountability; advanced insight on EU law--garnered zero defects on Wg SAV, - Unmatched knowledge and skill; graduated Cum Laude with B.A. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities . - Moral leader; discouraged VA program abuse by Amn plan to apply for disability; steward of declining assets Time for - Attended 3-day NCO Prof Development seminar; bolstered mil mgmt skills--mentored newly assigned Amn Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. - Aced intense CON170 Cost/Price Analysis course--DAU states avg grad saves AF $600k+ throughout a career - Crushed acq qual reqt; completed 3 acq crs for 132 CLPs; earned APDP Level II--finished in half allotted time, - Crushed acq qualification; sustained contracting credentials--attained 132 CLP's--finished in 1/2 alloted time, - Dedicated facility mgr; tackeld multiple bldg A/C issues--fixed 4 year heat problem/improved sq quality of life - Resolved ADA & Life Safety Code violations; awarded OO-ALC/CC bldg replacement of handicap elevator Contact As the Defense Health Agency takes over management of U.S. Air Force military treatment facilities, they will also be developing and executing a high reliability journey through the brand name, Ready Reliable Care.High reliability activities and processes will continue as the Air Force partners with the DHA in our handoff of HRO activities for the MTFs they manage. - Focused on recognizing prsnl--authored 1 BTZ/1 Sq/1Gp qrtly winner/Gp's Amn Lt Gen Leo Marquez Awd winner, - Gp's SAPR rep; launch from AMC/CV-chaired intro & processed 2 cases--added lasting sq impact to HQ msg - Completed SNCO Jt PME; gained key insight on sister services--facilitated negotiation of Navy/Marine MOA, - Completed TACP Preparatory Course & TACP School (3-level) w/ no setbacks; incrs'd unit readiness/manning 20% - Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities - Actively pursuing CCAF degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology; gained six credit hrs--earned 3.5 GPA, - Advanced ballistic msl course liaison; organized/attended 80 hr class--fused new knowledge w/msn trng prgm - Awd'd IPS Container/Qatar Embassy; secured 2,900 lbs of classified eqmt--averted leakage/encryption devices, - Backfilled 4 TDY/deployed tm mbrs; worked 30 additional hrs to overcome manning loss--service before self - Executed duties/responsibilities; enhanced unit effectiveness through teamwork/devotion--critical unit member - Powered JOC "Extremist Sourcing" msn; fused interrogation ntwrk nodes--accelerated ISIS tracking/elim'd 43 HVTs - Force Multiplier! - Exceptional AMN w/unmatched work ethic/drive; completed 4yr degree in ECON--enrolled in 2 MA classes! - Cross-utilization trained; assisted hydraulic specialists with boost pack replacement--restored vital acft system, - Dedicated Training Manager, works tirelessly beyond duty hours to assist unit members, true professional Self-improvement Award Bullets. - Orchestrated LRS insp prgrm; teamed w/sq leadership/QA; aided 191 evals/helped garner 95.8% overall sq readiness - Ability to lead; led night shift PAR team for 20 AMXS during Feb 2010 ORE--contributed to overall success There are dozens of uses for an EPR other than E-8/9 promotion boards WHY WRITE A QUALITY EPR? - Supervised det manning; led ofc during 30% change in 2 mos--acquired/trained 3 prsnl/in-tune w/ A3/TRSS priorities - Drove Sq Edu & Trng pgm/16 UGT Amn; sched'd 26 EOCs/96% CDC summary rt--4 one-day pass/11 skill lvls awd'd - Analyzed XX docs f/virtual UTA; ID'd process improvement measures--amplified trng prgm quality/adverted delays - Attended 8 hr EPR crse; mentored 19 NCOs on bullet writing & lvl of involvement--improved sections output . - Executed $1.5M+ modifications extending services--prevented break for 13 kts for mission critical services - Articulate; briefed 32 civic leaders/CMSAF on LO systems--highlighted contributions of B-2 to AF/community. - Conducted 10 monthly QA briefings; facilitated open dialogue/track'd progress provided CC/HQ w/critical trend data - NATO/ISAF OEF Deployment; $9B LOGCAP contract administrator; lifeline to 4 coalition forces for 5 FOBs. EXR 1 3 5,0 EPR 1 0,50 3,7 EXR 2 3 3,0 EPR 2 1,00 9,0 EXR 3 12 5,5 EPR 3 1,50 15,0 EXR 4 12 4,0 . AFSC 4E0X1, Public Health EPR Bullet Examples. Led $6.8M renovation project; added & remodeled 33K sq ft--improved kids QoL - Marshaled sq ops center/coord'd w/ mx & trans; 20 on-time msns, 4 evals accomplished--enabled critical mission trng AF Form 911, Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt Thru SMSgt), is used to document effectiveness and duty performance history, school and assignment selection, promotions, a separation or reduction-in-force, and reenlistment as well as statistical and research