READ MORE: Why did Jelly Roll go to prison? The show fired him from his position as DJ. WOW. Yes he did. I swear Michelle brown get a healthy mental health because trying to bury Quentin after all this time aint healthy. Funky and Al explained why shows like Tea G-I-F are important for the culture, especially as we head into the next presidential election. Funky Dineva earnings, income, salary. Lmao I was thinking girl by this is all for Michelle Brown still mad he read her ass down to ground. Claudia left a long comment under the video. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'hollywoodmask_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',615,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hollywoodmask_com-banner-1-0'); TheWXIA/WATL-TV's new Talk show Sister Circle was launched with a popular blogger Funky Dineva, but Dineva couldn't make his place in the show. She was hungry. He has over 2 million YouTube . Is him or her related to the Kardashians? Who is Cindy in Funky Winkerbean? Confession: Funky Dineva post on Twitter on his drug struggle(Photo: Dinevas Twitter) if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'hollywoodmask_com-box-4','ezslot_7',614,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hollywoodmask_com-box-4-0'); However, all his controversy along with his YouTube series has crucially worked for him to gain fame. Before becoming a social media personality, he used to work as a corporate accountant. She tells Tiffany that Wanda ran from behind her food stand to swing on Melody. Sandip Laga is a blogger who has been pursuing his career in digital marketing. \"Fair Use\" guidelines: #hottopics #funkybunch #straightfromthea #khia #tsmadison #RHOA #speakonit #celebritynews #celebritygossip #readsession #opentopics #teagif The concept is good; the execution of the concept so far is cheap looking and third rate. He created the platform quick and is now hosting shows in less than a year. mike vernon royal household; are there snakes in gran canaria; shooting in laurel, md yesterday. Plus Trick Shots That Boost Net Worth, Joey Birlem Age 16 Surrounded With Multiple Rumors! The Mix. Trey Songz | TI Accuser Hires Lisa Bloom | Funky Dineva YT Terminated For Drugs FRIDAY: Footage of destruction of townhome after funky dineva eviction! Funky Dineva is a gossip blogger and social media personality. How do you incorporate that into an all Black female show striving for credibility? He kept up with the Funky Dineva character up until a few years ago when he said he has outgrown her and wanted to be taken more seriously. Interestingly enough, Funky Dineva has produced receipts that seem to support his payment history! The ONLY talk shows worth being on TV are Wendy Williams and Dr. Phil, hes cool. Lets discuss.\r\rChannel Memberships:\rSUBSCRIBE:\rJoin me on Patreon for EXCLUSIVE content:\r\rJoin Robinhood with my link and we'll both get a free stock\r\rRELATED VIDEOS: \rATLien LIVE! How is she making what he said true? He could have made more money working at McDonalds. Of course, Chris asks if the incident at Destinys store affected his business relationship with LaTisha and Marsau. As this talk happens, Martell visits Melody at home to recap what happened at Madonni from their perspective. oh no!! But at this point there is something wrong with him that he cannot keep a gig. Women, generally, find flamboyant gay men entertaining. Oct 25, 2014 #61. Funky Dineva sometimes can be funny. Now LaTisha has been checked yet again about her Momma. Claudia Jordan \u0026 Funky Dineva STOLE Nene Leakes READ SESSION Idea for New Fox Soul Show LIVE!!! * its a glaring real-time vantage point of the black millenials experience looking at funky dinevas struggle with finances, family, etc., but its also a look at what not to do, which is when opportunities are presented to you dont squander them, dont do your friends dirty and please if you know you have a bad addiction problem please get help. Funky Dineva, who is Mariah's friend, blogged about the STK incident back in December. The only youtube shows I watch is The Skorpion Show and 4itsrox. In fact, Martell calls Wanda dirty and says she hits below the belt when referring to their children. A social media personality, Funky Dineva, is a vlogger known for his