In the present, Harper shows Griffin the real agreement signed by Elijah, stating the Tremont's land is rightfully owned by Harper's family hence explaining Grace's presence. Ethan Hutchison as Sam Tremont. Landon Gordon as Wyatt Campbell, Griffin's younger brother and Zoey's twin. The duo then begins to find out what happened to Savannah Dillon, the girl who supposedly haunts the hotel in the present. Savannah is witty and quick-thinking. Jess gets a text from Griffin that the power is on and to come over because the portal should work now. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. So when Savannah came through, bunker in 2020 was no longer connected to the hatch in 1962. Secrets of Sulphur Springs is an American time-travel mystery thriller drama television series which premiered on Disney Channel on January 15, 2021. . They laughed and talked. Disney/YouTube. Griffin and Harper tried to find out what really happened to Savannah. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. Meanwhile, paranormal activities increase as the Campbells prepare to reopen the hotel, and Savannah tries to help Griffin and Harper uncover the secrets of the hotel from the past. Griffin learns that the twins have the crystal and tries to get it back. The family shifts into a ramshackle hotel named The Tremont to repair and reopen it but soon hears rumors that it might be haunted. By Sylvia-Marah Boune / Sept. 28, 2022 3:43 pm EST. Diandra Lyle will be reprising her role as Jess Dunn in the second season of Secrets of Sulpher Springs. His father, Bennett, lived there and had them move into the Tremont, an abandoned hotel that is supposedly haunted by a girl named Savannah who disappeared thirty years ago. Harper will be okay mom, shes tough like you, Topher says to comfort her. At first, they think theyre still in 1990, but then they see one of the Camp Tremont cabins under construction with a sign saying it will open in 1960. When Griffin and his new best friend Harper try to solve the mystery of what happened to her, they find a portal . They try to help her get back to 1990 but fail in doing so. What would Bennett have found if he went all the way into the basement? Topher and Jess are about to head home in case Harper returns there. Griffin Campbell and his family have moved from Chicago to the town of Sulphur Springs. [26] Originally developed as an hour-long series, the program was later shortened to a half-hour format. (1990Present; Good Friends) To hide their real identities, Griffin and Harper lie to Savannah that their names are "Harry and Hermione" from Harry Potter. Harper tells her she doesnt feel like she can trusther mom because she knows shes lying about being at camp. Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. 0:35 Savannah smiling and holding a glowing crystal - This is a huge reassurance because it confirms that the kids will have the time machine working again and get Griffin safely back to 2020. Alone, Sarah asks Ben if he believes Harpers story. What happened to Savannah? Harper hypothesizes that the smoke incident could be related to her visions. Harper and Griffin eavesdrop on Daisy discussing her encounter with her family. There he meets Harper, an artistic and mystery-obsessed classmate that he soon befriends. Smoke begins to form in The Tremont, and the family evacuates. As they leave, a frantic knock at the door turns out to be Jess with Topher in tow. Savannah stays there for 2 whole years before Harper discovers a photograph of Savannah near the Tremont in 1962. Did secrets of Sulphur Springs get Cancelled? Sneak Peek of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" Season 3 Released, Disney Channel To Debut New Series "Saturdays" and Third, Disney Channel Shares Video Teasing New and Returning, TV Recap: The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers Season 2,, TV Recap: Secrets of Sulphur Springs Episode 8: If I Could Turn Back Time, New Episodes Every Wednesday House of Mouse Headlines Presented by Laughing Place. Sarah is startled by Bennett while investigating a humming noise. She is one of five female characters on the show, including. ast and crew of the episode Straight Outta Time (Secrets of Sulphur Springs). 15. Secrets of Sulphur Springs. After learning that Savannah spent the night in the basement, they quickly go through the portal and see that Savannah isn't dead, she just went further back in time. Elle, a blonde, lanky 11-year-old, plays Savannah, the mysterious girl at the heart of the show. Daisy's family learns that Walker edited the agreement without their knowledge, bringing Harper and Savannah to the realization that Grace wants them to stop this to prevent the loss of the family's home. Where can I watch Secrets of Sulphur Springs Episode 7? Harper instructs Griffin to monitor Daisy and protect her identity. Click on the picture below to see a quick video of us making our . With Topher in the car, Ben tells Jess not to worry and that they will find the kids. Ethan Hutchison as Sam Tremont (season 2), Daisy's younger brother. Griffin Campbell and his family move to the old Tremont hotel in the town of Sulphur Springs. Bennett shows the twins the crystal. Savannah learns that the man from the night before is an older Sam, who is now a maintenance worker. About this show. ' Secrets of Sulphur Springs ' is a mystery series set in the fictional town of Sulphur Springs in Louisiana. Griffin and Harper hear a search party calling Savannahs name through the woods and peek in on the scene where police officers are leading efforts to find the missing camper. (She was always actually living in 1960, and didn't die or end up haunting the Tremont). As for a potential third season, let's unpack things a bit. Jess watches Ben hug Sarah and looks away. Some theorize that Savannah died in the Hotel and now haunts it, but Chris begs to differ. It all started