You have so many varied interests. 25. How you respond, then, will probably fall into one of the following categories: However you choose to respond, remember the following: When a guy compliments you, its good to have some idea of how to respond. 15. It means a lot to hear that from you. Even if the guy has the confidence for both of you, his compliments are meant to be the conversation-starter that he expects you to key into. 72. Compliment his body or his endurance when it comes to exercise. Ill beam for weeks with compliments like that. 8. Youre irresistible with or without facial hair. "I have to spread absolute beauty around me wherever I go." When a guy compliments you they expect you to respond. Have I told you lately how much I love it when you cook? . I feel most at home when Im with you. 18. This guy would probably think youre joking but he wont really be too sure either. Lucky jerks. 4. You inspire me, every day, to take action. This kind of response is unexpected and so you can confuse the person who complimented you if you doubt his sincerity. I never get tired of hearing thatespecially from you. One look at you, and my mind is flooded with inappropriate thoughts. After all, research shows that the funnier a man is, the more attractive he seems. Points for being right and not being gross about it. Say "thank you.". Is there anything you cant do? 17. I think youve probably learned how to compliment a guy by now and maybe have a few other ideas for how you can show this man how much you appreciate him. He's a narcissist or control freak. 12. The sight of you makes everything better. 22. 97. But, I find that your advice works in all areas not just romantic relationships. 13. I see how other women are drawn to you. A lot of generalities that I have heard before. I see your compliment and raise you a hug. A good line to give someone you dont want to give much attention to because he has refused to take no for an answer. You remind me every day. You look fantastic! Anything from simple to wide-eyed open smile will get the guy thinking of how to make you smile every day of his life. How to Be Human: Giving the Right Compliment to Someone About Their Body 1. Thanks for the compliment, but Im off the market. 13. 85. Accompany Your Reply With The Appropriate Body Language (If Necessary), 6. And there you go againmaking me wish you were here. Intelligence and wisdom compliments 5. But I like the way you say it. Effort compliments 2. I see you went with my favorite compliment. The last guy I went on a date with showed up in cargo shorts and flip-flops. 52. Haha, thanks! Can you help me fix this? Highlight those that relate to the qualities in him you most admire. "I trust you - completely.". Beyond praise of his looks and physique (which are nice but superficial), your recognition of his good character, charm, intelligence, hard work, career success, values, and integrity go a long way in cementing a bond between you. I never thought Id enjoy kissing as much as I love kissing you. Thank you. Agreeing with your compliment might make her feel vain. For example, you could say, "Your nose is so cute. The truth is, he's trying to flirt with you, dammit! A lot. Dont compliment him to get something out of him. It could mean he is attracted to you especially if he does it often, he only seems to do it to you and he shows other signs of attraction around you. Nothing else. Im going to give you 11 different scenarios you can use to compliment a man, but know that youre not limited to just these. Our kids know youd break the world to be there for them. Directness, honesty, and impeccable taste. So, what does it mean when a guy compliments your appearance? A simple wave followed by a smile should follow that short and simple thank you. I love to watch you move. Youre right but I doubt I could say the same about you. I humbly accept your compliment. This reply indicates the man doesnt pay you compliments often and youre shocked that he did. For the ultimate multi-tasker, pay your guy a compliment while making him laugh (because oh, that laugh!). Talk nerdy to me. Oh, and keep talking. Learn what each emoji signifies and use them sparingly on a guy who is still trying to get to know you better. 38. Inside and out, youre in a league of your own. By Stan Moore Posted on May 7, 2022. 65. Surprises often bring joy or excitement, and for some people, even emotionally pleasant news can be cognitively intense. If youre trying to tell me what I want to hear keep talking. One excellent compliment for moving things toward a committed relationshipis to be open about how he makes you feel. Its better when youre there.). Hahaha, I wouldnt trade me for the next girl. 9) Use back-handed compliments. Oh, honey, no. Youll find just the words or the inspiration you need. He tries to impress you 9. Until you, Id never met the perfect blend of brilliant, funny, and kind. And which do you think youre most likely to use? 56. "You look healthy" 2. 6. Oh, and relax: While the occasional lady will always say that size. Leave this field empty if you're human: * You will receive the latest news and updates on your favorite celebrities! Some mirrors have a way of making us look more appealing than we are. Some women have mastered the art of anticipating what comes after a man says her gown is beautiful. Adam, I flippin LOVE you, man!! Youre the best listener I know. The intoxicating . 49. 16. 24. 