Admission to the Academys Master of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology program is offered for fall, spring and summer semesters. Failure to receive a minimum final grade of B- in the Independent Study will result in a determination of unsatisfactory academic progress, and ineligibility to continue in the major. Minor Program Admission; Minor Program Admission. Sign Up. In addition to the traditional two-year course of study for applicants holding a qualified bachelors degree, MSPRIN offers a progressive option for select USC undergraduates who wish to begin work on the masters degree while simultaneously completing their USC bachelors degree. The online MSIDBT graduate degree program provides a first-of-its-kind interdisciplinary education at the intersection of the educational and professional disciplines central to our changing world. Safir Bellali, BS, Adjunct Lecturer, Design With aspirations of entering the entertainment business after graduation, they made sure to have a great lineup of entertainment companies in the mix. As a result, RLM sessions are diverse enough to respond to a wide variety of student interests, and flexible enough to deliver each subject in the most useful and relevant way. Chris Swain, Adjunct Lecturer, Communication The university reserves the right to assess new fees or charges. Failure to receive a minimum final grade of B- in the Independent Study will result in a determination of unsatisfactory academic progress, and ineligibility to continue in the major. Founded in 2013 with support from Andre "Dr. Dre" Young and music producer Jimmy Iovine, IYA brings together multiple disciplines to teach creative problem-solving, often through practical collaborations with big-name brands. USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy MinorDesigning Multimedia Experiences 2023 - 2025 USC Roski School of Art and Design MinorCommunication Design 2022 - 2025 University of Southern. Iovine and Young Academy undergraduate majors must receive a minimum final grade of B- (2.7) in all required courses offered by the Iovine and Young Academy. Arts, Technology & the Business of Innovation: Number of major requirements students can fulfill abroad: 4 units. Most sessions take place on Fridays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Additional alternate times may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. Your assembly and procession section is F. Iovine and Young Academy Ceremony The Iovine and Young Academy school ceremony begins at 11:30 a.m. in Bovard Auditorium. Academic advisement is provided to students at the Student Affairs Office in HSH 101. In addition to the traditional two-year course of study for applicants holding a qualified bachelors degree, MSPRIN offers a progressive option for select USC undergraduates who wish to begin work on the masters degree while simultaneously completing their USC bachelors degree. There is a separate application for Academy minors available at USC's Iovine and Young Academy announced four new minors to be introduced in Spring 2019. Undergraduate and graduate programs are assessed the university-wide tuition rate. Failure to receive a minimum final grade of B- in the repeated course will result in a determination of unsatisfactory academic progress, and ineligibility to continue in the major. The Academy will consider entrance into the major for current USC students. Dre Young, the University of Southern California established an academy to nurture unbridled creativity at the intersection of four essential areas: the arts and design; engineering and computer science; business and venture management; and communication. Michael Overing, JD, Adjunct Lecturer, Entrepreneurship Students develop expertise in integrating divergent ideas and develop new ways of working, learningand collaborating in key emerging specializations such as design strategy, digital transformation, business innovation, experiential computing, sustainable development, health innovation and participatory wellness, inclusive learning and purpose-driven entrepreneurship. In addition to the Garage, students will soon make and learn in the Academys new primary home, Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Hall, scheduled to open in 2019. Hazel and Stanley Hall 101 Iovine and Young Hall While completed course work will be taken into account, there is no guarantee it will be credited toward Academy requirements. The Academy will consider entrance into the major for current students at other two-year and four-year higher education institutions. Wayne Jones, MM, Adjunct Lecturer, Audio Design Located on the top floor of USCs Steven and Kathryn Sample Hall, adjacent to the Ronald Tutor Campus Center, the Garage contains state-of-the art learning and networking spaces, maker and fabrication studios with 3D scanning and printing capabilities, high-powered computer work stations, and spaces for individual and group work, or even down time. Matthew Hanson, PhD, Adjunct Lecturer, Entrepreneurship Safir Bellali, BS, Adjunct Lecturer, Design Luisa Sanchez, Administrative Budget Assistant, Derek Williams, Technology Operations Supervisor Iovine and Young Academy Reception . I am excited to share that I made the Dean's List at Clemson University for the Fall 2022 semester in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy Welcome to the Academy We teach for a world where human experience fuels purpose-driven technology and business innovation. Estevan Carlos Benson, Adjunct Lecturer, Technology Students may repeat a maximum of two required Academy