We will contact you if we have questions regarding your feedback. Thank you for your comments. SOLIDWORKS contains various performance options to handle large assemblies even faster. You can turn on Large Assembly Mode at any time, or you can set a threshold for the number of components, and have Large Assembly Mode turn on automatically when that threshold is reached. Email: info@innova-systems.co.uk / Telephone: 01223 200690. After an assembly is opened, you can switch subassemblies back and forth between a SpeedPak configuration and the SpeedPak's parent configuration. Another technique you can use to improve navigational performance is to create a configuration within the assembly, suppressing some unnecessary associated parts and subassemblies. Before I make my SpeedPak I want to use the Performance Evaluation tool to analyze my assembly, which can be found on the Evaluate Tab. This mode does not open the file into memory, so its a great way of quickly opening and navigating very large assemblies. The FeatureManager Design Tree in an Assembly, Design Methods (Bottom-up and Top-down Design), Controlling Display and Appearance in Assemblies, Replacing Subassemblies with Multibody Parts, Disabling Automatic Mate Updates in Toolbox, Opening Assemblies Containing SpeedPak Subassemblies, Switching Between SpeedPak and Parent Configurations. You can use Balloon (Annotations toolbar) to add balloons to all items in a SpeedPak assembly, but the Auto Balloon command is not supported. Click here for information about technical support. As of June 2022, Microsoft will no longer support Internet Explorer. Splitting our top level assemblies into multiple sub-assemblies and encourages design teams to divide and conquer. To switch between SpeedPak and parent configurations: In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click one of the following: The top-level assembly (affects all subassemblies) One or more selected subassemblies (affects only the selected subassemblies) Click one of the following: Option. A SpeedPak is a special type of configuration for assemblies and sub-assemblies. Select the faces, bodies, reference geometry, sketches, First, select your subassembly and right click on it, choose SpeedPak options, create mated SpeedPak. Set up SpeedPaks for your common parts, assemblies and installations so you can show everything you want to. There are 4 different modes that an assembly can be opened in, as seen in the image below; Resolved, Lightweight, Large Assembly Mode and Large Design Review, each opening the file in a different state. SpeedPak in Drawing, Outline Colors. . Quick. Time consuming rebuild times, being patient while the assembly is opening/saving or delayed response during rotating/zooming the assembly. Do you work with large assemblies in SOLIDWORKS but find that your system is running slowly, especially when using the rotate or zoom functions? Your SOLIDWORKS ID is your 3DEXPERIENCE ID. This tool removes the selected faces, features, etc. We have detected you are using a browser version older than Internet Explorer 7. No components appear in the FeatureManager design tree. Heres How to Answer Yes, No, and All-You-Need-to-Know About Meshing Infographic, How to Easily Manage Configurations with Configuration Publisher, SOLIDWORKS PDM Maintenance & Backup Recommendations. You can manually set single components, subassemblies, or entire assemblies to lightweight mode, or automatically load components lightweight as part of Large Assembly Mode. That is another tool called Defeature. For Checking system & Graphics card requirements, click here, http://www.solidworks.in/sw/support/SystemRequirements.html, http://www.solidworks.in/sw/support/videocardtesting.html, E G S Computers India Private Limited, since 1993, has been in the forefront of delivering solutions Search 'SpeedPak' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. The assembly icon, To see this behavior, make sure the driver for your graphics card is, Note that many internal components are no longer visible, as they. You can manually set single components, subassemblies, or entire assemblies to lightweight mode, or automatically load components lightweight as part of Large Assembly Mode. How to Save Annotation Properties in SOLIDWORKS, Missing Cosmetic Threads and How to Fix Them in SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Pack and Go VS. If not, For better performance, while still maintaining a good display output, set the slider somewhere in the middle of the bar. This guidecovers all of the aspects of this tool. When you. To provide feedback on individual help topics, use the Feedback on this topic link on the individual topic page. Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolutioncontrols the tessellation of curved surfaces for shaded rendering output. This kind of practice helps us to improve our large assembly performance. Which will help you to do that conversion process quickly? Rebuild if you need to and then you can view the derived configuration in your configuration manager. When working with assemblies, the image quality can be set to a common resolution for each part by selecting apply to all referenced part documents. assembly icon at the top It is identified with in the ConfigurationManager, and _speedpak is appended to its name. A SpeedPak configuration is created as a child of the original configurations. To provide feedback on individual help topics, use the Feedback on this topic link on the individual topic page. Config1, Config2, and Config3, for instance. You can choose to include only graphics, or include mated faces, edges, and points as resolved geometry. Revolve thread feature will also consume 75% of our rebuild time. If the subassembly is a top-level subassembly, then the SpeedPak configuration becomes the active configuration used by the parent assembly. |Contact Sales SpeedPak SpeedPak creates a simplified configuration of an assembly without losing references. Draft quality only loads the information that is absolutely necessary. Only include bodies or faces in a SpeedPak that you want to select or dimension. Understand the benefits and limitations of using a SpeedPak configuration. You can save your time five times fast. Lightweight components have improved opening, rebuild, and closing times. SolidWorks SpeedPaks can alleviate the deep emotional abrasion of big-ass assembly modeling and make those assemblies perform more like you want them to. Now that you are armed with this knowledge I hope you will try out the SOLIDWORKS SpeedPak tool. but find that your system is running slowly, especially when using the rotate or zoom functions? New enhancements to Speedpak functionality include support for reference geometry, sketches, and curves that improves the flexibility of this powerful functionality. We cover seven of them here. The documentation team cannot answer technical support questions. While handling Large Assemblies, ensure you have enabled the below options. The remaining model data is loaded on an as-needed basis. Once the subassembly is mated into position at the top level, RMB on the sub assembly and you are presented with two options as seen here: This option automatically keeps the faces that have been mated together. A SpeedPak configuration is derived from an existing configuration. SOLIDWORKS 2020 builds on Assembly Envelopes by introducing the Envelope Publisher. In our simple bolt example, Thread feature will consume 87% of our rebuild time. Here's how the Assembly Envelope Publisher works. surrounding the pointer. configuration. Use the same configuration for SpeedPaks throughout the company (i.e. Validation using Finite Element Analysis, Customization of Engineering activities and Training in advanced engineering functions These can then be loaded upon the file opening if chosen on the open dialog box as seenbelow. I can toggle the SpeedPak Graphics Circle off by hitting the keyboard shortcuts ALT+S. To provide feedback on individual help topics, use the Feedback on this topic link on the individual topic page. Simple: Do you use SpeedPaks? For example, when opening an assembly, all of the associated parts feature history is loaded into memory. Click here for information about technical support. Entities included as resolved geometry include entities of the subassembly that mate to other components in the open parent assembly or to the open parent assembly itself. Every unnecessary face that SOLIDWORKS needs to calculate adds to the problem. Here are some points to keep in mind when using SpeedPaks: The last point I want to mention is that SpeedPaks can be activated directly from the Open Dialog box. To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. For more tips and tricks on large assemblies, check out our YouTube playlist below. For subassemblies whose active configuration is the parent of a SpeedPak configuration, switches to the SpeedPak configuration. We will contact you if we have questions regarding your feedback. you can use your search command bar in the upper right corner of your screen. Wireframe and high-quality HLR/HLV resolution. over assembly. Once the configuration is active, you can either right-click on the configuration or in the empty space below. Only the mating faces or bodies that are required are loaded into memory. 5. Defeature can be found via: Tools > Defeature. Wherever possible. Terms of Use The file can then be saved as a Dumb Solid, which is a file without any feature definition or history. Once the SpeedPak configuration has been generated and is active, the assembly will still look the same unless the Display SpeedPak Graphics Circle View Option is turned on. To switch between SpeedPak and parent configurations: Your comment has been submitted and will be reviewed by the MySolidWorks team. Select the SpeedPak configuration under Configurations in the Open dialog box. In order to begin this process, you need to RMB on the relevant part you want to be included within the subassembly and select Form New Subassembly as seen below. Opens the assembly and all of the associated file information. A higher resolution setting results in a slower screen redraw but a higher display quality. Get our wide array of technical resources delivered right to your inbox. The example Im working with today is from the Configuration Manager. We will contact you if we have questions regarding your feedback. Download/Install Chrome, Mozilla Firefox Includes mated faces, edges, and points as resolved geometry, which allows you to create other mates to those entities. Drag from the File Explorer tab in the Task Pane. This is one of the great way for creating a part within our assembly. To report problems encountered with the Web help interface and search, contact your local support representative. The remaining model data loads on need basis. Lunch & Learn - Using SPEEDPAK and Lightweight Components 8,785 views Aug 12, 2016 54 Dislike Share Save CADimensions, Inc. 25.8K subscribers http://www.cadimensions.com/resources. Right-click and click SpeedPak Options.   