Yet, with the unique calling and nature of Jesus, and the unique character of these events, it can be a stretch to find ways to [], admin2023-02-20T10:39:19+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, admin2023-02-13T17:15:16+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, admin2023-02-06T21:15:25+02:00Feb 6th, 2023|0 Comments, Copyright 2012 - 2020 | Sacredise | All Rights Reserved, Sacredise | Liturgical Resources for Progressive Communities. Contemplating the miracle that these parables survived, were told over and over again, written down and preserved by people persecuted by empire, I have to believe that they are more than nice little stories all about how we should live.They have to be more than mere speculation about the character of YAHWEH, casting the CREATOR of ALL that is, was, and ever more shall be as a fool. God does this to all who believe in Christ, because there is no difference at all:everyone has sinned and is far away from Gods saving presence. It is the vison of the foolish who are prepared to risk it all for the sake of what we have lost, the SHALOM we long for. It is time for us to be LOVE in the world. Sign up for an account and get your newsletters right away! We give thanks for Jesus of Nazareth who inspired us to put our hope and trust in the spirit of Life and Love moving in the depths of our being. The truth has left its fingerprints on every living thing. But lets just leave Humpty Dumpty up there on the wall for a while, and shift our focus to todays story, from the anonymous gospel-storyteller we know as John. In preparation for communion, please join us in reciting the Prayer of Unity that is in your program. Let it be so among us. Fosdick Dr. NW #80 Now, talk of the mid-night sun always took me back to my childhood memories of my Dad reciting the Robert Service poem, the Cremation of Sam McGee. Pauls words were interpreted from the King James version of the bible to read like this: And now I want to remind you, my friends, of the Good News which I preached to you, which you received, and on which your faith stands firm. I like the Apostle Paul, do not believe in the resuscitation of a corpse. Today, it is Easter Sunday for orthodox Christians. See if you can pick them out. Call to Worship & Opening Prayer. His Blue Origin may not be able to penetrate as deeply into space as Elon Musks Space Ex, but his thrusters are straining just enough to catch up with Richard Bransons Virgin Galactic. Social Justice Lectionary, Bruce Sweet, 2014. Frame 17: Look for the resurrections in your life. This year, we at Holy Cross are giving up God for Lent. Alleluia! When all the people have received, they rise to give thanks.]. Whether your interpretation of the resurrection is literal or metaphorical, Easter morning is always welcome. Through this meal, make us the body of Christ, that we may join with you in promoting the well-being of all creation. And there was no official campsite back then. The followers of Jesus were lifted up from a crouching or cowering position as they boldly proclaimed what they had learned from Jesus. I dont much care about silly arguments about Jesus rising from the dead unless those arguments lead us to a place where we ourselves can claim the power of resurrection to create a hunger for SHALOM, a passion for the justice which creates peace. Crystals mother called for re-enforcements. jQuery(document).on('change', '#submission-action', function(){ Heavenly bodies have a beauty of their own, and earthly bodies have a beauty of their own. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. I proclaim these words from Pauls conclusion to the chapter at every funeral I have ever presided over. Are we prepared to make sacrifices in order to ransom those who suffer the indignities of the hell we have created here on Earth for the one and a half billion people held in the captivity of poverty? Hosanna in the highest. I thought, or hoped, sometimes even believed that the myth of redemptive violence could no longer tempt me. If we begin with what is actually happening in these parables, we will have to confess that these parables of the lost and the found are simply outrageous. (from Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 45). As far back as the sixteenth century, a Polish monk named Nicolaus Copernicus calculated that the Earth is not the center of a three-tiered universe. He opened the scriptures, explaining everything; and they knew him in the breaking of the bread. For the most part, the Bible points to the Heavens above the firmament as the home of God. I was unbeatable. Let us declare our faith together (you may rise): who welcomes us into the household of faith. Your rhetoric is sublime! The term liturgy merely means "the . The grace and passion to love wastefully, CLOSING We Will Rise Again David Haas, *Parts of the liturgy were taken and modified from Michael Morwoods Praying a New Story, **Slideshow was taken and modified from Sapphire Productions. Shalom. If you cannot bear to look upon the face of CHRIST, thats ok. Just stop this video and take a moment or two to pray. ~ 1 Corinthians 11:26. Neither of us had heard the word atonement before. Please feel free to use in your faith communities with attribution. Easter communion liturgy, involving children Ana Gobledale, UK. by our unbelief and lack of understanding of Gods presence in us. After the earthquake came a firebut YHWH was not in the fire. The distortion of maps deceived me into believing that it would be a short trip from Bergen to Narvik. Create a free website or blog at Before the congregation hears the weekly scripture readings, the Prayer for Illumination turns our attention to God to ask