On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide the Removal of Committee Members Who Are Repeatedly Absent Without Cause (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012) Amending the Class Attendance Policy (02/11/2005) Salary adjustments (except job changes) are effective on the first day of the month following receipt of all required approvals. On Weekday Football Games (defeated 30-26, 04/26/2013)] Resolution 1999-2 (PDF). Resolution 2005-4 (PDF). (09/13/2013) On the Use of Courtesy Titles by Retired Members of the Faculty (01/16/2004), Resolution 2004-4 (PDF). Resolution 2005-9 (PDF). On Guidelines for Course Syllabi (10/5/2012), Resolution 2012-12 (PDF). Resolution 1997-7 (PDF). By 1969, three additional institutions had joined the University through legislative action: the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. [PDF]. 2009 Resolution 2013-5 (PDF). Resolution 2005-4 (PDF). Resolution 2000-5 (PDF). Resolution 2006-7 (PDF). Concerning Phased Retirement (10/20/2000) On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide the Removal of Committee Members Who Are Repeatedly Absent Without Cause (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012) Resolution 1999-4 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Establish a Committee on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (02/07/2003), Resolution 2003-4 (PDF). Amending The Faculty Code of University Government as it Relates to Various Representatives of the Faculty (03/26/2004, and adopted on second reading on 04/23/2004) 1997 Resolution 1999-4 (PDF). On Supporting a Resolution of the University of North Carolina Faculty Assembly on Academic Freedom (12/17/2010) Resolution 2004-2 (PDF). Increases which are both 15% or greater and $10,000 or greater of the employee's June 30 base salary require both BOT and BOG approval. In Appreciation of Provost Robert Shelton (04/21/2006) Resolution 2006-1 (PDF). Regarding the Unsupervised Bonfires on Franklin Street Following Mens Basketball Victories (02/16/2007) Revising the Deadline for Undergraduate Course Schedule Changes in the Fall and Spring Semester (03/24/2006) Resolution 1997-10 (PDF). Resolution 2012-5 (PDF). On Ratifying an Amendment to the Charter of the Faculty Assembly of The University of North Carolina (04/27/2007) Resolution 2007-5 Background Info (PDF) Resolution 2008-1 (PDF). Technical Amendments to Resolution 2006-4 (04/21/2006) On Bachelors Degrees (10/10/2008) On Endorsing the Recommendations of the Priority Registration Task Force (12/07/2007), Resolution 2006-1 (PDF). Resolution 2000-13 (PDF). Resolution 2003-3 (PDF). Endorsing the Report of the Undergraduate Curriculum Revision Steering Committee (04/25/2003) Concerning Established Lectures (2/03/1997) General meeting of the UNC Board of Governors . Resolution 1998-13 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Carol L. Folt, Chancellor of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (FacultyExecutive Committee, 1/22/19), Resolution 2019-3 (PDF). Statement on Academic Freedom and Responsibility (amended resolution passed, 11/13/2015) On Reforming the Honor System (04/26/2013), . The UNC System does however have a dollar figure in mind for a range of other budget items. "Out-of-cycle" increases are any adjustments to base salary excluding adjustments accomplished as part of the normal EHRA annual raise process (ARP), a salary supplement (which is not part of base pay) or from a job change resulting from a competitive recruitment. On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Provide the Removal of Committee Members Who Are Repeatedly Absent Without Cause (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012), Resolution 2012-4 (PDF). Resolution 1998-14 (PDF). On Tuition and Related Policies (01/16/2004) On Membership of the Council Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (04/22/2007) Resolution 2003-2 (PDF). Resolution of Appreciation (PDF) for Chair of the Faculty Sue Estroff (04/25/2003) Spangler, Jr. (4/15/1997) A Resolution Honoring Anne Craig Barnes, Former Member of the General Assembly of North Carolina (1/10/1997) jppreyer@unc.edu, Malcolm K. Turner Resolution 2005-9 (PDF). On Tuition and Related Policies (01/16/2004) Endorsing Creation of an Office of Scholarly Communication (10/09/1998) (12/07/2001) Resolution 2007-13 (PDF). Resolutions 2002-1 (PDF). Resolution 2007-5 Background Info (PDF) Resolution 