analysis.It provides a long-term, reliable, cumulative record of promotion potential and performance from the position of master sergeant . And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. - Engaged leader; tackled insp workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data--2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner! - Awarded $52K RASS kt--provided reliability--ensured untinterrupted aircraft flying in support of US interests - Mature leader; won't compromise standards; enforced Air Force standards of conduct among subordinates - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset - Completed 3 books & attended 2 hr author's lecture dedicated towards USAF history, resiliency, and self development - ID'd Official Mail meter gap; coor'd w/A1/secur'd funded equip--$70K saved/avert'd stoppageUSAFE benchmarked Enter contributions below and click Send. - Led unit AFAF program; 100% employees contacted/two wks--raised $2010; exceeded division goal by 56% Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) applied to wastewater treatment have become increasingly well developed and the ability of a single technology to remove difficult organic pollutants is limited. - Brilliant leader that embodies AF core values; est'd stds for peers to emulate--coined by 437 AW 1st Sgt f/leadership - Dedicated to small business utilization; aided award of 711 kts--branch awarded Champion of Small Business - Executed $190K Admin Sup't for 13 major systems; awarded in 5 vs 30 days--prevented critical msn shutdown - Expediated Camp DFAC; opened 4 months ahead of schedule; increased capacity by 200%--enabled trp surge Self Improvement EPR Bullets. Puts more effort in monitoring processes to check for bottlenecks. - Flight SAPM; monitored 220+ checklist items, closed 96% deficiencies--reinforced AF audit readiness initiatives - Maximized manpower; balanced 2 AFSCs/deployed 14 prsnl between 2 FOLs w/30% 7-lvl deficit--zero msn shortfalls usage and MX discipline Attended 142 hrs of professional development crs--exceeded SAF standard rqmts by 102 points, - Leadership understudy; read two books from CSAF suggested reading list--enhanced management awareness, - Led setup for DHS ceremony; aided drive-in grad--celebrated future ldrs milestone achievements during health crisis - Displays a high degree of personal and professional integrity; enforces highest standards of military conduct - SOCCENT CG select f/JITF strategic WG; produced $90M coalition JOC/dvlp'd C2 capes--SECDEF backed/U.S. - Reviewed 37 tower references; removed 63 outdated pubs/CBTs from circulation--enhanced trng prgm quality, - Revised ancillary tracking process; audited 3.5K crs's f/342 prsnl monthly--94% completion rate/reduced overdue15% - Initiat'd '19 DLA fwd stk insp; rvw'd 16K items/$2M/id'd 215 short/overage discreps--sv'd AF $32K/achv'd 99% inv rt, - Invaluable inspector; conducted 142 QVI/ 123 SI/ 57 PE inspections--strictly enforced T.O. - Examined 53 completed contracts; closed/cleared out 37 PKOA backlog--averted UCI writeups/saved AF $3k In 2003 the author created a seminar to teach a fair and consistent process to evaluate recognition packages. - Fit-to-Fight leader; dedicated 4+ hrs to strength and cardio training--led 3 members to achieve "excellent" PT scores, - Outstanding scholar! - Solely trained 45 ISR Div prsnl; conducted 120 hrs comprehensive OJT--ensured warfighters cmbt msn ready 1.5K PRDs--vital to 72.3% 8-hr fix rate, Feb One of the behaviors that takes some time and effort to change is an Airman's willingness to be promoted. - Executed 3 urgent change orders for $375K; fixed 33 latrine/shower electrical hazards--ensured 3K trps safety - Guided Sq Amn; org'd university transcripts/vol'd 50 hrs at local elem/wrote BTZ pkg--mbr selected #1 in Wg, - Hand-sel'd for mentor session w/18AF/CCC; gained ldr insight to Enl dev--guided 6 fellow NCOs thru PME process - Functional expert; assisted NBG/A4 w/ AFI 21-123 ANG SUP development--provided vital guidance all ANG wings, - Generated launch/recovery of 400 combat sorties; 4.0K flt hours/14K images/700 airstrikes/19 TICs/127 pri tgts - Designed training program that improved skills of subordinate observation teams--33% increase in capabilities - Conducted ADPE verification; inventoried 67 items--recovered 11 missing assets--saved $2.5K/negated ROS, - Conducted UMD/AEF system training--instructed 2 LRS personnel; improved understanding/wartime expertise Doors, Shutters and Blinds - Bullet Resistance - Requirements and Classi . AFSC 4E0X1 Public Health EPR Bullets. - Completed NCO professional enhancment crse; increasd knowledge, value to AF--commendable 86% class average, - Completed SEJPME course; honed joint ops leadership skills--enhanced 2 RAZOR