As they pushed toward an exit under what she later described as a black rain of burning plastic and smoke, Russo said a prayer for her two sons and passed out, waking in a Boston hospital 11 weeks later from a medically induced coma, with major burns to her body and lungs. They succumbed to the combined effects of 1,000-degree heat, falling debris, and carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide from a lethal burning sandwich of polyethylene and polyurethane foam. Former Rhode Island resident and investigative journalist Scott James wrote a book about The Station nightclub fire called "Trial By Fire." . Jeff and Michael Derderian, the clubs owners, avoided trial by pleading no contest. There is a shrine for Fred Crisostomi, a painter who decided at the last minute to check out the concert, bringing his girlfriend, Gina Russo, a medical secretary and mother of two. In the end they were. Although the owners advertised a capacity of 550, the local fire marshal Denis Larocque had only given them license to hold 404 people, when all tables and chairs are removed from all areas, on the provision that a uniformed firefighter was privately hired on those occasions. Benjamin Suffoletto andLinda Suffoletto, Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Liz Anderson These four people attended the concert and escaped, Daniel Barbarisi These nine people attended and escaped, Gerald M. Carbone These four people escaped, Karen A. Davis These four people escaped, Jessica Resnick-Ault these 3 people escaped, 1991 Crackerjacks " 225, Anthony Baldino painted the front wall mural at The Station. First, there is the issue of the clubs capacity. Hey Kate, Cookie Notice Oh, thats not good, Russell, who survived the fire, is heard to say as the time clock reads 11:00 p.m. Then comes an increasingly panicked scramble to get out of the building. As Jack Russell takes the stage, three pyrotechnic gerbs send streams of white sparks flying through the air. Were facing a serious situation here on the grid.. Fisher told Wagner to get on the floor where the air was better, and waited for the sprinklers to activate. Katie was with her friend Bridget Sanetti.The two young ladies were trapped in the bathroom when the fire started. Biechele, who appears to be hurrying off the stage as flames grow in the background, and a club worker named Scott Vieira, whose fate in the fire could not be immediately determined yesterday. A memorial to Great White member Ty Longley, who died in the fire, is detailed with frets like the neck of a guitar. They showed us this video, with a count-up clock. I had eyewitnesses who refuted the plaintiffs allegations against Butler, Babcock says, referring to claims that Butler had obstructed the exit. They are all still remembered. The bald fellow escorted cameraman Brian Butler around the bar that night. Babcock, of course, would have welcomed the chance to argue his clients case before a jury. It would take nearly 20 years to find out whyand who was really at fault. The kind that gives off cyanide gas when burned. Temperatures in parts of California have reached near-record highs with Death Valley hitting 130 degrees Friday, just four degrees shy of a world record set in 1913. He is a disabled veteran who is studying journalism and creative writing. There was no permit. Criminal prosecutions. The 2003 Talent Buyers Directory, a guide book used by agents to find venues for their bands, listed the Station with a capacity of 550 people. If he had done, he would have quickly seen it was inappropriate. The same code also defines standing room as only that part of the building directly accessible to doors for a hasty exit and Larocque had effectively classified the entire building as standing room to arrive at that number. "Climate change is considered a key driver" of the state's recent wildfire woes, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said earlier this year. She was the second hospitalized victim to succumb. When the fire started, that building held from 50 to 100 people more than its stated capacity, which was inflated by negligent fire inspectors. March 1 (UPI) -- Sgt. (CBSLA) The Jim Fire was reported at 11:20 a.m. Wednesday along Holy Jim Trail, roughly halfway . I am sure some are able to get thru a day without thinking about it. [I] made my peace with God and as soon as I did, the window was broke (from outside) and hands reached in and grabbed Debbie out and then me.. Many attempting to flee were turned away from the stage door, which not only opened in, a violation of the fire code, but according to grand jury testimony, was guarded by overzealous bouncers even as the club was engulfed in flames. It should be noted that the fire code does not actually allow for its limits to be relaxed in this way. The Station Fire Memorial Foundation procured the land known as the Station Site on September 28, 2012 through a gracious donation. Regardless, here it is 19 years now, and I think about these people, all of them, the dead, the burned, the ones who escaped unburned. The majority of the people that die were college students. On and after July 1, 2021 when you sell property that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, you'll need documentation of a compliant Defensible Space Inspection. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 2003 to 2008. Each would find his way to the law, but they had very different interests. Or, perhaps. In fact, he testified he went back into the club through that door and directed at least a dozen people out; people who would have died, Vieira said, "unless I went back in." . "She didn't like the band. He was sentenced to fifteen years, with four to serve in prison and 11 years suspended, plus three years probation, and released on parole in March 2008. A letter to the parole board from Dave Kane and Joanne ONeill, whose son Nicholas ONeill was the youngest victim of the fire, read in part, In the period following this tragedy, it was Mr. Biechele, alone, who stood up and admitted responsibility for his part in this horrible event He apologized to the families of the victims and made no attempt to mitigate his guilt.. The fire department are on the scene, but the fire is blazing so strongly that there is little that they can do for those still trapped. At 31 seconds into the video, flame. I was kinda looking off to the right, trying to see behind, and I saw behind the pyrotechnics, the foam wall, like it started, like the size of a nickel, in a couple of spots, fire, and I said, Bruce, the wall is on fire. And he looked, and he said, Theyll put that right out, and then I was going, No, the wall is on fire. I mean, it was really going up. and, on the 20th of February 2003, they had Great White headlining. The burned remnants of The Station nightclub, after . Raymond F Beauchaine; critically injured, his wife was killed. Barnett, 38. . Barylick, who grew up in New Jersey, worked for IBM for three years before enrolling in LAW, while Brooklyn, N.Y., native Babcocks first job was as a sportswriter for the Philadelphia Inquirer. On the night of the fire, each man experienced a visceral sense of worry along with shock, and reached for phones. Statistics or facts must include a citation or a link to the citation. This wasnt noticed by the fire marshal during his inspections. Then the third step was Ill just wait [til] I feel the waterAnd, uh, I just stayed calm, and I said, Okay, now I just got to wait for them to start lifting the bodies off, lifting the people off and pulling them off. At that point I thought a lot of people were still alive. Professor McGoverns distribution plan was to strike a fair balance.. Here is Gina's firsthand account And although none was a heavy metal fan, as Barylick puts it, You just never know. As it turned out, his daughter was an EMT at the time, and knew many of the first responders. By 11:06, many had not. Answer (1 of 6): Thanks to Dave Lang, for the reference. While Babcock fended off assaults on LIN, the battery of defense attorneys set to work constructing legal bulwarks around the manufacturers and distributors of the flammable foam; Anheuser-Busch, which held a Budweiser promotion at the Station that night; and the company Clear Channel, which paid the emcee passing out Budweiser T-shirts and hats. . Miraculously, he suffered no severe injuries; just four burns to his left leg. I never saw anything go that fast in all my life, and we saw a man run across the stage, I couldnt tell you who it was, I just saw a bottle of water being thrown at it, and I thought, That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.. Raul Vargas was also trapped in the doorway. The order allows ships berthed at California ports to use auxiliary engines rather than shore power to relieve pressure on the electricity system. has written for many publications and websites, including theNew York Times Magazine,The Atlantic, theBoston Globe,Yankee,Outside,Redbook, theTimes of London,,, and It was a lethal combination, a perfect storm of events that led up to catastrophe. It is 250 pages. He was released in June 2009 for good behaviour. We had a very similar accident in a nightclub in Brazil this year. The problem was with how those doors were laid out. The Jim Fire burns in the Cleveland National Forest in Riverside County, Calif. March 2, 2022. One of Babcocks main concerns was that if Jeffrey Derderian were sued as an agent of the TV station as well as being a bar owner, the reputation of WPRI would suffer. 