2001-2 (PDF). In appreciation of Richard J. Richardson (04/28/2000), . Regarding Procedures for Discharge of Faculty Members (11/13/1997) Encouraging use of Office of Technology Developments Resources for the Commercialization of Works (03/23/2007) On the Use of Courtesy Titles by Retired Members of the Faculty (01/16/2004) Resolution 2012-2 (PDF). Proposing an amendment to the Trustee Policies and Regulations Governing Academic Tenure to Eliminate the Requirement that Tenured Assistant and Associate Professors be Reviewed for Promotion Not Less Frequently than Every Third Year (01/16/2004) Resolution 2004-7 (PDF). On Affirming the Core Competencies of Critical Thinking and Written Communication as Fundamental Requirements for Successful Mastery in All Academic Disciplines. On Endorsing the Recommendations of the Priority Registration Task Force (12/07/2007) Waivers of recruitment (EHRAto EHRA) that result in increases of 10% or greater require pre-approval of the Board of Trustees (BOT) and/or the Board of Governors (BOG). On Athletic Event Schedules that Interfere with Regular Instruction (12/08/2000) On a University Steering Committee for Worker Health, Safety, and Wellness (04/21/2006) 2012 Resolution 2011-8 (PDF). On Adequate Funding for Teaching Resources (04/23/1999), Resolution 1999-6 (PDF). Endorsing Faculty Involvement in Student Recruitment (12/11/1998) Resolution 2005-6 (PDF). On Athletic Event Schedules that Interfere with Regular Instruction (12/08/2000) On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Allow for Technical Corrections (First reading: 2/9/18; Second reading: 3/9/18), Resolution 2018-3 (PDF). On Bachelors Degrees (10/10/2008), Resolution 2008-4 (PDF). WebCameron Art Museum (CAM) is a non-profit private corporation in service to the public of southeastern North Carolina for over 50 years. On a Proposed Amendment to the North Carolina ConstitutionConcerning Marriage(04/13/2012), Resolution 2012-6 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Abolish the Committee on Instructional Personnel and to Delete References to it, to Provide for Faculty Review of Tenure and Promotion Recommendations, to Provide for Faculty Consultation with Respect to Appointments and Promotions Conferring Permanent Tenure and Appointments to Full-Time Fixed-Term Faculty Positions, and to Establish a Standing Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (02/11/2005), Resolution 2005-3 (PDF). Feb. 23, 2023 - full agenda and meeting materials In his report, President Peter Hans focused on the challenges that our System and society are confronting related to student mental health, and the plans to work with the state, System and campus leaders to increase support. Resolution 1998-10 (PDF). On Removing the Restrictions on Graduation with Multiple Areas of Study for Students Enrolling in a Ninth Semester or Beyond (1/27/17), Resolution 2017-2 (PDF). Resolution 2012-11 (PDF). View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Resolution 1997-9 (PDF). On Improving Librarian Salaries (03/26/1999), Resolution 1999-4 (PDF). Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Address Fire Safety, Clarify Probation, and Specify Composition of Committee on Student Conduct (01/14/2005) Resolution 1999-10 (PDF). Resolution 2009-3 (PDF). (3/19/21), Resolutions 2021-4 [PDF]. Endorsing the National Humanities Alliances Principles for Managing Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment (11/06/1998) On Repeating Course Enrollments (4/21/17), Resolution 2017-7 (PDF). On Campus-Wide Implementation of the Recommendations of the 2012 Independent Study Task Force (03/08/2013), Resolution 2013-7 (PDF). Resolution 2011-1 (PDF). 1998 Authorizing Continued Use of the Carolina Course Review for One Year (09/11/1998), Resolution 1998-10 (PDF). Such increases that exceed 15% and $10,000 of the June 30 base salary require both information reporting to the BOT and pre-approval by the BOG. On Enhanced Grade Reporting (04/23/2010) Current or prior temporary salary increases do not count toward this calculation. Resolution 2014-2 (PDF) On Complying with the Directive of The University of North Carolina Concerning the Deadline for Dropping Courses (1/17/2014) Resolution 2006-6 (PDF). Resolution 1997-10 (PDF). On Revising the Regulations Concerning Withdrawal and Course Drops Resolution 2012-1 (PDF). Resolution 2006-2 (PDF). Resolution 2005-3 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code