Robert Roy MacGregor (baptised 7 March 1671 28 December 1734), usually known simply as Rob Roy or alternately Red MacGregor, was a famous Scottish folk hero and outlaw of the early 18th century, who is sometimes known as the Scottish Robin Hood.
. [12][13] Rob Roy became a legend in his own lifetime, and George I was moved to issue a pardon for his crimes just as he was about to be transported to the colonies. and adapted to a Nova abridged Audiobook (2 audio-cassettes, 3 hours playing time (, The Highland rogue: or, the memorable actions of the celebrated Robert Mac-gregor, commonly called Rob-Roy, "Robert 'Rob Roy' MacGregor: outlaw and folk hero", "Glengyle House. The most famous member of clan Gregor was, of course, Rob Roy MacGregor. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. After losing to the latter in their highly-anticipated rematch at UFC 257, 'Notorious' will be looking to make the necessary amends to win. Conor McGregor is currently back in camp, training for his upcoming trilogy against fellow lightweight contender Dustin Poirier. His parents were the local Clan MacGregor Tacksman, Donald Glas MacGregor, and Margaret Campbell. Since the 1930s, the Category B-listed building had been in the hands of successive water authorities, but was identified as surplus to requirements and put up for auction in November 2004, despite objections from the Scottish National Party. [26], The following names are other clan names that are known to have been used by the MacGregors. They also adopted a cousin Duncan. As a result, he was branded an outlaw, and his wife and family were evicted from their house at Inversnaid, which was then burned down. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. After his principal creditor, James Graham, 1st Duke of Montrose, seized his lands, MacGregor waged a private blood feud against the Duke, both raiding his cattle and robbing his rents. This page uses content from the English language. [17] (The "E'en do but spair nocht" bit is Scots. We merge duplicates because we only have one profile per person. However, only the following are recognized as "clan tartans" by the current chief of Clan Gregor:[18], The following table lists clan names and sept names recognized by the Clan Gregor Society. Many MacGregors disappeared into remote mountain areas where they remained concealed for the next twenty years, becoming known as. Even so he became a marked man with High Treason charges over his head and spent the next 10 years a hunted man. Descendants of Rob Roy MacGregor First Generation. He died in his house at Inverlochlarig Beg, Balquhidder, on 28 December 1734.[2]. ), Adaptations of his story have also been told in film, including the silent film Rob Roy (1922); the Walt Disney Productions film Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue (1953); and the Rob Roy (1995) film directed by Michael Caton-Jones, starring Liam Neeson as the title character, and shot entirely on location in the Scottish Highlands. [2] His son was Iain Camm One eye, who succeeded as the second chief sometime before 1390. In reply to: looking for direct descendants of the original ROB ROY MCGREGOR. The crux of the matter, however, lies in the fact that both Kardashian and McGregor are descendants of the first king of Scotland, Kenneth MacAlpine - Robert Roy MacGregor's father. Sheila Lipson-Norton 12/04/03. [2] The succession of Eian was supported by the Campbells, and he married a daughter of Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy. Rob Roy Macgregor is known as the Scottish Robin Hood. He died in his house at Inverlochlarig Beg, Balquhidder, on 28 December 1734. Rob was branded Outlaw by Montrose and he confiscated his lands and cattle. [2], The barony of Loch Awe which included much of the MacGregor lands was granted to the chief of Clan Campbell by Robert the Bruce. [2] The chiefship was claimed by his son, Alistair, but he was unable to stem the Campbell's persecution of his kinsmen, who over time became known as the Children of the Mist, a name associated with the MacGregors due to the extent of their losses. [1], In January 1693, at Corrie Arklet farm near Inversnaid, he married Mary MacGregor of Comar (16711745), who was born at Leny Farm, Strathyre. [11] After the rising, when the MacGregors were returning home, no-one ventured to interfere with them when they strode across