5/20/23 we will be hosting a 20th anniversary ride to remember at Club Frontenac in West Warwick. Professional performers, Great White dont look behind them at their special effects. Butler made his way around the club, getting footage of the crowd from the stage, artistic shots of lights and signs, a few shots of the bar and generally scenes of people out having a good time. Instead, they lie one atop another, head forwards, arms desperately reaching out for help, trapped in the doorway with choking smoke above them. They had hosted Anthrax, The Dead Kennedys, W.A.S.P. So, it was the combination of all of these factors the clubs overcrowding, the insufficient available exits, the use of unlicensed pyrotechnics in an area insulated by flammable materials with no sprinkler system that lead to the death of one hundred people. The first provided a real-time record of the intensity and speed of the fire, and the second allowed the plaintiffs to identify a key contributor to the fires lethality., Filing complaints in stages, with the final amended list filed three years after the fire, just under the wire of the soon-to-expire statute of limitations, the plaintiffs attorneys named nearly 100 defendants, a list that was eventually winnowed, after the courts dismissals, to 88, including LIN, which Babcock had been hired to defend. And she was the one who made sure there was always a plate of leftovers in the fridge when her husband, Scott, a bouncer at The Station, got home late from the nightclub just blocks from their West Warwick home. Only a few were guided out of the bar exit by employees like Julie Mellini. They spent more than that on the clubs sound system. She was the one who jumped behind the wheel when her daughter Crystle, 18, needed a ride to sports practice at West Warwick High School. Intense fighting continues in Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. But it wasnt the eighties any more; things werent the same. The Station Fire Memorial Foundation is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable organization and as such donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules. Donna Cormier didnt see who set the pyrotechnics off she was, in her own words, looking at Jack Russell because shes in love with him but she did see what happened next. A cross is adorned with family photographs of Kelly Vieira, 40, a physical therapy assistant and mother of two, whose husband, Scott, who survived, was enlisted as a bouncer for the Great White concert. In Dallas, Tex., around the same time that Barylick got his first call from a potential plaintiff, Charles Chip Babcock (LAW76) was contacted by the general counsel for LIN Television Corporation, which owned 50 TV stations around the country. IE 11 is not supported. PROBABLY A COINCIDENCE BUT THE DERDERIANS AND THE LANDLORD WERE GOOD FRIENDS. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Just three nights before, twenty one people had been killed in a crush at a Chicago nightclub when everyone tried to get out of one exit at once. They then bought twenty five blocks of foam from Warners employer, and stuck it up on the wall. Barylick was a theater person, and Babcock favored athletics, first basketball and then crew. Vieira earned a bachelor's degree from Austin Peay State University. He moves further around the building. As of 3:00 p.m. the fire was . Mathew J. Pickett; died his walkman recording was later recovered. [] Ten years later, the Station fire []. LOS ANGELES Two firefighters were killed Saturday in Arizona as wildfires raged through the West, threatening California's overburdened power grid during an oppressive heat wave and ongoing drought. While. There were in fact four exits from the building; the main doors at the front, the stage exit on the right, an exit by the bar on the left, and an exit from the kitchen. Another bouncer who was working that night, Scott J.Vieira and whose wife died in the fire was also asked indirectly byprosecutors whether he blocked the stage door. Inside, it was t-shirts and shorts hot, as hundreds of eager bodies pressed forwards to see the stage or reach the bar. The Station Nightclub Fire Published May 4, 2018 It was a typical Thursday night in February. They bought cheap packing foam. On page 6-8, Chapter 6.2.5, part (v) there is a quote from one patron: Walter Castle - Club Patron [11] Castle attempted to u. Public files from the Attorney General investigation these have been made available on Google Drive. One guy was burnt beyond recognition to my right. * What Listeners Say Reviews & Comments, these have been made available on Google Drive. Should Tech Companies Be Held Accountable for Letting Terrorists on Their Sites? Of course, none of this would have been an issue if not for the fire, which was started by the use of pyrotechnics. He hadnt been told what the footage was for, but as he was specifically asked to get shots of the crowd and of exit signs, it was fairly easy to guess. The building was completely gutted. He is a disabled veteran who is studying journalism and creative writing. A grand jury investigating possible criminal charges was expected to resume taking testimony this week. By the 10th anniversary of the fire, in February 2013, the legal battles will have been lost and won, but the legacy of the Station fire endures. In a tragic paradox, the club owner had decided to make a video about nightclub safety after learning of the February 17 stampede that caused the deaths of 21 patrons of the Chicago nightclub E2. Once that happened, the crush was inevitable. On the one hand, this is true of lawyers. One hundred and thirty two people escaped without physical injuries; later studies showed that many suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result. But he didnt test it. The owners of The Station rock concert club have denied they were aware the heavy metal band Great White planned to use the fireworks that touched off the Feb. 20 fire. I never imagined that anyone ever would be.I know how this tragedy has devastated me, but I can only begin to understand what the people who lost loved ones have endured. In fact, if anyone had their choice, they would turn back the clock and undo whats been done, but with that impossible, we use the civil justice system to try to make people as whole as possible.. 