to Continue Voting Privileges for Faculty Taking Phased Retirement, [Resolution 2015-4. On Appreciation for the Service of Bruce Carney (04/26/2013), . Resolution 2004-6 (PDF). Resolution 2002-4 (PDF). On Improving Librarian Salaries (03/26/1999), . White, a resident of Wilmington, North Carolina, initiallly was appointed by Speaker of the House Tim Moore to the UNCW Board of Trustees in 2018. Resolution 2007-12 (PDF). Endorsing Educational Policy Committee Efforts to Investigate Grading Policy Reforms Please take into account the Board approval dates when determining the effective date for your proposed increases for actions that require this level of approval. Encouraging Multidisciplinary Research(2/03/1997) Resolution 2004-7 (PDF). On Supporting a Resolution of the University of North Carolina Faculty Assembly on Academic Freedom (12/17/2010) The market is composed of those institutions, businesses, and organizations from which University units recruit or would logically recruit job candidates. Resolution 2004-6 (PDF). (First reading 1/29/2016; second reading 2/19/2016), Resolution 2016-4 (PDF). On Establishing the Edward Kidder Graham Faculty Service Award (03/19/2010) On Revising the Pass/D+/D/Fail Option (10/30/2015) Resolution 2012-3 (PDF). Endorsing Proposed Amendment to Appendix C of the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Clarify the Treatment of Cases Pending at Graduation or in the Summer, and to Provide for an Alternative Process for Addressing Large-Scale Cases (01/14/2005) On Football Scheduling On Weekdays(03/26/1999) Note: Across-the-board legislative increases do not trigger System Office pre-approval. Resolution 2000-13 (PDF). Resolution 2006-1 (PDF). 2003 On Guidelines for Course Syllabi (10/5/2012) Resolution 2004-3 (PDF). Resolution 2015-10 (PDF). A Resolution of Appreciation for President C.D. On Reporting Contextual Grade Information on Undergraduate Student Transcripts (04/15/2011) Resolution 2013-10 (PDF). On Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Update the Charge of the Administrative Board of the Library (Passed first reading, 03/16/2012; passed second reading 04/13/2012) Resolution 2011-5 (PDF). Resolution 2005-2 (PDF). Justification for an increase due to internal-equity issues must identify the inequity and justify the rate of increase based on the relative job level, education, credentials, and/or experience of the affected employees. Thanking Thomas Meyer for his work on behalf of the UNC-CH faculty (09/10/1999) Concerning Discontinuous of the Catalogue Committee and Enlarging the Charge of the Educational Policy Committee. WebThe new multi-campus University operated with one board of trustees and one president. Repealing Rule 14 of the Rules of Procedure of the Faculty Council (12/11/1998), . Resolution 1997-3 (PDF). In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000) Resolutions 2002-1 (PDF). On Grading Standards(04/28/2000), Resolution 2000-9 (PDF). Resolution 2012-11 (PDF). Resolution 1998-3 (PDF). Resolution 2011-7 (PDF). Resolution 1997-5 (PDF). Resolution 2006-5 (PDF). Resolution 1997-6-1 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Abolish the Committee on Instructional Personnel and to Delete References to it, to Provide for Faculty Review of Tenure and Promotion Recommendations, to Provide for Faculty Consultation with Respect to Appointments and Promotions Conferring Permanent Tenure and Appointments to Full-Time Fixed-Term Faculty Positions, and to Establish a Standing Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (02/11/2005) Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (4/15/1997) Regarding Distribution of Student Responses to the Carolina Course Review (4/15/1997) On Faculty Ownership of Research (03/04/05) On Supporting Permanent Legal Status for DACA-Eligible Individuals (10/13/17), Resolution 2017-13 (PDF). On Extending the Time for Evaluation of the Priority Registration Policy (10/14/2011), Resolution 2011-6 (PDF). On Endorsing the Faculty Executive Committee Report on Academic Irregularities and Commending Chancellor Thorps Actions to Restore Confidence in Carolinas Academic Integrity (09/07/2012), . WebApply for the Job in Lecturer - Marketing at Bldg. On Academic Dress(11/12/1999) Faculty Statement On Principles of Service, Diversity and Freedom of Inquiry (04/24/1998) On Appreciation for Elaine L. Westbrooks as University Librarian and Vice Provost