that we hear God's word in order to better know God's will for our lives. United States One: It is through our neighbors and creation that we see the rising of Christ, O God. But by the free gift of Gods grace all are put right with him through Christ Jesus, who sets them free. For years I reigned as the champion of our little world! CHRIST was sent to die for you!. If we take off our rose coloured glasses, and pick up a pair of lenses permeated with the desire to resist persecution, violence, and the forces of Empire, these parables have the potential to inspire the kind of passion necessary to recover the one thing which is lost, justice. Liturgy - Easter Liturgy Index Next Easter Day In Western Christianity, Easter marks the end of Lent, a period of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter, which begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts forty days (not counting Sundays). Now, O God, with grateful hearts we remember Jesus. When we forgo our obsession with Jesus death and open ourselves to the passions of Jesus life, we begin to see new ways to understand the new images of the HOLY ONE that Jesus encouraged his followers to see. Faith and EthicsKaren Armstrong is amongst a group of religious scholars who have noted that the essential teaching of each of the major religions usually includes some version of "love your neighbour". Because if the dead are not raised, then Christ is not raised, and if Christ is not raised, your faith is worthless. Like each flourishing branch of the vine, we, too, blossom in our connection to God and neighbor. Our gospel-storyteller wrote his story within a deeply wounded community to provide the much need hope for their own resurrection. Grandma sat little Crystal on her knee. Believe it or not, my wrestling skills actually helped me rise to the level of a world champion wrestler. The Book of Common Prayer of 1662 (BCP) continues as a benchmark. By stem and root and branch we trace, by feather, fang and fur, It is right to give our thanks and praise. You see the Pentecostal church was located down in the neighboring town of Hinton, about an hours drive away. Many: On this day we shout, Christ is risen! But there were no tears to be seen. People: Your death, O Christ, we proclaim. Beautiful liturgy. We, too, experience new possibilities arising from our failures or disappointments or what has come to an end. Amen. After what seemed like hours but was probably just a few minutes, the whales moved on and I was left to clumsily put words onto the depth of my experiences, in what the ancient Celts would call a Thin Place; a place where the lines between the ordinary and the sacred are thin, and we can see, feel, touch, hear the MYSTERY which lies at the very heart of reality. I was lucky to get myself out of bed on a Sunday morning, while they seemed to be in church almost daily, sometimes several times a day. I could feel the temptations to violence rising in me. Resurrection is not a solitary endeavor. Mortal tongues and angels say: Alleluia! Jesus suffered the worst of his worlds violence. I dont know how to stop this loop from playing. The sun is in the same place at the same time as it was yesterday, but today all our clocks insist that it is actually 11:00 and not 10:00. What mechanisms do I use to attempt to tame the untamable wind of Gods Spirit? Now, the dingy wasnt totally inflated on account of the leak that it had sprung the day before. There are heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies. Not all bodies are the same. It empowers us to hope in the coming resurrection and new life. Sometimes boundaries must be crossed in order to achieve justice.Peace-making requires risk-taking, and the reckless abandonment of some things we hold very dear. It is a scary proposition for a pastor to venture out on a journey without the familiar trappings of familiar liturgy. Lectionary Liturgies, Easter B, 2015, Thom M. Shuman, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). If you look into the dust for long enough and contemplate its mystery, you shall find a resurrection. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of our God. A Prayer at the End of a Quarantined Day. }); We are not fallen creatures. Vladimir Putin created in the image of the DIVINE. Its not all about you. Resurrection is beauty appreciated, love shared, justice implemented. Would leave ninety-nine sheep to look for one lost sheep. That left my chamber-maiding at a local lodge where the housekeeper was always kind enough to keep my Sunday mornings free so that I could go to church, while hung-over colleagues struggled to clean up. It was a very quiet little voice deep down inside of me, at least I think it was inside of me. And when she got stuck she did what all small children do, when they have gotten themselves into a situation that the cant get out of, little Crystal cried for help. Generations beyond any cameras reach, each with their own pain. I had three jobs, but back in the day, the grocery store, and the Legion Hall, where I worked as a cashier and a waitress, they closed on Sundays. Morning . There is so much more we can do and offer our readership with your support! 'It is always Springtime in the heart that loves God.'. Jesus, the archetypal human, in which DIVINITY is embodied, confirms that human life, does not die, but is resurrected, transformed. The PROMISED ONE has come not to be served, but to serveto give one life in ransom for the many.. } When the complete vine suffers, we all suffer together. 