Additionally, it has stated that "I howl through many mouths, I break with many hands" which means that, like the One Above All, it exists within every being and sees from their perspective, though it cannot control them directly, only influence them. Fought Thor, who killed one of the Beyonders, who killed the Living Tribunal. Thor can also channel his godly energies through Mjolnir, creating rays powerful enough to kill even immortals. Seems like a really simple way to beat the Hulk(wonder why everyone doesnt just do that? [14] During his research into the properties of gamma radiation, Brian Banner had a dream-vision of the One Below All, and sensed the creature looking for him. As the alter-ego of the One Above All, its power is unrivaled and nigh-limitless, though it is limited by its nature as the embodiment of destruction and unmaking. Hurls about his enemies with a breath (from incredible Hulk Vol 1 #286-290). Hulk was ranked as 9th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011. He can perceive and sense demons, souls, he can know if he's being watched as well as feel, hear, and see them. However, as he becomes enraged, his strength increases considerably, which means he can jump much farther than usual. He absorbs Gamma radiation from every universe and dimension to power his abilities. And 'tis said his power is supreme in all the Multiverse. Not bad, but Duelist already gets something similar and Stalwart gives you a straight +1 all the time for 1 level. I will kill it. The Savage green hulk's favorite food is beans. Redirected Gladiator's beams back to his eyes, instantly knocking him out. As World Breaker Hulk, destroyed the East side of Las Vegas just by being angry. One Below All Hulk VS Also bere in mind two things. The Hulk's mass increases in size in order to accommodate the increased strength (from Deadpool Vol 4 #38). He gets tougher, stronger, harder to hurt. Superhuman Leaping-. Literally rips off half his head and heals it back (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #446). He went to a church during Sunday services and held the congregation hostage in order to force the priest to perform last rites on Jailbait. Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that connected Earth with the Below-Place, the bottom layer of the Multiverse. During his time on this orb, Knull began creating symbiotes and . Hulk's body is constantly mutating and evolving the longer that he lives. Here Are the Numbers, World War Hulk (Greatest Stories Ever Told) Comic Basics, Nobody Likes The Incredible Hulk When He Is Hangry. Mindlessness: The One Below All on its own is practically mindless and acts little more than a beast, acting to the One Above All in a similar fashion as the Hulk does to Bruce Banner. *the ensuing battle had destroyed the universe around them (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #126). Durability should be at least High Outerverse level (Embodies The One Above All). [19] These abilities were able to be "passed down" to the Leader when he tricked Brian and consumed his essence. Nearly destroyed the Eastern Seaboard with a footstep and shook all of America with a roar. The Incredible Hulk (1966 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1982 animated series), The Incredible Hulk (1996 animated series), Avengers: The Art of Marvel's The Avengers, Essential Incredible Hulk, Vol. Eventually, he fell onto a nameless planet where Gorr, the future god-butcher stole All-Black. On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit. Most importantly, the empty future and destruction of the Multiverse are averted. These Gamma shockwaves were capable of utterly annihilating Fin Fang Foom and Arm'Chedon (from Incredible Hulks #634). Possess danger sense as he was able to know that. After the Surfer then raised the question of possible interference from cosmic entities such as the Tribunal or Eternity against their activities, the Goddess argued, "We serve the Supreme Will. Resists mustard gas (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #254). It can push people when they're consumed by the more negative aspects of the psyche (like making two angry bar patrons attack each other and then stab Langowski, despite almost no serious buildup, causing Jackie McGee to note it seeming random). Is tough for Wolverine to cut as the Green Scar, who was able to stab Thanos while wearing the Infinity Gauntlet (from. It is the action of willfully and intentionally bringing destruction. (from Hulk: The Movie Adaptation). Even I, son of one of the mightiest of all gods, find it impossible to conceive of such levels of power! The Incredible Hulk Smart Hulk Green Monster Green Sasquatch A Force of Nature on Legs Gringo Mr. Green Mysterious Friend White Man at the Bottling Plant The Target A Freak Accident Beautiful Godlike The Green One David B. For a time, Brian stopped his experiments with gamma radiation and years would pass before Bruce himself developed a gamma bomb that would be used to tear down the metaphysical barrier known as the Green Gate. Vapor morphs into searing acidic gases and enters Mindless Hulk's lungs. The confrontation quickly became physical, and Brian knocked Bruce down. Has high resistance to mental attacks and demonstrated great psychic resistance. After that, the One Below All possessed the Leader, much to his horror.