On "D" deck in the vicinity of the boiler room uptakes a sheet of flame was observed following the explosion, and this was followed by dense white smoke in which the visibility was about three feet with a flashlight. The drafts shown on plate V are estimates made on the basis of reports available, and on calculations made by the Bureau. Title page dated April 17, 1956, with a credit for director Joseph Pevney. 58, Summary of War Damage to U. S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers and Destroyers 17 October, 1941 to 7 December, 1942, USS Birmingham CL62 War Damage Report No. During the early stages of flooding, the stability losses due to the free surface exceeded the initial stability so that a condition of negative stability resulted which listed the ship. Section concerning other research options. At 1140 CHEROKEE went alongside to attempt to pump out the engine room, and at 1215 USS RAVEN (AM55) went alongside to assist in pumping, using all available portable pumps including some borrowed from destroyers in the screen. Left Column -- The Bureau had instructed SCOTT in a letter dated 5 September, 1942 to keep wing tanks full - at least to the waterline. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. Universal City, CA: Universal Pictures, 1956. Actually, the net result was such that ELECTRA was in a rather dangerous condition where the slightest error in the handling of the ship might have resulted in her loss. We are members of ABAA and ILAB, and specialize in First Editions of Modern Literature, Crime Fiction, Science Fiction, Music, Photography, Art, and Cinema. ". Fire was reported immediately sweeping through "C" deck passageways. Post-production International Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. 54, USS Capella AK13 & USS Alhena AKA9 War Damage Report No. Title page integral with the front wrapper, as issued. 3 hold thus took place quickly from both sides. She then slowly turned over to starboard, the stern coming up and the bow going down until the keel was practically level with the water. This increase in initial stability was caused by the combination of two factors: (a) The freeboard before damage was great enough to permit the ship to sink a large amount without submerging the bulkhead deck. 31. 52, USS Lexington CV2 War Damage Report No. Boatswain's Mate 1st Class William D. Maroney took charge and was later awarded the Silver Star for his "extraordinary leadership and gallantry" in carrying out his duties under Japanese fire from 19 to 27 February 1945. Fire followed the explosions immediately and, as stated above, was uncontrollable; all machinery being out of action and the heavy list making it hard to move around. Sump tanks were pumped, refilled with fresh water, pumped and wiped dry. 32. Apparently, neither ship developed an excessive list immediately after the damage, although RUTLEDGE did list to starboard as a result of unsymmetrical rapid flooding as indicated on plate II. EDWARD RUTLEDGE, War Diary. Timbers and cargo in the holds were thrown about, and a man in No. Post-production International Continuity and Dialogue script for the 1956 film. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. There is no information available on the condition of the ship at the time she was attacked. Large quantities of fuel oil flowed out on the water on the starboard side. Flames, smoke, oil, water and debris were thrown up abreast the stack and came down over the ship as far forward as the end of the upper deck. This seller has earned a 4 of 5 Stars rating from Biblio customers. ships of the Maritime Commission's S4, C2, C3 and VC2 ("Victory") Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." There was no difficulty from fire, but there was apparently a fire for a brief period immediately following the first explosion. BLISS never received similar instructions because acquisition was made by the Navy just prior to this operation and time did not permit a stability analysis or investigation. Post-Production Film Scripts, CHEROKEE had carried away her lines and had broken the connection to her 6" pump. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. Reconditioning the engine room proved to be a major job. 18. This completed the flooding and brought the second deck about five feet below the waterline, the remaining freeboard at frame 113 being only about five feet. USS PICKAWAY (APA-222 ) - a Haskell-class attack transport In Commission 1944 to 1946 APA-222 Deployments - Major Events APA-222 General Specifications Class: Haskell-class attack transport Complement: 536 Officers and Enlisted Displacement: 14837 tons Length: 455 feet Beam: 62 feet Draft: 24 feet She was of the VC2-S-AP5 Victory ship design type and named after Pickaway County, Ohio . (2) Both had low initial stability. After her return to Norfolk, she continued to conduct amphibious training; this routine was interrupted, however, when Sanborn starred as "USS Belinda (APA-22)" in the movie Away All Boats produced by Universal International Pictures. For vessels now in service, a swinging type watertight door is required. 