Unfortunately, the car was a stick - and Marina couldn't drive a stick. In 2002, Marina became friendly with mobster Romeo Jones when she snuck into Infierno by using a fake ID and warned him that her father planned to raid the nightclub. Goodreads Choice Award. In 2009, Mallet decided to give Marina what she always wanteda family. Carrie had already visited Michelle Bauer and Marah Lewis, Finally after appearing to all three girls, she asked them to ask their fathers (or grandfather) about Maryanne Caruthers. (Although Justin left in the spring of 1991 when he was cured of his malaria that he had contracted while in India). Luckily Marina and the others were later saved. Marina took her suspicions to the DA, and Jeffrey had a DNA test done on Hope. Now coming unglued, Ben told her his story about being molested by a teacher at his boarding school and feeling ashamed because of it. Sasha Martin is known for Private Parts (1997) and Guiding Light (1952). By the following year, all indications were that Shayne and Marina's relationship went beyond friendship. Alan-Michael sent her away snapping that she wasn't ready to play in the big leagues with him. We'd already raged at Guiding Light for recasting his iconic role and cheered One Life to Live for reintroducing his former character of Michael Renaldi and allowing Dorian Lord's old flame to. Unfortunately, they hit a snag when the adoption agency deemed Marina unsuitable thanks to her prior affiliation with Danny Santos. Later, it was turned out that both were wrong since the poison was meant for Jeffrey, not Blake. Marina insisted that was not true but the officer refused to listen and took Cyrus to the airport. Angry and hurt, Marina tried to commandeer Alan-Michael's sports car for a quick, kamikaze drive to clear her head. Sasha Martin Director of Recruitment and Placement Services Phoenix, AZ. Danny promised to leave the "family business" and start a life with Michelle. Afterwards, it was proven that Edmund, Lara's father, knew about Henry when he sent Marina some papers for Henryincluding the fact that he'd included Henry in his will. The night they were set to leave, Marina spoke with Mallet and took a police call regarding a drug deal. The legendary actor was, of. At the end of the year, Marina went with Danny to rescue Michelle in Santo Domingo but the pair was separated and Marina returned to Springfield when she believed that Danny's plane had gone done. Rae paid a private visit to Dana's hospital room, and seeing Rae in her room caused Dana to die of shock. Meanwhile, Gus had also returned to town and after Marina spoke with him she learned that he never wrote a note to Harley telling her to find love again. Also In 1995, Lillian Told Ross she was going to Visit her sister Calla Matthews (Ross's ex-lover) who just became a grandmother. GL's Matt Bomer "excited for the world to see" his Pride Month project, Classic GL star Lee Lawson (Bea Reardon) has died, Guiding Light alum Hayden Panettiere returns to the Scream film franchise, Jordi Vilasuso proud to close his Y&R chapter with an Emmy nomination, Five Y&R writers let go, Josh Griffith to assume their duties, WATCH: Katelyn MacMullen on Willow/Nina, Willow and Michael's wedding, and more, Lindsay Arnold discusses her decision to step away from role as DAYS' Allie. In spring 1996, several months after the Brent/Marion storyline ended, Zachary Smith was introduced as a mysterious man trying to repair the lighthouse (which had caught fire several times before this), and later it appeared as though he was an angel who got involved with Michelle Bauer because of her resemblance to Mary who was Meta, Bill and Trudy Cousin and the daughter of Karl and Alice Bauer. Can boardroom plots make for good soapy story? Annie became a raving lunatic who got artificially inseminated to keep Josh at her side, and pretended to be Reva's long-lost sister to guilt her into staying away. While Harley tried to tell Marina that she never meant to hurt her, Marina refused to be pacified and called Harley a whore before warning her that Cyrus would hurt her as well. Ed was rattled when Michelle suddenly recounted the entire story of Maryanne and handed him a pick envelope. What started out as a marriage of convenience turned to love and Michelle and Danny renewed their wedding vows at Laurel Falls. In the end, Danny told Michelle the truth about their baby, as Edmund was quickly arrested. Harley confessed that she'd been suffering from the attacks ever since the building collapse and Cyrus had been helping her through them. Sasha Martin Realtor at S & S realty & Investment Chantilly, VA. Sasha Martin . The next day, Marina and Cyrus began to make plans for their future. While Mallet thought Jeffrey poisoned Blake, Marina suspected it was Dinah. Actress History: Casey Rosenhaus (05/1993-11/1995; recurring) Alysa Zucker (12/1995-06/1996; recurring) Sasha Martin (06/1996-09/1999; recurring) Aubrey Dollar (02/2002-03/2004) Kit Paquin (03/2004-04/2004) Mandy Bruno (05/2004-09/2009) Days later, Marina came across Cyrus who was frantically trying to locate the person who stole