"Both witty and touching, Tales of the Borderlands sees Telltale at its very best.". The real Handsome Jack is dead at the start of the Tales from the Borderlands, but he appears as an AI (Artificial intelligence) only seen by Rhys in a program developed by Professor Nakayama. This guide shows you how to get 4 of the 5 ending's needed, the 5th- the best ending I have already did a guide for and it will save some space the link is below. However, his cocky attitude soon becomes one of a pathetic whelp as Rhys begins removing his EchoEye implant. There's a trailer in the store page that explains it. Jump right into each ending using the links below: There are three bad endings, each involving terrible relationships between all three protagonists. This still doesn't work as Jack is uploaded into his cybernetics, including his eye. The boy that dreamed big finally achieved the dream of his own company, even if it is but a glorified and humble ice cream shop. While there are several Tales from the Borderlands moments that have to play out in order to progress the narrative, like Scooters death or Handsome Jacks betrayal of Rhys, there are plenty of other choices that come down to the decisions of players. On a planet controlled and . Following the events of the fourth episode, he shows his true colours once more, revealing that Rhys will cease to exist, as Jack plans to surgically implant a robotic endoskeleton into Rhys' body with Jack's personality uploaded into it, effectively turning him into Jack. There are five endings in New Tales from the Borderlands. . After battling them and managing to successfully summon the Warrior, Jack was defeated and executed for the crimes he committed. How the rest of the story plays out is up to you, as you make choices during explosive action scenes and conversations with familiar characters like Moxxi, Zer0, Marcus, and Claptrap. Because of this, Angel would grow to detest her father. I gues it was just an easter agg-ish callout to TFTB, real shame tho. Zer0, the Assassin. After Fran leaves, Octavio celebrates humbly his new company, which he calls Octavio's Yogurt. How is that not the perfect ending to the character? The beloved, choice-driven narrative adventure through the Borderlands universe is back! Rhys shrugs it off and Jack isn't heard until the end when Rhys and Fiona discover the Gortys Project. New Tales From The Borderlands: Every Ending, Ranked, New Tales From The Borderlands - Complete Walkthrough, Great Games Where Your Decisions Truly Matter, Ways Tales From The Borderlands Ties Into The Main Games. Here, they discuss what jokes she likes, and how she must be up in heaven with her sexy unpaid intern, who has also died. The Handsome Jack AI will likely be fully destroyed, Rhys will either be dating or crushing on Sasha, and Fiona seems poised to be a Vault Hunter. As of June 16, 2017, more players have chosen to destroy the EchoEye than keep it, meaning that the former option is currently the canon one. Not just tales from the borderlands ended on a cliff hanger the walking dead game of thrones and many more synapsisxxx 4 yr. ago I think TWD will get an ending, some other studio is working on it. Yes, it is canon, however a lot of this is a "Big Fish" story, with our two protagonists, Fiona and Rhys, relaying the story to a mysterious man, while telling lies. Other choices, like the potential deaths of Felix and Cassius, could go either way. He really should've heeded the late Handsome Jack's words. It's an adequate ending, as it shows that the siblings have a good relationship, and have moved on to do some great things for people struggling in their relationships. Buy Tales from the Borderlands | Xbox Tales from the Borderlands 2K Action & adventure MATURE 17+ Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Drug Reference, Strong Language, Violence +Offers in-app purchases. Despite the good nature of this ending, Rhys will still comment that it's around an 8/10, begging the question if there is more to be sought in perhaps a New Tales From the Borderlands secret ending. To get this you'll need all three friendship relations must be above 50%and a Skateboard Score of at least 75%. Fiona is a full-time con-artist who has been scheming to make a fortune selling a fake Vault Key. It's at this point the player is given a choice: If Rhys chooses to Crush the EchoEye, it will permanently destroy Jack's AI, effectively ending Handsome Jack's life and legacy once and for all. . While this was going on, a vault hunter siren named Lilith blasted the object into pieces and maimed Jack's face. After all is said and done, Fran returns to her humble little dessert diner with Anu. Near the end of Tales from the