Popular topics. Video reference: https://youtu.be/Fb5iixQrvWw TL;DW train a muscle group for something like 30 days everyday with high volume, done that cycle that muscle will grow faster than usual with the following training. did you need to go to failure? But I dont want to lie to you guys for the sake of views on a video. Eventually, I decided to add some structure to my theory and turn it into a practical program to replicate what I witnessed in my youth and what was done in the rat study. 10)Can I do multiple Nucleus Overload cycles? Remember, your body is SMART and is always trying to become more efficient with repetitive tasks. Watch on. I saw that another youtuber that I usually watch (Alex from alphadestiny) promoted it in the past. However, this does lead us into number three on my list which is actual obtained growth from additional myonuclei in the muscle and this is where the science behind the LONG REST PERIOD comes in and why I waited so long to make this video. Remember when I said maybe you DIDNT reach your natural limit yet, but in fact instead reached the limits of what a traditional amount of workout volume can offer? Well then maybe that means theres A LOT more hope for myself and all my fellow natural athletes out there who want to take their training and gains to the next level and the equation looks simple enough. Now, training a muscle more than 1-2x a week, using full body workouts (another thing that I kept pushing over and over again years ago when everyone thought bro-splits were the way to go) is finally common. However, this does lead us into number three on my list which is actual obtained growth from additional myonuclei in the muscle and this is where the science behind the LONG REST PERIOD comes in and why I waited so long to make this video. Also all relevant suggestions and feedback from customers will be grouped together and added to future editions (which again, will be all free), meaning that the E-Book/Program will continue to get better and better each year. I need to film a video, RIGHT NOW!! Many say that they will try this approach, but very few report back. To be honest, I want to continue with NOT for other body parts, but always use this video as a point of reference so I dont have to re-explain everything, every time. Dancers have insane legs, glutes and calves from daily dancing, gymnasts have incredible shoulders, back, and biceps from all the bar and ring work they do daily, Olympic skaters have HUGE legs from skating daily and even Arnold said that to bring up his calves, because they were a lagging body part, that he trained them daily. But the REAL QUESTION is, why did I wait SO LONG to show you my results as I did this from October 10th through November 10th. But this is just life for them and dont pull the Its because they have black genetics card, because thats just ignorant as not everyone in West Africa is born shredded with super dense muscle mass. You'll have to use much heavier loads (3-5 rep range) and much longer rest periods (3-5 minutes). He is one of the only known figures pushing that online. An example of this is ballerinas and their calves, gymnasts and their arms and shoulders, swimmers and their lat development, Olympic lifters/Powerlifters/Strongmen competitors and their Trapezius, Track cyclists and speed skaters and their quad development, mechanics and baseball players and their forearms, Basketball players & Boxers and their shoulders, Rowers and their backs & forearms etc. Reps/Load: 15-30 reps per set close to failure (RPE 9), using moderate loads. Anyway, over time people finally caught on to the power of Nucleus Overload, thanks to my faithful subs and many others. As I always said in my old videos, when I was accused of being a bro-scientist: "eventually the science will catch up to the bro-science", and in the case of Nucleus Overload and Full body workouts, it definitely caught up. You have 12 weeks, time to unleash your inner BEAST !! Team3DAlphaTites !! Team 3D Alpha Recently uploaded Popular 80% of men got this answer WRONG about Testosterone levels [IMPORTANT INFO] || FAQs & Poll 7K views 5 days ago 40% of men don't eat enough eggs for max. I Did 100 Bicep Curls Every Day For 30 Days - Jed North. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjawWtun6PE . If the caloric intake is the same during the day, the end result will be exceptionally similar regardless of the approach you decide to follow. 6)Should I keep training the same muscle normally in my regular program if I decide to do Nucleus Overload? HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD I EAT FOR NUCLEUS OVERLOAD AND HSP TRAINING. 