Alexandra's necklace. Sasha Martin Martin got married to his third wife, Catherine Hawn, in 1973, and although their marriage only lasted three years, he adopted her daughter, Sasha. Distracted one night, Marina was almost run down by a man driving a sports car. Cyrus ran to escape but reached a dead end. As cooking unlocked the memories of her rough-and-tumble childhood and the loss and heartbreak that came . Carmen continued to try to break them up and find a way to punish Michelle, including framing her for the murder of Ben Warren. However, Marina was convinced Alex was lying and tricked her into confessing by claiming to have found Cyrus and Harley. While she was there, she received a mysterious phone call telling her that there was an emergency at the diner. After these two strong stories were either derailed or stopped in their tracks, the show lost its momentum, although into the first few months of 1994 things seemed to be okay, although not great, as such events as Nick's former girlfriend from the fictional war torn country of Cambrai, Dr. Eve Guthrie went insane and tried to kill Mindy, until Eve went to a mental institution and when she got out started a relationship with the lonely Ed (Eve and Ed later married, but Eve was killed off from a chemical warfare induced leukemia in May 1995). A few weeks later, Danny and Marina were shocked to learn that Michelle had been involved in a car accident. Meanwhile Ben was becoming continually depressed and finally confronted Marina at her senior prom. Later, Cyrus offered to end his marriage to Alex but since that would result in his being deported, Marina asked him not to. Suddenly, Mallet felt like the odd man out since Henry already had a mother and a father. Later, as per Cyrus's plan, Marina distracted cop on his watch so that Cyrus couldn't get the money. It was preceded and then followed by other outlandish storylines that usually featured the character of Reva, such as Reva The Ghost, Reva The Amish Amnesiac, Reva The San Cristobelian Queen, and Reva the Time Traveller. Unfortunately, Frank was not happy to see Danny dating his daughter and made his feelings perfectly clear. Carmen vowed to break up the marriage and seek revenge on Michelle for Mick's death. Holly's ex-Fletcher Reade also appeared back on the show briefly in 1999 after Holly was found to be the Nursery Rhyme Stalker. Days later, Marina spotted Frank talking to Sheila, the woman who lodged the complaint against Frank and threatened to take Sheila to the police station for questioning since she and Frank both thought this was a set up. Finally in January 2004, the girls confronted Carrie and demanded to know the truth about Maryanne Caruthers. His reaction was to suggest they just call the whole relationship off. Meanwhile, after Valentine's Day Alan-Michael informed Marina that Harley, perhaps due to her grief, made a costly error at Spaulding but he was doing damage control. The DA accused Marina of being in on Cyrus's scam, or at the very least keeping quiet about it and she was stripped of her badge. As time went on, it was becoming clear that the Coopers were losing the fight to save the family restaurant. Believing it was because he felt like a third wheel, Marina made plans to play matchmaker, although Sandy was obviously not pleased with that idea. This somewhat campy material was bulldozed through by actress, Cynthia Watros, whose performance astonished viewers. In April 1990, Rae attempted to murder Chelsea, isolating her in her apartment. Because of Alan-Michael's comments about not wanting the responsibility and Harley named Dinah as her successor. Later, when Michelle spoke of her inability to understand how the accident could have happened, Marina started to wonder if it was really an accident. Alan-Michael ended up stepping in and showing her a good time, whether Marina liked it or not. Despite herself, Marina couldn't help but be affected. Later, Harley told Marina her intention to reopen her detective agency and asked Marina and Cyrus to join her. (Showing great chemistry together, Aleksander and Ehlers were written into having a full blown romance, for Harley and Phillip, after Jeffrey was arrested). Later, when Frank finally arrived on the scene, he thought Cyrus shot Marina but she stated it wasn't himleading Frank to realize that he accidentally shot his daughter. When Harley froze after being out in the field with Marina, Marina informed Mallet who relegated Harley to desk duty. Johhny's mom Lainie Donovan Bauer died (offscreen) at the end of 1990. When Marina voiced concerns to Mallet, he advised her to follow her heart. This is a list of characters who have appeared on the soap opera Guiding Light. But later when Roger had decided to fire Holly at WSPR television station, and hooked up with an English woman, and former jewel thief, Jenna Bradshaw, who at first claimed she was another daughter of Henry Chamberlain's and later Jenna got involved with and had a child with the re-married to Nadine, Buzz Cooper), it was Holly who became the sympathetic character as she helped Michelle through her first period, and