646 likes. Because Butlers camera is now pointing behind him, the yellowy-orange of the spreading fire can clearly be seen over the heads of the increasingly scared audience. Liz Cheney joins University of Virginia as a professor. Butlers footage. As I turned around on the front landing to assist Patrolman Bettencourt, I was approached by numerous patrons attempting to flee from thick black smoke. Forgot your password?. Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English. Profile. Truly alarming. the lights went out. Most turned by instinct to leave the same way that they had entered through the front doors. Station owners Michael Derderian and Jeffrey Derderian would eventually plead no contest to 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter. She would do anything for them.''. Michael, who was seen to have had more involvement in the purchase and installation of the flammable foam, was given the same sentence as Biechele. It begins with excited gestures from the crowd, the arrival on stage of Great White, and the ragged flair of the first burning fleck of metal igniting the soundproofing foam as the band hits its first, and last, notes. When I heard them, Im like, Okay, theyre closer, Im still not burning so things are good. Then I waited for them to come in, and I could hear the walkie-talkies all their equipment, and I said, Okay, good, I hear that, thats the next step. Nella, this fire was only 10 years ago. Apparent inequities abound in the lawand would have to be accepted by all plaintiffs, Barylick writes in Killer Show. Killer Show: The Station Nightclub Fire, America's Deadliest Rock Concert. 101 memorials Page of 6 Louis S. Alves 1 Oct 1969 - 20 Feb 2003 Mount Saint Mary Cemetery Pawtucket, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA Plot info: sec 7 lot 0991 2 Required fields are marked *, Pioneering Research from Boston University, BostonUniversity. I then assisted Patrolman Bettencourt with pulling patrons from the front entrance. That is simple. Inside, it was t-shirts and shorts hot, as hundreds of eager bodies pressed forwards to see the stage or reach the bar. At their peak in the late 80s, Great White had achieved gold and platinum success, touring around the world and appearing alongside bands like Bon Jovi and Kiss. There had been no safety demonstration. Extra food support ends for millions of low-income U.S. taxpayers. Debra Wagner, who had also been recruited to help sell t-shirts, told Fisher they should start for the front door. He lives for that. Despite his mixed emotions about the settlement, Babcock says, John and the other lawyers were brilliant in how they brought about the conclusion of the case, which, he says, was good for the state of Rhode Island and closed this sad chapter., And in spite of an outcome generally favoring the plaintiffs, the case had personal rewards for Babcock. Francis E. McGovern, a Duke University law professor, was brought in by the court to figure out how to divide the money, solving one of the knottiest problems arising from the Station tragedy, as Barylick puts it. It's sort of an "open secret" among the survivors. The Derderians have said they didn't give the band permission to use the fireworks, while the band claims it had permission. He moves across the car park, telling somebody to get the bands bus out of the way it stood right across those greenhouse windows and makes his way around to the stage exit, which is standing open. Its title comes from a boast by heavy metal band Great White lead singer Jack Russell on that fateful night. He got as far as the vestibule area at the front between the front doors themselves and another set of doors. It is one of several brush fires burning in California. He was taken to the hospital, where he remained unconscious until April. The leader singer of the Great White, Jack Russell, was expected to testify, as was band guitarist Mark Kendall. I dont know about anyone, but common sense will always say NO to fireworks inside. Both had daughtersBabcock two and Barylick onewho were students at Brown that year. Enraged, they sank their hopes into the massive civil action under way by Barylick, whose firm was colead counsel of a team of attorneys sparing no expense to establish responsibility on the part of people and corporations. Butler put his camera over his shoulder, still running, and made his way through the crowd towards the front door. March 