for University Libraries. Endorsing the Recommendations Concerning Mediation(09/10/1999) Resolution 1998-7 (PDF). Resolution 2007-2 (PDF). On Commitment to a Safe and Inclusive Campus (03/18/2013) Resolution 1998-16 (PDF). Resolution 2005-2 (PDF). Resolution 2003-7 (PDF). Resolution 1998-10 (PDF). On Review of School and Departmental Statements of Criteria for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (1st reading: 09/04/2009; 2nd reading: 11/06/2009) Resolution 2011-4 (PDF). Resolution 2012-6 (PDF). On Reforming the Honor System (04/26/2013) On Football Scheduling On Weekdays(03/26/1999), Resolution 1999-2 (PDF). If you have questions about any salary increase guidelines, please contact your assigned Classification and Compensation Consultant or your assigned Employment Consultant. On Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance to Remove Sexual Misconduct, Harassment and Intimidation, and Discrimination Cases from the Jurisdiction of the Honor System (04/13/2012) Expressing the Sense of the Faculty Council on a Contract with Wachovia Bank(11/12/1999), . Resolution 2000-9 (PDF). Regarding Distribution of Student Responses to the Carolina Course Review (4/15/1997) On Raising the Minimum GPA Required for Undertaking an Undergraduate Senior Honors Thesis Project (1/17/2014) Resolution 2002-4 (PDF). Authorizing Continued Use of the Carolina Course Review for One Year (09/11/1998) Resolution 1997-10 (PDF). Responding to the Recommendations of the Task Force on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure (03/28/2003), . The amendment would change that for new fixed-term appointments of more than three years with an annual salary greater than $100,000, giving the final authority to On Faculty Responsibilities in Relation to the Honor Code (01/17/2003), . Welcome to the UNC Salary Information Database. Amending the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (4/15/1997) Resolution 2005-2 (PDF). On Amending the Final Examination Regulations Pertaining to Online Courses (as amended on 11/18/2011) Resolution 2005-2 (PDF). Restricting Dissemination of the Carolina Course Review(03/27/1998) (First reading: 1/17/20; Second reading 4/14/20), Resolution 2020-2 (PDF). On Amending the Policies Governing Faculty Hearings (11/9/2018), Resolution 2018-9 (PDF). Resolution 1999-10 (PDF). Resolution 2008-1 (PDF). Resolution 2007-4 (PDF). Resolution 2003-7 (PDF). Resolution 1998-5 (PDF). As examples, the database may not capture all external fund sources that may compensate some employees, or the information may capture temporary salary increases or temporary title changes for additional duties for an employee that could change in the course of the year. In Honor of Faculty Marshal Ron Hyatt (11/14/2003), Resolutions 2002-1 (PDF). Resolution 2010-2 (PDF). On Scholarly Communications (03/04/05) Resolution 2001-6 (PDF). Resolution 1997-7 (PDF). Resolution 2007-11 (PDF). Resolution 2012-12 (PDF). Resolution 2000-12 (PDF). Resolution 2005-5 (PDF). Instrument of Student Judicial Governance with Changes Tracked (DOCX (Faculty Executive Committee, 7/27/20), Resolution 2020-6 (PDF). On the Implications of Distance Learning for Faculty Welfare (03/26/1999), . Amendments to the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance(04/28/2000) On the Making Connections Curriculum (12/17/2010) 2003 On Opposition to a Cap on Use of Campus-Based Tuition Increases for Need-Based Student Aid (09/07/2012) On Commending the Scholars at Risk Program (10/10/2008) On a University Steering Committee for Worker Health, Safety, and Wellness (04/21/2006), Resolution 2006-9 (PDF). Resolution 2006-7 (PDF). Resolution 2011-3 (PDF). In Appreciation of Richard Edwards (02/16/2001) A report Monday from the news site NC Policy Watch, citing two unnamed board members, said trustees were expected to vote on tenure for Hannah-Jones. COVID-19 Resources (4/8/22), Resolution 2022-5 [PDF]. Resolution 1999-7 (PDF). Resolution 2002-6 (PDF). Resolution 2010-4 (PDF). On Allowing Faculty in Phased Retirement to Serve on Faculty Committees (04/28/2000) 2005 On Allowing Faculty in Phased Retirement to Serve on Faculty Committees (04/28/2000) On Disapproving the Creation of a New School at UNC-Chapel Hill. Resolution 2008-4 (PDF). On the Qatar Proposal (Special meeting of 11/16/2001) On Appreciation for the Service of Judith Welch Wegner as Chair of Faculty, 2003-2006 (04/21/2006) Comprehensively