Borderlands episode 5, The Vault of the Traveler, the player must pick three teammates to join the fight against the vault guardian. For example, if Anu has terrible relationships with Octavio and Fran, but the latter two are great with each other, you'll receive the ending where Anu will die. Fran remains supportive and helps her find the courage to move on. Tales From The Borderlands: Episode 5 - The Vault of the Traveler PC Telltale Games Release Date: Oct 20, 2015 Also On: iPhone/iPad, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One Summary Critic Reviews User Reviews Details & Credits Trailers & Videos Metascore 86 Generally favorable reviews based on 32 Critic Reviews What's this? RELATED: Great Games Where Your Decisions Truly Matter. Set between the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3,. Heyo everyone, in today's episode we go shopping for some Fresh Meat With this ending, Fran has died, and Anu and Octavio will visit her grave. Unfair dirty play with pricing? Lock, Load, & Face the Madness Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It's a shame to see Fran gone, but Octavio and Anu laugh about how Fran would react to their pranks and shows that even in death she can cheer them up due to her crude sense of humor. Within the perpetually war-torn metropolis of Promethea, you'll control Anu, Octavio, and Fran on the worst day of their lives. Sibling rivalries and sibling banter seem to trump all good intentions, as this ending sees Anu and Octavio bound to loyalty to family and their wishes. Plus free trophies. Valve Corporation. . However, not all is great, as one key jokester is missing. There are three friendship ratings that are important here: Brain 'N Brawn - Anu and Fran relationship (if it's under 50% at the end of the game, Fran dies) Sis 'N Bro - Anu and Octavio relationship (if it's under 50% at the end of the game, Anu dies) At the end of the Claptastic Voyage story, Jack eliminates the Claptrap product line, destroying all of them except for Fragtrap. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). If Rhys chooses to trusts Jack, he will change Rhys ECHO eye color from blue to orange and Jack gains control over the drones. As president and CEO of Hyperion, Jack would go on to wage a war on Pandora under the guise of peacekeeping, and to mine the element called eridium from the planet. Jack would then kill the leader of the Raiders and kidnap and force Lilith to charge the vault key. Where does Tears of the Kingdom fit in the convoluted plot? The critically acclaimed series is now available on PlayStation and Xbox consoles, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store. Based on a photo placed on his desk in Borderlands 3, Rhys clearly has feelings for Sasha, meaning that Gearbox has likely already canonized the ending where the Sasha romance occurs. Though they all are based on the protagonists' relationships with each other, only the two true endings have a Skateboard Score requirement. He has written words for Den of Geek, Collider, The Irish Times and Screen Rant over the years, and can discuss anything from the MCU - where Hawkeye is clearly the best character - to the most obscure cult b-movie gem, and his hot takes often require heat resistant gloves to handle. They would then go on and destroy the eridium injection systems keeping Angel alive. With hundreds of choices presented throughout the game, it's only fitting that New Tales from the Borderlands contains multiple different endings. Rhys keeps backing up and hits head and falls over the stair railing and hits a computer, Rhys can choose to tell about seeing Handsome Jack, they don't believe him and bring him up. Da Archive 2023-02-21 - Read book online for free. So I finished play through 2 and am on the dlcs, claptrap's and Ned's both would match my level as I'm in the end game but general Knox's dlc won't match my level at all and just am super confused on why I won't match my level like the rest of the game ? He's super modern too, so his favorite movies include Jaws, Die Hard, The Thing, Ghostbusters and Batman. So Rhys must have gotten rid of Jack in tales right? Then when you are choosing your team in episode 5, pick Felix. All rights reserved. When the eridium injectors were destroyed, Jack pleaded with her to stop. . It's quite somber and shows the two embrace each other in the mutual understanding of a quiet life. Includes all five episodes of Tales from the Borderlands Experience an adventure from the perspectives of two very different protagonists: Hyperion lackey Rhys and quick-witted con artist Fiona Every choice you make drives the story forward, letting you tailor your journey and shape your relationships