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Turlock Old Car Swap Meet. Newman High School Future Farmers of America. It is "THE" location for buyers & sellers to make deals happen! I'm about 2 hours away? The third year of Dancing With the Turlock Stars community fundraiser has sold out, again. Turnou. Swing by the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds to check out an old Turlock Mayor John Lazar will throw out the first pitch at the Modesto Nuts game on Aug 2., as local Every week, he wrestles on television in front of millions of fans. The event quickly outgrew the space available and in 1966 moved to the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds located at 900 N. Broadway, Turlock, CA. Jalopy JokerMemberfrom Rodsville, CA. Car Show Calendar for California - largest California Car Show Event Swap Meet and Cruise Calendars on the web - Classic Concours Cars Hot Rods Low Riders Cruisers Street Rat Rods Trucks Antique Vintage Cars Drag Strip Race Nascar Cars . Being the first major swap meet of the season out west, the good stuff is all here. Summer Turlock Swap Meet The 25th Annual Summer Turlock Classic Car & Parts Swap Meet is Sunday at 6am at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, 900 N Broadway. The Turlock Library has a variety of free programs for all ages planned for the month of August. IT'S A GO FOR JANUARY 29TH AND 30TH, 2022 THE MODESTO AREA A'S CLUB MEMBERS LOOK FORWARD TO WELCOMING BACK ALL OUR BUYERS AND VENDORS AT THE 2022 SWAPMEET. I'm going to drive about 1.5 hours on Friday. For more information on the Turlock Swap Meet, visitTurlockSwapMeet.com. Children under 12 FREE. Cars 4 Sale Corral Online Registration (Coming Soon), 1 Weekend Pass for the corresponding show, 1 Vehicle Window Sticker for entry and exit, 1 Weekend Passes for the corresponding show. for further information. info@modestoareamodelaclub.org, Antiques Admission is $10.00 at the gate on Saturday and $5.00 on Sunday; children 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult. And lots of miles of farms and these processing facilities. December 26, 2019 Home Category Events & Entertainment Events & Entertainment Around Turlock Inaugural Car Show and Toy Drive Turlock - Turlock Spring Swap Meet - 6am-3pm - (209) 201-8491: Swap Meet: 12-13: Paso Robles - Warbirds . + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export Tags: Turlock Date Nov 07 2021 Expired! Add this event to your itinerary. Throughout the three weeks L.A. Almost every child enjoys eating yogurt, but do they know what the delicious treat is really made of? Look no further. On Aug. 9, Every year, cities across the nation participate in National Night out, an event that helps strengthen the relationship between the Its 50 years of one of Americas favorite frozen drinks! SPRING Turlock is Sunday MAY 7, 2023 FALL Turlock is Sunday Sept 24, 2023 General Admission $10 Free Parking Kids 12 or under Free Entry Gates Open at 6AM Info / Registration (209) 201-8491 Click Here to Email Us xx Our Host Hotel (209) 216-5586 LOCATION Workshops to Talk District-Based City Council Elections, CSU Stanislaus Fraternity Jumping for St. Judes, St. Patricks Day Pub Crawl Tickets on Sale Friday, Carnegie Photography Exhibit Examines Central Valley, CSU Stanislaus to Host Blind Alumna Soprano, Stanislaus County Fair Announces Junior Livestock Deadlines, The Monologue Show Coming to CSU Stanislaus, Turlock IHOP to Celebrate Pancake Day with Free Short Stacks, Carnegie Arts Center to Debut Founders Wall, Turlock Citizens Offered Free Spay/Neuter and Microchip for Cats, Local Roller Derby Teams Season Starts Saturday, SJ Earthquakes Developmental Team to Call Turlock Home, Joel R Pace - localvocals@turlockcitynews.com, La Nobleza de Aguililla Films Music Video at CSU Stanislaus, CSU Stanislaus to Host Women Veterans Conference, Bicycle Enthusiasts to Converge on Turlock, CSU Stanislaus Community Science Day Coming on Saturday, Rodney Atkins to Play Stanislaus County Fair, CSU Stanislaus Performs Winnie-the-Pooh, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts to Rock Stanislaus County Fair, Friends of the Turlock Library Book Sale Coming Soon, Vintage Lounge To Reopen in New Location Tonight, Turlock Ice Skating Rink More Popular Than Expected, Last Weekend to Skate, Wynonna Judd to Play Stanislaus County Fair, Turlock Community Theatre