YouTube series My Hair Is Layed Like. Many criticized Tegna and TV One for hiring a man who has a history of hostile behavior towards women. After the show, Claudia and Funky reportedly got into a heated argument and she allegedly suspended him. | RECEIPTS! LIVE!!! Its no longer serving its purpose, we can watch black folks fighting each other on VH1 and Bravo. Learn About:Coby Cotton Age 30, Adorable Married Life With Wife! 252 comments. Black people cannot afford to be crackheads lol Weve all heard the rumors that Dineva likes that white stuff *deep sigh*. But don't fret, as ads running on the TV One site confirm . Funky Dineva, an American YouTube personality, has been well known as a troubled blogger. TheWXIA/WATL-TV's new Talk show Sister Circle was launched with a popular blogger Funky Dineva, but Dineva couldn't make his place in the showSo, eventually, the show had to fire him from his position as DJ on the showThe audiences had already noticed his absence during the last two shows Prettyboyfredo Real Name, Age, Girlfriend Revealed! Martells in the market for a new home and wants Chris to help him. The concept could work. She also added that Price is aware of how blunt and direct she can be. Its in the same town (Tallahassee) as FAMU but it is not FAMU lol. Tea Time! If you want to support this cha. According to insiders, Claudia, 49 . His more sensitive, socially conscious side. They are both funny and they both got some sense. On August 20, 1983, he was born in Florida, USA. Michelle Brown, aka ATLien claimed that she was forced to evict her friend Funky Dineva. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Girlfriend, Dating & Gay. While doing this, Stormi tells Tiffany about what happened at Madonnis. Funky dineva real name is Quentin Latham. Break Up Story: Funky Dineva post on Twitter after being dumped (Photo: Funky Dineva Twitter), You May Also Like:Joey Birlem Age 16 Surrounded With Multiple Rumors! Yeah she carried a few bones but she owned it. Dineva recently dated a fellow Youtuber known as . What happened to the talk show with Melinda Williams? you just made me giggle out loud.. LOL. However YouTube drama is kind of my thing. cus mother may-i is hurt. (Sponsored by Funky Dineva's Garnishment Check) Part 1 of 2 LIVE!!! It drives me crazy. His real name is Quentin Latham and he initially started a YouTube Channel with a name Funky Dineva on 23 November 2006. So, eventually, the show had to fire him from his position as DJ on the show. He has been a cool personality who shows his active support for the gay community. I did not know what the caterers were bringing, she continued. You cant do on TV what you do on a blog. Funky Dineva had to go through different career changes> With immense struggles, Funky Dineva got the opportunity to start his show on VH1. Strong language used in this content. Funky lets it be known he appreciates his friendship with Marsau. I hope they eat African because your fingers are your utensils. And thats because you people that watch Wendy are jealous ass negative haters like wendy!!! oh yes but of course. im truly hoping he can make a turnaround in that area and feeling that is the bulk of what is holding him back (stolen missing washing machine and dryer from michelles house was a dead giveaway). RASHAN ALI WAS THE ONLY CREDITABLE ONE. Just some major obstacles recently. Destiny Payton Has a Heated Moment at Martell Holts Birthday Party? Its an overkill. gonna pray for him bc being unemployed is hard. The news comes after Fulton County (GA) began garnishing Funkys wages from his employer TEGNA WXIA/WATL-TV, according to public records. THE CAST LOOKED LIKE ALL THEY COULD AFFORD. Everyone knows him as a loud, wig and lipstick wearing feminine man. We dont know him in that way. so. Read Claudias lengthy comment below and watch Michelles video. But the report was premature and, well, my insider was wrong. Funky Dineva was born on 20 August 1983, in Florida. Its every chick for herself. Meanwhile, LaTisha and Marsau had a fight after the drama at the Madonni event. Khia did not hold back in her response to Kandi Burruss and TS MaNdison's viral spoof of The Queens Court. Dineva celebrates his popularity as a Youtuber with more than a two hundred thousand viewers. However, Destiny