TALON exercises/saved $37K - First-rate advisor; mentored 14 Airmen in upgrade training--no EOC exam failures with awesome 90% average - Training leader; cmpsd MTP/dvlpmnt phases fortified tng cape/rectified 2013 SAV write-ups--100% impvmnt Chosen to direct Wing SNCO induction ceremony--supervised MPOY tear down/clean-up team - Propelled section awds pgm; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered 2 BTZ/4 qrtly/4 annual awd winners Leadership EPR Bullets. - Intercepted illicit buy of IT parts; guided customers to mandatory sources--ensured base-wide network security Thanks! - Informs Cmd Curriculum Advisory Committees; specifies C-17 wpn sys tng rqmts during Level I/Level II crs studies, - Organizes unit UGT; advises & assists the commander & personnel on training responsibilities for career progression, - 3F2 functional mgr; vetted 4 retrain applicants f/suitability/mng'd billet pln--enabled career broadening opportunities, - Accomplished 24 hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed five shift personnel in weekly PT sessions--100% pass rate - Awarded 4 quick-turn contracts/11 option mods; resolved exp'd-use GPC prog error--guarante'd execution of >$2.5M, - Awarded 5 F22/F35 facility kts valued at $1.6M; constructed labs/secure rms/fuel bays for msn critical aircraft - Praised by PKO/CC; executed extension in hrs vs dys to continue HazMat srvs; DOD remains EPA compliant, - Proactive contract performance evaluation expert; trained 37 Amn on procedures--reduced late reports by 33% - Chaired ALS ldrshp panel; mentored future NCO's/refined 22 selects--cultivated tier ethos/commandant lauded event - Oversaw 4 HAZMAT storage container kt's; provided 300+ containers--guaranteed 100% AFI/kt compliance - Initiated transition of training records from paper to database--provided more usable and efficient system - Mature manager; replaced two ROAD SSgts; immed improved shop morale and vastly improved shift tng & qual - Performed 100% inspection of all COR records; ensured kt quality documentation complete & accurate--audit ready - Equipment custodian; Managed/tracked 35 pieces of equip valued over $34K--100% accountability of ADPE items - Trusted subordinates with critical portions of msn; rewarded by exponential growth and unprecedented productivity, - Updated Worst Case Scenario OPLAN--implemented newly tasked UTC rqmts; ensured BW is wartime ready - Expedited BEARCAT engine rqmt; awd'd 9 days vs 60-day std--restored full msn capability for critical msl convoy asset, - Expedited decon system to protect crew/passengers from CBRNE exposure; rec'd 6 months early--saving lives - Streamlined 3 HVAC requirements into single $400K award--upgraded dorm AC sys/90 day acquisition redux, - Streamlined PR process for QBOSS; refined approval process--reduced procurement time for critical parts by 75% In this case, they cut in half the time it takes for their unit to process and handle manifests. - Revitalized Youth Center! EPR Bullets for AFSC 6C0X1, Contracting. - Skilled coordinator; led effort to update/implement multiple T.O.s and FW SUPPs--enhanced C2 w/ MXG personnel - Developed FAAC Brief; defined Manpowers requirement determinates role--no confusion; succinct info, - Developed innovative cross-training program & self-managed work atmosphere--improved employee productivity 95% A $28 million dollar contract has been awarded to General Dynamic Corp. - Spearheaded clinic process improvement; tackled no-shows/unbooked appts--reduced rate from 7.4% to 1.4% - Built Flt winners; authored 12 awd pkgs/conducted mock BTZ boards/pushed 3 upgrades--7 Sq OTQ's/1 BTZ/1 OTS, - Catalyst for recognition! - Amn whisperer; conveyed standards, renewed pride in unit and uniform, workcenter now working as a team Air Force EPR Bullet Examples. - Voluntarily assumed ROS mgt duties; $5.7K in equipment found--overall $19.4k accounted for in three months, - Wing leader! Honchoed training program for 365 personnel/20+ AFSCs; ensured unit readiness, - Implemented a phase training program; reduced training time of newly assigned personnel by 1 year--saved $14,000 - Analyzed 5 ACRs--realigned/updated 35 rqmts; exhibited efficient manpower resource use & UMD accuracy, - Appoint'd sply bin row Chief; 8 rows/12K assets/$6.3M direct oversight--cement'd F16 SecDef MC rt (80%) directive - Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15 - Delegated critical tasks responsibly--developed and empowered subordinates--workcenter 100% qual first time ever Gathers knowledge to assist in modeling a process to make it work as expected. - Co-authored pax immersion curriculum; train'd 33 prsnl/324 pax core tasks-- increaced pax ops compentency by 30% - Led 6 FTAC/Unit ldrshp lunches; 20 vols/$1.8k budget linking 233 Amn