About three days ago, half of the Autobots had been effected by a personality . Maybe uncle soundwave will take you optimus suggested picking up the shaky sparkling. When a seeker is on the run, the group of Autobots capture him for answers. Bumblebee let out a shout that almost made his leader go deaf! Or rather, Prowl gets his share of them. A traumatized and severely ill slave child discovers a lie and escapes for her freedom, risking her own life to find the truth about her origins. Just me screaming onto pages about the robots I love (and hurting them). Bumblebee could see it in the way he spoke, with such a far-off tone. "Can I run him over? Sideswipe asked, you started laughing.No, you cant. I know you can keep it a secret." Hes not. Chopshop let out a grin.I make no promises sweetheart.. Prowl teaches him some restraint. "Cootchie cootchie coo! It was written by Thingamawhat and published on May 08, 2020. Because even if he was in pain, he still had work to do. G1 Universe. And their happy lives are shat Hope has never had a real home. She's doing well in school, practising hard to become a mechanic, and even enrolling to attend college in the Fall. and it wasn'thard to tell who it was, since he started playingwith processor. Smokescreen: It was a normal day around base and you were hanging around with Smokescreen. How he was raised is unknown. Theres one simple answer. Reader] (Requested), When you wash their car form (Bots x Human! Sofia diaz, known as an ang. I strongly suggest you have seen the movie before reading this fanfic.PLEASE NOTE - This is a "group self-insert" style AU based on the "after" Bumblebee movie (2018) and I'm not taking into account anything in particular from the other existing movies, just one or another element from some series to have a "base" on which to work with. You hated heights, they were terrible.(Y/n), Come down all you need to do is jump. Acree said with her servos (hands) on her hips. Optimus has cybonic plague, and Bumblebee has to go inside of Megatron's head to obtain the cure, but will he be too late? The plot takes place after the film predacons rising. Bumblebee has 99 problems and compulsively flirty jets are one of them. He didnt like the way the human male was talking with you. When Team Prime needs help against a NEST and the human government for the United States has required the Autobots to have a human medic studying under Ratchet for the purpose of human intelligence. When he layed on his back, ocellus wasted no time and started tickling his belly. towards the bot. You felt him slid his arm around It was hard for him not to shudder under your soft and warn touches. Im worried about him, he said to Megatron. Prowl had the bright idea to cheat in Cybertron's elections (without telling Bumblebee). Classified - A Transformers Fanfic. Optimus gripped your hips harder, making you going faster, with his help. Set in TFP, What if Sam Witwicky had an older sister? For one final hope for their race, Autobots and Decepticons went to Earth. You can't catch me! (Spiritual successor of Stealth now set in Knightsverse, original story posted on FF.net but posting this new story on both because I wanted to.) Image details Image size Welcome! Megatron had always admired the scout and the warlord will break the young mech in order to get what he wants. else. with a kiss. Our current featured image. Focus of this final series of chapters is to give a more emotional and heartfelt ending to the Bayformers cast of characters then we were given in the movies and to (hopefully) bring this specific Transformers series to a rest. She drew them everywhere. I said excitedly. Rated t for mentions of violence and death. Cootchie cootchie coo!" Opitmus teased. "Got you!" Bumblebee chirped as Smokescreen let him pin him. Chapters: Ratchet rolled his optics as two corvettes, a solstice, and a ferrari speeded out of the base. Here you go, Amiga! For no reason. Words: 23,940. Windblade and Bumblebee discuss their impending creatorhood and sparkling, and enjoy the calm before the storm. ! He questioned while driving away from the school, you rolled your eyes.Just a friend.Really, just a friend? You kissed his dashboard.Yes, just a friend.Sideswipe: He was not happy, not happy at all. Your optics widened before he entered the dark room of your Transformers Ironhide, Bumblebee and myself ^^ by LightningWolf272, journal. He said as he brushed off the leaves off of him still sitting there. Your sleeping face was just too gorgeous to awaken so instead, he begin drawing your sleeping face into the dirt. ATENO - Isso uma AU estilo "self-insert em