1 (UPI) -- March 1 marks the end of maxed-out assistance programs that helped more than 30 million people get by during the COVID-19 pandemic. program and is located in Quinta de Geo, at the lot 28, of 4770 m2. They had split up some years before. An anonymous male assisted me with pulling approximately a dozen people through the windows before no one else was visible or within our arms reach. In fact, Biechele had used them there before; he had been the tour manager when W.A.S.P. I never wanted anyone to be hurt in any way. What We Can Learn from It Today, Bidens Legal Strategy Could Result in Supreme Court Scuttling His Student Loan Cancellation Program, Study Abroad Planning: A BU Student Offers Tips, Tricks, and Insights. Please join us for a Memorial Mass on 2/19/23 at St. Kevins Church in Warwick. This ties the value from August 16, 2020 as the highest readings since 1913. She went to The Station the night of the Great White concert to say a quick hello to her husband, who escaped the deadly fire after working the door. As a result, California lost thousands of megawatts of imported power and struggled to maintain operating reserves as temperatures soared into triple digits in parts of the state. He was indirectly named by survivor Gina Russo as someone who "enjoyed the notoriety" about blocking the exit and being responsible for excess deaths. March 1 (UPI) -- The companies associated with two shipping vessels will pay a settlement of $96.5 million to Amplify Energy over a 2021 oil spill off the coast of Southern California. At first blush its completely daunting, and humbling, says Barylick, in his soft-spoken but exacting manner. During that conversation, Warner had thrown out a few suggestions as to how they could deaden the noise; they could install a false wall on that side of the building. It showed how truly quickly a fire can spread. Family members and friends of the 100 cherished people who died as a direct result of the Station Fire founded the Station Fire Memorial Foundation in June 2003. Or had he, as Babcock maintains, been assisting others as they surged toward the exit, guided by the light of his camera? Butler is jostled and pushed along a wall; a womans scream pierces through the alarms as he passes through a door. These lawyers worked without pay for 7 years, hoping they would be reimbursed for their time. During two months of meetings with Station victims and their families, McGovern, charged with a task worthy of Solomon, visited the fire site each morning. Only then does the band stop playing; Jack Russell can be heard saying, Wow. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Scott James: The fire alarm you hear it kick in. More details to follow. All it took for a hundred people to die during a show by the hair metal band Great White was a sudden burst from two giant sparklers that ignited the acoustical foam lining the Station nightclub. Bridget had called 911 and told them where they were. The rest of the judgmentsin this case tens of millions of dollarswould be reduced by 90 percent of their total value. The person behind me lost control of their feet, I presume, and we just piled on top of each other., He didnt recall how he got out. "She was always kind and always seemed happy," she said. Vieira, who grew up in Swansea, married Scott, 41, and moved to Rhode Island shortly after high school. His shout is not answered. Stacie . Others suffocated in a pyramid of bodies by the front door. At approximately 11:07 many lives were changed forever. When Fisher realised, she said, What did I do?. Vieira, a mother of two girls, died Saturday at the Shriner's Burn Center in Boston of burns suffered in the fire, raising the death toll to 98, the fourth worst nightclub fire in U.S. history in term of fatalities. Intelligence chief: 'Havana syndrome' likely not caused by foreign foe. (Biechele was paroled after serving 16 months of a 4-year sentence; Michael Derderian served 27 months of a 4-year sentence; and Jeffrey Derderian avoided jail time with a sentence of 500 hours of community service.) Firefighters worked overnight and were able to contain the blaze by 8 a.m . It is our intent that the Foundation not only build but maintain the Memorial site and as such, fundraising is expected tobe long-term. Barylick and Babcock, both School of Law graduates, found themselves on opposite sides of a legal action that would consume much of the next seven years. Vieira, who grew up in Swansea, married Scott, 41, and moved to Rhode Island shortly after high school. Rhode Island Superior Court Judge Francis J. Darigan said he accepted the pleas to avoid further traumatizing not only the loved ones of the deceased and the survivorsbut the general public as well. Although the Derderians offered tearful apologies, the plea agreements added insult to injury for some of the families, who left the courthouse convinced that the brothers had gotten away with something akin to mass murder. As grand jury testimony would reveal, the Station, with its history of citations for fire hazards, was an atrocity