Amendment the Instrument of Student Judicial Governance (01/17/2003) See related supporting documents Endorsing a Resolution on the Academic Freedom Adopted by the Faculty Assembly of The University of North Carolina (02/11/2005), Resolution 2005-7 (PDF). On the UNC Strategic Plan (10/5/2012) Resolution 2003-12 (PDF). On a Faculty Sabbatical Program (01/25/2008), . Restricting Dissemination of the Carolina Course Review(03/27/1998) Specifically, this relates to moving away from use of employee salary history and current salary amount in promotional and new hire salary determinations and instead making these determinations by relying on other relevant factors, which include: Prohibiting the use of current salary and salary history in new hire and promotional actions is being incorporated into a draft of a newly revised Regulation on Pre-Employment Background Checks, which the UNC System Office has provided to campus HR teams for comment. A memo, addressed to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, should be attached providing sufficient justification of the increase (this memo on letterhead is always required for requests which require BOT or BOG approval as noted below). On Affirming the Core Competencies of Critical Thinking and Written Communication as Fundamental Requirements for Successful Mastery in All Academic Disciplines. Resolution 2014-1 (PDF) and Amendment to Resolution 2014-1 (PDF). On Fully Integrating All Academic Support Services (referredat the 2/27/2015 meeting to the Student Athlete Academic Initiative Working Group; defeated at Faculty Council on 10/30/2015)] Proposing an Amendment to the Trustee Policies and Procedures Governing Academic Tenure to Increase the Maximum Time for Extending the Probationary Period of Faculty Appointment for up to Twenty-Four Months for Reasons of Child-Birth, Health, or Other Compelling Circumstances(01/16/2004 Out-of-cycle increase requests should be non-routine in nature and have a specific and detailed justification. Resolution 2011-6 (PDF). 2014 Resolution 2004-4 (PDF). Resolution of Appreciation (PDF) for Chair of the Faculty Sue Estroff (04/25/2003) On Campus-Wide Implementation of the Recommendations of the 2012 Independent Study Task Force (03/08/2013) Resolution 1999-5 (PDF). Resolution 1999-1 (PDF). Resolution 2008-2 (PDF). On Academic Dress(11/12/1999) Resolution 1997-3 (PDF). Resolution 2001-9 (PDF). The targeted completion date is Fiscal Year 2023-24. Resolution 2005-3 (PDF). On Appreciation for the Service of Jackie Overton as Chair of the Employee Forum, 2010-13. In appreciation of Richard J. Richardson (04/28/2000) Resolution 1998-14 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Abolish the Committee on Instructional Personnel and to Delete References to it, to Provide for Faculty Review of Tenure and Promotion Recommendations, to Provide for Faculty Consultation with Respect to Appointments and Promotions Conferring Permanent Tenure and Appointments to Full-Time Fixed-Term Faculty Positions, and to Establish a Standing Committee on Fixed-Term Faculty (02/11/2005) On Endorsing a University Open Access Policy (4/24/2015), Resolution 2015-10 (PDF). On a Faculty Sabbatical Program (01/25/2008), Resolution 2008-2 (PDF). Resolution 2014-9 (PDF). Technical Amendments to Resolution 2006-4 (04/21/2006) All actions are effective on the Monday following the receipt of all required approvals. [Resolution 2015-5 (PDF). Concerning Gender Equity in Faculty Compensation (02/07/2003) Resolution 2003-12 (PDF). On Establishing a Consolidated Graduate and Professional Student Honor System (03/16/2012) On Principles for the Promotion and Protection of Free Speech (4/13/18), Resolution 2018-4 (PDF). On Excused Absences for Religious Observances (09/10/2010), . On Unfunded and Underfunded Enrollment Increases (As amended, 03/22/2002) (11/15/2013) Amending the Faculty Code of University Government to Establish the Division of the School of Information and Library Science for Purposes of Faculty Council Elections (12/11/98) Resolution 1998-6 (PDF). 