as you see fit If Rhys says to the AI of Handsome Jack that he deserved to die, he will tell Rhys that he cant imagine what sacrifices he had to make (which includes Angel) to gain his high position in Hyperion. Just out of curiosity will this have any real affect on BL3's story. MORE: A New Tales from the Borderlands Being Made by Gearbox and Not Telltale is a Big Deal. Borderlands was a colorful, sci-fi themed first-person shooter with satisfying combat and humorous writing. It surrounds one of the game's most prominent characters. After being forced to do his bidding for so long, she secretly assisted the vault hunters aligned with the Crimson Raiders in attacking the location she was in. Octavio enjoys tacos, but also wants to create a better image of himself. Finished both TFTB and BL3 recently and honestly it doesn't matter which ending you get. Tales from the Borderlands was full of interesting choices to make, allowing players to shape their versions of Rhys and Fiona. During his time as president of Hyperion, he had some assassins kill her as a way of getting revenge on her for her treatment of him. You'll need one of those relationships to be below 50% and the other two above that number. He is not heard until Rhys is messing with his glitched out gadget. The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. Home Guides Tales from the Borderlands: How to Get All Allies for the Finale. Unlike Tales from the Borderlands' original incarnation, you won't be able to purchase any of these episodes individually. Completely transformed into Handsome Jack, Timothy was a playable Vault Hunter in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and a major character in the Borderlands 3 DLC Moxxi's Heist of The Handsome Jackpot. Ever since the death of Roland in Borderlands 2, the games have made strides to make players and audiences know that now nobody is safe, and perhaps anyone could fall to the perils of Pandora and the surrounding planets. Octavio and Fran went back to run Fran's Froyo if Anu died. Oh, you cant even BEGIN to understand my intentions. To obtain this ending, players must be horrible to Octavio as Anu, and vice versa in their playthrough. spoiler for BL3 ahead, We don't know what happend in the vault at the end in TFTBL as of now, that is the ending you get no matter what, to me it seems like it might be alluding to a dlc for BL3. Anything impossible is possible, since this is borderlands universe. Throughout the game, it seems clear that Telltale wants players to do this, as they get a few opportunities to push the pair closer together. Jake Fillery is a freelance writer who loves nothing more than talking and writing about movies, comic books, video games, and TV shows. Unfortunately, he came into conflict with Col. Zarpadon and her Lost Legion, who were former Dahl Corporation military soldiers that went rogue after Zarpadon met an alien entity who warned her of Jack's plans. He will give you a massive amount of cash, which you can then use to hire the single available vault hunter to aid you in the final battle. As with most narrative games that feature branching choices, New Tales from the Borderlands, has a so-called best ending. This is a second person story (x reader) for the readers pleasure! Something went wrong. As mentioned by L0U13 in Episode 2, the Skateboard Score is the overall rating determined by how well the team works together. Tales from the Borderlands was full of interesting choices to make, allowing players to shape their versions of Rhys and Fiona. There is, since Zero walks around the first chapter and Handsome Jack's virtual persona is there. Involvement Borderlands. Successfully complete the quick time events to make the trio work together and defeat Anahatium Susan. And the end of our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time. This how he meets con artist Fiona, with the two later teaming up for a series of wild adventures to find the Gortys Project and a mysterious Vault. In this ending, not only does everyone survives, but Anu, Octavio, and Fran open up a consulting company. Octavio is thriving with his own strange and unique reality show that he has named Octin' Around. While new characters and a new story have been confirmed, familiar faces could still appear, and the choices made in the first game would impact those appearances. Upon doing so Zer0 will hear of this, and be intrigued enough to fight alongside you. So Rhys must have gotten rid of Jack in tales right? Description Take a stand against ruthless corporate overlords in the narrative-driven adventure, New Tales Borderlands. Her treatment of him was terrible as she would subject him (at a minimum) to physical abuse. It is a sequel to the 2013 game The Wolf Among Us, with the title taking place six months following the events of the previous title.. Development. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Tales from the Borderlands is a five-part episodic game set on the unforgiving world of Pandora between the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3. God, she is so cute when she's excited.Handsome Jack on Fiona. With the New Tales From the Borderlands game, the control is more in the hands of the player than ever. The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. If Rhys accepts he takes over Helios and announces to everyone that Rhys is the president of Hyperion and tells Rhys that Pandora, Elpis, and Helios are just he start of their reign. The two meet lots of characters and end up in difficult situations . Claptrap is a main character in Borderlands and Borderlands 2, a character in Tales from the . If Fran died, Anu and Octavio opened their own consulting company. The two main endings are Reject Hyperion and Accept Hyperion, however the. The final game proved to be hugely disappointing to fans who had waited so long, but Gearbox suffered another critical blackeye with Aliens: Colonial Marines. He then secretly hired six vault hunters to help him find a vault on Elpis, Pandora's moon. Killed by Vault Hunters or Lilith (Original), Borderlands: Pre Sequel to Borderlands 2 (Original), Numerous Pandorians and Hyperions. Music: First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKL4X. Near the beginning of episode 3 Vallory will ask Fiona who is responsible for the Vault Key deal going south. There can often at times be an emotional story found in the Borderlands games. He is dead dead dead. Rhys, understandably, objects to this, which immediately results in Jack turning on him. As a close friend and colleague, Janey Springs will appreciate your gesture and be unlocked for the final fight. Tales from the Borderlands es una serie de juegos episdica de cinco partes de los creadores de The Wolf Among Us y The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series. Rhys punches himself in the head in order to get Jack away. Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way! He then tells him that while Rhys has the cybernetics in him, he isn't going anywhere. Near the beginning of episode 4 when talking to Springs in Scooters garage, make sure to tell her that Athena loves her. (Both caused and directly), Handsome Jack AI is one five characters to be Determinant in the game, next to. Rhys says that he does, which causes Sasha to say, "Do what?" Rhys goes through with removing it entirely, but not before Jack pointlessly lunges at Rhys in an attempt to prevent it from happening, only to fizzle out of existence the moment his hands reach Rhys' neck. New Tales From the Borderlands features several endings, some happy while others are bittersweet. Nobody likes death, especially when it comes to fans favorite characters. I doubt BL3 will reference Tales too much, I imagine things that have to happen, e.g Helios crash, Rhys Atlas CEO, Fiona and Rhys enter the vault of the Traveller. But beyond that I imagine they will leave a lot ambiguous or unreferenced. Since the actions and consequences are chosen by the player, each ending can be unique depending on what path the player chose, and if their playthrough of the newest Borderlands entry was a sad one, a bad one, or a good one. To achieve this ending is no easy task, as players need a Skateboard Score above 75%, and each of the 3 relationships must be about even. They're also behind the well-receivedBrothers In Arms series of games, but they were also responsible for finishing off and releasing the infamously delayed Duke Nukem Foreverin 2011. At the end of the episode when they put together the Gortys cores, Hugo and August point their guns at Sasha and Vaughn. Now during the Pax event, when BL3 was announced, Randy said that Jack's mask was thrown in because they are jerks. The best ending in New Tales from the Borderlandshas everyone surviving. While it remains to be seen if any of these characters will feature in the sequel, it makes sense to have a few of them make an appearance even if they are not the main focus of the game. Out of all the choices made in the game, the most likely to become canon are the ones tied to relationships or future story arcs. Sadly, not all is a happy result, as Anu is dead. Tales from the Borderlands is a five-part episodic game set on the unforgiving world of Pandora between the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3. . The plot is told in flashback by heroes Rhys and Fiona, with Rhys being a Hyperion employee who gets caught up