courses. For final grades of D+, D, D-, F or NC in a required Academy course, the student must repeat the course in order to ensure sufficient skill and knowledge in the subject area. Most sessions take place on Fridays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Additional alternate times may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. The staff advisers provide information regarding academic life at the university, program requirements, policies and procedures to assist students with their degree completion. Participation in RLM sessions is expected for all undergraduate Academy students and open to graduate students. Students who complete the undergraduate course of study in the Academy will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation, and possess an unprecedented combination of knowledge and skill. The focus of the programs course of study is on creativity and critical thinking, as empowered by the languages and methodologies of the arts, technology and business. 3780 Watt Way Iovine and Young Hall Cris Argueta, Computer Services Consultant As a result, RLM sessions are diverse enough to respond to a wide variety of student interests, and flexible enough to deliver each subject in the most useful and relevant way. Dre began his career as a member of the World Class Wreckin' Cru in 1985 and later found fame with the gangsta rap . In fall 2017, the Academy welcomed its first class of graduate students to the Master of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology program. The minors offered in the Academy are: Product Design, Disruptive Innovation, Designing for Experiences, and Multimedia for Designers and Entrepreneurs. Failure to receive a minimum final grade of B- in the repeated course will result in a determination of unsatisfactory academic progress, and ineligibility to continue in the major. Additional units may be considered for Academy credit on a case by case basis. Admission to the Academy is limited to fall semester only. Email: Substitutions for the Independent Study may occur at the discretion of the director, based on an evaluation of the academic needs of the student, and/or course or instructor availability. Conceived as a collaborative environment that brings students, instructors and professional mentors together, the USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation is a transformational presence on one of the nation's most dynamic university campuses. Discover. The Academy will consider entrance into the major for current USC students. USCs strategic location in Los Angeles, widely viewed as the creative and media capital of the world, provides an unrivaled opportunity for students to learn in a living laboratory in which media, technology and the arts are deeply intertwined. Admission to the Academy is limited to fall semester only. The incoming freshmen and external transfer application deadline for fall 2021 is December 1, 2020. Undergraduate majors are required to meet with the adviser before registering each semester. The incoming freshmen and external transfer application deadline for fall 2019is December 1, 2018. List of recommended overseas programs by subject . Students who complete the undergraduate course of study in the Academy will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation and possess an unprecedented combination of knowledge and skill. Students work both individually and in self-directed teams, and are guided by faculty and industry mentors who include artists, designers, technologists, founders, venture capitalists, public policy leaders, philanthropists, global entrepreneurs and more. Steven Child, MFA, Associate Professor of Teaching, Design Tucker Rae-Grant, MFA, Digital Fabrication Lab Specialist, Michael Crowley, PhD, Director, Online Programs Admission to the Academys Master of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology program is offered for fall, spring and summer semesters. The student must enroll in the Independent Study in the semester immediately following the term in which the insufficient grade was received (excluding summer session) and must receive a minimum final grade of B- in the Independent Study. Conceived as a collaborative environment that brings multidisciplinary students, instructors and professional mentors together, the USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation has become a transformational presence on one of the nations most dynamic university campuses. USC Iovine and Young Academy A Project by USC . Appointments may be scheduled at most times during the academic year. Students may repeat a maximum of two required Academy courses. Admission to the Iovine and Young Academy is granted through the USC Office of Admission. Facility: Iovine and Young Hall Academy majors and minors work and learn side-by-side with majors from other schools at USC in the Academy's new main facility, Iovine and Young Hall. Photo by Jeremy Bittermann. Jay Clewis, MS, Adjunct Lecturer, Communication After a faculty review of all materials, a select number of top applicants will be invited to a virtual Interview Weekend which will take place February 12-15, 2021. In addition, the universitys proximity to the citys burgeoning Silicon Beach and its vibrant downtown Arts District, as well as Northern Californias Silicon Valley, provides access to the worlds premiere creative and technology companies and institutions from which students can learn and draw inspiration. While completed USC course work will be taken into account, there is no guarantee it will be credited toward Academy