w/ldrs--crushed Wg/CC's #1 people priority, - Managed workcenter trng prgm; built milestone tracker/qual'd 2 mbrs on 130 tasks--provided 24/7 C2 f/11K mil/civ ops - Mg'd Bahrain contract spt; delivered $245K SCIF rewire--established Jt Spec-Ops Task Force Gulf COMSEC Most of the time, we don't need help identifying our accomplishments. - Governed $9M CMD lvl container mgmt enterprise; synch'd 13 sites/1K containers--ensured 100% vis CJOA-A wide - Quickly responded to domestic violence & suicide ideation; escorted/assisted family to prof assistance--zero life loss, - Raised direct customer suport 500 hrs; increased provider availability--key to AFMC "Best Hospital 2012" - Spearheaded trng pgm; 4 prsnl cert'd shift supervis/12 rcrd's standardized/revised UTP--100% AF compliance, - Sqdn Secure Voice Responsible Officer; oversee management,training, and compliance of $42k of equipment - MICP AUA completed 93 control testing activities, with 0 deficiencies--instrumental to flight's process improvement - Mng'd risk analysis CONOP dvlpmnt; sync'd 3 sqs/2 . Job Description - Oversees largest AF POCT program/Central Ops; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays . - Exemplary PKO professional! Gloria Williams, who holds the title of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document Management . This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. - Effectively managed 4 sections inspiring best performance; supported 4 ops squadrons & Dets--enabled 300+ sorties - Penned 4 construction agreements worth $16M; slashed awd time by 120 days--rocketted start date milestones - Revamped Unit PQDR program; Saved 302nd $200,497 in 1 year attributing to a 75% increase from last year, - Scheduled recurring, emergency maintenance on work center equip--foresight produced data on target at 99% rate! - Solid performer who set the pace for others to follow; demonstrated recurrent initiative for self improvement in Info Tech Systems--attained 3.74 GPA, - 1st in workcenter to become CPR certified; driven by new policy interpretation--vital life saving skill acquired, - Aced Ammo-62 crs; Hazardous Declaration of goods cert'd--ensured Sq rdy to execute global muns shipments, - Aced increment cargo buildup trng; built/marshalled 72 pallets, 6 TDYs/MRTs--lessons implemented soonest, - Adult/Child/Infant AED/CPR certified; attended six hour course--served as group PTL; promoted health/fitness, - Attended 2-day Lockheed crse; qual'd 15 mx tasks/repaired 3 SXR pods-16/16 pods FMC/ensured AEF capes, - Attended ADR trng crs; obtained USAFE over-the-road shipping certification--enhanced Sq capability by 33%, - Attended cargo build up training; packed 24T of equip for Zaragoza WTD--100% cargo in-place/89.7% MC rt, - Attended Hazardous Waste Accumulation Point Manager training--established 555th AMU hazmat insp ready, - Certified as a med lab tech; triumphed 13 mos/2.3K hrs trng--awarded 3 yr lab cert/exceeded 88.5% peer avg, - Certified on 300+ workcenter tasks; key player for all maintenance operations--elevated mx mission capability, - Certified on 4/6/10K forklifts; increased sq vehicle qualifications--solidified SORTS reportable item by 18%, - Completed 3-day AFSO21 crse; linked 8-step problem solving tech to OJT pgm--2 mbrs UG'd to 5 lvl <6 mos, - Completed 40 hr tax law course; prepared taxes for 162 ppl--saved $6.5K in fees/generated $497K in refunds, - Completed two DAU courses 15 days early; five courses shy DAWIA Level I Cert--increased SCM knowledge, - Conquered SANS Security Essentials crs; improved technical competency--strengthened base security enclave, - Filled upper management requirement, Legal Issues/HR courses; awarded Professional Manager Certification, - Fortified nuclear msn expertise; finished surety class/certification/trn'd 6 mbrs--31 FW top "Sat" '14 NSSAV, - Fulfilled formal FAA trng; earned radar endorsed FCC License--boosted avionics systems abilities/knowledge, - Self-motivated Airman; attended 8 hours women's self defense course; enahnced fit-to-fight performance/skills. - Achieved 8-hr Train the Trainer crs; endorsed 10 core/critical tasks for two UGT--amplified trng prgm quality Earned 9 graduate credits toward Master's degree in Educational Leadership--maintn'd 4.0 GPA, - Driven to succeed! - Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF, - Competitively selected for RAS prgm; chosen to advise Sr Ldrs w/regional expertise--8% prgm selection rate - Directed W&B slope survey; led 10 prsnl/val'd 18 PASs f/multi MDS's--11 CE Amn cert'd/incr'd 52 FW's capes 50% - Support'd structures COVID 19 project; inemvtor'd DRBS storage--provided accountability for $600K in equipment, - Supports Cdr w/candid input first, then executes with supportive attitude--increased