1995-2023Dassault Systmes. Working with a large assembly in SOLIDWORKS can be a little challenging for slower computers. Have you seen ourblog archivewhere we have posted plenty of helpful articles? configuration. |Get a Quote The remaining model data is loaded on an as-needed basis. In the graphics area, when you move the pointer over the A higher resolution setting results in a slower screen redraw but a higher display quality. Sincerely,The SOLIDWORKS Documentation Team. If you are working on large assemblies over 2,000 parts (especially if your parts are very detailed), you'll need a workstation that meets the demands SOLIDWORKS places on your CPU, GPU, RAM, and hard drive. You can also use SpeedPak to facilitate file sharing. Assemblies with lightweight components rebuild faster because less data is evaluated. relating to design and development. assembly, only the faces, bodies, reference geometry, sketches, and curves This option can be found under View > Display > Display SpeedPak Graphics Circle. I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the. Article. Working with the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and 3DEXPERIENCE Apps, The FeatureManager Design Tree in an Assembly, Design Methods (Bottom-up and Top-down Design), Controlling Display and Appearance in Assemblies, Replacing Subassemblies with Multibody Parts, Disabling Automatic Mate Updates in Toolbox, Opening Assemblies Containing SpeedPak Subassemblies, Switching Between SpeedPak and Parent Configurations, Using 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace | Make from SOLIDWORKS, Using 3DEXPERIENCE Marketplace | PartSupply from SOLIDWORKS. This will also minimize top level mates and features which leads to faster solving. Edges not included in the SpeedPak are shown in gray. The documentation team cannot answer technical support questions. You can also. You are using a web browser or a browser version not supported by this website! Search 'Creating a SpeedPak' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base. Lets take a look. These SpeedPak configurations are simplified graphical representations of those assemblies. SOLIDWORKS TUTORIALS 3D CAD SOLIDWORKS - Use Speedpak Option GoEngineer 107K subscribers Subscribe 11K views 3 years ago See more at: http://www.goengineer.com/products/so. |Personalize Cookie Choices In the higher level assembly, insert the subassembly by any of the following methods: Use the Insert Component PropertyManager. When you print the drawing, all the lines print in black, unless you select. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. Web Help Content Version: SOLIDWORKS 2020 SP05 Suppress any features in the simplified configuration (that wont affect its fit, form, or function) to be used in your assemblies. This is very different to the other three modes of opening an assembly. Default or another). Assembly files of a certain size can be set to open automatically as a particular mode defined by the user as seen in Images 3 and 4 below. |Contact Sales A good practice is to have simplified configurations with high-detail parts needed only for placement in your assemblies. When this is turned off, new and modified features will be checked against adjacent surfaces. No components appear in the FeatureManager design tree. Therefore, you can substitute a SpeekPak configuration for the full assembly in higher level assemblies without losing references. 6. This guide explains everything you need to know about how to create a SpeedPak in SOLIDWORKS. Therefore, when sharing an assembly, you can send just the assembly file. controls the tessellation of curved surfaces for shaded rendering output. SOLIDWORKS creates drawing views in high quality by default. |Privacy Policy SOLIDWORKS draws your model in two layers: graphical + parametric (see the previous section). The lightweight component can speed up assembly work, keep mate intact, maintain placement, keep orientation, be moved and rotated, be displaced in shaded or hidden line and also have mass properties or interference detection performed on them. You can either create a SpeedPak at top level or within the subassembly, each providing you with different options as follows: The SpeedPak configuration at subassembly level can be created in the ConfigurationManager via the right mouse button (RMB) as seen in Image 6. Learn more about SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE IDs. Description. To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. New enhancements to SOLIDWORKS' Speedpak functionality enable Magnetic Mates to be used to assemble these super lightweight file size versions of your designs. SpeedPaks only include the graphics of the assembly and any selected faces, bodies, sketches, or reference geometry that you may need for mating or dimensioning purposes. In SOLIDWORKS 2013 creating and managing SpeedPak configurations became much easier, since it is now done directly from the top level assembly, as . Select the menu: Tools > Options > System Options > Display. It is always best to construct your assemblies with as many subassemblies as possible, which can either be done by inserting them individually (as normal), or at assembly level. The default option when working within assemblies. Unnecessary detail in the part models of your assembly can impact performance. How do you add a SpeedPak? +607-212 1321 (JB) Loads only a subset of model data into memory. Use SpeedPak. were not