after the Aussie beauty decided to give her opinion . Now streaming on Disney Now and airing on Disney Channel tonight (February 19th) at 8/7c, heres a detailed recap of everything that happened in this episode. He calls Daisy, unaware that Topher is eavesdropping. Thats the question thats plagued everyone watching Disney Channels Secrets of Sulphur Springssince the show began on January 15th. Disney Classics Mini-Figures. Then after she shows up in the basement, the 3 of them go back into the bunker. We haven't heard anything that season 3 is the last season . As Zoey and Wyatt walk through the hotel, one of the rocking chairs begins to move on its own. Griffin Campbell and his family move to the old Tremont hotel in the town of Sulphur Springs. This page was last edited on 20 February 2023, at 09:55. Taking his son outside, Bennet tells his dad that its his fault Savannah is missing. Harper reminds Griffin that they still dont know what happened to her and they continue to bang on windows, eventually getting the attention of a police officer. This season, Griffin & Harper unravel mysteries about The Tremont & Harper follows the real ghost back to the 1930's to learn about her family's connection to the hotel",, 2020s American teen drama television series, 2020s American time travel television series, Television productions suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. In consequence, it is still early for Secrets of Sulphur Springs to have a renewal announcement. Savannah tries to use the portal when Sam catches her intruding. Find out Secrets of Sulphur Springs season 3 release date, synopsis, & more. Its about a family who moves from Chicago to Louisiana to rehabilitate an abandoned hotel, The Tremont. Would explain why Harper has no memories of it happening because it's not her. Topher notices the crystal glowing brightly in his bag. Elle, a blonde, lanky 11-year-old, plays Savannah, the mysterious girl at the heart of the show.It's about a family who moves from Chicago to Louisiana to rehabilitate an . Traveling to the past, Griffin befriends young Bennett while Harper begins to suspect that Jess may eventually do something to Savannah. Griffin moves to the Tremont Hotel after the death of his father. Kyliegh Curran can't spill all the beans about what Friday's Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 1 finale (Disney Channel, 8/7c) has in store for fans because she does co-star on a show with . She lives with her mother, Jess, and her brother, Topher. Secrets of Sulphur Springs is rated PG for mild scares and concepts that may frighten younger viewers. They quickly rush back to the entrance when they find an old man upstairs. She puts the blame on him, saying All I know is they shut the doors on this place for a reason and then you opened them up again. The police pull up in the background to break their tense moment. Did Savannah die when the tree fell on the hatch in 1960? Harper has Topher cover for her as she leaves home. Josh Braaten as Bennett "Ben" Campbell Jr., Harper convinces Daisy to let the timeline play itself out in order to preserve it. Inside, Bennet runs to the basement and is followed by Jess, who says its ridiculous that Savannah would be down there, then realizes she dared her to spend the night there yesterday. Secrets Of Sulphur Springs Renewed For Season 2 By Disney Channel. Harper's family continues to be suspicious of Daisy. They visit the year 1962, following the reopening of the Tremont. Does Jess still have feelings for Ben in the present? Diandra Lyle as Jessica "Jess" Dunn. Sulphur Springs is a city in, and the county seat of, Hopkins County, Texas, United States. Bennettt seems upset and walks off, making Jess confused because he should be happy it wasnt Savannah. After learning the evil presence will ruin their lives by 2024, the kids race to solve a tangled mystery in the past that may hold the key to defeating the ghost in the present and saving the Dunns and the Campbells from a very bleak future. Griffin Campbell and his family move to the old Tremont hotel in the town of Sulphur Springs. The third season will see Preston Oliver and Kyliegh Curran reprising the roles of Griffin and Harper, the two young adventurous best friends. Landon Gordon as Wyatt Campbell. Topher loses the crystal while running through a forest. As Savannah weeps, Bennett enters the shelter and confronts Harper. Spooktacular fun is in store for Disney Channel with the season two premiere of Secrets of Sulphur Springs on Friday, January 14, beginning at 8 p.m. ET/PT with back-to-back episodes.. Harper Dunn (Kyliegh Curran) and Griffin Campbell (Preston Oliver) continue their quest to uncover the origins of The Tremont with the help of Savannah (Elle Graham) in the 1960s in the time . It's the same path that the two main characters follow and maybe the connections remain until a new one from another point is established. The duo then begins to find out what happened to Savannah Dillon, the girl who supposedly haunts the hotel in the present. Harper calls Griffin to tell him about the picture he found of Savannah and Griffin breaks the news that they are moving back to Chicago. Youre a good little brother, she tells him before running off. My theory is that you travel 30 years backwards in time every time you go through the tunnel. Harper is gloomily drawing at a table when Jess sits down for a talk. Savannah is a fictional character on Secrets of Sulphur Springs. Back in the past, Griffin and Harper are locked in the back of a police car being driven to child services. Trina LaFargue as Becky, counselor of camp Tremont. Just then, the power comes back on. And it is supposedly haunted by Savannah Dillon, a hotel guest who disappeared thirty years ago. She asks Topher to cover for her for 10-minutes and gives him a hug. Daisy encourages Sam to never give up on building the time