4 0 obj Youre not a lost sheep, or a lost coin, or even a lost child. Surely, Jesus cant be pointing to the GREAT I AM, the MYSTERY which we call GOD and saying that GOD is a fool. Evolving beyond the myth that violence can solve our problems, or bring us peace, is vital. But like the indignant disciples of old, do we actually see the role we are playing in this race to escape the limitations of our one and only planet? Historians tell us that those roads which all lead to Rome, those roads were dotted with thousands of crucifixion sites. jQuery(document).on('change', '#submission-action', function(){ Happy are we to be called to this Eucharistic celebration. If you have not donated yet, please do so today. Today is the 35th annual International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Infused, inspired, and incarnating as CHRISTs body, as LOVE here and now in this place and in this time, we are anointed to this bring Good News to the poor and to free the captives! A Liturgical and Devotional Guide for Lent. He blessed it and broke it, and shared it with the disciples. The eradication of poverty is the work of LOVE in the world, this world, here and now, on this wonderful bountiful planet, upon which there is already more than enough to nourish abundant life for all. jQuery.noConflict(); I suspect that even offering all you have to a wastrel and a scoundrel is worth a shot if it means finding peace. Jesus life reveals images of God that point far beyond the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, to the Ultimate MYSTERY that lies at the very heart of all reality. Nothing that exists is ever completely destroyed. Easter Day: All Things Are Made New: a service of light with Holy Communion. Their pastor had warned them that my countenance was putting us all in danger. Breathe in the goodness of that space. Another great reference and guide, if available to you, is The Worship Sourcebook, published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.It's an excellent collection of prayers, texts, and litanies, with worship resources for every church season. The third face of CHRIST belongs to a Ukrainian Mother holding back her tears as she embraces her little family. Take, eat. O God, help us to let go of those mental pictures of you which prevent us from accepting that we will never know you fully and save us from pointless theological argument which reflects our insecurity rather than your mystery. What tombs of conformity does society create in order to control the spirit of fully alive divergence? God offered him, so that by his blood he should become the means by which peoples sins are forgiven through their faith in him. Do you still have a hold of that candy? Mmm humm. Easter 3A in Quarantine: God Sightings. May this Spirit help us to recognize the Christ-presence in our midst. Humans were cast out of the perfection of the garden and alienated for their creator. Letting go of our carefully crafted and tightly held images of the ONE who IS the SOURCE of ALL BEING is a daunting task. But Jesus did not let them linger for very long. Only a fool would rejoice with such extravagance. Today, thanks to daylight savings time, the earth hasnt quickened its course around the sun. Springtime is a season of optimism and hope, and the Christian lives a faith centred on hope. With visions of a grand and glorious past they were free from the dangers of the violence being wrought upon their world by the forces of the Roman Empire. We give thanks for the spirit of new life active in our lives as it was in the life of Jesus. We ask you to bless this bread and this cup. Living accommodations were not a priority. To live the mystery is to flesh the idea and to share Resurrection. Certainly, in the church the Bible is considered to be the supreme authority of the nature of God. I can see on that endless loop little families in Jerusalem, fleeing to the safety of the countryside, passing endless crucifixion sites. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); *This liturgy is an adaptation of the traditional. This week, I have been transfigured by the face of CHRIST, not glowing on a mountaintop, but weeping. Ive told this story before, but then havent we all heard the story of Thomas, every Easter. In a world driven mad with bloodlust, we peddle as pleasurable, fascinating, and entertaining, the kind of violence which can efficiently torture and kill distant populations at the push of a button. Easter Sunday Liturgy 4.12.20 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS EASTER ACCLAMATION P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit . For none of us can do this kind of relentless, reckless abandon constantly. Congregational Prayers (may be solicited), which may be preceded by other joyful and appropriate responses to the Easter Gospel. Now the green blade rises from the buried grain; Wheat that in dark earth for may days has lain; Love lives again, that with the dead has been: Love is come again like wheat that rises green. I say quote to be polite, which is generally not the way these Christians impart these words of Scripture to me. View the full Transfiguration Worship Video below, Yes! Tis the season of resurrection. If theres one thing Ive learned after nearly a quarter of a century of preaching on the subject of resurrection, its that when it comes to resurrection, we look for what we have been conditioned to see. Amen. Surely, the Americans have an agency for this. When asked what he thought was the solution to the planetary crisis, Cosmologist Brian Swimme said, "It would be to reinvent ourselves, at the . But he still had me. Even our ancient Greek forebearers, they understood that if horses had gods those gods would be horses. One of the whales rose out of the water and as she came crashing down, I marveled at the magnificence of this beast. Let us be