Don Rickles Comedy Show Postponed, Turlock Hot Spots Offer New Years Eve Parties, Christian Mingle Filming Invades Downtown Turlock, Christian Mingle Filming to Take Over Downtown Turlock on Monday, Buddy Holly Tribute to Rock Turlock Community Theatre, Corbin Bernsen Film Officially Named: Christian Mingle, Seinfeld, Groundhog Day Stars Round Out Corbin Bernsen Movie Cast, Turlock Library to Host Grinch Hunt, Magic Show, Book Club, CSU Stanislaus Carolfest To Spread Holiday Cheer on Sunday, Male Lead of Corbin Bernsens Turlock Film Revealed, Turlock Filming Starts on Corbin Bernsen Movie, Vaudevillian Circus Act to Hit CSU Stanislaus, Lacey Chabert of Mean Girls, Party of Five to Star in Turlock Movie, Doggy Social Planned for Rons Amazing Christmas Trees at Fields of Ice, Turlock Christmas CanTree Fundraising to Feed the Hungry, More Than 1,000 Audition for Bernsen Film in Turlock, Toy Train Show Steams Into Stanislaus County Fairgrounds This Weekend, Bernsen Film Auditions Draw Hundreds to Turlock, Pitman Graduate Ally Mello Eliminated from Amazing Race, Xbox One Launch Subdued, Few Turlockers Line Up, Festival of Lights to Hit Turlock on Black Friday, Turlocker Reaches Final Five in The Amazing Race, Turlock Salvation Army Kettle Kick-Off on Tuesday, Carnegie to Host Free Modernism Lecture on Sunday, Turlockers Line Up for PlayStation 4 Launch, Turlocker Survives Amazing Race in Non-elimination Leg, Fire and Ice Gala Heats Up Holidays, Raises Money for Emanuel, Pauls Paint to Host Fall Open House, Santa Fire Truck Rides on Saturday, Turlock Salvation Army Kettle Dash on Saturday, Turlocker Avoids Amazing Race Elimination, Barely, MedicAlert Foundation to Host Free Super Hero Kids Health and Safety Fair, Turlocker Ally Mello Amazing Races Through Poland, Turlock Childrens Author to Hold Anti-Bullying Event, Turlocker Still Alive in Amazing Race Cliffhanger, Turlocker Visits Homeland, Avoids Elimination on The Amazing Race, Turlock Group Seeks Help Making Blankets for Childrens Hospital, Turlocker Seventh After Second Leg of The Amazing Race, Active 20-30 Club to Hold Wine & Screams Event, Walnut Elementary, City of Turlock to Present Walnut Energy Faire, Turlocker Finishes First Leg of Amazing Race in Sixth, CSU Stanislaus Science Saturday To Investigate Cells, Taste of the Valley Offers Areas Best Wine, Cheese Benefits CSUS Ag Studies, Picasso Exhibit at Carnegie Arts Center begins Sunday, Turlocker to Compete on The Amazing Race, Army Vet to Hold 9/11 5-mile Run in Turlock, Turlock High Class of 1993 to Hold 20-year Reunion, Chamber Breakfast to Honor Congressman Denham, 30-Year Reunion for Turlock High School Class of 1983, Turlock Youth Performing Arts to Present Legally Blonde the Musical, Old West Comes Alive at Turlock Horseback Shooting Show, Brandi Carlile, Vince Gill, Foreigner, Don Rickles to Perform at Turlock Community Theatre, Firefighters to Compete at Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, First Annual City of Turlock Night at Nuts Game, Mayor to Throw First Pitch, Spring Juried Art Show Winners on Display at City Hall Gallery, Creedence Clearwater Looking Forward to Turlock Return, Park n Ride to the Stanislaus County Fair, Weird Al to Play Stanislaus County Fair Tonight, Stanislaus County Fair Opens Today, Tons of New Attractions, Childrens Book Illustrator at the Carnegie Arts Center Today, Turlock IHOP To Celebrate Birthday, Offer 60 Cent Pancakes, Last-Minute Fourth of July Event Info for Turlock and Surrounding Area, TID Fireworks Show to Light Up Lake Don Pedro, Carnegie Arts Center to Hold Regional Art Competition, Learn CPR in Less Than 10 Minutes at the Stanislaus Fair, Summer Kids Programs Kick Off at Turlock Library, Annual Burger-Eating Contest Takes Bear-Sized Appetite, 16th Annual Policemans Ball to Benefit Turlock Police Association, Widows and Orphans Foundation, Free Stanislaus County Fair Mobile App Available, Comedy Event to Benefit Turlock Gospel Mission, Toddlers and Tiaras on TLC to Feature Turlocker Tonight, Annual Yosemite Renaissance Exhibit Coming to Carnegie, Swim Lessons and Public Recreational Swimming to Begin in Turlock, First Night Market of the Season this Friday, Grill and Grub at Greenery Nursery Cooking Demo, Turlock Raises Mug to Central Valley Brewfest, Emanuel Cancer Center to Celebrate Cancer Survivors Day with Ice Cream Sundaes, CSU Stanislaus Commencement