included in the Speedpak configuration. Each option restricts particular processes and features to aid performance. When the SpeedPak configuration is active, I have a total number of components of zero. In the FeatureManager design tree, the icon, onlinehelp/2021/english/solidworks/sldworks/t_speedpak_switching_speedpak_and_parent.htm. Always keep system updated with suitable graphics card and system drivers. I hope the provided suggestions help in improve SOLIDWORKS' performance. In the graphics area, when you move the pointer over the In the FeatureManager design tree, right-click one of the following: 2023 Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation, Opening Assemblies Containing SpeedPak Subassemblies. I had the software lock up, or at least take a very long time to do the Quick Include, such that I shut it down. A SpeedPak configuration reduces the file size by limiting the file to specific faces or bodies. In the PropertyManager: Select the faces, bodies, reference geometry, sketches, and curves that you want to be selectable in the SpeedPak configuration. The option to Apply to all reference documents is available for assemblies only. The aim is to remove all but the information required (faces, associated mates, etc) to maintain the references at the top level. This shortcut key allows you to quickly show or remove the graphics circle. Assemblies: It contains a collection of settings that improves the performance of large assemblies. Use the form below to send your comments and suggestions about this topic directly to our documentation team. 2. In an assembly file, you can derive a SpeedPak configuration from an The hardware just isnt there and its likely software is going to keep pushing against hardware limits, so having the option is definitely useful. A SpeedPak configuration is essentially a subset of the parts and faces of an assembly. The FeatureManager Design Tree in an Assembly, Design Methods (Bottom-up and Top-down Design), Controlling Display and Appearance in Assemblies, Replacing Subassemblies with Multibody Parts, Disabling Automatic Mate Updates in Toolbox, Opening Assemblies Containing SpeedPak Subassemblies, Switching Between SpeedPak and Parent Configurations. Use Lightweight Components or Large Assembly Mode. One SpeedPak is the maximum allowed for any SOLIDWORKS assembly setup. of the tree indicates that the active configuration is a SpeedPak Download/Install Firefox. However, each component is loaded with the least amount of data, as symbolized in the Feature Tree with a feather. Upgrade Now, Google Chrome Heres an example of a very large aircraft galley assembly that has a SpeedPak applied to it. Advanced options for Save as Part. To have Large Assembly Mode or Lightweight Components automatically turned on, go to Tools, Options, System Options, Assemblies, and check each box. Primarily the graphical information and reference geometry are loaded into memory, but the features that define the part are not loaded into memory. Id prefer the model would just load without having to do special operations to reduce the time it takes to open and view the model. I will now go to the Configuration Manager tab. Then select the option from the pop-up menu that says, Add SpeedPak. Lets you see graphics for the subassembly but does not include any resolved geometry, which yields more performance improvement. Set your Document Properties > Image quality > Shaded and draft quality (Low) & Wireframe High quality HLR/HLV Resolution (Low) for faster performances. Mainly graphical information and default reference geometry. 7 Ways to Improve SOLIDWORKS Large Assembly & Drawing Performance, There are many steps one can take to improve, We list some of the hardware recommendations (from basic to advanced) for SOLIDWORKS, Make sure you are using a SOLIDWORKS certified graphics card and driver. Boxx Technologies: Custom SOLIDWORKS Workstations, Dell Technologies: Quick-Buy SOLIDWORKS Systems, SOLIDWORKS Failed to Obtain a Computer Identifier, How To Install SOLIDWORKS Electrical 2023, Installing or Upgrading the SolidNetWork License Manager for SOLIDWORKS 2023. A dumb solid is a solid part without any feature and history in the feature manager. You may need to start at a lower level sub-assembly and build SpeedPaks into those before opening the main assembly. EGS India - Authorized Reseller for SOLIDWORKS Solutions in India - Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai - Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry. You can choose to include only graphics, or include mated faces, edges, and points as resolved geometry. To create a SpeedPak: In the ConfigurationManager tab, under Configurations, right-click an existing configuration and click Add SpeedPak. A SpeedPak is another. A SpeedPak configuration is essentially a subset of the parts, faces, reference geometry, sketches, and curves of an assembly. It's very similar to Lightweight mode. Learn how to. Use the form below to send your comments and suggestions about this topic directly to our documentation team. To disable Web help from within SOLIDWORKS and use local help instead, click Help > Use SOLIDWORKS Web Help. Thread feature will consume 87% of our rebuild time. Sub-assemblies are smaller and less compare to work with the top level assemblies. You can insert an assembly with a SpeedPak configuration into a higher-level assembly. SOLIDWORKS Speedpak Basics - Graphics Mode GoEngineer 108K subscribers Subscribe 10K views 5 years ago See more at: http://www.goengineer.com/products/so. The other features will just show graphical information and that is not selectable. Therefore, you can use lightweight all the time. To do this, select or highlight the drawing in the open dialog box. When opening assembly with large assembly mode active, appropriate settings are chosen to make the large assembly faster. What is a SOLIDWORKS SpeedPak? In an assembly file, you can derive a SpeedPak configuration from an existing configuration. Click here for information about technical support, I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the. A SOLIDWORKS SpeedPak reduces the amount of solid model geometry that is being accessed by the CPU. The assembly icon at the top of the tree indicates that the active configuration is a Speedpak configuration. This tool is often used to share files without revealing all the design details of the model. Sketches from any level of the assembly can be included in a SpeedPak. One way to improve performance is to select specific sheets to load. Based in Cambridge we have a central location to service a UK wide customer base. All ranged between 48-50sec (my machine is one of the oldest and slowest in my department) Use SpeedPak when you want to insert a complex large assembly into a higher level assembly, especially if you want to see the entire SpeedPak assembly, but need to mate and dimension only to relatively few locations. You can disable the SpeedPak graphics circle so that the geometry in the region surrounding the pointer remains visible even if it is not selectable. Therefore, you can substitute a SpeedPak configuration for the full assembly in higher level assemblies without losing references. configuration. Restricts the files from being edited. and curves that you want to be selectable in the SpeedPak It allows you to very quickly open your model for viewing purposes. Once you have your system optimized for SOLIDWORKS, there are a few items you can check that will make your large assemblies and drawings perform better. Note: All modes allow the file to be set to Resolved at any point and the files to be loaded into memory as seen in Image 3. Sincerely,The SOLIDWORKS Documentation Team. A SpeedPak configuration is created as a child of the original configurations. You can able to select the configuration, but not the display state. All rights reserved. Ctrl + drag within the assembly to insert additional instances of existing components. In an assembly, select one or more subassemblies. SpeedPak simplifies an assembly without suppressing the components. In the region surrounding the pointer, only the faces and body you selected for the SpeedPak are visible. Large assembly mode will automatically triggersome set of performance improving options based on a user defined component threshold. If you are working from project folders where others have access, once the assembly is finalized and no one else needs to make changes, cache it locally to make the drawing. Note that many internal components are no longer visible, as they were not included in the Speedpak configuration. Large Assembly Mode If you want to ensure that all items are updated properly, you must open your assembly as lightweight or fully resolved. Learn how to use SOLIDWORKS RX Diagnostic to check and update your GPU driver. We have detected you are using a browser version older than Internet Explorer 7. I point this out because the total number of components will dramatically reduce once we make our SpeedPak. We have detected you are using a browser version older than Internet Explorer 7. Large Assembly Modeis a collection of system settings that improves the performance of assemblies. Many internal components are no longer 5) Make Simple Configurations of Parts and Assemblies, 7) Limit the use of Helical Sweeps and Threads. For any queries on SOLIDWORKS Solutions contact @ 9445424704 | mktg@egs.co.in is a collection of system settings that improves the performance of assemblies. A SpeedPak configuration is created as a child of the More info here. This then becomes a derived configuration which has to be activated at top level. configuration. |Get a Product Demo All rights reserved. Note: This effect can also be applied at part level which would have a positive knock on effect if also applied at assembly level. When opening an assembly that contains subassemblies with existing SpeedPak configurations, you can specify to use the SpeedPak configuration instead of the last-saved configuration for some or all of the subassemblies. A SpeedPak configuration is created for the active configuration of the subassembly. Another way of turning the graphics circle on and off is through the Options window. Checkmark your system option > Performances > automatically load components light weight. We try to use lightweight and enveloped parts as much as possible especially when we are developing subassemblies, but at the end of the project we have to bring everything into one main assembly in order to verify fits and create the installation drawings for our contractors. To specific faces or bodies that are required are loaded into memory SOLIDWORKS use! Of this tool when this is very different to the other three modes of an. Of technical resources delivered right to your inbox definition or history suitable graphics card and system drivers to Apply all. See the previous section ) builds on assembly Envelopes by introducing the Envelope Publisher works all. 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