Atholl, with their flying colours they strode passed Finlairg Castle where according to one source the Clan Campbell militia "durst not move more than pussies", and the MacGregors defying in broad daylight the outposts which Lord Campbell of Glenorchy had established in the passes. Rob was a freebooter with uncertain loyalty to James and was probably also engaged in cattle stealing and blackmail, old and at that time still honourable Highland practices. Enter a grandparent's name. The times were hard in 1712 and many went hungry in the highlands. Although now in his early twenties, Rob concentrated on the family business with his brother cattle rearing with a wee bit of reiving (stealing) thrown in which was fairly normal practice in the Highlands. 4: M: iii: James Roy MacGregor was born in 1695. . Rob Roy is anglicised from the Scottish Gaelic Raibeart Ruadh, or Red Robert. (Printed by David Macdonald Ltd, 29 Albany Street, Edinburgh. In 2004, when I was ten years old,my great- grandfather was diginosed with cancer. MacGregor scalps were proclaimed legal tender. They had the following children: [6], In April 1603 James VI of Scotland issued an edict that proclaimed the name of MacGregor as "altogidder abolisheed". It was the MacGregor Clan who laid claim to ruling status. [2] As a result, the Clan Gregor was scattered, with many taking other names such as Murray or Grant. In the years then between 1691 and 1712, Rob led a fairly prosperous life and Graham, Duke of Montrose confirmed upon him the rights to the properties of Inversnaid and Glengyl, which of course were already Clan Gregor territories. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. [6] Colquhoun assembled a force of five hundred foot and three hundred horse and advanced to Glen Fruin to repel the Highland raiders. My entire family had grew up listening to stories of how we were direct descendants of "The Famous" Rob Roy so before he died my aunt had his blood taken and sent to a genealogy place (I don't know which one but my Aunt does I'll contact her as soon as I can) and that's when we found out the stories were true. These "puppets" quickly became unmanageable and turned against, 1552 - Campbells attempt to annihilate the true Glenstrae line of. He married Mary Helen MacGregor (c1671-) December 1693 in Glen Arklet, Scotland, United Kingdom. With Liam Neeson, Jessica Lange, John Hurt, Tim Roth. Please logout and login again. Inspired by one of my second cousins, with whom (along with astrophysicist the late Stephen Hawking) I share MacGregor ancestors, I've dredged up the part of my file (mostly supplied by the late Rod Drummond of Auckland) that listed Rob Roy and some of his descendants. Although victorious in initial battles, Dundee was killed at the Battle of Killiecrankie in 1689, deflating the rebellion. Macleay takes the view that Rob did this out of sorrow for his crimes. Women who associated with MacGregors were tarred and feathered. Brigadier General William ("Billy") Mitchell. They were the parents of at least 6 sons. Omissions? The Clan is also known to have been among the first families of Scotland to begin playing the bagpipes in the early 17th century. Some of Clan Gregor were among the Jacobite force that was defeated at the Battle of Littleferry in 1746 in Sutherland,[10] and therefore missed the Battle of Culloden that took place the next day and which they would have been too late. [2] According to Iain Moncreiffe the MacGregors were descended from an ancient Celtic royal family, through the Abbots of Glendochart. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Rob Roy was Robert Roy MacGregor, and the novel of that name is an account of the adventures of that famous Borderer. He had left his wife twenty three English pounds. Last Updated on June 20, 2016 by ACGS Webmaster. Rob Roy was born in the Kingdom of Scotland at Glengyle, at the head of Loch Katrine, as recorded in the baptismal register of Buchanan, Stirling. A man whose bloody past spawned an equally bloody cocktail. Rob Roy only used this house occasionally for the next three or four years. During the Jacobite (pro-Stuart) rebellion of 1715, he was distrusted by both sides and plundered each impartially. [7], MacGregor participated in the Battle of Glen Shiel in 1719, in which a British Government army with allied Highlanders defeated a force of Jacobite Scots supported by the Spanish. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Dundee, known by his supporters as Bonnie Dundee, was to meet the Hanoverian army of William of Orange led by General Hugh MacKay at Killiekrankie on the 17th of July 1689. Later imprisoned, he was finally pardoned in 1727. The Rob Roy Way, a long distance footpath from Drymen to Pitlochry, was created in 2002 and named in Rob Roy's honour. During this time his business aptitude was growing, as was his political knowledge and he became fairly respected as a businessman, well known throughout Scotland with respectable holdings in Inversnaid and Graigrostan. [2] However, in 1570, he was captured and murdered by the Campbells. In his old age Rob became a Roman Catholic. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The current chief of Clan Gregor is Sir Malcolm Gregor Charles MacGregor of MacGregor, 7th Bt. The old MacGregor motto is "Royal is my race." This is because Rob Roy had red hair, though it darkened to auburn in later life. When the penal laws against the MacGregors were reintroduced in 1693, Rob took the name of Campbell. The Rob Roy Way, a long distance footpath from Drymen to Pitlochry, was created in 2002 and named in Rob Roy's honour. 5: M: iv: Robin . If you can tie into my tree anywhere then please get in touch. [2], During the 1745 uprising, some of Clan Gregor fought at the Battle of Prestonpans with the Jacobite army under the Duke of Perth. Sometime around 1720 and after the heat of MacGregors involvement at the Battle of Glen Shiel had died down, Rob Roy moved to Monachyle Tuarach by Loch Doine. Your login session has expired. Clan Gregor or Clan MacGregor is a Highland Scottish clan dating back to the early 800s. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. His mother was of the Campbells of Glenfalloch and Rob himself was Laird of Inversnaid. Faces of European History: Fact or Fiction? [2] The Campbells had already built Kilchurn Castle which controlled the gateway to the western Highlands and they harried the MacGregors who were forced to retire deeper into their lands until they were restricted to Glenstrae. [2] There is also a tradition that Gregor was the brother of Kenneth MacAlpin. Be the first one to comment on this story. [16], In 2017, a new statue of Rob Roy was commissioned to be installed in Peterculter, Aberdeen. Spouses, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The crux of the matter, however, lies in the fact that both Kardashian and. The year 1723 saw the publication of a fictionalised account of his life, The Highland Rogue. In 1878, the football club Kirkintilloch Rob Roy was founded and named in his memory. Rob Roy, byname of Robert MacGregor, (baptized March 7, 1671, Buchanan, Stirlingshire, Scotlanddied December 28, 1734, Balquhidder, Perthshire), noted Highland outlaw whose reputation as a Scottish Robin Hood was exaggerated in Sir Walter Scott 's novel Rob Roy (1818) and in some passages in the poems of William Wordsworth. together with his father, Donald Glas MacGregor (alias Stewart) joined the Jacobite Rising led by Viscount Dundee, a.k.a. AD 1100 - Gregor first used as surname. Robert Roy MacGregor (baptised 7 March 1671 28 December 1734), usually known simply as Rob Roy or alternately Red MacGregor, was a famous Scottish folk hero and outlaw of the early 18th century, who is sometimes known as the Scottish Robin Hood. The editor of the book changed the place of burial to the present location). The publication of Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott in 1817, further added to his fame and fleshed out his biography. Hope you don't mind I cleaned up a little, If this profile is supposed to be "Rob Roy" MacGregor, it should be cleaned up & merged with, Inverlochlarig Beg, Balquhidder, Scotland, Sir James MacGregor, Vicar of Fortingall and Dean of Linsmore, Grand Chief Alasdair MacGregor of Glenstrae, Oliver Cromwell "Lord Protector of England and Scotland", Painting of Rob Roy Dingwall Museum Trust,,,, Robert MacGregor was a prominent member of a. of Lanrick and Balquhidder, 24th Chief of Clan Gregor. K. Macleay, M.D., in Historical Memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan MacGregor quotes, "but he had taken the resolution of becoming a Roman Catholic, and he accordingly left the lonely residence we have described, and returning to Perthshire, went to a Mr Alexander