Ceremonies Approaching, Annual Memorial Day Service at Turlock Memorial Park, Annual Turlock Memorial Day Gospel Meeting 2013, Spring Juried Art Show Wows at the Carnegie Arts Center, Turlock Relay For Life Coming This Weekend, Huey Lewis and The News to Play Stanislaus County Fair, Dance Culmination Concert at CSU Stanislaus, Turlock High School FFA Awards Banquet on Wednesday, Code of the West Gun Show Next Weekend at Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, Annual Turlock Firefighters Boot Drive Today, Joan Rivers to Perform at Turlock Community Theatre, Pro Wrestling Revolution at Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, Phil King, Leeland to Hold Benefit Concert Tonight, The Blue Owl Event at CSU Stanislaus: A Night of Poetry, Art and Music, CSU Stanislaus Science Saturday to Teach Kids about Yogurt, CSU Stanislaus School of Nursing to Hold Information Session, Discounted Fair Tickets Go on Sale This Weekend, Stone Brewing Co. to Stage Tap Takeover at 10 East Kitchen & Tap Room, Turlock Mayors Prayer Breakfast to Feature Disabled All-American Football Player, Benefit Rummage Sale to Help Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, CSU Stanislaus to Commemorate 50th Anniversary of March on Washington, New Site, Manager, Programs for Turlock Farmers Market, Free Smog Emissions Tests at Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, Turlock Youth Performing Arts Presents Once on This Island, CSU Stanislaus and Turlock Concert Association to Present Gala Concert, CSU Stanislaus Student Fashion Show to Benefit American Cancer Society, Womens Rape Aggression Defense Training Offered at Turlock Police Department, Macbeth Under the Stars at CSU Stanislaus, Hit Show The Vagina Monologues To Play at CSU Stanislaus, Sintral Valley Roller Derby To Play at Turlock Fairgrounds, Sustainable Design Lecture at the Carnegie Arts Center, Fair, Chamber Ag Program Brings Chickens to Classrooms, Stanislaus County Artist Open Studios For Tours, Casino Bus to Benefit Turlock High Relay for Life Club, Free Electronic Recycling Event at CSU Stanislaus, Stanislaus County Fair to Hold Job Fair, Hire 500, CSU Stanislaus to Host Free Spring Math Camp, Tower of Power to Play Stanislaus County Fair, Free Event to Address Human Trafficking in Stanislaus County, Science Exhibit to Replace Rainforest Animals at Stanislaus County Fair, Grease This Weekend at Turlock High School, Poet, Civil Rights Activist and Writer to Speak at CSU Stanislaus, Dig for Gold at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, VA to Offer Mobile Medical Service in Turlock, 26th Annual Turlock Bulldog Booster Dinner, Billy Grahams My Hope Comes to Turlock, Together for Life Fundraiser at Turlock Pregnancy Center, Weird Al to Play Stanislaus County Fair, Row-a-Thon at CSUS to Benefit Asthma Research, Denham Announces Congressional Art Competition, Carnegie Arts Center to Screen Miss Representation Film, CSU Stanislaus to Hold Free Workshop on Portuguese Genealogy, Stanislaus County Fair Livestock Exhibitor Deadlines, Read Across America at the Turlock Public Library This Weekend, Turlock Chamber To Hold Ag Scholarship Luncheon, Morris Day and the Time to Play at Stanislaus County Fair, Motion, Science to Highlight Carnegie Family Friday, Taste of Turlock Event Nears, Vendors Sought by Downtown, 38 Special to Play at the Stanislaus County Fair, Turlock Chamber Breakfast to Feature State of the City, Exotic Animal Club for Kids at Community Veterinary Clinic, Second Annual Science Day at CSUS on Saturday, Creedence Clearwater Revisited at the Stanislaus County Fair, Grammy Winning Los Lobos to Play Turlock Next Week, Second Annual Love Turlock Event Approaching, Fourth Annual Vines Fine Food, Wine and Brew Tasting Event at CSUS, Stanislaus County Fair Earns Major Awards, Seven Year Old Missing Girl Found at Friends House After First Day of School, Car Show in Turlock to Benefit Victims of Modesto Shooting, Emanuel Cancer Center Invites Survivors to Celebration Today, Drunk Driver Arrested After Crashing into Dental Office and Attempting to Flee, Traffic Stop Leads to Felony Warrant Arrest for Probationer with Firearm Charge, Alleged Burglary Call Results in Felony Warrant Arrest, Meridian m3820 telefon yamaha bedienungsanleitung, Linkedin list using c++ pdf tutorials point. 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