50-60% of 1RM or even less have to be used. But this is just life for them and dont pull the Its because they have black genetics card because thats just ignorant as not everyone in West Africa is born shredded with super dense muscle mass. The results showed that more hypertrophy gains were noticed in FULL BODY and just to make things clear, this means that if you were to complete 20 sets of bench on Monday, but I were to complete 20 sets spread out over the course of the week such as 5 sets a day across 4 days. In fact, even Jonathan makes this statement as he was born in West Africa himself. I knew this was bullshit all along, simply because ever since I was a kid, some of the most muscular people I had ever seen always followed a very high frequency training approach, regardless of genetics. re: FDA prosecution letters have been sent out to all US SARMs dealers.. -for optimal results, yes, don't train hard. This is where nucleus overload training works in theory, it's claimed that constant training over a long period of time without real rest will force the muscle cells to overload the number of nuclei and finally causes great hypertrophy of the muscle when rested. Reply. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. Nucleus training WORKS! Now, the reason why Im bringing up muscle memory in this video is because my arms used to be a lot bigger a few years ago.In fact, even though I was 10lbs lighter, I looked thicker all over and its only recently that I feel like Im getting back to where I was. Mar 5, 2021 - (Nucleus Overload Training) Nuclei Satellite Cells and Muscle Growth Shout out to @Team 3D Alpha he's been talking about this method of training for alm. Isolation exercises are preferred. For more information, please see our -5 sets of 15-30 reps close to failure (RPE 9), for 30 days (5 days a week is also fine). Remember, the goal of mTOR reset is not to deload, it is to DETRAIN. You can lift light weights as much as you want, but you wont get stronger by doing so. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. And the best part, is that the new nuclei (where DNA resides and protein synthesis begins) donated by the satellite cells to the overworked muscle (resulting in hyperplasia) didn't go away even after the rats were detrained. -For optimal results, yes (a slight surplus). Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. Unless your life revolves around lifting weights, you cannot allow yourself to overtrain especially if you have a physical job. Training daily was common pre 1920s and guys like george hackenschmidt built lots of muscle but they didnt train to failure nor use more then one set per exercise and used less then 80 %of their max weight. 214.3K Likes, 982 Comments. People highly underestimate the body's ability to adapt to stress. Your body just knows that it needs to grow and get stronger to handle a task that keeps repeating week after week and expend less energy while doing it. Bro, dont try to teach him anything. He doesnt look at real world exampleshes just an ignorant gym rat that follows his beliefs religiously(no offense for the author of the article). The list was endless. i have been doing this aggressive overtraining for a month i clearly see my muscles grow bigger and bigger every day. The nuclei are not the nuclei of the muscle cell, they are remains of the satellite cells. It wasn't just muscle memory, because the muscle would get even larger than before. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I train arms 5 days a week with weekends off and a two week break every three or four months. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM AND MEAL PLAN Mr. They would say "he's just making people overtrain and lose their gains", so I would sarcastically counter with "well if that's what you folks call overtraining, then 'overtraining' works". Each rep range has its own biologically ideal programing style. 34177 >>34175 I got u boyy . But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. As you know I decided to experiment with Nuclei Overload Training to try to spark more growth in my biceps! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You clearly havent even watched the videos. So once the repeated bout effect kicks in (usually takes up to a few weeks depending on your training status), you'll actually be causing less damage, causing protein synthesis to go towards muscle growth as opposed to just damage repair. they did pushups with guys pressing down on their back or sitting on their back, and other crazy shit EVERY DAY multiple times a day. Ectomorph here, starring arm size, 11.5 cold. I know I weighed 172lbs and Im 183 185lbs now. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. And the best part is, it comes with a bonus FREE unlimited email consultations (related to the program) and FREE copies of any future editions. Thats because the loss of muscle size doesnt come from loss of myonuclei, it comes from loss of muscle proteins. Everything finally made sense. Privacy Policy. They dont just train these movements once a week. But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. Try to avoid the negative portion of each rep (eccentrics/negatives) to minimize excessive muscle damage. Cookie Notice Because I never wanted Nucleus Overload or my channel to be associated with scams and fads. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. Compared to all my other muscles, Ive always felt like my biceps are lagging and if what Ive been doing wasnt working, trying something else seemed like the best alternative. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. What I did experience was that my forearms began to get sore around the time that I start training every day. I went to failure when training everyday. Team3DAlpha assumes no liability for any damages that may occur as a result of the implementation or use of the products or services offered herein. Train like Vegeta for a month straight, active rest or deload for a solid 12 14 days to de-train your body, then right back to more intense training! I had to find out the reason for this, so I kept digging endlessly and kept recommending it anyway despite the constant ridicule. My comment: Are you serious? Some of my favorite parts of the video is when he talks about being a kid in West Africa and seeing the merchants who would ride bikes up and down hills everyday with all their merchandise and even though they were under-eating and thin in their upper body, their legs were still really developed, especially their quads. 34177 >>34175 I got u boyy . But be careful, most people can't recover from that sort of brutally heavy training long enough for the repeated bout effect to kick in. Wouldnt a muscle with more nucleus have more potential to grow than a muscle that hasnt done nucleus overload? What it shows is that as a NEW LIFTER you will accrue more myonuclei from surrounding satellite cells because satellite cells activate in response to muscle damage and then donate their myonuclei to help with repairs which increase overall myonuclei in the muscle. The most rapid muscle growth you will ever experience in 12 weeks. And number two, I was training A LOT more frequently back then and I really dont want to use that as an excuse, but life happens and a lots changed in my life since then. This belief is the result of propaganda. Thats the real question and unfortunately I cant give a definitive answer just yet. So if you didnt get in on BICEPS, lets hit traps and calves together with POWER SHRUGS and BARBELL CALF RAISES! Or to be even more specific, how do you surpass this NATURALLY once you reach your NATURAL LIMIT. -Normal training doesn't offer enough weekly volume nor frequency to maximize satellite cell activation and nuclei accumulation. But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. Now, I did quite a bit of research on NOT and for the most part a lot of people are saying the same things. In fact, once the repeated bout effect kicks in, your body will actually recover FASTER once you start doing Nucleus Overload. In fact, I noticed about a quarter inch difference when I remeasured from day 1 to 30 days later and still retain that difference even now. If you did HSP Training (which is the combination of my Bone Density Training, Weighted Stretch training and Nucleus Overload), or just Nucleus Overload or the individual programs by themselves, and want your before/after pictures shown in future videos or on the website, email them to me at Team3Dalphacoaching@gmail.com . But then as your training volume decreases, its possible for the muscle to get smaller, but still retain the same number of nuclei. COPYRIGHT TEAM3DALPHA, 2023. Heres a quick summary of the IMMENSE value inside: -Blood flow restriction training guide ($10 value), -The Team3DAlpha 7 days to live Daily Routine ($10 value), -FREE copies of any future editions (priceless), -FREE program related email consultations (priceless). Goal: Boost muscle sensitivity to growth by, 1) Maximizing satellite cell activation & Nuclei incorporation into muscle. Below are the major flaws of this training approach. Tbh, everyone claims their program to be the best if not revolutionary . Also, when I first mentioned I was going to try NOT, a few people commented that any size difference would just be inflammation, not real growth, and would go away after a long rest period. For example, in my experiment I was completing 100 reps a day for one body part to try to spark additional growth because Ive already been training for a long time. The official Team3DAlpha Reddit. Just take a look at these recent studies, In 2018, this Study shows that AGE, SEX and MUSCLE FIBER TYPE do not matter. What a difference from the 13 puny looking arms I had. Mainly because I cant without a doubt tell you exactly how big my arms were in 2013. To be honest, I just think too many people are lazy and its easier to say OVERTRAINING than to put the work in. Then try to repeat the same on the next day. In short, every day is "Traps day", even on the accessory days. BICEPS: The ONLY TWO Exercises You Need For GROWTH! Maybe untapped growth is a bi-product of us thinking our bodies cant adapt well and the true culprit holding us back is the fear of overtraining? For example, take this video filmed back in June of 