machine. In SECRETS OF SULPHUR SPRINGS, 12-year-old Griffin Campbell (Preston Oliver) laments his family's abrupt move from Chicago to a small Louisiana town to renovate and reopen a dilapidated hotel called The Tremont. Daisy tells Griffin that she wants to stay and help Grace despite his complaints. She tells Griffin about everything she learned regarding The Tremonts history. As she goes to dance with Bennett, Savannah asks out Bennett first, embarrassing her. EXCLUSIVE: Diandra Lyle (American Woman, Moonbase 8), who heavily recurred on Season 1 of Secrets of Sulphur Springs, has been promoted to series regular for the second season of Disney Channels time-travel mystery-adventure series. When they enter the portal, they find themselves in the year 1960, prior to the camp's opening. The one-hour series premiere of Secrets of Sulphur Springs airs on Disney Channel tonight, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. ET/PT. Sarah tries to convince Bennett that there is a ghost haunting them. Ben reveals that Sarah knows they were at camp together with Savannah. They become friends and pulled a prank by dumping powdered punch in the springs near the hotel. 15. [27] In October 2019, the series was officially ordered by the network for an eleven-episode season. Griffin Campbell and his family move to the old Tremont hotel in the town of Sulphur Springs. what happened to makayla noble. "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" also received a high rating on Rotten Tomatoes: 94% of viewers rated the show 3.5 out of 5 stars or higher. natalia, texas obituaries; le merveilleux voyage de nils holgersson personnages principaux; chad abraham obituary; boysenberry kamikaze drink recipe; jonathan mangum salary on let's make a deal; motor carrier permit california lookup; are kyle and lola dating in real life; is henrietta music still alive In the present, Jess and Ben end up alone outside. They discover the crystal split in two, stranding Savannah in the present and Griffin in the future. Sneak Peek of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" Season 3 Released, Disney Channel To Debut New Series "Saturdays" and Third, Disney Channel Shares Video Teasing New and Returning, "High School Musical: The Musical: The Series" Season 3, TV Recap: Secrets of Sulphur Springs Episode 7: Long Time Gone, New Episodes Every Wednesday House of Mouse Headlines Presented by Laughing Place. Their return attempt to the past fails after Bennett's father causes a power surge. Press J to jump to the feed. As the people go looking for Savannah, Bennett goes to the basement where Jess confronts him and they argue. Secrets of Sulphur Springs, for 11 episodes, has followed Griffin after his family moved to the small town and took ownership of The Tremont, an abandoned hotel, with plans to restore it to its . Hence, considering all the above points, Secrets of Sulphur Springs season 3 can be expected to arrive sometime in Q1 2023. Savannah is startled by a young Bennett and the two are revealed to be friends. 10 Shows Like Sulphur Springs Everyone Needs To See. In her role as Harper and Topher's mothr, Diandra is known for . In Secrets of Sulphur Springs season 2, Griffin, Harper, and Savannah discover that the real ghost haunting The Tremont is Daisy, Harpers lookalike great-grandmother. Griffin and Harper introduce themselves as ". As Harper and Savannah reunite with Daisy, Harper comes up with a new idea. The sophomore season will consist of eight episodes, the last of which is scheduled to air on February 25, 2022. As she peers into the pot, she experiences the same strange visions. What a shocking ending! In a bag under the bed, Jess finds clothes in 1990s style and in the pocket of a blouse, she finds the roster for the camp talent show in her own handwriting. Savannah finds a note left by Sam, instructing her to destroy the machine if he does not return after 3 weeks. Savannah does her act, but to everyone's surprise, Bennett wins, implying that Jess rigged it. Title: Twenty years around the world. He refuses to answer, confirming that she should go home and to call him if she hears anything. She is the only blonde character on the show. In Secrets of Sulphur Springs, a music-loving middle school boy named Griffin (Preston Oliver) moves into an abandoned hotel called The Tremont that his family plans to restore. Disney's "The Secrets of Sulphur Springs" is a family-friendly sci-fi . While at the springs, Bennett discovers the crystal Topher had dropped. BONUS: Check out our interview with Landon Gordon, who plays Wyatt on the show. They try to save Savannah from disappearing. A leak begins to form in The Tremont which everyone attempts to stop. Description. Twelve-year-old Griffin and . Love Island fans rejoiced on Wednesday night after Jessie called out Olivia for going 'behind her back' and called her 'fake'. How Old Is Savannah in Secrets of Sulphur Springs? Harper thinks that Jess is about to do something bad to Savannah as she suddenly becomes suspicious of her. As Zoey and Wyatt hold a sance for Savannah, Griffin and Harper go and meet with Savannah and Jess respectively. Fun Fact: Sulphur Springs is a fictional Louisiana town, but the series was filmed in New Orleans. Secrets of Sulphur Springs. Is that Marvel's Time Stone in the radio? What happened to Harper's dad in Secrets of Sulphur Springs? Savannah is an orphaned Caucasian preteen who has blond hair and blueish-hazel eyes. This detailed recap . They wander through the woods and witness Savannah doing something, but before she can, something causes her to scream. On the other hand, Harper discovers the injustices against her family in the past and how their land was taken away. Since its premiere in January 2021, the show has received much love from fans for its engaging narrative and performances. 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