My hope is that we will be able to learn from each other and grow. The interviewer will be looking for justifications as to why youve made these choices about education; whether youve thought hard about your future and what you may want to pursue as a career. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. How do you answer what can you contribute to the school? MIRL is a fully virtual masters program that prepares American Muslim religious leaders for compassionate service to society. I had classmates and neighbors who spoke different languages, teachers who encouraged me to question the status quo, and access to a whole lot of good food from all over the world. Support what you say with concrete examples of your experience. Their approach to teaching your subject - The way a subject is taught at one university to another will vary, both in the content itself and possibly, the assessment/teaching. Consider these responses: While these answers suggest you have positive personal qualities that might lead to college success, they don't actually answer the question. These are the seven qualities that you should try to illustrate in your university application. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Oxford Royale Academy is a part of Oxford Programs Limited, a company registered in England as company number 6045196, registered office at 264 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DY. When interviewing, it is more effective to demonstrate that you are a generous person who is thinking about the broader college community. Maybe you have plans of owning your own business someday, so youve decided to apply to one of thebest undergraduate business schoolsbecause you know it will give you the knowledge and know-how needed to achieve your goal. Keep track of the words that keep coming up and recurring themes, as these will tell you about the school's core values. "I like to be challenged" "I'm a perfectionist" "I'm good at managing my time." While these answers suggest you have positive personal qualities that might lead to college success, they don't actually answer the question. How are you supposed to answer this question [and answer it well]? You most likely had to start thinking about this as you were preparing to write yourcommon app essayor if you were asked towrite your own letter of recommendation. Attend PTA/PTO meetings. As you think about how to answer this question, you should also consider how others will respond. ASSIGNMENT: ESSAY TYPE: WHAT CAN YOU CONTRIBUTE TO HELP ACHIEVE THE MISSION OF NSTP-CWTS IN YOUR SCHOOL? Robustness is about the ability to continue creating impact even under shocks or stress. . Follow the tips below to make the most out of your response. <p>You are supposed to answer the question honestly. Multiple-choice. The interviewer already has the details of your academic background, so they know that you are smart. 7 Ways to Give Back to the Community Donate Your Time. She has plenty of practical experience in information technologies, project management, user experience, and problem-solving. The university question is another good opportunity to show that youve really thought about the course and gone to the effort of finding a university whose approach to the subject you agree with. What are you likely to be doing outside the classroom when you are in college? Being made Prom Queen at my Year 11 Leavers Ball.. Be honest - Even if youre not a keen reader, never lie on your question. After visiting the campus, reading the information pamphlet, and researching the university Web site, I realize . Good written English. If you hesitate or dont seem certain, theyll be able to read straight through you. Hi, good question! Prompt #1: "Why major" essay. As daunting as these university interview questions may seem, with enough preparation and practice, youll have the confidence to walk into the interview ready to answer whatever comes your way. Prepare examples beforehand - Of course, with every strength you pose to the interviewer, theyll encourage you to provide examples of how you have used that strength before. For example, yu could talk about the church your family belonged to s a child and how it influenced your decision to attend seminary. Because my dad went here such an answer may carry a little bit of weight in an American university, but its unlikely to do so here. Volunteer at school. One reason we prefer to Read More That all changed when I was fourteen, and my mom was offered a position at a hospital in Toronto. Because I liked the approach this university takes to my course even within the same subject, every university takes a slightly different approach to the way its taught and structured. "What Will You Contribute to Our College?" Help a child in need. The best way to answer questions about your contributions to the company is to give examples of what you have accomplished in the past, and to relate them to what you can achieve in the future. Ask how you can donate. In this blog, well let you know everything you need to know about this popular college interview question, why it is often asked, how to answer it, and well share a sample answer with you to help you prepare. This can include things like:Giving lectures on course topics.Course preparation and lecture planning.Holding seminars and tutorials for more interactive learning.Writing and marking assessment exams.Writing and designing teaching materials for students.May 13, 2021 Express how your A-Levels are helping prepare you for the course - If you selected your A-Levels with the intention of using them to help prepare you for your dream university course, then tell the interviewer this. Because I enjoy it youre more likely to be committed and to succeed if you genuinely enjoy the subject youre studying, and youll probably also be better at the subject. Do you have ideas for a new recycling program that you think would benefit the college? Graduate school interviews allow university staff to evaluate your potential to succeed in their program. Because Im not likely to get the grades for [more competitive course] similar to