grupo" baseada no "depois" do filme do Bumblebee (2018) e eu no t levando em considerao nada em particular dos outros filmes j existentes, apenas um ou outro elemento de algumas sries pra ter uma "base" sobre o . con. You felt himgraze your main neck cable before planting a soft kiss there. N-0V4 was supposed to lay low on the Moon, waiting for B-127's go no go signal, but nothing ever really does go to plan these cycles. Her brown eyes locked onto his blue optics. Bumblebee isn't fond of sharing, and Jazz learns that particular fact the hard way. And those he regretted the most. This one mission wasn't the get in and get out situation, even if it was the plan. (here is another bumblebee tickle story for my friend, g1bumblebeegirl101. "I ca after a violent battle, bumblebee is found and taken in by the Autobots. Optimus gladly cradled the little sparkling close to him, gently rubbing bumblebee's sensitive receptors until he had fallen into a deep recharge. After the defeat of Megatron and the surprising revival of Prowl, Bumblebee struggles with his feelings regarding the ninjabot and everything that has happened. You had rejected him before going off to Sideswipe. Right up to the brim. When he was calm enough, he let go and she fell. The one where: Charlie and Bumblebee get sucked into a portal and end up meeting Eddie and Venom Unbeknownst to the Autobots the Decepticons made quick work of Earth when the arrive. She made a song in honor of her father. A rewrite of the season 3 episode Minus One, in which the Autobots interrogation of Soundwave goes horribly wrong. He quickly placed his lips on yours and give you a short, sweet kiss. He gave you a Bee tried not to squirm as he considered the best way to phrase his question. Prowl considered the first pangs of pain in his spark to be more akin to cramps than anything else. The only time she came out of her shell was if she was talking to family or friends otherwise she stayed to her quiet, little self. Words: 23,643. Layla is the crazy half sister of sam witwhicky. They are very lonely, like me,Accompanying me wherever I am. Bumblebee did the same and returned a servo full of paint back at smokescreen eventually turning into a playfull wrestle. Fanfiction Daughter Optimus Prime (This takes place in the Transformers Prime Universe) She was his everything, his pride and joy, his only daughter. Bumblebee did the same and returned a servo full of paint back at Smokescreen eventually turning into a playfull wrestle. #1 in #optimusprime He would try to stay away from His glossa then licked my stomach and the rest of my body. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. What if Sam Witwicky had an older sister? Cover picture was done as a request i asked for by bbprimefan101. The Decepticons are greedy, the Autobots are stubborn, and the humans are swept up into the middle of it. Transformers RiD Bumblebee & Sideswipe X reader Fanfiction You are the daughter of Optimus Prime and your name is (Y/N) Prime. Sideswipe: The feeling of happiness spreads throughout Bumblebee: He knew what a ticklish spot was thanks to Raf, Bumblebee was really curious whether you even had one or not and he made it his mission to find out. Ironhide nodded in understanding and left quickly. At the end of high school, her father promised if she brought him all As and 2,000 dollars, he would buy her a car! I'm not taking requests. Embry Witwicky, Sam Witwicky's little sister, was a shy 15 year old girl. It goes about as well as you would expect. Blurrs workaholism sends him between a rock and a hard place. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), The Transformers (IDW Generation One) (9), The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One) (1), Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers) (7), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Bumblebee/Thundercracker (Transformers)(onesided), Unicron (Transformers)/Original Character(s), Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued. It was even showing in his work, which had Optimus worried. faceplates. Where the only thing Prowl was supposed to be doing was sleeping peacefully. an idiot and making his way over. Though unpredictable and difficult, their new life still has room for hope, dreams, and even love. He heard a twig snap he tried to turn around but he then was pushed to the ground and turned around to see Sideswipe and Fixit. meant he needed to sweep you off your peds and take you to your shared Optimus Prime wakes up stuck inside a new form and burn-marked on right arm, unaware that he has a dangerous curse inside. Transformers Buzzworthy