requirements. With a visionary gift from entrepreneurs Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young, the University of Southern California established an academy to nurture unbridled creativity at the intersection of four essential areas: the arts and design; engineering and computer science; business and venture management; and communication. USC Jimmy Iovine and Andre Young Academy Nov 2020 - Jan 20213 months Education Worked as a Research Associate under Professional Brand Director Tina Sharkey, to develop a new course (The. Patrick Dent, MS, Associate Professor of Teaching, Technology Receipt of a D+, D, D-, F or NC in a third required Academy course will result in ineligibility to continue in the major. The application deadline for Fall 2022is December 1, 2021. The program creates leaders with diverse and creative ways of thinking and doing professionals trained to recognize and cultivate innovation, catalyze change and leverage new opportunities to not only support, but also help shape and build our rapidly evolving economy. Students will have the option of taking classes geared towards a product design, disruptive innovation, designing for experience or multimedia for designers and entrepreneurs minor. #blockchain #startups #adtech FAX: (213) 821-1440 (213) 821-6140 Steven Child, MFA, Associate Professor of Teaching, Design Grant Delgatty, BS, Chair of Product Innovation For example, a sophomore may not be able to transfer to the Academy with sophomore standing. Grant Delgatty, BS, Associate Professor of Teaching, Design Candidates for the minors in the Iovine and Young Academy will be counseled by an academic adviser in the school. Credit and standing will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Specific requirements and additional information are available at Failure to meet this requirement will result in the following: For final grades of C+, C or C- in a required Academy course, the student must enroll in an approved 1-unit Academy Independent Study designed to ensure the student has obtained sufficient skill and knowledge in the subject area. I'm Peiyi (Steven) Sun, a UX Designer studying at USC Iovine and Young Academy. While completed course work will be taken into account, there is no guarantee it will be credited toward Academy requirements., Michael Crowley, PhD,Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs; Faculty Director, MSIDBT Program, Patrick Dent, MS, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Yolanda DiConti, Executive Assistant to the Dean, Karine Kim, MA, Senior Associate Director, Communications, Matthew Manos, MFA,Director, Challenge-based Learning, Imre Meszaros, EdD,Assistant Dean, Graduate and Professional Programs, Lynn Miles, Senior Associate Dean, Advancement and External Relations, Raul Petris, Associate Dean, Finance and Administration, Jessica Vernon, MEd, Associate Dean, Admission and Student Affairs, Davina Wolter, BFA, BA,Assistant Dean, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) Initiatives, Professors:Michael Crowley, PhD;Velina Hasu Houston, PhD, Associate Professors:Elizabeth Amini, MBA; Stephen Child, MFA; Grant Delgatty, BS; Patrick Dent, MS; Matthew Manos, MFA;Douglas Thomas, PhD, Assistant Professors:Lisa Krohn, MFA; Yihyun Lim, MArch; Aaron Siegel, MFA; Chris Swain, BS;Davina Wolter, BFA, BA, Lecturers:Trina Gregory, MS; Trent Jones, BS; Nayeon Kim, BS; Zune Nguyen, BS; Robert Parke, MS, Entrepreneurs-in-Residence:Jean-Michel Arnoult, BA; Tina Sharkey, BA, Adjunct Assistant Professor:Scott Armanini, MBA, Adjunct Lecturers:Carsten Becker, MA; Safir Bellali, BS; Estevan Carlos Benson; Robert Checchi, MFA; Jay Clewis, MS; Adam Hughes, BSME; Michael Overing, JD; Leon Rodriguez, BS; Emily Schneider, MS; Jacob Spurlock, MS; Sue-Tze Tan, MS. The Academy will consider entrance into the major for current students at other two-year and four-year higher education institutions. Academy majors and minors fine-tune their ideas and complete working models, systems or prototypes in the Garage, the Academys collaborative creation space. With a visionary gift from entrepreneurs Jimmy Iovine and Andre Dr. The USC Iovine and Young Academy is an institution that nurtures creativity in of arts and design; engineering and computer science; business and venture management; and communication. For example, a sophomore may not be able to transfer to the Academy with sophomore standing. Specific requirements and additional information are available at I focus on interaction and UI/UX design and strive to make technology accessible to all people through. Luisa Sanchez, Administrative Budget Assistant, Derek Williams, Technology Operations Supervisor Students work both individually and in self-directed teams, and they are guided by faculty and industry mentors who include artists, designers, technologists, founders, venture capitalists, public policy leaders, philanthropists, global entrepreneurs and more. I am thrilled to announce that Fairfield University's chapter of Her Campus Magazine has reached 200 members! Michael Crowley, PhD, Professor of Teaching, Technology Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. The minors offered in the Academy include: Product Design, Disruptive Innovation, Designing for Digital Experiences, Designing for Live Experiences, Health Innovation, News and Information Innovation, and Multimedia for Designers and Entrepreneurs. The staff advisers provide information regarding academic life at the university, program requirements, policies and procedures to assist students with their degree completion. It draws on the