LOVE in our lives here and now so that peace can break out again, and again, and again. xMk@9JPvvg? For we have been blessed with the ability to grasp so many more details about the Cosmos in which we live and move and have our being, than our ancestors could ever have imagined. The first face of CHRIST belongs to a Ukrainian Father who is struggling to say good-bye to his young daughter. MEDITATION Music: In the Garden Eddie Watkins. We believe that faith can move mountains, and that caterpillars can be transformed into butterflies. Let us give thanks to our Creator. Invitation Alas, the power of Pauls rhetoric has waned over the centuries. Embrace the HOLY foolishness which lives, in, with, through, and beyond you. The week before Easter, known as Holy Week, is very special in the Christian tradition. //jQuery('#submit-action').attr('href','/paupress/?rel=pauContent&pau_type='+thisact); This time also allows a moment for the congregation to "get settled" and ready to hear God's written word. As a kid, this Canadian epic always sparked my imagination, as I dreamed of those, strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold. for The Artic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold;The Northern Lights have seen queer sights and on and on it goes spinning a which always fills me with glee as I warm my soul by the heat of the cremation of Sam McGee, wondering about all the other strange things done in the mid-night sun. The magnitude of loss was positively unbearable. Jesus experienced that. John 20:19-31, Parables of Loss Through the Lenses of Resistance Luke 15, CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD THE WORSHIP BULLETIN. For the death of what it took me years to learn about, the death of atonement theories has given birth to the resurrection of DIVINITY, a DIVINITY liberated from ancient projections onto the DIVINE of the myth of redemptive violence. Amen. My friend and I were doing our level best not to laugh, we were too young to be sensitive, and to this day I find it difficult to keep a straight face in the presence of that particular kind of spirited movement. Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. He rose again in victory because the powers of death cannot overcome the Divine power of Life. The Bread of Life and the Cup of the Covenant: Gifts to unite the Body of Christ. Easter is the eternal moment that supersedes all time;the vision that puts into perspective all visionless living. Alas, the sun does indeed shine at midnight in the summer months, but in Norway summer does not include the month of August. But she couldnt see it, so she reached in for her candy and thats when she got stuck and she couldnt get her hand back out. Strip away our biased convictions so that through our selfless giving we can gaze clearly on your vision for our lives. But we do know that whatever happened it transformed a people hiding from the endless violence into courageous followers of a Way of Being in the world which death could not destroy. Sadly, far too many of us have been conditioned to look for what we have been conditioned to see instead of what is all around us, if we could only see beyond our conditioning. In the tears of that little Ukrainian family, I began to see yet another face of CHRIST, a face I had refused to see before. We have rested in the depth of your love; So, Im trusting that it doesnt much matter whether or not you or I or anyone believes or doesnt believe in the physical resuscitation of Jesus corpse. We need to reach our year-end fundraising goal that will determine what we can do for 2023. He lives, and presides at this Feast! But way back then; the bay was only accessible by the most treacherous of logging roads. What kind of body will they have? What a stupid question! Change). Our HEBREW ancestors, JESUS very own kin, understood the MYSTERY which we call GOD, as the verb TO BE, for this MYSTERY IS BEING itself. by acting as if we were disconnected and separate from God, our neighbor, and our world. Do you grant permission to use (with credit) for worship? jQuery('#submit-action').click(); % The Apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the followers of Jesus Way in Corinth, about 20 years after Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. Entering the synagogue on the Sabbath, as was his habit, Jesus stood up to do the reading. Gone are the vestments, the prescribed lectionary readings, and the familiar words. We celebrate the risen Christ in our midst. May this meal be blessed as we gather to celebrate together. These liturgies immerse us into the immen-sity of our calling: Christ's passion and passage have been completed. I confess, I was in denial. Progressive Revival Easter Prayer By Paul Raushenbush Living and Reigning God We give you thanks on this Easter morning for the Resurrection of your son Jesus Christ! These parables cant just be about a lamb, or a coin, or even a couple of squabbling children. One day, Elijah demanded of the voice, I have been very zealous for YHWH God Omnipotent. Benedicite - a Song of Creation Benedicite - a Song of Creation (shorter version) Venite - a Song of Triumph Jubilate - a Song of Joy The Easter Anthems Evening Prayer. Lord, help us to make. Recklessly abandoning the status quo, is never sweet, never harmless. Many: On this day, we embrace faith by committing to love in action. I am tweaking this for this Sunday credit to your site will be given. SPRING - EASTER The Dance Of Transformation. Through a simple meal of grain and grape, we, your children, unite. The eternal moment that supersedes all time ; the bay was only accessible by the free of! 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