Must be all the candles on your cake. I wish you would be like me in everything. Its a trap. To a very special friend: Thank you for being in my life. I love parties, so I get confused when its today. Happy birthday! No ifs, ands or buts about it: You really are the best friend anyone could have. Best wishes to you. May this next trip shine just as bright. For example, Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin are birthday twins, as they were both born on February 12, 1809. Happy birthday, [name here]cant wait to celebrate with you at happy hour! 2. 34. More joy to your life.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sweetlovetextmessages_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sweetlovetextmessages_com-medrectangle-4-0'); 5. Im grateful I get to spend your big day with you (and that your birthday cake looks delicious). Im so grateful for you and love all that you are. Happy birthday to a stand-up guy who Im lucky to have in my life. I wish you both the very best! Some funny quotes to use for birthday mate wishes: Happy Birthday to both of you. To an amazing friend on their birthday, my only regret is not meeting you sooner so I could have annoyed you longer. 4. 49. . I am hoping we have a lovely anniversary, birthday buddy. Happy birthday to you! As we celebrate you today, I cant help but think of all the wonderful things youve done for our family over the years. 91. May your being best friends bring more beautiful things to you both! When kings come together, there is more celebration. Happy birthday to the person Im lucky to call my sibling. Is it hotter in here than usual? Happy birthday, man. 142. Im eternally grateful for you and am so lucky to have you in my life. Some other birthday mate wishes for you to use. Rejoice and give thanks. 4. Happy birthday! I hope that even though we are birthday twins, this does not mean that we shall die on the same day. Some days your brilliance knows no bounds. May you live to be so old, you sincerely wish you were dead.". Happy birthday! Giving birth to you on my birthday is the most exciting thing to me. May your wedding to that handsome, resourceful and industrious man never bring tears! Im so happy our paths crossed in this life. Heres wishing us a spectacular birthday, dear birthday mate! If you're a cut/paste person there is a solution by pasting "HappyBirthday ! My two favourite men are celebrating birth today! 30. You are the best things that have happened in my life and I am thankful for having parents like you. 107. Gay Birthday Wishes. Enjoy! Happy birthday man! Many years ago, greatness was born into this world; yes, we are that greatness. I love you so much, [Mom/Dad]cheers to your special day! One of the biggest gifts life gave me is you. To the family that pleases me, I wish your father and beautiful daughter a happy birthday. This day deserves an A+. 3. Enter a name, upload photo and press the generate button. 7. 48. Happy Birthday sweet parent. Happy birthday, friend! Im grateful to know someone as wonderful as you. Its your party and youll cry if you want to; however, I dont recommend it. Lol. I hope this is the best birthday yet! 4. You cant go wrong! 127. Stay blessed, dear! 103. We both share the same birthday, making us even more special! 3. Cake, presents, the affection of loved onestalk about a great day. 83. You could also write one of these relatable parent quotes in the birthday cardthey perfectly sum up being a parent. All that you have done for me is beyond words, and I feel helpless most of the time I want to give you a thousand hugs and million kisses for all that you have done for me. Happy Birthday.". Im so grateful youre on our team. Thank you for being you and giving your all every dayhappy birthday! 43. Of course you know its because that day is also mine. Happy birthday, friend! Its a big one! Youre simply the best. Theres a lot of things I cant forget about you, and one of them is your birthday! Happy birthday to someone who's been there for all the ups and downs. Happy birthday! 4. 108. Many years gone and Im wondering how well cope when youre no longer in town and have to host our parties separately. Congratulations on another year on Earth. Hope this birthday is one for the books. Thats up for debate. Youre a joy! Lol. 6. Amen! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We live in a one-parent family, and you two have done a great job raising me. You are irreplaceable my special one. Now the question is How to create birthday wishes with name and photo of the male or female cousin. Forget about the past you cant change, the future you cant predict, and definitely forget about the present because I didnt get you one. Fun fact: Having a good birthday is 90% mental and 10% alcohol. Sharing the same birthday quotes can help anyone phrase a message for the person who was born on their birthday date, even if its just the same month. This month is our month, so lets rock it like we bought it with our hard earned money. I am hoping that this anniversary brings forth a great dose of joy, happiness, and fun in our lives. Wishing my birthday buddy and me a very happy anniversary! Required fields are marked *. Sentimental (Coinciding) Birthday Wishes Happy birthday, astrological twin! Damn! Happy birthday to you! Other forms of the same construction are "astro twins," "astrology twins," and "star twins." Share Improve this answer Follow answered Sep 2, 2015 at 21:56 chillin 747 3 7 Happy Birthday! For your special day I made you a cake. Came for the cake, stayed to see who got you the best gift. I love you both.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'sweetlovetextmessages_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sweetlovetextmessages_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); These wishes are perfect for father and daughter birthday on same day quotes. Dont worry, I already know my present is your favorite. Thanks for bringing so many great changes in my life! May you never get outdated. Happy birthday to one of the best coworkers around. P You have given so much to the people around you, so I hope that you receive a lot of happiness today. 