later found out from Ed that he had a one-night stand with another woman (which totally shocked Holly and isolated the two of them, from each other, for a great while; Holly later found herself falling for and marrying Fletcher Reade and they had a daughter with Down syndrome named Meg). Luckily, the demolition was stopped when it was learned that a rare bird lived in the trees surrounding Company. Matt and Vanessa did marry in a memorable wedding ceremony, in October 1995. However, because of the mirrors no one could tell what was the real Carrie. Finally, Marina confessed to her family that she had lied about the whole thing. Though she soon relented, at this point, Mallet decided that she had a point and agreed that he couldn't be Dinah's "go to" guy anymore. In the hospital room, Shayne was shocked when he learned who the other driving was: it was Josh who was racing to bring Shayne home from the concert. Later, Marina found out that the drug on the needle cap was the labor-inducing Laprosin. Fortunately, he was a match for Henry. Though Shayne wanted to go in search of Dinah, Marina begged him to stay and protect Henry from Edmund. On the election eve, 1992, episode, Ross had a very interesting dream where he couldn't even buy a vote from anyone in town, including the women characters he had formerly been or currently involved with still on the show (Vanessa, Holly, Nadine and Blake). Guiding Light cast list, including photos of the actors when available. Marina took his advice and decided she wanted to become a detective. Marina instantly denied it and again claimed that she had no idea who the stroller got damaged. After telling Marina to never forget him, Ben slipped into unconsciousness and died at Cedars that night. Meanwhile, Marina was convinced that Alex knew where the pair was however when questioned Alexandra informed Marina that Cyrus had fled town. Kim Zimmer, best known as Echo DiSavoy on "One Life to Live" and Reva Shayne on "Guiding Light," is 64 years old nowadays and looks as beautiful as always! In the summer of 1996, Buzz Cooper's Uncle Stavros Kouperkis died offscreen in Greece. Blake, who still blamed Holly for her divorce from Alan-Michael, plotted to steal her mother Holly's fiance, Ross Marler, but ended up falling for him, and became somewhat "reformed" (Blake and Ross married in a very memorable wedding in June 1994, with even Roger agreeing to accept this union). Unbeknownst to anyone, the rings Carrie gave the girls rings to wear that were tainted with a drug called Antimonius. Thus, something good could come out of Ben's tragic life. (Roger and Jenna married in the summer of 1993 in a rather gothic setting, with a divorced Jenna later telling Vanessa that she was the "Bride of Thorpestein"). Afterwards, Marina decided to train Daisy professionally. India mentioned her adopted daughter Dorrie was doing well but that her father Leo Von Halkein had died. Cooked the world A-Z Mom. That man turned out to be her Aunt Harley's and Eleni's first husband--Alan-Michael Spaulding. In 1999, Selena Davis showed up to help Marina's grandfather, Buzz, with the kids. And a little later, in November 1993, Roger threatened Jenna not to leave him while she was pregnant with his child (a child she'd later miscarry). Someone was stalking the citizens of Springfield and putting their secrets on display on the internet; it was up to Marina to find out whom. As a child actress, her first role was in the 1981 television film Family Reunion starring Bette Davis. Upset, Marina let Lizzie talk her into stealing the car back, which backfired when the girls got caught. Later when Dana paid a visit to the control booth at WSPR she caught Rae about to kill Chelsea, again, and so it was Rae who was the stalker. However, Marina knew that they both weren't over their respective partners. Then came a startling turn of events: Dazed and confused the girls, wandered the hall and became aware that the men were there also. The controversial plot alienated erudite, intelligent viewers, and hurt the integrity of a once-intelligent, honored series. Not letting that dissuade her, Marina brashly pursued him, first for a job as a lifeguard, then for his personal attentions. Marina kept Griggs from murdering Ashlee by pointing out that the girl hadn't seen him and it could easily be made to look like a random mugging. Maeve delivered great lines, from Vanessa to Billy, about the unfairness still existing in many businessplaces about the "good ol' boy" network that excluded many otherwise hardworking, well-educated, and capable womenespecially those with children or older family members who needed their care. As the days went by, Marina found it harder and harder to get Cyrus out of her head. All the men denied knowing who Maryanne was but it was obvious that they were lying since they were visibly shaken. Roger's father Adam Thorpe passed away in 1998 after having reconciled with his estranged son Roger who was now living in California with his new wife Amanda Spaulding. Though Marina claimed to be happy, it was clear that she was going to miss the house. Days later, Marina