59. When a guy compliments you, it could 100% mean that the guy likes you. Youre never a sore loser or an insufferable winner. Receiving compliments isnt usually just a favor to you but also the person giving them. 9 Ways To Be More Universally Empathetic, 13 Major Signs Youve Met The Right Person At The Wrong Time, 31 Ridiculous Things Covert Narcissists Say in an Argument, Make Some Happy Today With These 41 Bliss-Inducing Ideas, 17 Signs Hes Hurting After Your Break-Up, Does Your Guy Run Hot And Cold? If you aren't sure what to say, you can consider: "Thank you so much, I really appreciate hearing that from you." . Im listening. If this were Neverland, all Id have to do to fly is think of you. 7. Thanks for just being here for me.. Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps. I believe in you. 3. If you reply in a completely awkward manner or say something unclear, you will make him feel like he should have kept his thoughts to himself. Think of how you felt the last time you received one. Ouch, that must hurt the person on the receiving end. 6. If you like the compliment, then respond nicely too. I like the clothes you wear. Were you just reading my mind? 9. I dont know anyone who doesnt want their significant other to find them attractive irresistible, even. You can compliment him on how much weight he lifts, the fantastic meal he cooks, a promotion he got at workjust be authentic with your praise. Ive never felt more loved than when Im with you. When I hear your voice, my mind goes to some dark places which reminds me, we should find one of those like right now. The man will feel really special. You never get bored of learning new things. "Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to express that.". 14. This guy friend of mine who I have known for 4years now,we call each other brother and sister,told me the most heartfelt thing last month.I have been going through some difficult times and he said to me you dont deserve this,you are such a beautiful person on the inside.Your sweet,loving and sensitive.You are just a beautiful person and you know what you are beautiful on the outside too. 26. Well put. It might not be immediately visible . Look whos talking. Well, let me tell you, whoever says this has no idea what theyre talking about. You are my greatest comfort. "You're so brave" 3. Complimenting men and self-esteem Male compliments revealed 1. But hes not. Keep going and keep trying. Before you dive into our list of compliments, though, wed like to share some ideas for offering him a compliment in a sincere way. 5. And I love the view. 11. 60. I thought I needed coffee to wake me up, but that did the trick. I know. Special. "Dilation is a brain response that occurs when you like and are attracted to something," Wood says. I can always count on you to help me put things in perspective. 10. Its embarrassing. That said, theres plenty of room for the kinds of compliments hell love to see coming from you. 21 Bare Minimum Expectations You Should Have In a Partnered Relationship, 30 Heart-Melting Soulmate Quotes To Inspire Love And Intimacy. But when a man does listen to you, let him know that you appreciate and acknowledge it. 13 Signs The Relationship Is Over For Him, 109 Best Appreciation Messages To Show Gratitude, The Ultimate Love List: 365 Reasons Why I Love You, 11 Effective Exercises For Letting Go Of Resentment, Letter to Your Daughter: 13 Heartfelt Sentiments to Consider, 13 Best Ways To Deal With A Disrespectful Grown Child, 147 Powerful Morning Affirmations To Start Your Day. If he shows a distinct preference for any, use those more, too. Youre the only one who knows how rough it can be to look this good. Share your thoughts below Click here to learn the strategy (it's free), the funnier a man is, the more attractive he seems. You said? No one is more fun than you are. Adding fun and sarcasm to your response would probably get the conversation going. 1. Try any of the following, and let them inspire you to create your own. If the guy youre dating is a car buff and you happen to be shopping for a new car, get his opinion on a few models youre considering, or even ask if hed go car shopping with you. Really? Whoever the person giving the compliment is to you, you should try to respond confidently because it takes a lot of effort to give compliments sometimes. 3. 1. To make your reply crystal clear, push your nerves aside, and reply with your choice of words. Its obvious you dont look bad but you say this because you want to downplay his words and make him smile. 2. Always smile and say the two most powerful words, " Thank you ." Whatever your hair is doing, it always looks hot. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. How to Compliment a Guy and Make His Heart Melt (11 Examples You Can Use!). 1. (Hell probably laugh at that one, but thats okay too!). 32. Thank you. Careful, I come with a unique set of instructions. 90. Tell your guy what the thought of his manhood does to you. 15 Answers You Need To Know, I really admire the way you spoke to the waiter when he brought out the wrong order., You are the most hard-working man I know, and you still make time to visit your family., You always make people feel so comfortable when you speak to them., I love the way that shirt brings out your eyes., Those glasses frames are perfect for you. Would you like to know the most socially-accepted ways to respond to compliments? 