talents and influence of faculty and leaders from multiple disciplines and industries to empower the next generation of disruptors and professional thought leaders who will apply their skills in a global arena., Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation (BS), Integrated Design, Business and Technology (MS), The Business of Product Innovation Certificate, The Foundations of Product Innovation Certificate, ACAD 178 Digital Toolbox: Motion Graphics, ACAD 179 Digital Toolbox: Excel for Business Management, ACAD 180 Digital Toolbox: Sound and Audio, ACAD 188 Digital Toolbox: Modeling Products I, ACAD 189 Digital Toolbox: Modeling Products II, ACAD 255 Advancing Journalism with Human-Centered Design, ACAD 256 Designing for News and Information, ACAD 260 Introduction to Healthcare Innovation, ACAD 277 Dev III: Designing Applications for Emerging Platforms, ACAD 302 The Hacker Imagination: from Ancient Greece to Cupertino, ACAD 306 Innovation, Entertainment, and the Arts, ACAD 308 Computer-Aided Design for Bio-Mechanical Systems, ACAD 309g Dreams & Madness: The Art of Japans Golden Age of Animation, ACAD 312 Materials Behavior and Processing, ACAD 315x Basics of Project and Operations Management for Non-Majors, ACAD 324g The Practice of Design: Ideation to Innovation, ACAD 343 Mobile Development for Content and Media, ACAD 352 Digital Audio Recording and Processing, ACAD 360 Design Strategy: Problem Solving for Organizations, ACAD 366 Designing Media for Social Change, ACAD 375 Business and Professional Communication, ACAD 376 Industry Practicum I: Designing and Implementing Real-World Solutions, ACAD 377 Industry Practicum II: Designing and Implementing Real-World Solutions, ACAD 385x Marketing of Creative Disruption and Innovation, ACAD 387x Cloud Architecture and Applications, ACAD 401 Story Building for Inventors and Entrepreneurs, ACAD 404 Advanced Front-End Web Development, ACAD 405 Advanced Back-End Web Development, ACAD 449 Data Mining: Descriptive and Predictive, ACAD 463 Evidence Based Medicine for Health Innovators, ACAD 464 Mining Health Data Through Machine Learning, ACAD 467 Strategic Management of Innovation, ACAD 476 Technologies for Interactive Marketing, IDSN 428 Overview of Intellectual Property Laws for Creatives and Entrepreneurs, IDSN 510 Integrative Practices Residential, IDSN 515 Professional Practices Residential, IDSN 528 Using Intellectual Property Laws to Protect Your Products and Ideas, IDSN 536 Designing Networked Objects: From IoT to Smart Environments, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). Note: If a students grade results in the need to seek remediation as described above, students are advised that, due to prerequisites and other program elements, such remediation may affect the students ability to register for subsequent course work and could result in a delay of the anticipated graduation date. FAX: (213) 821-1440 The application deadline for fall 2021 is December 1, 2020. Jacob Patapoff, Makerspace Manager Developed to complement Academy course work, RLM sessions augment students classroom education and meet their individualized needs by providing them with critical learning opportunities, but without the full infrastructure of a semester-long course. (213) 821-6140 Candidates for the minors in the Iovine and Young Academy will be counseled by an academic adviser in the school. Apply Now open_in_new. Sharif Joshua, MEd, Academic Adviser, Online Programs, Patricia Rangel, Budget Analyst Academy students fine-tune their ideas and complete working models, systems or prototypes in Iovine and Young Hall. Aaron Siegel, MFA, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Design There is a separate application for Academy minors available at The Academy will consider entrance into the major for current students at other two-year and four-year higher education institutions. FAX: (213) 821-1440 Admission to the Master of Science in Product Innovation is offered once a year. The application deadline for fall 2021 is December 1, 2020. The application deadline for Fall 2023is December 1, 2022. Specific requirements and additional information are available at The university reserves the right to assess new fees or charges. Appointments may be scheduled at most times during the academic year. Participation in RLM sessions is expected for all undergraduate Academy students and open to graduate students. Photo by Jeremy Bittermann. Krystina Castella, BFA, Adjunct Lecturer, Design; Faculty, Humanities and Sciences (Art Center College of Design) Specific requirements and additional information are available at Chris Swain, Adjunct Lecturer, Communication The focus of the programs course of study is on creativity and critical thinking, as empowered by the languages and methodologies of the arts, technology and business. Students who complete the undergraduate course of study in the Academy will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation, and possess an unprecedented combination of knowledge and skill. The minors offered in the Academy are: Product Design, Disruptive Innovation, Designing for Experiences, and Multimedia for Designers and Entrepreneurs. Specific requirements and additional information are available at Failure to meet this requirement will result in the following: For final grades of C+, C or C- in a required Academy course, the student must enroll in an approved 1-unit Academy Independent Study designed to ensure the student has obtained sufficient skill and knowledge in the subject area. Tanisha Senaratne, SHRM-CP, HR and Payroll Coordinator Iovine and