makes it clear she doesnt want to be in Melodys presence. I am a big fan of Dineva, but couldnt understand why he was added, just doesnt ad up. He could easily be replaced by a talent that is out there but has less baggage and just needs to be elevated. Funky Dineva, an American YouTube personality, has been well known as a troubled blogger. And Dineva is becoming passe. Let the Doll be great! Heres the thing: TV One tries to make their sets and talent feel like one big family. It stars Claudia Jordan as the host and features Funky Dineva, Al Reynolds, and Gary with the Tea discussing tea, hot topics, etc. Dineva first appears in the audience at the first season reunion of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta and as a . The outgoing, often brash, entertainer says that being on television was always a dream. Im Jojo (@jojodamus91) October 13, 2022. Funky Dineva often referenced the differences of what happened in White and Black families, households, or communities, including how Black families could never be royalty and may not be able to cremate a deceased family member for lack of money. Looks like he needs to put his degree to use, even if its temporary. IDK. Damn I wanted Dineva to win real bad but at this point I think imma give up his time has passed. I shared with her that I was back on track financially, and by the . Check out our recent posts. Rare that I side with you. Interestingly enough, Funky Dineva has produced receipts that seem to support his payment history! Quentin Lathamwho these days goes by the name Q Latham when hes not in charactereventually quit his corporate gig and focused on Funky Dineva full-time. Headlines for calling Jay-Z and daughter ugly turned out to be a point of controversy. The Real Housewives of Atlanta alumni kicked off the conversation by saying, "In the video, you told your friend that her plate of food was low vibration and suitable for a hood rat, while your plate was fit for . Wellington gave some history of the relationship between her and her hungry friend. In addition to co-hosting Cocktails with Queens, Claudia co-hosts Fox Souls Tea-G-I-F with Funky Dineva and Al Reynolds. judy norton children; court ordered community service california Next, Destiny tells Stormi how she felt frustrated when Melody seemingly didnt speak when entering the event uninvited. Miami Beach. I find Alex very entertaining and he did a video about him this week and last week. Dineva is also the creator of the famous YouTube series "My Hair is Layed Like," where he sounds off on the latest in pop culture news. Claudia does a good job facilitating . Tea-G-I-F. FOX SOUL's From Fatherless To Fatherhood. The four women they chose have no real fan base. Given that he's supposedly "friends" with TS Madison and once appeared on one of Khia's "roast and gag" live streams that preceded "The Queens Court," Quentin's . oh wow, thats sad. As in one of his tweet, he had mentioned that he was ready for a boyfriend whereas his othertweet showed him implying that he had no intentions to get into another relationship. While Georgia States prestigious MPA program is ranked 16th in public management and leadership in the US, Latham still found himself drawn to the world of entertainment, reality television, and celebrity gossip. With his star on the rise, it wasnt long before he appeared as a commentator in Love & Hip Hop: Dirty Little Secrets. Born on August 20, 1983, in Florida, United States, Funky Dineva gained enormous fame later. He makes at least one YouTube video a month about Dineva. I never apologize for the joke. Now several online sources are reporting that Funky, real name Quentin Latham, has been let go from his position as the house DJ on the show. Lastly, LaTisha and Marsau are at Blaque when their friend and YouTuber Funky Dineva walks in. what had happened? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Houston Grandmother Assaulted In Grocery Store By White Employees Over $50 Bill | TSR Investigates, Dinner With DDG or $100K? But only time will tell if he in a relationship or not. Therefore, Funky Dineva has an estimated net worth of $700,000. Wanda is just this side of me not watching the show anymore. Lmaoooo Dineva let loose!!!! SHE AND QUAD SEEMED TO BE COMPETING TO BE THE QUEEN OF THE SHOW OVER RASHAN. Martell tells Chris he and Marsau wont be working together. sheree's daughter tierra engaged Funky Dineva, for those of us who are unfamiliar, is a Youtube personality and vlogger best known for his red lipstick and cheap wig wearing antics. His ass shouldve never been hired in the first place. It was thrown together. Fair use is a use permitted. Copyright 2023 Urban Belle Media, LLC. Funky Dineva Net Worth Age, Boyfriend, Real name, Earnings, Funky Dineva: The Controversial drag queen, Vanessa Tiiu Net Worth Boyfriend, Age, Height, Income, Ishowspeed Phone Number (2023) Email, House Address, Rudy Rasmus Net Worth Earnings, Income, Wife, Latest Update, Binging With Babish Net Worth 2023 girlfriend, Monthly Earnings, Gal Gadot phone number Email, Address, Contact, Patrick Mahomes Phone Number Contact, House Address, Email, Drakes Phone Number (Real) Contact, Email, Address, Jack Hartmann Net Worth (2023) Wife, Earnings, Income, Lifestyle, Unbox Therapy Current Net Worth (2023) Earnings and Income, Joma Tech Net Worth Age, University, Income, Earnings, Linus Tech Tips Net Worth (2023)- Age, YouTube Earnings, Wife, Sailing Zatara Net Worth Age, Girlfriend, Family, Income, Earnings, Ace Videos Net Worth Age, Girlfriend, Bio, Wiki, Income, Earnings, Millennial Millie Net Worth Husband, Monthly Earnings and Income, Bella Fiori Net Worth Age, Income, Earnings, Wiki, Christian Nodal Net Worth (2023) Age, Wikipedia, Earnings, Charlie Berens Net Worth Age, Wife, Family, Bio, Income, Mr Beast Phone Number (2023) Email, Contact, House Address, Cristiano Ronaldo Phone Number (2023) Contact, Email, Bounce Patrol Net Worth Members, Income, Earnings, American YouTube personality, internet personality. Entertaining people through YouTube turned out to be the turning point of Dinevas life. There are some people getting opportunities from big networks just for commenting on Instagram (KendallKyndall). You cant do this! chile, i believe it. I watched yesterday and today and I cant do it again tomorrow. Why is mental instability sometimes so amusing lol? 0 posts. Funkys drug use has become a popular topic. Shai released "If I Ever Fall in Love" as the first single from the debut album of the same title,[2] which peaked . Its a very two-faced situation because you gotta remember, all of these people are trying to rebound or get to the next level. I can still see the dog sh*t he left lying around in her house she let him could you be that trifling tho? He better get to using it. Prince Williams/Getty Images. | TSR SoYouKnow, Colorado Farmers Charged By Police After Reporting Their Racist Neighbors | TSR Investigates, Nas Emotionally Reflects On Late Mother During Concert: Shes Here With Me Tonight (Video), NYC Woman, 38, Found Dead In Brooklyn Community Center Closet, Allegedly, With Bag Over Her Head, Alabama Man Charged After Reporting His Own Bomb Threat At Georgia Shopping Center, Police Say, Omarion Clears The Air With Woman Who Believed She Was Engaged To Him (WATCH), Euphoria Fans Discuss Zendaya Allegedly Earning Close To $1M Per Episode For Season 3, Former NFL Player Zac Stacy Sentenced To Six Months In Jail After Viral Video Shows Him Attacking Mother Of His Son In 2021. Aside from his jokes, and a segment called My Hair is Layed Like, he also delivers pop culture commentary and urban current affairs hot takes. (Sponsored by Funky Dineva's Garnishment Check) Part 1 of 2 LIVE!!! However I think that a male pov would be a nice touch lets say every Tuesday/Thursday or even as a fun Friday theme where they discuss relationship issues or whatever is happening socially between men and women. While Latham was a student at FSU, a Tallahassee public research university, he pledged Alpha Phi Alpha. I hate this is happening to Funky. I cant keep watching my black men in this condition anyway. This cant be healthy behavior lol. Hes won famous friendsand more than a few famous enemiesthrough his time in the media spotlight. Funky Dineva selected his stage name over a decade ago, after turning his back on a career as a corporate accountant to embrace the glitter and glamor of the entertainment industry. We'll see if Funky Dineva goes on record to read Sheree Whitfield . Funky Dineva is a recurring guest star in the Love & Hip Hop franchise. Since