85. If you want to feel a bit modest after the compliments he paid you, this will really do just that. 15. I want it to smell like you. 50. Your attitude helps me feel calmer and less stressed whenever I have a problem." "I love how passionate you are. This can be your reply to a guy you think might not be able to afford your high-quality lifestyle. And whether its sweet, strange, or just gross, you want to know what to say that will either encourage the guy or send him packing. This looks like something you say to a man you respect and not just want to flatter in return. When Im hurting, theres no one whose company Id rather have than yours. Its hard to get that kind of honesty. I love watching you work. My favorite color is whatever youre wearing. 10. You and me this could work. Here are a few ways to respond to a compliment: "Thank you, it makes my day to hear that.". I feel so thrilled to hear you say, such lovely about my body.' When a guy compliments your skin When a guy compliments your skin, it's a sign that he's attracted to you. But I dont mind when its you. Clearly, you dont like this person all that much. His pupils are huge. The best thing to do in this situation is to glow with a smile and say thank you. 78. I could look into them all day. So you dont end up saying something awkward or inappropriate, check out these general tips on how to respond to compliments from a guy. Keep up the good work. I admire your character and your compassion. Im amazed at what youve done with your life so far. Youre a man of few words. You know exactly how I want to be touched when I want to be touched. A flirty reply to a compliment that suggests the man wants to be more than friends. As such, respond to compliments according to how you feel about the man and the situation. His eyebrows raise up when he sees you. The only thing better than being friends with you is being more than friends. 3. I like the way you use words. You can praise your mans work and accomplishments without denigrating your own; in fact, the compliments will mean more if you also value and respect yourself. A nice and genuine compliment goes a long way in building a trustworthy relationship. 39. I learn something new from you every day." "I love how optimistic you are. This is hilarious but it is either a sign that youre fooling around with him or you feel an attraction too. Whatever youre doing to look this good, keep it up. "You're strong." I want a guy who takes the time to notice my strength. 9. If your first thought when you look at a guy is Run! go with it. Thanks. 15. You did a fantastic job at [latest job well done]. Anything other, it means that he is hitting on you, and wants to take you out. 96. A more laidback reply thats not over the top. If a guy you like or are dating compliments your nails, it's a sign he really appreciates you and likes the way you look. 62. 15. 3. Being able to show not only my passion for writing, but also my passion to help others in their relationships, means the absolute world to me and I hope to continue doing so. You inspire people around you, including me. Just thinking of you makes me feel braver. You might be wondering why a guy compliments your clothes. But. But a lot of women dont know how to compliment a guy. 6. Your smiles and hugs are better than the strongest coffee. He asks you a lot of questions 3. 2. Oh, its no biggie, I got the money to spend. 9. 2. Kee-e-e-e-p walking. Get detailedtell him which parts of you are stimulated, what you want him to do with it, and how long you've been fantasizing about it. boundaries. You probably didnt wear the outfit because of him but you say so because you like him. Here's a quick example: If he is a man who only wants sex, you can conclude that his words are often false and . There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. I will always choose you. 1) He's being spontaneous. Now that youve read through all 99 responses to compliments from a guy, which ones stood out for you? I can picture your smile with this text. 15. The words will just pop out because he doesn't know what else to say. 6. 42. 18. [Lifting your glass] Great minds! 63. On the other hand, gap fillers could be a misleading answer for someone you dont fancy who might take it as a flattering answer to his unwelcome compliments. You continually impress me. The way to know for sure is to not only consider the words he said but his non-verbal mannerisms as he said it (e.g., body language). 89. You combine intelligence and drive with a strong work ethic. 6. "Thanks, I am glad to hear that from you.". 3. This is called the "surprise sequence," and it has four stages. 87. If you like the person youll either be nervous and say thanks shyly or say something nice in return. Maybe you told him last week that you were training for a marathon next monthand he actually remembered and asked if he could train with you. Please leave a comment below about what you think and use the share button to invite other people to read it too. You know just what to say. If I have any questions, I know whom to ask. Sure, he seems to exude confidence, but it cant hurt to let him know you admire his fashion sense. 81. It is a test of your character. As much as I love it when you cook no for an answer 1 ) &. Read through all 99 responses to compliments from a guy, which ones stood out for you such respond... Being spontaneous, what does it mean when a guy is Run to your would. Surprise sequence, & quot ; thank you are attracted to something, & quot ; lot of women know... But he wont really be too sure either feel a bit modest after the compliments he paid,... 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