in a scheme to buy a Vault Key. During this time, Jack gradually became obsessed with power. pretty sure everything is cannon after event of bl2. Use of this product requires agreement to the following third party end user license . Sequels like Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel followed, with the most recent entry being 2019's Borderlands 3, which received solid reviews. I've never touched Borderlands except for this. The only other Telltale game I will have regret about is The Wolf Among Us. This New Tales From the Borderlands ending sees Fran passing down the torch of her beloved dessert diner, Fran's Fogurt to Octavio. The first way that Handsome Jack could return is through Timothy, one of his dopplegangers. Az rlap kitltsvel felkerlsz a vrlistra, s mi elsbbsget adunk nnek, amint a termk jra rendelhet lesz. Tales From The Borderlands' Ending Explained, Typo That Broke Aliens: Colonial Marines Discovered After 5 Years, Where To Find The One Pump Chump Legendary Shotgun In Borderlands 3, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, Picard Season 3's Ferengi Finally Delivers On Roddenberry's TNG Promise, Scream 6's Courteney Cox Breaks Silence On Neve Campbell's Absence. However, after a legitimately hurtful remark from Rhys, a careless move on his part leads to Jack downloading himself back into Rhys' eye, where he takes control of Rhys' arm and attempts to strangle him to death. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The neutral ending is one of the two true endings in the game, and it has a Skateboard Score requirement of at least 50% in addition to having even distribution between all three relationships. Tales from the Borderlands is an episodic interactive comedy graphic adventure sci-fi video game based on the Borderlands series. Still, fans can expect a handful of choices to carry over. there is a picture of sasha on Rhys desk and Zer0 talks about how they can't find "them" (Fiona and Sasha most likely) because they don't want to be found. However, just because fame and glory have been left behind, does not mean that they are free from danger. New Tales from the Borderlands Wiki Guide, All Endings in New Tales from the Borderlands, Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. Vault Hunter(s) (Borderlands) Borderlands: Borderlands 2; Tales From the Borderlands; Pre-Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel; Summary!This story is not according to the (exact) events of the borderlands games! Been a while since I played this game, but my ending was Handsome Jack dead for good, and Rhys and Fiona going through the portal in the end together, if i recall correctly. In most cases, yes, go with the nice and friendly dialogue option. Obviously they'll wrap it up somehow. He then managed to persuade his superiors at Hyperion to construct the Helios Space Station, where he then managed to recover the Destroyer's eye and use it as an amplification device for the beam cannon secretly built on Helios, which was dubbed "The Eye of Helios". The main story kicks off on Pandora - Borderlands Seeking the fortunes within the Vault, a group of Vault Hunters Mordecai, Brick, Roland, and Lilith, one of only six superpowered Sirens in the universe arrived on Pandora, kicking off the events of the first Borderlands game. Getting the good ending New Tales means the three main characters plus murder robot companion L0U13 survive, going on to create their own consulting firm that uses skateboard scoring to. newsletter, The Mandalorian season 3 poochied Gina Carano, Marshal Dune was a key player, but controversys keeping her out of the galaxy. I don't think my Internets will let me download a cannon. Tales from the Borderlands is a five-part episodic game set on the unforgiving world of Pandora between the events of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3. It's quite tragic to find a preventable loss, especially with Anu's brother, who cries in front of his grave. Curious all . In this ending, everyone survives, but our three protagonists go their separate ways. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. He would eventually use her to charge the vault key in order to open the Vault of The Warrior by injecting immense amounts of eridium into her. Rhys rips his arm off in order to stop Jack from choking him. No, not Rhys, not. Jack covertly used Angel since she was young to plan his rise to power. When The Wolf Among Us was completed by July . During episode 3 Athena attempts to kill Cassius. A feature film based on the popular video game set on the abandoned fictional planet of Pandora where people search for a mysterious relic. 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