2013. you described many different training styles, which was the crucial one which had the most impact? That is when everything finally clicked, and all my years of observation and personal research paid off. Its a short term strategy to improve a particualr body part. Nucleus Overload Training is working a target muscle every single day with low/medium weight for a periode of 30days and then long rest to recover. I remember it like it was yesterday, I looked in my mirror after an intense arms workout and said DAMN, I look huge!! Migans ideas may be somewhat flawed. Its finally here!!! 11)Why not just do normal training? I chose 4 weeks because based on my research on the human body, that is usually the amount of time it takes for the body to adapt to external stimuli before peaking. But first of all I will describe shortly what this method is: Nucleus Overload Training is working a target muscle every single day with low/medium weight for a periode of 30days and then long rest to recover. Observe. I put forth the theory that it had to be because of the extra nuclei within their muscles from all the years of "local overtraining". The idea behind this is that you overload the muscle cells with more myonuclei, which produces a lot of hypertrophy in the aftermath when you rest. -There is a difference between overtraining and under recovering. Could it be that maybe you DIDNT reach your natural limit yet, but in fact instead reached the limits of what a traditional amount of workout volume can offer? This method will work quiet some time, untill the repeated bout effect prevent further damage and you grind your gears in terms of load. Scan this QR code to download the app now. So getting back to my list, lets start with #1 which is NEWBIE GAINS and Im going to do my best to keep my explanations as simple as possible. | BIGGER ARMS NOW! If doing more than 30 reps per set, use Blood-flow restriction. Acceptable_Tune3299. In addition, more and more studies came out over the years indirectly and directly supporting every single aspect of Nucleus Overload. Therefore, the overall work is often the same. But what does this REALLY mean? -As long as adding the 5 sets from Nucleus Overload doesn't make you do more than 10 sets per day on that muscle, you're fine. Well, it kind of looks like Johnathan may have hit the nail on the head back in 2013 and now the science is catching up to his claims. READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING. What if I'm cutting? Thanks 20/03/21(Sat)16:10 No. Newbie Gains (which doesnt really apply to me but should still be noted), Muscle Memory (which DOES apply to me and I will explain why), Actual growth obtained from additional myonuclei in the muscle. Well, it kind of looks like Johnathan may have hit the nail on the head back in 2013 and now the science is catching up to his claims. Reason I recommend higher reps (lighter weights, 15-30 reps at RPE 9) on N.O is to get a pump quicker, not have to rest too long, reduce excess muscle damage, and lower the risk of injuries and stress on the tendons & connective tissue etc. I was completing 100 reps as fast . But that wouldnt be very scientific would it? But basically myonuclar domain theory states that how large a muscle can get is to some degree constrained by the number of myonuclei it has. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The first and foremost is the muscle damage pathway. The reason is because I didnt want to have to go TOO light. So at this point I can say that Ive kept what I built. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN : r/FitnessMaterialHeaven. So did my biceps REALLY grow a quarter inch? You can do it on a cut or maintenance, but you won't get the full growth potential until you up your calories a bit. Its believed that by taking time off to re-sensitize your muscles to training, you can undo many of the adaptations that result in The Repeated Bouts Effect, or RBE, which is when similar eccentric exercise results in less damage over time. In my case, maybe a full body program COMBINED with additional work like the 100 biceps curls a day could help me bring up lagging areas quicker while also focusing on overall growth. This is called myonuclear domain (MND). Youre supposed to be training multiple sets to failure every day with high volume (~50% 1rm). Kept what I did 100 Bicep Curls every day observation and personal research off... Constant ridicule mTOR reset is not to deload, it is to DETRAIN particualr body part overtraining under! But very few report back nuclei incorporation into muscle -normal training team 3d alpha nucleus overload program n't offer enough weekly volume nor to. Week break every three or four months 185lbs now with a better experience a physical job to say than. Only known figures pushing that online anyway, over time people finally caught on the. & nuclei incorporation into muscle to DETRAIN the constant ridicule 's ability adapt! 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