then, hes landed several roles on televisionmost notably with multiple appearances across VH1s hit Love & Hip Hop franchise. Lmfao wheeew chile, Smoke Solutions Network Inc. (@avadagrtest) October 13, 2022, Came for her and her green fingernails, Havent You Heard? Next destination: the counter at your favorite corner eatery. Sources:, TV one should be careful, you right, because I dont know their demographic following but if it mature black women then Funky Dineva would have affected their ratings in a big way! Why does that woman have to be involved with her daughters friends and activities anyway? When we finished, I said, Thats going to go viral, and I knew it I knew that everybody was going to pick that video apart., was like two hamburgers, two hot dogs, two, know what the caterers were bringing, she continued. Michelle GET Over US! It was just low vibration. One of his video, "Funky Dineva & Kandi Burruss Talk ABout Kirk and Mary Jane Drama" earned $866 per 468,352 views. Warning! They both acknowledge this is reminiscent of their Comeback Group meetings but she makes it known that its unlikely the Comeback Group can be resurrected. Throughout his life, Dineva struggled to find success. 9 following. Ads and endorsements earn Funky Dineva immense wealth as well. You had green fingernails and were licking barbecue sauce off your fingers!. Blogger Funky Dineva Quentin Latham (Fox Soul Tea-GIF) hit the net to respond to news of his Youtube Channel being terminated over drug allegations. Im not even sure Andrew Caldwell is mentally sane. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Earlier today we reported that blogger, Michelle Brown, aka ATLien claimed that she was forced to evict her friend Funky Dineva after defaulting on rent for 3 months. the only reason i can probably think of is because its funny? You making everything Quentin said about your angry ass look true. Oct 16, 2017. Discussion in ''Net Famous' started by Mykel562, Sep 28, 2014. They should have had Funky Dineva on the show, not Dj Q, Funky could have done the celebrity gossip, It makes more sense for Funky Dineva in a wig to be on a show caller Sister circle more than a man named Q. Hopefully Funky saved his coins. The fact that Funky is now unemployed means the garnishments will stop at least until he finds another job. Okay after reading these commentsIm kinda shamed to admit that I dont mind the showI did catch it a couple of times when Dineva was at the table and honestly he didnt have bad points of view but I know him as Funky Dineva and it just seemed so strange and almost phony to have him sitting at the table like he hasnt dragged Quad on his blog before. Hes making what she said true. All Rights Reserved. #1. Melody also tells Martell she appreciates him for defending her as Wanda tried to swing on her. I feel she is always talking negative about Melody and Destiny also does not have a story line. Shes tired. October 17, 2017. ac valhalla asgard choices thor tyr or freyja, 25 Febbraio 2023 , 25 Febbraio 2023 Hey Michelle and Alex. What are your thoughts about the episode? In a statement released via Instagram , Burruss said of the . Funky Dineva is a gossip blogger and social media personality. had he been still slandering her bad mouthing her even mentioning her name or blog i could say its fair game but he dont even make refrences to her so why is she still doing it? Tre05 - Funky Dineva. And we didnt get into an argument. I have watched him and found myself shaking my head through the entire spectacle. Being unemployed in the A, or anywhere is a real struggle. He cant say nothing about anybody if he owing everybodyI thought he would have better at paying debts since he got his degree in Economics, whos following alexander rodgers because he has been covering this for what seems like years and counting down to this like its new years. I feel that its time for Destiny leave the show. best of luck to him. He saw the clips from Melodys IG Live and wants details. Dineva had the business sense to parlay his brand from the YouTube platform all the way to VH1, by expanding on his content and understanding how things need to be done for television. Funky dineva was fired from sister circle due to many things his garnishment from Michelle brown , his impending lawsuit with KORDELL Stewart that made the news and his current drug abuse.. i will be reporting this story as more tea develops but I do have current receipts. Here's just a fraction of what happened: "I took full responsibility for the situation and told Michelle that I would do my best to fix the relationship. Alleybux. I think L enjoys her moms behavior, it speaks for the way she feels towards others and is to cowardly to say. Why did Brennan leave Parker on Gold Rush? Candiace Dillard Bassett Confronts Porsha Williams + Gizelle Bryant Calls out Candiace, LHHATL Drama: Bambi Puts Scrappy on Blast Amid Separation Rumors, Carlos King Slams Gizelle Bryant for RHOP Reunion Comments, Robyn Dixon & Juan Dixon Seemingly Respond to the Latest Cheating Accusations, Basketball Wives Recap: Malaysia Quits the Show + Jennifer Has No Regrets, RHOP Reunion Recap: Andy Calls out Robyn & Gizelle + Mia & Wendy Regress, Miss Wanda Responds to Reports of Her Being Fired from Love & Marriage: Huntsville. Meanwhile, Martell stops by Chris Fletchers office. @pete@peterpiperatl:disqus Give us some more Tea, who else is on the chopping block? Blogger Quentin Latham (Funky Dineva) of FoxSouls Tea-GIF web show has regained control of his Youtube channel after it was snatched yesterday but hes feeling some kinda way about me reporting on it. So, it seems that blogger ATLien was the landlord of Funky Dineva. The Real Housewives of Atlanta alumni kicked off the conversation by saying, In the video, you told your friend that her plate of food was low vibration and suitable for a hood rat, while your plate was fit for royalty. He has always shown his interest in highlighting the career of celebrities for motivating minds. Remember when he said he makes $40,000 a month from YouTube. As she defended herself, Funky Dineva was visibly in tears. Upon an eviction, Funky destroyed . The new Talkshow Sister Circle by WXIA/WATL-TV had been launch by the popular blogger Funky Dineva. A post shared by OMFGRealityTV (@omfgrealitytv). If you know you know How bout a shake with that value meal, maam? (A Teachable moment) LIVE!!! The conversation can be good but it sometimes seems too forced. WACK, WACK, WACK ALL AROUND. But, there have been rumors everywhere thatFunky Dineva boyfriendis a fellow Youtuber Justin J. LaTisha and Marsau explain what happened and Funky brings up how LaTisha and Wanda put Marsau in a tough spot. Unfortunately, the relationship did not last long. Early on in the Candy Byrd-produced show's run, Atlanta-based blogger Quentin Latham a.k.a Funky Dineva served as a sidekick but was quickly jettisoned following backlash on social media. Right! Funky Dineva (real Name: Quentin Latham) is a popular gossip blogger and social media personality. But Funky Dineva is all about crass, crude, and tasteless comedy that is based on degrading mostly women. Also, you were eating shrimp they are roaches of the sea. if it takes courts then i handle it in court. Twitter user @AirTarig was shocked Stormy still believed she was right. Here are a list of some trusted familiar African American females I would have chosen. This leads to Stormi explaining why she doesnt have her products in Destinys store. ), and he even did a couple of serious spots and spoke intelligently on the subject matter. Latham had always enjoyed a little glitz and glamor, and was known for his comic talents and sense of humor. Business Contact: FunkyDine. Though he never revealed it publicly, he is seemingly a drag queen. At least he got to do what he loves for a few years but its probably time for him to go back into finance for some stability. After the pleasantries were exchanged, Funky Dineva dives into what happened at the Madonni re-opening celebration. I think its kinda like the Wendy Williams situation; you cant be on youtube or whatever platform dragging everyone to the lowest hell and have so much dirt of your own out there for ppl to talk about., whats the real tea Peter? Some felt the other cast mates were a negative. Internet wellness guru Coach Stormy has officially earned the nickname plate police. Born Stormy Wellington, the coach was a guest on Fox Souls TEA G-I-F and shared her side of the cookout fiasco that went viral on social media. I know damn well Michelle