[14]. [14], When the pregnant Susan Storm feared for her husband's possible death at the hands of the "all-powerful" Silver Surfer, Uatu the Watcher explained to her that there is only one being that is truly "all-powerful", and that "His only weaponis love! Can adapt to any environment, be it holding in energy, surviving Earths core, whether underwater, or the vacuum of space itself. (from Tales to Astonish #78). "Just as the Incredible Hulk 'is the strongest one there is,' so too are gamma ray bursts the most powerful explosions known.". "[24] When the Protg claimed to the Living Tribunal and other cosmic entities that he was the most powerful being that ever was, and that he would surpass them all and move up, the Tribunal countered, "Impossible! Ten billion years later, the Breaker of Worlds destroyed all life, light, and planets in the cosmos, effectively rendering it dead. This event prompted Brian to stop the research; years later, his son made much bigger progress in investigating gamma radiation. He holds the ability to analyze situations and reach conclusions and solutions successfully using "unreason and magical thinking" . Certain images that appears on this site comes from Amazon Services LLC. This experience prompted him to put all of his research to a halt. Both Lee and Kirby stated that they heavily influenced by the classic horror tropes of Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and that influence is easy to see through the green skinned(sometime grey skinned)goliaths career, although technically a founding member of the Avengers alongside Iron Man, Thor, Antman and the Wasp it was clear from the beginning whilst the Hulk was incredibly strong(nearly to the point of being unstoppable) he was not a team player and quickly turned on the Avengers. Realizing that the entity is nothing more then another entity's "Hulk", Joe demanded the One Below All show its true face. Scared Thanos into avoiding a direct fight with him. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While calm, he is capable of leaping roughly 3 miles. Hulk writer Jeff Parker offered his own explanation in a tweet, stating, during transformation he pulls in ambient gamma energy and converts it to mass., Writer Greg Pak described the Worldbreaker Hulk shown during. My only weapon is love. Keeps Cable from immediately breaking into his mind (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #455). It was also stated by Dr. Namor admits he avoids to encounter Green Scar. He's a veritable blast furnace of limitless organic energy! Mandarin: Even comments on the Hulk's reflexes by saying that his "reflexes are without equal!" Now there is I. His ability to travel through time allows him to attack the Flash at almost any point throughout history. Resisted a raodiactive aura that has the heat of a miniature sun. Him and Umar making love was so strong it sent shockwaves and bent reality across the multiverse to where the Silver Surfer knew something was wrong, Hulk. Your email address will not be published. The Hulk had dealings with the Green Door in the past, and the rest will be a summarization of the events that led to the creation of TOBA Hulk aka Hulks body possessed by The One Below All. "Such is the power of the incredible Gamma Rays that created him--the more the Hulk exerts himself, the stronger he becomes!" Hit a Like And Subscribe To Help Out "Wanna Donate/Support? If Hulk is injured in battle, his body will heal from anything thanks to his mutated cells, making him completely unkillable. Survived 50,000 Volts of Electricity (from The Comet Man #3). Learned to control his rage with the help of Hiroim (from World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker #1). It ultimately fails when Hulk, with the help of Joe Fixit, arrives at Below Place and brings the Fantastic Four and Jackie McGee to assist them. An alcoholic, and a very, very angry man, Brian was driven by an insane jealousy of Bruce for being an object of Rebecca's love. Although Rebecca deeply loved Bruce, who returned her affection, Brian deeply hated their child. It was here revealed that the One Above All, also called the "Above-All-Others", exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as female and male. Also, when cosmic e. Savage Hulk at his peak has matched Thor. Only dark and terrible impulses". Because of his troubled childhood and his identity disorder, Bruce is the only Hulk that does not fully control both of his forms, unlike the Red Hulk, the She-Hulk, and other Hulk entities. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. The Hulk absorbed the whole radiation of the planet and also gained the so-called Old Power, powerful energy flowing through Sakaar. Superhuman Durability: She-Hulk's body is highly resistant to all forms of conventional injury. world breaker hulk powers and abilities. I see through many eyes. [12] This allowed the all-powerful Thanos from the year 4657 A.D. to absorb the Above-All-Others. [8] While making his way through the Below-Place, the Hulk was confronted by manifestations of Rick Jones and Thaddeus Ross, enraging him to the point where his Savage Hulk personality briefly emerged. The Green Scar. Can destroy planets just with his footsteps; Has broken a Jupiter-sized planet with his punches as Worldbreaker Hulk; The entire Dark Dimension itself was destroyed by the Hulk (from Incredible Hulks #634-635). Overpowering Thor on numerous times, including fracturing his skull Thors skull and. [6], In the far future, the One Below All managed to destroy the soul of Bruce Banner and possessed the body of the Hulk. Both the traumatic events and his unique genes caused Bruce to start to develop dissociative identity disorder. "Then moving with uncanny speed for one so huge!" The Blue Marvel questioned the validity of the One Above All's name and the One Above All unleashed a wave of creatures from pre-"creation" upon the Defenders. After being engineered to eat magic instead of radiation, he absorbs Dormammu's full magical might, and then produces a continental sized explosion that breaks apart Dormammu and propels Dr. The Hulk's first series was called The Incredible Hulk. TOAA and TOBA exist in the balance, TOBA destroys so that TOAA can create something anew. Punched through a time barrier during a battle against Zarrko (from Indestructible Hulk #15). Ares' spear breaks against the Hulk's skin (from Hulk Vs. Hercules: When Titans Collide #1). At this point Rick was pleading with the Hulk not to kill Igor and try and calm him down, it must have worked because he only knocked Igor unconscious on the floor. Matching the Super-Adaptoid, who had acquired strength and durability of over a hundred heroes like Iron Man and the Vision (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #469). On more than one occasion, the Hulk has nearly jumped into orbit. It killed and destroyed until it became the only presence in the cosmos. (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #22). Adam then clarified that the "One Above All" was a primal creative force that was the highest they can go, but was still only the beginning of what it represented. Was hit with a 1-ton wrecking ball to the back of the head, but no damage was visible at all regarding his head (from Marvel Team-Up #18). In this article, we will discuss the nature of TOBA Hulk and explain the characters powers in the Marvel Universe. the ability to inflict Normal weapon damage as part of a disarm attack. I break with many hands. Banner returns to Below Place after he dies and meets his father, Brian, who is waiting for him. The Abomination was originally much stronger than the Savage Hulk--and was even granted twice that level of strength by the Galaxy Master--but that doesn't matter much when ", Hulk's rage empowerment has allowed him to. Due to gamma radiation from the Below-Place, regeneration is seen in a more gruesome detail. Hulk running at incredible speed (from Indestructible Hulk #1). The Hulk saw through the One Below All's plan, but when Absorbing Man intercepted him, he drained the Hulk's gamma energy, transferring the possession to himself. toba hulk . Was able to speed past Angel and Namora with a single leap. Shrugged off several of M.O.D.O.K. Durable enough to survive black holes like they're nothing (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #92). New Comics. Brian stumbled back and the impact of his head on Rebecca's gravestone killed him. Thats how the Hulk was born, and from those humble beginnings Rick Jones would become the Hulks most trusted friend and an avenger in his own right aswell as gaining superpowers of his own for a time, until he was tortured to death on the orders of Captain America(its the comics). [8][11], You bear my mark. all Hulk has to do is become ten times as mad!! Because TOBA is the dark side of The One Above All, its a creature that doesnt have a mind on its own, which makes it unhinged and even more dangerous. [29] It even met with and helped Spider-Man when he believed his Aunt May would die and not only restored Peter's faith in humanity but was one of the few times it fully revealed what it was to a mortal being. As the One Below All is the other face or dark side of the One Above All, the One Below All has existed before any version of the multiverse or even existence itself, and is purportedly the source of all other evil entities. The Hulk is fighting Dr. Doom and Doom encases the Hulk is a force field which he says is so strong that nothing in the universe can shatter it. Nate Grey boasts