Drummond, an old priest of that faith, who resided at Drummond Castle." Rob then rented land in Glen Dochart from his mothers cousin John Campbell, the Earl of Breadalbane, (who earlier in 1703 had been made the 2nd Duke of Argyle) a political enemy of Montrose. The clan's most famous member is Rob Roy MacGregor of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Father of William McGregor, I; John McGregor; George MacGregor; Mary McGregor; Daniel McGregor and 6 others; James McGregor; John McGregor; Lt. Col. James Roy Mohr Drummond MacGregor; Colin Campbell MacGregor; Ranald MacGregor and Robert (Robin Oig) MacGregor less Rob Roy. Robs mother Margarets health faltered and then failed during Donalds time in prison. Since the 1930s, the Category B-listed building had been in the hands of successive water authorities, but was identified as surplus to requirements and put up for auction in November 2004, despite objections from the Scottish National Party. Hector Berlioz was inspired by the book to compose an overture. William Wordsworth wrote a poem called "Rob Roy's Grave", during a visit to Scotland (the 1803 tour was documented by his sister Dorothy in Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland). Now 22 Rob was to marry Helen MacGregor of Comar, born at Leny Farm, Strathyre on January 1693 at Glenarklet. [2] This is alluded to in the clan's motto: "Royal is my race". @ProperWhiskey He died in 1786. Copyright 2023 The American Clan Gregor Society | WP Admin | Webmail | Contact Webmaster. Descendants of Rob Roy MacGregor Second Generation 2. He married Mary MacGregor of Comar, who was born at Leny Farm, Strathyre, in Glenarklet in January 1693. This page has been accessed 22,628 times. Rory MacGregor - lived at Meillan Udrigle, Gruinard Bay > William Macgregor b c 1786, d 1869 (only son) m 1820 Ellen (Helen?) Rob Roy is anglicised from the Scottish Gaelic Raibeart Ruadh, or Red Robert. Distantly related to Scottish outlaw Robert Roy MacGregor, who died in 1734, Conor's family tree was discovered by journalist Craig Williams from the Daily Record. In July 1717, MacGregor and the whole of the Clan Gregor were specifically excluded from the benefits of the Indemnity Act 1717 which had the effect of pardoning all others who took part in the Jacobite rising of 1715. [6] The Colquhouns were driven into the Moss of Auchingaich where their cavalry was useless and over two hundred Colquhouns were killed. Did he get his king-like demeanor from there? The society states that people who bear the following surnames, or who descend from a woman with one of the following surnames, is eligible for membership. 1784 - The oppressive acts against the MacGregors were rescinded by the British parliament, and they were allowed to resume their old name and were restored to all the rights and privileges of British citizens. Along with many Highland clansmen, at the age of eighteen Rob Roy MacGregor together with his father joined the Jacobite rising of 1689 led by John Graham, 1st Viscount Dundee and Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, to support the Stuart King James VII, whose flight from Britain had been declared by Parliament to be an abdication, following the Glorious Revolution of 1688. Built by Rob Roy MacGregor",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Scottish Gaelic-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 December 2022, at 00:34. A cousin, Duncan, was later adopted. They also adopted a cousin - Duncan. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. [2] He supported the Jacobite cause in 1715 and after the Battle of Sheriffmuir he set out plundering at will. Rob Roy became a well-known and respected cattleman this was a time when cattle rustling and selling protection against theft was a commonplace means of earning a living. [2], In response to the execution of two MacGregor clansmen in the year 1603,[5] Alasdair MacGregor marched into Colquhoun territory with a force of over four hundred men. No categories; The American Clan Gregor Society. He died atInverlochie on the 28th of December 1734 at the age of 63 and was laid to rest at Balquhidder Kirkyard. Login to find your connection. 1566 - An act of the Privy Council gave the Protestant nobles and chiefs (including Campbells) the right to exterminate the MacGregors. The sculptor appointed was David J. Mitchell, a graduate of Grays School of Art in Aberdeen. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. She bore him four sons: James (known as Mor or Tall), Ranald, Coll, and Robert (known as Robin Oig or Young Rob). [2] In one such raid on Dumbarton, the town was put into panic and Dumbarton Castle was forced to open fire with its cannon. Rob Roy was born at Glengyle, at the head of Loch Katrine, as recorded in the Baptismal Register of Buchanan Parish. MacGregor lived in the highlands from 1671 to 1734. Call: (913) 229-5198. [2] (However, given the circumstances, he had been forced to assume his mother's surname of Campbell). They were to have 4 sons - James (Mor) the tall, Ranald, Coll, and Robert known as Robin (Oig) or young Rob. This the origin of Rob Roy, also known as Red MacGregor, or Robert Roy MacGregor. Five years after the Act of Union was passed between the countries of Scotland and England thus creating what became the "United Kingdom" (technically Scotland and England now ceased to exist at least that is how it was meant to be), the cattle trade underwent severe depression. The 18 Januar, at evine [evening], he come agane to Edinburghe; and upone the 20-day he wes hangit at the Croce, and xj [eleven] of his freindis and name, upon ane gallous: Himself being Chieff, he wes hangit his awin hicht aboune the rest of hes freindis."[7]. Brother of Graeme Andrew MacGregor; Donald Malcom MacGregor and Helen MacGregor. John MACGREGOR(Ranald, Robert Roy) was born on 19 Apr 1740 in Balquhidder. Although he was involved in various skirmishes like the one in Glen Sheil in 1719, he managed to escape capture on various occasions until in 1725 he was captured by General Wade and imprisoned in the famous Newgate Prison in London. Glengyle House, on the shore of Loch Katrine, dates back to the early 18th century, with a porch dated to 1707, and is built on the site of the 17th century stone cottage where Rob Roy is said to have been born. The Gregor chief never returned to his former spirit or health. 1296 -Iain (John) MacGregor of Glen Orchy captured by, 1300's - Malcolm of the castles built eight. Death: Immediate Family: Son of Rob Roy MacGregor and Mary Alice Rose MacGregor. Descendants of Rob Roy settled around McGregor, Iowa, and in 1849 it was reported that the original MacGregor seal and signet was owned by Alex McGregor of Iowa. By the time Donald was finally released, his wife was dead. Descendants of Rob Roy MacGregor settled around McGregor, Iowa, and in 1849, it was reported that the original MacGregor seal and signet was owned by Alex McGregor of Iowa. Later imprisoned, he was finally pardoned in 1727. Another, less romantic version of this series of events states that Rob Roy's estate of Craigrostan and Ardess were forfeited for his part in the rebellion of 1715. Welcome to the family In 1713 Scotland, Rob Roy MacGregor is wronged by a nobleman and his nephew, becomes an outlaw in search of revenge while fleeing the Redcoats, and faces charges of being a Jacobite. According to the Y-DNA and before that, the extensive family tree research. A cousin, Duncan, was later adopted. Rob continued his exploits against Montrose until 1722, when Argyll brought about a reconciliation. Rob Roy became a legend in his own lifetime, and George I was moved to issue a pardon for his crimes just as he was about to be transported to the colonies. Rob Roy Macgregor: legendary outlaw, raider and cattle stealer. [2] He was an outlaw who raided cattle and sheltered in the high glens. Robert Roy "Rob Roy" MacGregor aka Campbell Born before 7 Mar 1671 in Glengyle, Loch Katrine, Scotland Ancestors Son of Donald Glas MacGregor and Margaret Campbell Brother of John MacGregor, Sarah MacGregor, Margaret MacGregor, Lain McGregor, John McGregor [half] and Duncan MacGregor Even in the times of The Bruce, the area around Loch Lomond was Clan Gregor land. The Gregor chief never returned to his former spirit or health. A reinforcement under Rob Roy went to his aid, but before it reached him the greater part of his men had given way, and he himself had been severely wounded in the arm.". In Balquhidder pro-Stuart ) rebellion of 1715, he was finally released, his wife dead! If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA Jacobite ( pro-Stuart ) rebellion of,... & gt ; James Mohr MacGregor & gt ; James Mohr MacGregor & ;! 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