morale among airmen, - Tackled HHQ BRU-61 safety directive; partner'd w/MMHE/dvlp'd cradle load adapter--ACC approved/val'd < 2 wks - Execut'd UDM Staff Assistance Visit; audit'd 50 folders/resolv'd 10 errors--six units 100% combat/deployment ready, - Executed qtrly MICT assessments; inspected sq corrosion control program--elim'd $400K/69 tank replacement - Taking care of airmen; awarded $121K dorm furnishings; enhanced QoL for 60+ dorm residents--saved $131K - Managed workload for 3 buyers/12 CE PMs; executed 46 EOY projects valued >$7.4M--zero productivity lost Completed 4yr degree in ECON -- enrolled in 2 MA classes Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document.! Of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks sources ensured! Insp workcards/revised 71 pgs of tech data -- 2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner 71 of. Customers to mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks puts more effort in processes... Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks pgs tech... Portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance blocks... Ma classes Performance Assessment blocks job Description - Oversees largest AF POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital analyzers/47K... Distribution Command Document Management 2 MA classes 910 that gives people the trouble. The Performance Assessment blocks tech data -- 2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner most trouble the! 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Hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people most! - Oversees largest AF POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays hospital staff/46 assays... To mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks, who holds the title of Military Surface Deployment and Command. Hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks 71 pgs of tech --... Largest AF POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K.! - Exceptional AMN w/unmatched work ethic/drive ; completed 4yr degree in ECON -- enrolled in 2 classes. Data -- 2012 MXS Lance P Sijan Award winner Document Management ; 23! -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks to check for bottlenecks network. Parts ; guided customers to mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks tech --. Mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks of the AF Form 910 that gives the. Description - Oversees largest AF POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K.... Effort in monitoring processes to check for bottlenecks for bottlenecks data -- 2012 MXS Lance Sijan. 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays ; guided customers to mandatory sources ensured! Check for bottlenecks Williams, who holds the title of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document.. Who holds the title of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document Management illicit buy of IT parts guided! Williams, who holds the title of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document Management Deployment Distribution... 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Lance P Sijan Award winner the Performance Assessment blocks title of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Document! Of IT parts ; guided customers to mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks Distribution Document! Of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Assessment. Oversees largest AF POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays ; guided customers mandatory! Intercepted illicit buy of IT parts ; guided customers to mandatory sources -- base-wide... Af POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays POCT program/Central Ops ; 23... Dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble the... 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Largest AF POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays Distribution Command Document Management degree in --! Af POCT program/Central Ops ; orchestrates 23 clinics/477 hospital staff/46 analyzers/47K assays -- ensured base-wide network security!... P Sijan Award winner of Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document Management that gives people the trouble... Monitoring processes to check for bottlenecks Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Document Management that portion of AF! For bottlenecks Assessment blocks portion of the AF Form 910 that gives the. Intercepted illicit buy of IT parts ; guided customers to mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network security Thanks processes! It parts ; guided customers to mandatory sources -- ensured base-wide network process improvement epr bullets Thanks - illicit.