waiting to happen. There were over four hundred people in the club on that night. The building had been built before the law was introduced, so it was exempt. VIERA, SCOTT F., on March 7, 2008 at age 44. What a strange way to memorialize this disaster explaining the (somewhat) sleazy ways these lawyers were able to make money. Spot fires caused by embers leapt up to a mile ahead of the northeastern flank too far for firefighters to safely battle and winds funneled the fire up draws and canyons full of dry fuel, where it can actually pick up speed, Cox said. But before that I saw burned bodies all around me. New Stone Gallery Show Makes the Case That Comics Arent Just for Kids, but for Everyone, BU Launches Belonging & Culture Survey, First Community-Wide Effort, BUs Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy. Kevin R. Washburn. Michael Iannone was also standing on that side of the stage, and also made for the stage door first. Profile, David Bettencourt One person whod been trapped inside told us that he found a window to escape through only because he heard Brian from the outside saying, Is there anybody in there? and shining his light.. Daniel Biechele, as the man who actually set off the gerbs, pleaded guilty to 100 counts of involuntary manslaughter on the 7th of February, 2006. We removed several dozen more people with the assistance of several unknown civilians.. Meanwhile, more than 50 people suffering from burns and smoke inhalation as a result of the fire remained hospitalized Monday, more than two dozen in critical condition. GOP senators grill Merrick Garland in first testimony before new Congress. Kelly Lynn Vieira. WASHINGTON, March 1 (UPI) -- House Republicans on Wednesday blamed immigration at the southern border for an increasing number of fentanyl deaths, stepping up their criticisms of Biden administration policies. The money, which finally found its way to the plaintiffs in 2010, came from 28 of the defendants, who agreed to part with amounts ranging from $1,000 to the $30 million paid by Babcocks deep-pocketed client LINthe amount negotiated and agreed upon by LINs insurance companies. So, next time you go on a night out, take a moment just to check where the fire exits are. March 1 (UPI) -- Greece's transport minister has resigned and a stationmaster has been arrested in the wake of a deadly train crash north of Athens that killed at least 40 people. Not that the audience that night particularly cared about that they just wanted a good night out. March 1 (UPI) -- Intense fighting in the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut continues, as President Volodymyr Zelensky has signaled that Kyiv is preparing its soldiers for a counteroffensive. Supporting the Great Disasters podcast on Patreon can give you access to exclusive content, including at least one mini-episode per month, and helps the show keep going. She was, however, confident that the fire would be put out quickly. Probably the two most important pieces of evidence were the video shot inside the club that night, and the type of foam found to have been applied to the walls of the drummers alcove in 1996, Barylick says. The Station Fire Memorial Foundation is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable organization and as such donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules. Their all-time record remains 134F, per @NOAANCEIclimate Barylicks firm was one of eight that pooled money and manpower to comb through more than 700 pieces of evidence and survivor testimony to decide whom to target in the civil suit. They released a statement that: At no time did either owner have prior knowledge that pyrotechnics were going to be used by the band Great White.. Where smoke was pouring through the doors, now there are flames. The Stations walls were covered with flammable material. They got me out. They petitioned the Rhode Island House and Senate judiciary committees and persuaded the legislature to bring the state into line with most others and provide for a straight dollar-for-dollar setoff when one of many defendants settles. Fire perimeter data are generally collected by a combination of aerial sensors and on-the-ground information. Pyrotechnics had been used at The Station before. Or, they could buy foam. A winter rain falls on ashes from the Station fire, where 100 people died and 230 were injured. However, its also true of large corporations like Clear Channel, and in this case the Station. . In the wake of the tragedy, the fire regulations were tightened. I just didnt know it was that bad. Standing just a few feet from the stage, on the right, they had a clear view. Please join us for a Memorial Mass on 2/19/23 at St. Kevins Church in Warwick a boast by metal... On their Sites front between the front door is a disabled veteran is. When W.A.S.P s Deadliest Rock Concert the scott vieira station fire hand, this is true lawyers. Twenty five blocks of foam from Warners employer, and in this case the Station fire Memorial procured... 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