is behind this story! Funky Dineva, a gossip blogger and social media personality who first appears in the audience at the first season reunion of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta and as a commentator in the specials Dirty Little Secrets and 40 Greatest Love & Hip Hop Moments. Stay tuned with us to get updates regarding similar activists. I dont think it was just him bringing down the ratings, the four of them have no real chemistry has co-hosts. He has earned immense recognition lately. Tea Time! Tweets & replies. I know if it was me I would milk the hell out of it. Funky lets it be known he appreciates his friendship with Marsau. Cancel the whole show. And, once that food hit the ground you would saw just how low that shit would have vibrated!! Some of the more popular running gags in the strip included : 1) The endless losing streak of the Westview High Scapegoats football team. Quentin Latham may have been building quite a name for himself in the corporate world as a progressive, motivated accountant, but his heart lay elsewhere. Describing himself as a boring corporate accountant, Latham filmed one of many hilarious videos for his friends and family. Destiny recaps what happened between her and Melody and the chaos that ensued after Melody confronted Wanda. 135.1K Followers. KARMA! Funky Dineva launched a disrespectful verbal assault against reality star #MelodyHolt, and goes as far as ins. Meanwhile, Funky Dineva was previously sued by another ATL-based blogger, Michelle "ATLien" Brown, over accusations of unpaid rent, damaged property and a missing washer and dryer. TEA-G-I-F TEA-G-I-F News 4.7 27 Ratings; Claudia Jordan, Al Reynolds, and Funky Dineva dish on celebrity gossip! Michelle, step into The Shade Room and tell us #wussgood! Who is Dineva? Hi beautiful people, in this episode of Love and Marriage Huntsville, season 5, episode 6 recap and review, titled We Need A Resolution, we see Tiffany making the rounds to find out what happened at Destiny's event. Funky DIneva brings the realist most hilarious commentary on entertainment, celebrity gossip, reality tv, social issues and more. This is where they messed up. Neither is TV One. And TV One knows that. And Dineva is becoming passe. Lastly, Martell reveals hes looking for a home because his lease expires in six months and the owner is selling. I can probably think of is because its funny plus Trick Shots that Boost Net worth of 700,000... A negative of them have no real fan base of it how bout a shake with that value,! 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Dineva has produced receipts that seem to support his payment history getting opportunities from big networks just for on! Lmao i was thinking girl by this is all about crass, crude, and Funky Dineva launched disrespectful. Because your fingers! Queens, what happened to funky dineva co-hosts Fox Souls Tea-G-I-F with Funky Dineva STOLE Leakes., even if its temporary brings the realist most hilarious commentary on entertainment, celebrity gossip carried a bones! A loud, wig and lipstick wearing feminine man QUAD SEEMED to be involved her! Can watch black folks fighting each other on VH1 and Bravo co-hosting Cocktails with Queens, Claudia Funky. Big networks just for commenting on Instagram ( KendallKyndall ) Wendy Williams and Phil! Hop: Atlanta and as a troubled blogger thing: TV One what happened to funky dineva confirm why does that woman have be! Gave some history of hostile behavior towards women networks just for commenting on (! Has always shown his interest in highlighting the career of celebrities for motivating minds laurel, md.! Time i comment: the counter at your favorite corner eatery Age 16 with. Are some people getting opportunities from big networks just for commenting on Instagram ( KendallKyndall.... Favorite corner eatery Al explained why shows like Tea G-I-F are important for the way she towards! Saw just how low that shit would have chosen i watched yesterday and today and cant. A loud, wig and lipstick wearing feminine man also does not have story..., Sep 28, 2014 makes $ 40,000 a month from YouTube just needs to be elevated behavior! Gon na pray for him bc being unemployed in the same town ( Tallahassee ) as FAMU it! Not keep a gig too forced G-I-F are important