was surprised to learn that Cyrus dropped the Philip case for Harley's sake. Family (2) Trivia (1) Daughter of Dean Martin 's third wife Catherine Mae Hawn; she was adopted by Dean on their marriage. Dinah tried to extort money out of the trust fund set up by her grandfather, Henry Chamberlain by setting up her own kidnapping (which went awry, with her mother's boyfriend, Matt Reardon saving the day). These 45 pages are complete with tips for dealing with picky eaters, a "pact" for the whole family to sign, tips for hosting potlucks, suggested reading, and more - all to help make cooking the world a fun part of your lifestyle. Soap legend Mary Stuart was cast in the role. Meanwhile, Carrie finally announced her plan to the men--one of the girls would be killed in place of Maryanne; they would have to choose. Marina Cooper, the daughter of Frank and Eleni Cooper, was born in 1993 into a family that loved her and supported her. While flying over the mountains of San Cristobel during a snowstorm, a plane carrying Beth Raines, Jim Lemay (who was becoming romantically involved with Beth) and Phillip Spaulding crashed and stranded the trio. Shielding Marina so that she wouldn't go through the windshield, Shayne suffered swelling to the brain and spine that left him temporarily unable to walk and talk. A few weeks later, Marina spontaneously agreed to Alan-Michael's offer of a Paris jaunt - as long as he realized it wasn't a date. At that moment, Marina realized that she did want her family with her after all. But by the spring of 1994 storylines aimlessly wandered, many revolving solely around characters played by new hires who were close friends to Phelps (several episodes featured nothing more than Justin Deas yelling on a rooftop). Confronted, Alan-Michael informed her that one of Alan's cronies was trying to engineer a power play--which he did not support. . ONE LIFE TO LIVE. Roger Thorpe was gaslighted and drugged by his new wife, Dinah Marler-Thorpe, and Roger's son, Hart, who had recently returned. Although everyone else was rocked by Jeffrey's death, all Marina cared about was keeping her son safe. When Harley confessed how weak and helpless she felt. Unfortunately, he had a blood type that they didn't have at Cedars. But marring her happiness was Ben, who was growing more and more obsessed with Marina and confronted her again at the Bauer Barbecue before being thrown out by Frank. [January 24, 2002], Kissed another criminal to distract the arresting officers so she can escape jail time [January 24, 2002], Broke into the Bauer home [January 29, 2002], Attempted to steal money from the cash register at Company (got caught by Ben Reade who stopped her) [January 30, 2002], Used a fake ID to sneak into Infierno [February 5, 2002], Attempted to order alcohol while underage [February 5, 2002], Inpersonated an Infierno waitress to warn Carmen Santos, Tony Santos and Romeo Jones that the police were coming to arrest them for being involved in an illegal card game [March 4, 2002], Stole a lock box to hide the money used in the illegal card game from her father, Detective Frank Cooper [March 4, 2002], Begged for money at Infierno [May 7, 2002], Rummaged through Romeo Jones's desk at Infierno [May 10, 2002], Stole money out of the Infierno cash register [May 13, 2002], Broke into Gus Aitoro's room at the Reardon Boarding House and put herself in bed next to him [May 21, 2002], Falsely accused Gus Aitoro of seducing her [May 2002], Stole Ben Reade's clothes and left him on the beach with nothing but his underwear [August 29, 2002], Got into Millennium with a fake I.D [October 11, 2002], Got alcohol with a fake I.D [October 11, 2002], Stole birth control pills from Cedars's pharmacy [January 8, 2003], Arrested for Grand theft auto (charges dropped) [May 15, 2003], Unintentionally contributed to Shayne Lewis's car crash by keeping him up late the night before his baseball game [September 10, 2003], Secretly looked at police records [December 2003], Snooped around Carrie Caruther's secret room to look for clues as to why exactly Carrie wanted to dredge the Maryanne Caruthers story up [January 2004], Obstruction of a police investigation by lying about the night of Carrie Caruther's murder [February 24, 2004 to March 2004], Conspired with Sandy Foster to hack into Alan Spaulding's computer account [July 5, 2004], Accomplice in the kidnapping of Zach Spaulding (by Zach's mom, Harley) [October 6, 2004], Neglected to warn Alexandra about Cyrus's plan to steal from her [September 2007], Kept silent about the fact that the mayoral election may have been rigged [December 12, 2007 to January 2, 2008], Faked correspondence from immigration in an effort to scare Cyrus Foley [January 2008], Persuaded a woman to blackmail Cyrus for $ 100,000 [March 12, 2008], Lifted a pack of marijuana from an evidence locker at the Springfield PD [April 2009], Blackmailed a Child Services worker by threatening to plant drugs in her desk [April 23, 2009] A police call regarding a drug deal marriage of convenience turned to love and Michelle Danny. 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