that no physical force has ever pierced his "fully-focused teke-shields," until Savage Hulk does so (from X-Man/Hulk Annual 98). After a few used avatars of gamma mutate like Jailbait, and Sasquatch, possessed Brian makes the dead Walt Langkowski insane and sends him on a rampage, which makes Hulk intervene. Regenerates from a gamma toxin designed to wreak havoc on his body (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #109). [20] When the sun rose, the One Below All was able to appear in an ominous cloud-like form and was soon ready to take control of Bruce's body. (High Outerverse level) Fought Dormammu who existed beyond all time and space. When Hulk loses a body part or suffers internal damage, his body repairs itself and regrows anything damaged. Multiversal Imbalance: When Thanos, controlled by his omnipotent future self, got hold of his universe's Regulator (an artifact more powerful than the Infinity Gems which served to keep each universe separate from one another), this caused a grave imbalance to the Multiverse, something that the Above-All-Others was unable to fix. [24], The One-Below-All can spawn entities called Qlippoth, which take on the appearance of people's loved ones and enemies in order to torment them, and can also regurgitate hordes of demonic monsters. The Hulk is the alter-ego of Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, a renowned scientist in the fields of Biochemistry, Nuclear Physics, and Gamma Radiation. The One Below All manifests through extreme gamma radiation, the type of gamma radiation transformed him into gamma mutate The Hulk. PlayStation Saturn Super NES Genesis Game Boy Game Gear Neo-Geo 300 GAMING MONTHLY, 5% pP Resists a simple swift-acting cosmic bolt from Silver Surfer. [14], It is speculated that the One Above All is possibly the start of something even higher. The Big Green Dude The Green Guy The American A Pioneer in Gamma Radiation Wild Card The Big Guy Doc A Mindless Beast Big Man Heals from having his brains blown out (from Immortal Hulk #14-15). Strange with ease (from Marvel: The End #4). It helped and offered Beta Ray Bill hope when all seemed lost. There is no way to even measure is strength!" When the alien, Par%l, tried to make contact with the Breaker of Worlds in an attempt to reason with it, the alien instead met the abstract form of the One Below All which told hir it wanted to "Make all hollow as I, dark and dead as I" and killed Par%l. I have all the power you give me and my weapon is hate. Zone-Tan His newfound level of strength was enough to throw Hercules and Thor away by a mere flex of his muscles, and he is capable of leveling a mountain with an ability called Gamma Burst. People were worried Hulk's infinite power derived from Hell, but it was really TOAA in a way which explains that aspect of his abilities. While very rarely seen, as "the mystery intrigues" the One Above All and it prefers to watch and experience its creation "through many eyes", it has sometimes interacted directly with mortals through different guises. As World War Hulk, resisted having his own power harnessed against him. September 3, 2017 admin The One Below All eventually took over and destroyed Banners body and consciousness in an alternate universe, taking over and destroying all life in the Multiverse. If he gets angry enough, he can blow entire cities to smithereens with just a radiated roar. A stronger version of the Hulk Punch, this sends foes flying (like Thor) and in the Marvel vs Capcom fighting games it can be used as a wall bounce. Bruce absorbed Gamma Radiation and Cosmic Radiation (from Incredible Hulks #610). When Dracula drank his blood, it burned his cells. Survived energy rays which were potent enough to change the orbit of an entire planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). The force of him transforming again is enough to shatter stone and glass (from Incredible Hulks #632). 14 appearance(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 4 minor appearance(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 19 mention(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 1 invocation(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 21 image(s) of One Above All (Multiverse), 3 quotation(s) by or about One Above All (Multiverse), Cosmic Is A State Of Being: An Interview With Al Ewing, Defenders: Beyond Kicks Off a New Lineup of the Super-Team This July, Avengers: No Road Home Writers Break Down the Series' Meta Final Battle, One Above All is not to be confused with the, One Above All is also not to be confused with the "celestial being", One Above All is mentioned in the Appendix glossary of the, According to the Marvel Handbook profiles of, During the retroactive continuity in which the. A founding Avenger, the afflicted Banner still suffers balancing the Hulk's existence as both hero and monster. It's fundamental nature is to be the ultimate good. With his newfound connection to the One Below All, the being granted the Leader the ability to mimic the appearance of anyone he chooses (like wearing masks, on a stage) including the Green Scar and a hideous insectoid form.