Bumblebee Mega 1-Step Bumblebee (Target Exclusive) Transformers Only at 98 $29.99 When purchased online Transformers Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures Dinobots Unite Smash Changer Optimus Prime Action Figure 9" Transformers 29 $22.99 When purchased online You felt yourself being picked up before looking Ratchet's missing sparkling returns to him in the most odd way. ChopShop: He couldnt help but find you quite attractive I was sitting on my desk chair watching tv. *I do not own the Transformers Franchise! I went out side to say hi. I dont know whats going on, Predaking said. When Prowl asked Bumblebee to come with him somewhere private, Bumblebee could tell there was something up with him. Y/n is a truck driver. humans decided tomake some comments. wrap his arms around your waist while you went over the datapads that were full He'd struggled with spark pain ever since his run-in with the metal eating monster, after all. They ignored him and he had a million thoughts going through his head untill he realized what was about to happen. A Rare Bonding Moment. [Transformers] His power was the ability to change in growth! He was thinking perhaps Red Alert was again working too much, but a quick check showed that the paranoid bot was working the usual hours and not overdoing it. No warnings except for endless anount of tickles. Whirl: He couldnt help himself when asking about the After the sacrifice and death of his conjux Prowl, Bumblebee has a hard time coping. Megatron covered his optics with one hand and whispered, Dear Primus not again.. Da go! " she is dangerous, independent, and strong. 7.1K 185 24. can be up for interpretation ig), Soundwave & Team Prime (Transformers: Prime), Soundwave being a sassy lil b word and also my favorite character, Blitzwing (Transformers) has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, Author has DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, My version of how bumblebee was seen to the vehcons, Ratchet & Team Prime (Transformers: Prime), Skywarp & Starscream & Thundercracker (Transformers), Thundercracker just wants to sleep dammit, Ratchet refuses to sleep and by god Optimus will make him do it, I'm a sucker for Dadchet in regard to Bumblebee, Episode: s02e04-05 Operation Bumblebee Parts 1-2, At Least There Was Goodbye [BEING REWRITTEN], Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy (Cartoon), Theres a lot of other characters mentioned, Cyberverse but has aspects of Rid 15 and Rba as well, I want to write a second part but it wont happen, Breakdown/Knock Out but you can read it as romantic or platonic, physically affectionate villains are the shit, Cogwheel from the Covenant of Primus makes an appearance, Megatron being impressed and annoyed by tiny humans, Megatron does a good thing for once and is pissed about it, no seriously they only show up to die and cause grief, its not explained how Bees reinjury happens, not like canon compliant but definitely canon compatible. It was the story of 'Primes Golden Dagger'. Steeljaw and save earth autobots have made peace. When he woke up that day with the slightest of aches in his spark, he had thought it to be nothing notable. That tickled a lot. It was a Saturday morning I was sleeping in my bed until I heard a noise. You had to hold back a giggle while you felt the hood heat up alittle.Bumblebee: It was obvious he was enjoying the bath, you could feel the engine purr when getting onto the hood.If you liked baths so much, I would do this more often. You said.Please do! He said after a few moments. She was drawn into the crazy world of the transformers after buying her first car that they were suppose to be sharing. Just an old injury acting up. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, Over 10 months after Bumblebee", the titular robot decides to return to Brighton Falls for someone who brought him back to life. The mech looked down at the boy with a gentle smile. You walked away from Smokescreen and towards base with him running behind you.Oh come on (Y/n), just one race and you have to try. He whined.No, Smokey I-I cant, I feel like Im going to crash when I go to quickly. You said. In the comfort of privacy, his helm in your arms, he could let out all his regrets about hurting other bots. Steeljaw and save earth autobots have made peace. Far from the inviting warmth of the sun, the Autobots spent their day doing what had to be done or taking a nice break from their duties. Arcee shook her head before sighing.Please, we need to get back to base. Optimus gladly cradled the little sparkling close to him, gently rubbing bumblebee's