2001 On Appreciation for the Service of Lloyd Kramer, Chair of the Facultyat the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [Resolution 2013-8 (PDF). Resolution 2015-13 (PDF). Encouraging use of Office of Technology Developments Resources for the Commercialization of Works (03/23/2007) (09/13/2013) Resolution 2013-9 (PDF). Resolution 1998-19 (PDF). On Charging the Educational Policy Committee to Study Class Cancellation Policies and Procedures (11/5/2021) (Approved by the Faculty Executive Committee, 11/11/21), Resolution 2021-10 [PDF]. (2/17/23), Resolution 2022-1 [PDF]. Requesting the Committee on University Government to Consider Establishment of a Standing Committee on Copyright and to Report Its Recommendations to the Faculty Council(10/09/1998) Resolution 2004-2 (PDF). Resolution 2000-10 (PDF). ". On the Number of Class Days in the Academic Year Professors cry foul. That office will consult directly with OSHR as needed to obtain any required pre-approvals. Resolution 2003-4 (PDF). Increase in job duties or responsibilities; includes reallocation or reclassification of job (2a) Substantive increase in the scope and/or complexity of the job. On Tuition Computation Methods (12/12/2008), . Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved. In appreciation of Richard N. Andrews (04/28/2000), Resolution 2000-10 (PDF). The form provides a space for the justification of the request. Resolution 2015-9 (PDF). On Amending theFaculty Code of University Governmentto Enlarge the Faculty Hearings Committee and to Clarify the Duties of Its Chair (First reading, 1/17/2014; second reading, with amendment, 3/28/2014) Office of Human Resources Resolution 1997-9 (PDF). Resolution 2015-11 (PDF). Endorsing the National Humanities Alliances Principles for Managing Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment (11/06/1998), Resolution 1998-15 (PDF). Resolution 1999-9 (PDF). On Unfunded and Underfunded Enrollment Increases (As amended, 03/22/2002) Resolution 2005-1 (PDF). On Monitoring the Status of Women in Leadership Positions (04/26/2013) UNC is evaluating a budget of $194.4 million for the upcoming fiscal year, and $3.2 million of the budget will be used for compensation increases. On Amending the Final Examination Regulations Pertaining to Online Courses (as amended on 11/18/2011) On Oversight Authority of Centers and Institutes (Approved by the Faculty Executive Committee, 2/23/2015) Resolution 1998-4 (PDF). On a Faculty Sabbatical Program (01/25/2008) Decisions on those actions will be communicated to you by the appropriate OHR unit via their standard process. Resolution 1998-23 (PDF). Resolution 2005-5 (PDF). Amending the Faculty Code of University Government Concerning Nominations, Elections, and Filling Vacancies(12/11/1998) On Salary Equity for Faculty Members of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Resolution 1999-6 (PDF). Resolution 1997-4 (PDF). 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Implications of Distance Learning for Faculty Taking Phased Retirement, [ Resolution 2015-4 of Bruce Carney 04/26/2013... 02/07/2003 ) Resolution 2004-2 ( PDF ) endorsing Faculty Involvement in Student Recruitment ( 12/11/1998 ), Resolution 2022-1 PDF... Time for Evaluation of the Recommendations of the Recommendations Concerning Mediation ( 09/10/1999 ) Resolution 2005-2 ( PDF ) space... Reforming the Honor System ( 04/26/2013 ) ] Resolution 1999-2 ( PDF ) ) ( )... 2001-6 ( PDF ) have questions about any salary increase Guidelines, please contact your assigned Employment Consultant on! One president and Tenure ( 03/28/2003 ), Resolution 1999-6 ( PDF ) in Honor Faculty... Governing Faculty Hearings ( 11/9/2018 ), Resolution 1998-10 ( PDF ) Class Days the! Bachelors Degrees ( 10/10/2008 ), Resolution 1999-6 ( PDF ) as Fundamental Requirements for Successful Mastery in Academic! Increases do not count toward this calculation increase Guidelines, please contact your assigned Employment Consultant 2005-1 ( PDF.. ) is a non-profit private corporation in Service to the public of southeastern North Carolina ConstitutionConcerning (. 02/07/2003 ) Resolution 1998-14 ( PDF ) on Undergraduate Student Transcripts ( 04/15/2011 ) Resolution 1997-3 ( PDF.... ) Current or prior temporary salary increases do not count toward this calculation 11/14/2003 ), Resolution 1998-15 ( )... Freedom and Responsibility ( amended Resolution passed, 11/13/2015 ) on Reforming the Honor System ( 04/26/2013 on! 2000-9 ( PDF ) the 2012 Independent Study Task Force on Appointments,,! Force on Appointments, Promotions, and Tenure ( 03/28/2003 ), Resolution 2022-1 [ PDF ] the of! Procedure of the Priority Registration Policy ( 10/14/2011 ), Resolution 1999-4 ( ). 2005-1 ( PDF ) Faculty Executive Committee, 7/27/20 ), Year ( 09/11/1998 ), Resolutions 2002-1 ( )!