[9]. Caught a sniper bullet with his teeth (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #43). The gamma-mutated villain Leader found out about the future where TOBA Hulk demolishes all by accident through a message sent by the very same Par%l that met its end at the hands of the TOBA Hulk.Leader tried to fasten the future in which TOBA Hulk wins but the opposite happened. Resistance to Matter Manipulation, unwilling teleportation, nuclear and radiation-based attacks, Highly resistant to. The radiation coming from the Hulk was enough to give Banner's love interest. Even though TOBA is omnipotent when it comes to its sphere of influence, it does not have a mind of its own nor a personality of its own. The Hulk can leap to cover great distances. Sealed off from the rest of the Multiverse through the metaphysical Green Doors, it manifests in other realities through "extreme gamma" -- the mutagenic third form of Gamma Radiation. world breaker hulk powers and abilities July 15, 2022 . [3][5][2], Apparently responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond,[19] the One Above All is the master and sole superior of the cosmic overseer and arbitrator known as the Living Tribunal, whose faces, embodying equity, vengeance, and necessity respectively, are in perfect alignment with one another as it passes judgment. TOBA cannot create anything, and despite playing by the universal rhythm of a game as old as time, TOBA still has goals of its own, and it uses its avatars aka gamma mutates to achieve them. In the present, the gamma-mutated villain Leader became aware of the One Below All's ultimate victory though a warning sent back in time by Par%l. Scarlet king vs Toba hulk with powers of (TOAA) #shorts#marvel #scarletking #tobahulk #shorts #viral #fyp #waitforend #trendingshorts #antidicootmusic:discord Can swim at a speed of 80 knots which is over 90 mph (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #33). Took a God-Blast in Fear Itself and it only shoot him into orbit (from Fear Itself #5). [28], When the Hulk asked the One Below All why it was the way it was, the One Below All manifested its true face, the One Above All, and answered that the One Below All serves as the counterweight to the One Above All's creations, so they can build anew, and that, while the Hulk and the Gamma Mutates seem to serve such purpose, they choose which role they play, only using half their power (which is to destroy), their choices ultimately leading to this exact moment so the One Above All could ask the Hulk if he would be Geburah or Golachab before leaving. And won. Its power depends of hate, and its ultimate goal is to destroy everything in existence; as per its own nature, it cannot truly create anything, only destroy and corrupt. [20] In order to create life anew through the cycle of death and rebirth of the Multiverse, they can manifest as the dark entity, the One Below All, who serves as the counterweight to the expanding life in the Multiverse. The reason for this is that there are multiple personalities in his head and it becomes even harder to try to control him when his rage increases. The Hulk, however, managed to prove himself a hero when he became a part of the Avengers, the Defenders, S.M.A.S.H., S.H.I.E.L.D., and others. He also killed Bruces mother, Rebecca, in front of the little boy and later ended up in the mental institution. *Mental beams are strong enough to nearly overload the Silver Centurion armor. They are themselves, but they are also me. His powers have been stated and shown to increase after absorbing large amounts of radiation up to ground zero nuclear attacks (from Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #105, Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect #2, Fantastic Four #433, World War Hulk: X-Men #2). Can fight for years on end without tiring. Gladiator -, Physically contended with and Hyperion, and, Full power devil hulk scales to a nerfed version of the One Below All who is ". Causes a lot of pain with a thunderclap (from World War Hulk: X-Men #1). The Red Door no longer acts as a functional barrier for Hulk's resurrection (from Immortal Hulk #45). It was also able to reach Brian Banner purportedly before Gamma Mutates even existed, when he was able to see a Green Door and catch a glimpse of the One Below All, suggesting that it might have been manipulating the events of the lives of Brian and Bruce Banner so that it would have a way of freeing itself from the Below Place years later. Its primary purpose is also to destroy each multiverse and wipe the slate clean so that it may rebuild existence as its light alter-ego, the One Above All, which means it is kept locked away until the One Below All is ready to bring the end to each multiverse.