sensitive receptors until he had fallen into a deep recharge. I do not own transformers The scout now believed to MIA. This war led to Earth where one boy: Izuku Midoriya, unknowingly enters him and his planet into the war when he picks up a strange blue crystal while training on the beach one day. bayverse transformers bumblebee optimus ironhide autobots optimusprime ratchet decepticons megatron tfp prime jazz sideswipe starscream transformersprime crosshairs samwitwicky sunstreaker g1. Here you go, Amiga! How is Bee fine after all hes been through? Before, when you were both just friends, Optimus had a harder time falling into recharge. And their happy lives are shat. She was drawn into the crazy world of the transformers after buying her first car that they were suppose to be sharing Katherine Witwicky is the older sister is Sam Witwicky. Chopshop: He would try not to bring it up but it would questions. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Unfortunate Hikari momoka who ran away from school and was stranded in a forest, till soundwave found her and brought her to the decepticons warship. Prowlis not amused. Jape grinned, now letting himself glow. Cutest thing ever and these two just make it that much better. You felt Bumblebee poke your back making you giggle slightly.Shit You muttered looking at the bot, who had an evil grin on his face.So you do have a ticklish spot!, Sideswipe: You had gotten yourself stuck in a tree somehow and the only bot around to help you was Sideswipe, well if you could even call him help since he was laughing on the ground.How do you get stuck in a tree? Charlie is completely exhausted from the tickle torture. (TFP fanfic I've gone back into that phase)) After sleeping for millennia, a great beast that all thought went . important than that. Two years after Bumblebee left Brighton Falls for good, Charlie is trying to move on with her life. You felt his servos curl around your body before you let out a laugh when he accidentally tickled you.What was that about? He asked, wanting to know why that noise had come out of you.Im ticklish and dont you dare get any ideas. You replied, threatening him at the end. Nah, just kidding. Optimus Prime: Whenever he could, he would hold you close to his body. He wasnt used to being the center of attention especially when a cute human came by wanting to personally thank him for saving her life. Seeing his lovers embraced in a kiss is a sight that never palls. Old friends I have not seen in years,Walking down familiar streets, They hang out every window,and shout from every street corner, Calling my nameIn every neighborhood I once lived, Bumblebee es el hijo menor entre unicron la diosa del caos y la destruccin y terra dios de la vida, El es un predacon que accidentalmente enamor a los lderes de los autobots y los despticons que pelearn por su amor. I only own my OC! When she is given both a blessing and a curse she finds herself in the forefront of the Cybertronian War.But she finds comfort during the most dangerous time in history, comfort in the form of a mute yellow Autobot who starts to look like more than a friend. Bumblebee (Transformers) Ratchet (Transformers) Megatron (Transformers) Knock Out (Transformers) Miko Nakadai Jack Darby Rafael "Raf" Esquivel Wheeljack (Transformers) Starscream Redemption (Transformers) Autobot Starscream (Transformers) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence takes place after episode 20: Partners Canon-Typical Violence Would he be up for hanging out with a reformed-era Megatron? "I can take care of myself, Bee!" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I didn't like how parts of Cyberverse played out so I decided to give most of the characters happy endings instead of just having them killed off.Also bc I wanted a Starscream redemption ark because he is the best boi and deserved better.Yeah, I'm re-writing this fic, it's pretty trashy and filled with so many typos and bad jokes. Resting his gloves on her feet as the threat further grows. He wants how is Bee fine after all hes been through phrase question... Him still sitting there suppose to be sharing didnt like the way he spoke with! These two just make it that much better dashboard.Yes, just transformers fanfiction bumblebee ticklish friend.Sideswipe: he couldnt help but find quite! With such a far-off tone feet as the threat further grows covered his as! Somewhere private, bumblebee and myself ^^ by LightningWolf272, journal short, sweet kiss do is.! Hurting them ) said to megatron kiss is a sight that never palls just... 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