2. Happy Birthday! These birthday wishes work for the best guy in your life, whether youre wishing a happy birthday to your husband, son, brother, boyfriend or another phenomenal man you know. Roses are red, skateboards are sick, wishing happy birthday to you ya big catch! These wishes are perfect for father and son birthday on same day quotes. Baby boy, youll always be my baby. A quick reminder on your special day well-behaved women rarely make history. Copyright 2020 Sweet Love Text Message. Today, we celebrate you and the beautiful life you have. Need some romantic words? Many years ago, in two hospitals far away from themselves, two beautiful boys were born, and today they are more than brothers. And if you know someone who is sick on their birthday, send them one of these thoughtful get well wishes in tandem with a birthday wish. Words cant express how appreciative I am for your work. 3. If you have a birthday twin that is related or not even related to you, you dont have to be afraid if they look better than you or anything. [Brother/Sister], youre like a fine wine: Youre only getting better with age. May your day be filled with 10 times the joy youve provided for others. 73. I want to wish you what I am wishing myself today: the best. Wishing you a joyous birthday! Happy birthday to a fellow sweetheart! On this day of happiness and joy, I'd like to wish you a lifetime full of success because a person, as unique as you, deserves all of their dreams to come true. Not open jars, thats for sure. I wish you a wonderful birthday filled with joy and happiness! To be happy in this world, you just need to live simple, smile more, expect little, give a lot, worry less, and always keep in touch with your creator. Amen. Today it's official, your turn is over. Youll ruin your makeup, and we will be taking a lot of pictures tonight. Makes sense, considering youre such a rock star parent. 7. 63. Amazing Godly Birthday Wishes for Loved Ones on their birthdays. Happy birthday! Thank you for being my confidant, cheerleader and best supporter. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Happy birthday, [name here]eat that cake, open those gifts and take in the amazing love of your friends and family. Happy birthday to us! Happy birthday mom and dad! Happy birthday and wedding anniversary to you, dear! I am very grateful. 60. Happy Birthday! 5. So, at least you have that going for you. Lol. I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday, but realized I didnt have to because by wishing myself, I already wished you. I hope that this anniversary brings us good luck and everlasting happiness. Let us live this day to the fullest, embed this to your mind and never forget. 3. 124. Im so happy to celebrate you today and hope you have a great birthday. 66. I love you mom and dad! I am so lucky and fortunate that both of you loved me with same intensity. Im beyond thankful for our friendship and look forward to celebrating you today. Happy birthday to the loveliest birthday mate on this earth! 4. Wishing you an extra special birthday and best wishes for the year ahead. They say take every birthday with a grain of salt. Being a kid at heart is always a blessing. 4. Heres to you and all this year has in store. Happy birthday to a woman who never ceases to amaze me. Happy birthday, bud! You taught me how to live, but also how to live happily. 9. Happy Birthday to both of you. 21. Happy birthday, my wonderful sibling! I cant wait until were old enough to be terrorizing the senior home nurses together! Was this planned or it just happened? May this birthday be fun for both of us. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. The same applies for family members or a boyfriend/girlfriend. Happy Birthday, my fake twin, you make life more interesting. When I think of how to quantify how awesome you have been in my life, I find no words to express them. Get ready to be a nice beggar. Love you endlessly! You're special and indispensable. If you really want to lean into the humor with your birthday message, consider writing one of these funny friendship quotes in the birthday card. Happy birthday! Its weird but okay since we are both weird. Happy birthday to you and me, girl. Happy birthday to someone who makes me feel a better person. Its such a joy to know you, [name]. Happy birthday. Why the impatience, sister? Im so thankful we met through work and that weve gotten to know each other. 71. Thank you for all you do for me. 110. To a friend who has been there through thick and thin, I have two words for you: You rock. 1. As we celebrate your latest trip around the sun, I cant help but think of the light you shine on my life. 98. Happy birthday to you! I hope that we have the best celebration, dear birthday mate. But you have to stand strong and straight and you have to be yourself. Here are some ways to try to time the card close to the person's birthday. Our editors and experts handpick every product we feature. I say take it with a whole bunch of salt, and bonus points if it accompanies a very large. Happy birthday, I rejoice with you! To the birthday girlI cant believe Im lucky enough to know someone as wonderful as you. One way I know is that our birthdays coincide! I wish you every day to be filled with lots of love, laughter, happiness, and the warmth of sunshine. 128. I forgive you, though. Happy birthday to an amazing friend. Happy birthday! 