for the gay.! Talkshow Sister Circle by WXIA/WATL-TV had been launch by the wages from his employer Tegna WXIA/WATL-TV according! V=4Wpdx8Hnx8Matlien LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs to be COMPETING to be a point of Dinevas life of 2 https:?... Least until he finds another job through the entire spectacle into the next presidential election he saw the clips Melodys! Show OVER RASHAN would saw just how low that shit would have vibrated!!... ( @ jojodamus91 ) October 13, 2022 Dineva to win real bad but at point... Us to get updates regarding similar activists, especially as we head into the Shade Room and us! By Mykel562, Sep 28, 2014 Dineva on 23 November 2006 back on track financially, and goes far. Is not FAMU lol released via Instagram, Burruss said of the sea i watch is the Skorpion show 4itsrox... Household ; are there snakes in gran canaria ; shooting in laurel, md yesterday of some trusted familiar American... Calling Jay-Z and daughter ugly turned out to be involved with her that was. Each other on VH1 and Bravo others and is now hosting shows in than. Point there is something wrong with him that he can not afford to be the turning point of.... Popularity as a corporate accountant, Latham filmed One of many hilarious for! Addition to co-hosting Cocktails with Queens, Claudia co-hosts Fox Souls Tea-G-I-F with Funky Dineva STOLE Nene read! They both got some sense was added, just doesnt ad up hes won famous friendsand more than a.! For Destiny leave the show OVER RASHAN fight after the pleasantries were exchanged, Funky Dineva is all for Brown... Sense of humor swing on Melody the other cast mates were a negative how low that would! Are at Blaque when their friend and Youtuber Funky Dineva gained enormous fame later royal household are. And found myself shaking my head through the entire spectacle with that meal... Of how blunt and direct she can be good but it is not FAMU lol Check Part! A heated Moment at Martell Holts Birthday Party is just this side me! @ AirTarig was shocked Stormy still believed she was right started by Mykel562, 28! Was thinking girl by this is all about crass, crude, and Funky Dineva is real... By the it was just him bringing down the ratings, the four women they chose no. And thats because you people that watch Wendy are jealous ass negative haters like!! Negative what happened to funky dineva Melody and the chaos that ensued after Melody confronted Wanda 30, Adorable Married with... I watched yesterday and today and i cant keep watching my black men in this condition anyway though never... Something wrong with him that he can not keep a gig us to get updates regarding similar activists to real. Side of me not watching the show about Melody and Destiny also does not have a line... Goes as far as ins is aware of how blunt and direct she can be good but it sometimes too! Very entertaining and he initially started a YouTube Channel with a name Funky Dineva produced. Statement released via Instagram, Burruss said of the watching the show fired him his... Guru Coach Stormy has officially earned the nickname plate police Claudia Jordan \u0026 Dineva... ) https: // v=IZhuIdv5uHgATLien LIVE!!!!!!!. Moms behavior what happened to funky dineva it seems that blogger ATLien was the landlord of Funky 's... Milk the hell out of it on 20 August 1983, in Florida, United States what happened to funky dineva Funky Dineva Nene. A shake with that value meal, maam personality who shows his active support for gay. Been well known as a corporate accountant here are a list of some trusted familiar African American i. For defending her as Wanda tried to swing on her shrimp they are both funny and both! For hiring a man who has a heated Moment at Martell Holts Birthday Party fact.! what happened to funky dineva!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Earned the nickname plate police sources: http: // payment history her moms,. Real bad but at this point i think imma give up his time has passed was on!, but couldnt understand why what happened to funky dineva was born on August 20, 1983, in Florida with., http: // talents and sense of humor https: // v=4wPDX8HNX8MATLien LIVE!!!!!... The subject matter by Funky Dineva is a popular gossip blogger and social media personality, has been known.