the implication that their subject is the soft option, its going to look equally unimpressive if you say that youve chosen a particular subject perhaps a less popular one because you didnt think youd get the grades for a more competitive subject. Your answer can be either memorable or forgettable, and the aim is to make sure that your response falls in the former category. Employers ask this question to make sure you're aware of the fact that the job requires you to regularly work with others. Pompeii by Robert Harris if youre applying for a Classical Archaeology subject (this would spark discussion of historical accuracy). If you work during the day, you can attend "parents' night" activities or your child's performances. I love giving presentations, especially preparing great handouts, so I think Id be particularly useful when it comes to group work., A wicked sense of humour. To do that, we suggest that you follow this three-step strategy: Research, Reflect and Rehearse. Example Answer #3. BeMo, BeMo Academic, BeMo Consulting, BeMo Academic Consulting, Platinum, The Admissions Experts, CASPer SIM, CASPer Prep, MMISIM, InterviewProf, The Vault, MD Chance, SJT, Acceptance Challenge, 4th Quartile Challenge, 520 Challenge, No BS Free Repeat, Admissions Advantage, Get In Or Your Money Back, 515 Guarantee, Match Guarantee are trademarks of BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators. My previous work experience includes innovation in many areas, including strategies for more effective teamwork. At most schools, a group of parents meets regularly to talk about the school. Determine interdependencies. A good attitude is important as it can help create a positive atmosphere in the workplace and motivate other team members to work harder. Suggest further academic study - Many students choose to pursue further academic study after completing their initial undergraduate degree. You most likely had to start thinking about this as you were preparing to write your. If you arrive perfect, then it may give off the impression that youre not going to be willing to push yourself further whilst studying with them. In this blog, well let you know everything you need to know about this popular college interview question, why it is often asked, how to answer it, and well share a sample answer with you to help you prepare. We cant do anything aside from all of this from stepping . However, the college interview isn't actually an interview at all. The Ivy U clearly emerged as the best choice for me and I, as a great match for the university. But for some, theyre still not decided what career they may want to pursue. Plant a tree. Id like to continue the subject to Masters/PhD level and become an academic., Travelling. This is an extremely common question, so be prepared for it. Your interviewer will be looking for your understanding of future career prospects and how much research you have done into the industry that interests you. "I'm a third black, a third hispanic, and a third iroquois, therefore i would inherently contribute to diversirty at the great ______ University.". To answer this very common college admissions interview question, you need to start thinking of what to say well in advance. Make an effort to avoid giving predictable and formulaic comments such as "I'm a . 1. If you have any interests in clubs, sports, or other extracurricular activities, you can discuss them with the interviewer. A 3.89 GPA and 1480 SAT score don't contribute to a college. Educate yourself. Im a total perfectionist I sometimes spend too long agonising over work to get it just right. They also want to know that youve done your research, so this question is a good opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the university. The admissions folks will admit you if they think you can handle the work and if they think you will enrich the campus community. As far as "the course" goes, be proactive and not only engage in discussions, but initiate discussions also. 2. This is a good opportunity to recap what youve highlighted already your strengths, career aims, what you can contribute and so on. Many business schools use their essay questions as an opportunity to ask about the unique contributions you will make to their particular program. Firstly, I am a very fast learner and worker. How to answer this university interview question. Retrieved from Attend PTA/PTO meetings. (2020, December 1). When an interviewer asks about your potential to contribute to the team, they expect you to acknowledge the strengths that . For example, if you are applying for a Mathematics course, you might want to comment on how great you are at being able to think through problems logically. Summer School 2023 is filling up fast. You should collaborate. Reach out to your child's teachers. I recently won the Senior Challenge for the UK Mathematics Trust. At the very end, if you judge that the interviewers would respond well, you could also lighten the tone and end on a note that injects some of your personality, by saying something like Also, Im told I bake a good cake! (with a grin). In this case, deflecting the weakness and turning it into something which could be considered a positive to them could be an effective way to answer the question. What qualities should a college student have? The company contracts with institutions, including the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Yale, for the use of their facilities, and also contracts with tutors from those institutions, but does not operate under the aegis of the University of Oxford or those other institutions. We don't recommend that you do this. Anything we didn't cover? Most four-year colleges have a holistic admissions process, so they care about your academic background, but they also care about who you are as a person. Finally, the university interview question most students have nightmares about: why should we offer you a place? Advertisement. Plenty of universities conduct interviews as a means of deciding between candidates who appear equally well-qualified on paper, but unfortunately, applicants often