5. My happy birthday mate wishes for this great birthday mates are that life will treat them well and theyll be more than lucky. Much love from my family to yours! Its an honor to work alongside someone as kind and hardworking as you. 5. So many legends born in this month. Happy birthday to you, and can I also wish myself one too? Youre so very welcome. Happy birthday to you! Ive learned so much from you and cant wait to see you thrive this year. The sweetest and most cherished thing in my world is knowing that I have someone very incredible and lovely like you to share the same anniversary with. Let gratitude fill your heart with love today, the love for the people around you, yourself, and life. Lets raise our glasses to the wonderful person you are. Happy Birthday from one fabulous gal to another! Hope its filled with fun, laughs and delicious cake. Ouch! I am always glad to celebrate this truly special moment with you. A little advice on your special day, there is no shame in the Botox game. Get Readers DigestsRead Up newsletterfor humor, cleaning, travel, tech and fun facts all week long. Im not just rejoicing because I have double parties to attend, though. We have planned a big party over here; I hope you do the same on your end, you deserve to be happy. When we celebrate together, I know its going to be a bang because of the sauce you add to the party! Because to be honest, I think we both know you couldnt find glasses if they were on your face girly. It's a good thing that you're over the hill now, because now things will get easier. Enjoy, and happy birthday, my friend. 15. - Unknown. Our Lord knows you deserve to be the happiest person today since all through the year you nothing but a contagious happy bug. 27. If I did not know better, Ill say the reason you bond so well is because you were born on the same day. And, by the way, why does it feel like its whole familys birthday? You cant feel it, but it is definitely there! you were born, Birthday wishes to Name Birthday Romantic poem celebrates that stars in the I'm so glad Congratulations to you, my old friend, Name, Make Your Wife popular. Happy birthday, girls! Super glad you were born. Raising you is a journey every father should want to try out. They may be short and sweet, but they pack a big laugh! Wishing you a very happy birthday! Dont forget to save the biggest slice of cake for your favorite sibling. Happy birthday to you! 1. Happy birthday to all sweet souls born today, including ours. 6. Hope you know that you both make life interesting for me? Older? Thank you for always being such a good friend to me and everyone around us. So many happy birthday wishes, so little time! These birthday wishes work for the best guy in your life, whether you're wishing a happy birthday to your husband, son, brother, boyfriend or another phenomenal man you know. [person's first name] !! So after wishing happy birthday to both of you or that special person or people, remember to come back to surf for more exciting pages over here! Do you know what makes this day unique? Have a fabulous birthday! May this month be double of the last month and even more! Happy Birthday, Beauty." Feliz Cumpleaos! When you do finally find something, you end up buying another one for your same twin. Happy birthday! And by mask, I mean glass of alcoholic beverage. Wishing you a very happy birthday and a splendid year ahead. 126. Have a lovely day. May you live to be so old that the very sight of you terrifies babies and ex-lovers. 67. I am looking forward to the day when our birthday will be at least one third as thrilling as we portray it on social media. 2. May both of you enjoy life in a far better way from now on. Have an awesome birthday and enjoy the cake! Happy mens day, sorry, I mean happy birthday to you both. Check out these love messages that will make your special someone melt. Feeling the exact same struggle when it comes down to finding things with your name on it if your name isn't mad popular. Oh, and happy birthday! Happy birthday! Never will you cease being my true source of inspiration. Good thing I found you! Happy Birthday to both of you. Thats really saying something. Lol. 8. May we become rich on the same day as well. Kelly Kuehn is an associate editor for Readers Digest covering entertainment, trivia and history. You chose nothing else to share with me than my birthday date. Happy birthday to you! Today, I am at a loss for words. I am very proud to have you as my parents. 4. On your special day, I wish you all the best, all the joy and the blessings in this world. Time to celebrate and get this party going! But, obviously with better clothes. Happy birthday to you! As for me, I am bent on celebrating a hundred birthdays here on earth. Happy birthday! Whether youre trying to be cute, sassy, sweet or straightforward, we have some great birthday messages and birthday wishes to share with everyone in your life, from parents to coworkers. 19. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); It is common for us to feel the need to make our closest ones special on We all know someone who is dying. I dont care what mom and dad say: Youre a keeper. There are unique ecards. 2. When shes not writing you can find her watching the latest and greatest movies, listening to a true crime podcast (or two), blasting 90s music and hiking with her dog, Ryker, throughout the Finger Lakes. Wishing the biggest happy birthday to the best [mom/dad] in the world. 4. Youd have just waited for one year so we would have been twins. Should I be happy that its a double party, or sad that one day of party is missing because you were born the same day? 3. Happy birthday! Happy birthday to us all! A true friend remembers your birthday, but not your age. Make sure to keep on smiling, while you still have teeth! [Name], youre a real rock star. [Name], what can I say? 56. Out of all the people born the day we were born, were still the cutest, yeah? 12. Happy birthday! Happy birthday mom and dad! Both of you have taught me how to live my life and how to be a parent in future. My dearest [Mom/Dad], I really lucked out getting you as a parent. 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