1. Universal City, CA: Universal Pictures, 1956. 38, USS North Carolina BB55 War Damage Report No. until February 1943, by which time two ships that had APA numbers There was an appreciable interval (about 10 seconds) between the two explosions. generator and two 300 k.w. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Her beach party also suffered from enemy action; all of the party's officers were lost. Ships of the U.S. Navy, 1940-1945 APA -- Attack Transports Click on "APA-##" for link to page with specifications, history, photographs (where available). All U.S. Navy Attack Transports (APA) in commission during WWII listed by class; with descriptions and links to individual ship pages. Her material condition was not reported. Both of these ships remained afloat for some hours after the damage was sustained, but both listed heavily to starboard immediately upon being hit. Check our website for directions if you are coming through the Baltimore area. Manage your privacy settings. No. to SecNav of 23 November 1942. During the next five months, she showed the flag in ports in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Crete, Sardinia, France, and Spain. Near Fine. Learn more Take a stab at guessing and be entered to win a $50 Biblio gift certificate! Lack of equipment and training subsequently resulted in confusion during the landings on Attu. A rust preventative compound (Penola #4) was poured over all gears and bearings and was sprayed over the thrust bearing. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. Name 3 hold was then pumped out and patches were concreted from the inside (see photos 3 and 4). 24. Bulkhead 80 had a 30" x 6" fragment hole in the port side near the skin of the ship and the engine room started to flood through this hole. 6 hold, resulting in complete darkness. APA-1 through APA-99: Right Column -- Away All Boats (International Post-production script for the Away All Boats (International Post-production script for the 1956 film), Joseph Pevney (director); Kenneth M. Dodson, Ted Sherdeman (screenwriters); Jeff Chandler, George Nader, Richard Boone, Charles McGraw, Julie Adams (starring), Universal Pictures, Universal City, CA, 1956. Ten boats were lost, one by enemy fire and nine broached in the treacherous surf. Bureau of Ships 13. Depending on class they were armed with one or two 5-inch guns and a variety of 40mm and 20mm anti-aircraft weapons. They had been left in operation, apparently, as the engine room flooded. USS STANSBURY (DMS8) commenced towing at 1350 and towed with difficulty until 1640, at which. Fragment damage to the third deck in way of the hit is also visible. Flooding directly due to the hits was apparently limited to the immediate vicinity of the machinery spaces as one officer reported that about 20 minutes after the torpedoing no water could be seen in holds 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 or 8 as viewed. The APA/LPA designation may, therefore, now be Page made 23 November 2003 The fragment attack on bulkhead 113 opened large holes into No. Please report any broken links or trouble you might come across to the Webmaster. of amphibious ships began to replace APAs throughout the 1960s. As a result, only attack transport (APA) ships were assigned for the assault, without support from any companion attack cargo (AKA) ships. If you have questions about a book, feel free to call us anytime at 410-366-7329. An officer stationed on the port side of the stack reported that it was "like a volcano" right after the hit. This page provides the hull numbers of all U.S. Navy attack from the main deck, although the bottom of each was thickly covered with fallen timbers. (i) C.O. (f) C.O. commissioned service. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown. 27. The state of the wing tanks at the time of the damage is not known, but even a small amount of flooding in these tanks would cause a considerable heeling moment and would contribute materially to the list. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Almost laughable incompetence gradually improves, but the crew . This period of negative stability existed for only a short period of time after which the ship came back to the upright position and remained so until flooding stopped. Divers closed off the hole in bulkhead 80 on the No. 7. USS Pierce (APA-50) was an Ormsby -class attack transport that served with the US Navy during World War II . Neither could the fire on BLISS be fought without power. Review these tips to help preserve the beauty of your books. Manage your privacy settings. At this time the list was apparently about 20 to starboard and the main deck was about 10 feet from the water. At 0720 USS COLE took off all hands but the salvage party, and at 1015, with her engine room flooded, ELECTRA was taken under tow by CHEROKEE (AT66). She remained with her stern awash for some time and then began to sink slowly until the rudder apparently hit bottom. beyond 100, it was decided that these amphibious warfare ships to enable them to handle landing craft for amphibious assault Seller Rating, Publisher: Universal Pictures, Universal City, CA. No other information is available concerning the extent of the flooding. All books noted as First Editions are also First Printings unless indicated otherwise. If you have questions about a book, feel free to call us anytime at 410-366-7329. 11. Parts were washed down with fresh water, followed by a steam jet, wiped dry and sprayed with lubricating oil. 16. Flooding in No. 2). This was largely due to the fact that the density of the cargo was high and the hold was therefore practically open. USS Sanborn (APA-193) was a Haskell -class attack transport acquired by the U.S. Navy during World War II for the task of transporting troops to and from combat areas. On the evening of 12 November, 1942, TASKER H. BLISS was anchored in 25 fathoms of water off Fedala, French Morocco, with 45 fathoms of chain to the starboard anchor. In both SCOTT and BLISS the loss of power could not be helped. passenger ships and larger freighters were acquired, converted The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. Inclining experiments are not available for these ships, but the Navy Yard, New York (Field Production Division) reported that SCOTT with 1,000 tons of ballast had a metacentric height of -1.23 feet (presumably in Condition II) and that 1,000 tons of additional ballast were to be installed. The story of U.S.S. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks & ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. No machinery or electrical derangements occurred in the plant throughout the return voyage, which speaks well for the promptness and thoroughness of the repair measures undertaken by the ship's force. "Belinda", Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-Navy Captain Jebediah S. Hawks (Jeff Chandler) and ex-merchant Lieutenant Dave MacDougall (George Nader) as boat commander. Away All Boats (International Post-production script for the 1956 film) by Joseph Pevney (director); Kenneth M. Dodson, Ted Sherdeman (screenwriters); Jeff Chandler, George Nader, Richard Boone,. The story of USS 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy captain Hawks and ex-merchant captain MacDougall as boat commander. A total of 388 APA (troop) and AKA (cargo) attack transports were built for service in World War II in at least fifteen classes. There have been other cases which pointed out the danger of extending flooding through shaft alley doors, (see Bureau of Ships War Damage Report No. Brush riggings were cleaned and studs and insulation renewed as necessary. The system followed in restoring these motors and generators was to remove them to the topside where they were boiled for 24 hours with a complete change of water every eight hours, and were then baked in portable ammunition lockers, which had been converted into bake ovens, until clear readings were obtained with a megger. 6 cargo hold. would soon be superseded by amphibious tractors (LVTs) and helicopters By 1969, when the surviving attack transports were redesignated as "amphibious transports" (LPA) (retaining their previous numbers), only a few remained in commissioned service. Biblio is a registered trademark of Biblio, Inc. Help Support Independent Used Book Stores. The story of U.S.S. time her tow line parted for the second time. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the 6. 16, USS Liscome Bay CVE56 War Damage Report No. Despite personal friction, the two have plenty to deal with as the only experienced officers on board during the "shakedown." Almost laughable incompetence gradually improves, but the crew Mailing address: Royal Books / 32 West 25th Street / Baltimore, MD / 21218. If you have questions about a book, feel free to call us anytime at 410-366-7329. 'Belinda', Attack Transport PA22, launched late 1943 with regular-navy Captain Hawks and ex-merchant Captain MacDougall as boat commander. And training subsequently resulted in confusion during the 6 loss of power not. Deck passageways these tips to help preserve the beauty of your books for time... ) in commission during WWII listed by class ; with descriptions and links to ship! Hold was then pumped out and patches were concreted from the water on the No, followed by steam... 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