crumble under the pressure of the interview situation. Note: If you want us to help you with your applications, interviews and/or standardized tests, book a free strategy call. It wouldnt be a bad idea to talk about how their particular approach to the subject captured your interest - giving examples to explain your reasons why. However, there are weaker and stronger answers. I love many things about the community that I grew up in, but it took me getting out of it to realize that I had been surrounded by people who looked and thought exactly like me for most of my life. Along similar lines, you could also mention the universitys great reputation for your subject, or the presence of certain lecturers you feel inspired by (though dont let this last point dominate your answer; lecturers often move about or go on sabbatical, so even if theres a particular academic you admire, they may not end up teaching you). I believe that adapting to that new environment and being exposed to people from so many different backgrounds made me become a more independent thinker. I've seen many of them echoed in the materials that I've read about campus life at X university. All these offer great insights into you as a student. Before receiving an offer for a university course, dont be surprised if youre invited to attend an interview with an admissions tutor at the university youre applying to. Sample Essays. Explain your choices based on the skills you wanted to gain - This answer is more applicable for students who dont necessarily have A-Levels which are specific to the subject/course they have applied to study at university. A project is a task that begins and ends in a specific way. I didnt like the look of any of the other subjects. Someone whos genuinely interested in the subject will engage more with it, produce better work and contribute more usefully to class discussion. ", What to Expect During a Grad School Interview, 9 Common Medical School Interview Questions and How to Answer Them, College Interview Tips: "Tell Me About a Challenge You Overcame", Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania, M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania, B.S., Materials Science & Engineering and Literature, MIT. University interviews are very common in the UK, especially for subjects focusing around the care or creative industries. Grades and test scores are certainly important, but they aren't what this question is about. This is often rated as one of the most popular questions asked by tutors at these institutions, but many other universities have also begun asking questions like this to gauge a students critical thinking - especially in subjects which require a lot of creative thinking. There are a few things to think about when forming your answer to this university interview question, including what not to say. #2: Determine Your Essay Goals. This doesnt mean that having a competitive GPA, taking, courses, and having relevant extracurriculars wont strengthen your application. Your response focuses on an interest or passion that can make the campus community a better place. Just tell them that you will apply a holistic process to determine the absolute best clubs and activities on campus. Terms of Service| Privacy Policy| Contact Us. Achieving a 100% mark in my AS-level History and English exams an achievement I hope to emulate at A2., Getting a Guinness World Record for having spending the longest time in a bath filled with Baked Beans. With that being said its also important you allocate enough time for preparation and practice. Do not be discouraged if you think that you do not meet any of them, they are simply achieved with a lot of effort, dedication and spirit of improvement. English Literature and Creative Writing - Cambridge - 13-15, English Literature and Creative Writing - Oxford - 13-15, Business and Entrepreneurship - Cambridge - 13-15, Business and Entrepreneurship - Cambridge - 16-17, Business and Entrepreneurship - Cambridge - 18-24, Business and Entrepreneurship - Oxford - 13-15, Business and Entrepreneurship - Oxford - 16-17, Business and Entrepreneurship - Oxford - 18-24, Business and Entrepreneurship - London - 16-17, Biotechnology and Genetics - Cambridge - 13-15, Biotechnology and Genetics - Cambridge - 16-17, Environmental Science - Cambridge - 18-24, Biotechnology and Genetics - Cambridge - 18-24, International Development - Oxford - 16-17, International Development - Oxford - 18-24, International Relations - Cambridge - 16-17, International Relations - Cambridge - 18-24, International Relations and Politics - Cambridge - 13-15, International Relations and Politics - Oxford - 13-15, Sociology and Anthropology - Oxford - 16-17, Sociology and Anthropology - Oxford - 18-24, Innovation and Technology - Cambridge - 13-15, Innovation and Technology - Cambridge - 16-17, Innovation and Technology - Cambridge - 18-24. That kind of thinking applies to my town in times of celebration, but also in times of hardship or even just regular day-to-day life. Have a question? University interviews are very common in the UK, especially for subjects focusing around the care or creative industries. If you cant explain how your A-Levels are directly related to your course, then reflecting on the transferable skills theyve provided you for the future and relating them to your course will be a great answer to this question. Interested in a summary of some of the key points highlighted above? The admissions officers have your grades and test scores, so they know that you are a good student. You can also talk about class time - Aside from extracurricular activities, you can also use this question to talk about how you will be able to contribute to your learning sessions as a whole. Its important that youre as honest as possible when answering this question. Youll demonstrate your willingness to engage in conversation and make the whole interview experience flow easier. Alternatively, if you want to experience life at a top UK university this summer, then take a look at the summer courses we have, available for students aged 13-24 years-old. While it may be tempting to come out with something witty such as "Just myself" or "I have a couple of rabbits", it's advisable to have a constructive answer at hand. Anything you havent actually read. Grove, Allen. In other words, a solid answer to this question should tell the admissions officer that you are not only suitable for their college but that you are also going to have a positive impact on your college campus community. Anything not subject-related. Select a book which is relevant to your skills for the future - A good way to tackle this question is to include a book which has helped you develop a new way of thinking or even a skill. Avoid humorous or overly self-aggrandising answers here; instead, focus on selling yourself (modestly) to the interviewer and highlighting the key traits that make you a good person to have around. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Below you'll find tips for answering this question effectively. Instead, it means that your. For nearly any college, your interviewer is going to be trying to assess what it is that you'll add to the campus community. I had to take Subject A because Subject B didnt fit in with my timetable. The community I grew up in has taught me that we all have a part to play in making life better for those around us. We suggest looking for keywords that seem to come up repeatedly and thinking about what they might mean for the school. NSTP 1 CHAPTER 1. Learning Medicine is a stressful time for everyone and . Look at the past. For universities to consider offering you a place with them, they want to make sure that youre going to contribute during your time there as a student - not just academically, but as part of the wider community. Make Your Experience Work for You. This doesnt mean that having a competitive GPA, takingIB and APcourses, and having relevant extracurriculars wont strengthen your application. Edit Report an issue 30 seconds. Because it fits in perfectly with my career aims this shows them that your choice of course is part of a well-considered long-term plan, meaning that youre more likely to be committed to it. Dont just focus on your academic interests - There is plenty of time in the interview to talk about your academic interests with the interviewer. Break it in half. Anything popularist or discredited. You should keep your answer between one and three minutes. At Medical School, you need to be a team player capable of performing your own role within a task independently and to a high standard. ThoughtCo. If youre a keen athlete, now is the time to share how you are interested in playing for the universitys sports teams. 18 Qs Multi Word Verbs 1.9K plays Professional . What can you contribute to the university as a lecturer? For example, if you've applied for a three-year course but are thinking about the possibility of extending by a year to do an industry placement, then now is the time to ask a question back to the interviewer for further clarity about whether the option to transfer is possible. A hiring manager will want to know that you have researched the company you are interviewing for and that you have some understanding of the culture and values of the company, as well as understanding the specific job. #1: Understand the Admissions Board Psychology. 2013- BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. Suddenly, we lived in this huge city, and I went to a school that was nothing like my old one. Reach out to your child's teachers. The "How can you contribute to our school?" question. Anything you can use to express your enthusiasm for studying and commitment to furthering yourself will shine greatly in the interview. University graduates are offered higher pay and greater financial stability. These are exaggerated examples, although theres nothing wrong with being ambitious and having big aspirations when it comes to your subject! I couldnt decide where else to apply / I was filling a space on my UCAS form this tells the interviewer that you didnt put much thought into your decision, and that rather than having a genuine desire to study with them, you were simply making up the numbers on your UCAS form. Theyll be interested in seeing how critical you are of yourself, your studies, and work-life balance - and how that could be seen as a potential strength as a student at their university. How the course will help you achieve your career goals - Do you have a dream career laid out ahead of you? For example, a response that focuses on your basketball talent when the school that youre applying to does not have a basketball team. When asking this, universities are looking to see a genuine interest and passion for the subject you want to study, ensuring that youve chosen the right course for all the right reasons. To come up with a strong response, you should research the school you've applied to, reflect on the school's core values and how they align with yours, then rehearse your answer so that you can perfect it. Are you likely to be serenading your classmates as a member of the a cappella group? salvacion sanquilos beced. Your enjoyment for the subject - Universities will know that students who have a genuine interest and enjoy the subject they are choosing will be more likely to study hard and commit the course at university. For example, you wouldn't want to discuss your tuba playing skills if the college has no music ensembles. And APcourses, and problem-solving my timetable child & # x27 ; t actually an interview at all, aims. And ends in a summary of some of the other subjects person who is thinking the! These offer great insights into you as a great match for the UK, especially for focusing. To pursue further academic study - many students choose to pursue further academic study many! Hope is that we will be able to read straight through you that we will be able to straight. Not to say, interviews and/or standardized tests, book a free strategy call other grow. Yourself will shine greatly in the former category applying to does not have a basketball team competitive GPA takingIB... 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