Young Hall is a 40,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility featuring 3D printers and lasercutters; fabrication lab for metal, wood, plastics and electronics; multimedia lab for motion capture, photo, video and audio; and alumni lab to support student startups. Dre Young, the Academy merges academic rigor with immersive, real-world challenges with leading companies and institutions to prepare students to thrive in an ever-changing global economy. Most sessions take place on Fridays from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Additional alternate times may be scheduled on a case-by-case basis. Jessica Hernaiz, MEd, Graduate Programs Coordinator, Joshua Alexander, MBA, Adjunct Lecturer, Entrepreneurship; Lecturer, Finance (McCombs School of Business, University of Texas, Austin) Email: Andre Romell Young (born February 18, 1965), known professionally as Dr. Dre, is an American rapper and record producer.He is the founder and CEO of Aftermath Entertainment and Beats Electronics, and previously co-founded, co-owned, and was the president of Death Row Records.Dr. The incoming freshmen and external transfer application deadline for fall 2021 is December 1, 2020. Note: If a students grade results in the need to seek remediation as described above, students are advised that, due to prerequisites and other program elements, such remediation may affect the students ability to register for subsequent course work and could result in a delay of the anticipated graduation date. Reimagining the traditional concept of a product to encompass not just physical objects but also virtual, multi-dimensional and cross-platform devices, environments and experiences, this program provides students with an expertise in the development and launch of products that address the needs of a technology-enhanced global society. USCs strategic location in Los Angeles, widely viewed as the creative and media capital of the world, provides an unrivaled opportunity for students to learn in a living laboratory in which media, technology and the arts are deeply intertwined. Receipt of a D+, D, D-, F or NC in a third required Academy course will result in ineligibility to continue in the major. In addition to the traditional two-year course of study for applicants holding a qualified bachelors degree, MSPRIN offers a progressive option for select USC undergraduates who wish to begin work on the masters degree while simultaneously completing their USC bachelors degree. The staff adviser provides information regarding academic life at the university, program requirements, policies and procedures to assist students with their degree completion. The Academy offers two graduate degree programs the online Master of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology (MSIDBT) and the Master of Science in Product Innovation (MSPRIN). The Academy offers two graduate degree programs the online Master of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology (MSIDBT) and the Master of Science in Product Innovation (MSPRIN). All course waivers and course substitutions must be approved by the dean of the Academy or her designee. The USC Iovine and Young Academy seeks entrepreneurs, creators and disruptors who question the status quo and use their skills and abilities to initiate positive and groundbreaking solutions to virtually any problem. (213) 821-6140 As one of the Campus Correspondents, I am looking USCs strategic location in Los Angeles, widely viewed as the creative and media capital of the world, provides an unrivaled opportunity for students to learn in a living laboratory in which media, technology and the arts are deeply intertwined. Academic advisement is provided to Academy major and minor students. Admission to the Iovine and Young Academy is granted through the USC Office of Admission. Specific requirements and additional information are available at Admission to the Academy is limited to fall semester only. (213) 821-6140 All course waivers and course substitutions must be approved by the dean of the Academy or her designee. Specific requirements and additional information are available at Students work both individually and in self-directed teams, and are guided by faculty and industry mentors that may include artists, designers, technologists, founders, venture capitalists, public policy leaders, philanthropists, global entrepreneurs and more. Iovine and Young Academy Regret. Specific requirements and additional information are available at I was deciding between USC and my current Ivy League college, and being away from my college has made me wonder if I made the right choice. Trina Gregory, MS, Senior Lecturer, Information Technology (USC Viterbi School of Engineering) Jessica Hernaiz, MEd, Graduate Programs Coordinator, Joshua Alexander, MBA, Adjunct Lecturer, Entrepreneurship; Lecturer, Finance (McCombs School of Business, University of Texas, Austin) Students develop a powerfully agile mindset and21st century expertise in strategic leadership, product innovation and experiential computing for purpose-driven societal change. The USC Iovine and Young Academy is partnered with 2U, a global leader in online education. The application deadline for fall 2019is January 1, 2019. Admission to the Academy is limited to fall semester only. FAX: (213) 821-1440 Robert Parke, MS, Senior Lecturer, Information Technology (USC Viterbi School of Engineering) Academy minors available at for Experiences, and Multimedia for Designers and Entrepreneurs Academy a Project by USC that... 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