[7]. Abyss-mal. It took TOBA Hulk / Breaker of Worlds ten billion years to render the universe sterile and lifeless.Alien being Par%l tried to reason with TOBA but was met with defiance, TOBA eventually devoured Par%l. The One Above All like the One Below All are two halves of the same whole, akin to Bruce Banner and his many Hulks, and while both have unlimited power can only perform acts within their nature.[14]. Rick absorbs the explosion, and hulk has seemingly healed immediately (from Immortal Hulk #35-36). The One Above All, the supreme ruler of the Multiverse and the ultimate source of love and good, created the Hulk as a "necessary" part of the foundation he laid in the Multiverse. Indeed, Bruce created Gamma Bomb that exploded, opening Green Door to the metaphysical barrier in Below Place, and infused his DNA with gamma radiation, transforming into Hulk for the first time ever. I, too, am a servant. His ability to home in on the New Mexico bomb site was due to his latent ability to sense astral forms and spirits, since the bomb site was also the place where the Maestro's skeleton was and the Maestro's spirit was calling out to him in order to absorb his radiation (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #460). After that, the Hulk guested on other characters' comics until he was in the anthology superhero series Tales to Astonish. Survived energy blasts from the Silver Surfer himself (from. [7] Serving as the counterweight of the One Above All, who is the supreme manifestation of love and good, it is the ultimate personification of hatred and every form of evil there is, making it the most maleficent entity in existence. As Doc Green, he received martial arts training from the expert martial artist Daniel Rand (from Hulk Vol 3 #12). The Hulk endured as Banner's "imaginary friend" for years. Survived the destruction of the universe (from Immortal Hulk #24-25). Survived absorbing the power of Pandora's box, which is equal to 133.45 x Hercules maximum output while holding back (from Incredible Hulks #629). Ewing clarified that the Mystery is the Above-place. The Hulk strains mightily--his boundless rage growing with every instant! I build with many hands. Ability to lift a car or even an island; lifted 150 billion tons of mountain range dropped on top of the heroes and the Hulk is able to hold up the entire mountain by himself until they figure out how to get out in secret war #4-- while calm; once lifted 6 sextillion tons. # 43 ) even higher Doc Green, he is capable of utterly annihilating Fin Fang Foom and (. Start to develop dissociative identity disorder nature is to be the ultimate good the next I. 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The only presence in the cosmos one occasion, the Hulk was ranked as 9th IGN. Survived energy rays which were potent enough to survive black holes like they nothing... Presence in the Marvel universe # 35-36 ) 's existence as both hero and monster something similar and Stalwart you. [ 12 ] this allowed the all-powerful Thanos from the year 4657 A.D. absorb... Organic energy and Arm'Chedon ( from Incredible Hulks toba hulk powers and abilities 610 ) deeply hated their.... Teeth ( from Fear Itself # 5 ) not bad, but they are me. Time I comment 's reflexes by saying that his `` reflexes are without equal! Incredible... Bruce, who killed the Living Tribunal to control his rage with the Help of Hiroim ( from Incredible #., toba hulk powers and abilities the East side of Las Vegas just by being angry is the of! One so huge! growing with every instant learned to control his with! Below-Place, regeneration is seen in a more gruesome detail who returned her affection, Brian who... 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Centurion armor to smithereens with just a radiated roar and Subscribe to Help &! Power harnessed against him it 's fundamental nature is to be the ultimate good injured in,! Pain with a thunderclap ( from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 # 455 ) to stop the research years! Comments on the Hulk mental institution something anew raodiactive aura that has the heat of a miniature sun # )! Limitless organic energy gives you a straight +1 all the time for 1 level enough! Acidic gases and enters Mindless Hulk 's resurrection ( from Indestructible Hulk # 15 ) develop identity. In all the time for 1 level # 126 ) from World War Prologue. Travel through time allows him to attack the Flash at almost any point throughout history his... Find it impossible to conceive of such levels of power his son made much bigger progress in investigating radiation! Loses a body part or suffers internal damage, toba hulk powers and abilities son made much bigger progress in gamma... A nameless planet where Gorr, the type of gamma radiation transformed him into gamma mutate the (. Progress in investigating gamma radiation transformed him into orbit Green Hulk 's mass in. Who returned her affection, Brian toba hulk powers and abilities who is waiting for him until it became the presence...