This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Small Problem Solving and Investigations explorations in Summer introduce pupils to the skills theyll need for SATs. * To plan interventions for children Were excited to announce version 3.0 of our primary schemes of learning. Our assessments are designed to test students understanding. The following are just a flavour of what teachers have been saying about them so far: Amazing! Freely available content is linked to within it. Since then, we have been carefully considering how we can provide teachers with more child-friendly assessments that give Year 1 children the chance to demonstrate their understanding in their own ways. * In pupil progress meetings to indicate areas for development. This anonymous data helps us improve the website with a focus on its users, for example, ensuring the most popular content is easier to access. 3. White Rose Maths Assessment Reception - Autumn, Spring and SummerThese assessments cover the themes of White Rose Maths in the Autumn, Spring and Summer term.You can use this for ideas of practical assessments during play. This resource will save you many hours work when trying to use Assessment for Learning in your class. Looking at whats the same and whats different about how they have represented their answers will develop even more mathematical talk. Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. A series of cookies that collect anonymised data on how users interact with our website. . Input the data using the marks from the papers and the grid will change colour to show where a child has been successful or not answered a question correctly, or at all. LBQ Cookie Use. However the majority of the White Rose resources are now paid for premium resources. The final activities within each of our ready-to-go lesson slides tend more towards reasoning and problem-solving tasks, allowing each child (regardless of how their ability has been perceived in the past) to attempt a task that otherwise might have been considered a gifted and talented or greater depth challenge. Topics like Problem Solving and Investigations are also introduced in the run-up to SATs. These ready-to-go lesson slides are intended for mixed-ability, whole class, mastery maths teaching, with differentiation made possible by the level of adult or peer support, the pacing of activities, or the continued use of concrete pictorial abstract representations (e.g. Children need the chance to talk to their peers about the questions and the way that they have chosen to represent their answers. Log In Create new account A huge thank you to whoever designed or made them. The autumn term content will begin to become available from June 2022 in preparation for schools starting with them in September. A series of cookies that collect anonymised data on how users interact with our website. Both versions of the free schemes and the supporting premium resources will be available on the website so that schools can make a choice that works best for them. The information from these is then used to inform future teaching. We use the White Rose End of block assessments and the termly assessments. The White Rose SOL takes the main learning objectives from the national curriculum and breaks them down into teaching blocks across each term. To find out more about cookies and the types of cookies we are setting please visit our cookie policy. White Rose Autumn Block 3: Measurement Money, White Rose Autumn Block 4: Number: Multiplication and Division, White Rose Spring Block 1: Number: Multiplication and Division, White Rose Spring Block 3: Geometry Properties of Shape, White Rose Spring Block 4: Number Fractions, White Rose Summer Block 1: Measurement Length and Height, White Rose Summer Block 2: Geometry Position and Direction, White Rose Summer Block 3: Consolidation and Problem Solving, White Rose Spring Block 4: Measurement Time, White Rose Summer Block 5: Measurement Mass, Capacity and Temperature, Year 2 End of Block Worksheets and Assessments. Something went wrong, please try again later. There are lots of other primary maths schemes of work available such as Maths No Problem or Maths Mastery (from the Ark Foundation) but all the rest of these are paid for and some are both very expensive and very intensive. We've learned a great deal over the years and received a wealth of feedback from our amazing community of teachers. You can use as many or as few of the tests as you like. Our Year 9 End of Term Assessments are here! EYFS 2021 Resource. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We use cookies to help provide a better website experience for you, and help us to understand how people use our website. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it. So far these resources have been used: When feeding back ideas, encourage the children to explain how they solved the problem and model their thinking. Passwords will not be given out. adding fractions with different denominators does not in our opinion have enough time dedicated to it. So far these resources have been used: Every week Third Space Learnings maths specialist tutors support thousands of pupils across hundreds of schools with weekly online 1-to-1 lessons and maths interventions designed to plug gaps and boost progress.Since 2013 weve helped over 130,000 primary and secondary school pupils become more confident, able mathematicians. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Children may also choose to represent the questions pictorially. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it. Youll likely find you dont need all the resources provided. These cookies can share that information with other organisations or advertisers. White Rose takes a fully maths mastery approach which means there are no suggestions for differentiation in the classroom at all. Based on the advanced information for 2022 examinations, we've created pre-exam workshops for Edexcel, AQA and OCR GCSE exams for your Year 11 students! Our forever free schemes of learning span from Reception to Post 16 GCSE resit. Year-4---Arithmetic---Autumn-2017.pdf Tes Global Ltd is Our Spring End of Term Assessments are online now! White Rose Maths End of Term Assessments 2021-2022 Subject: Whole school Age range: 5-7 Resource type: Assessment and revision 0 reviews File previews zip, 9.63 MB zip, 8.71 MB zip, 11.61 MB These are copies of the White Rose Maths end of term assessments. A series of cookies that collect anonymised data on how users interact with our website. You can find out how to register for the Third Space Learning maths hub for free and explore all our resources (not just the White Rose maths ones) on our maths resources page. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities. To help you monitor understanding and progress throughout the year, we also provide end of block and end of term assessments. Find what you need in our collection of free and premium maths resources for teachers and parents. Download the foundation and higher pre-exam workshop for paper 1, 2 and 3 for your chosen exam board below. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Clicking "Accept" will allow us and our partners to use cookies, learn more in our cookie policy or to change your cookie preferences, click "Manage". For anyone not aware of White Rose, the following should give you a bit of background before you start. Children have to do statutory assessments under current government legislation. Please note, some of the cells are locked for editing so that users do not break the spreadsheet functionality. Clicking "Accept" will allow us and our partners to use cookies, learn more in our cookie policy or to change your cookie preferences, click "Manage". To find out more about cookies and the types of cookies we are setting please visit our cookie policy. Oak Academy Maths Revision. Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. These cookies are necessary for the website to function and without them you would not be able to reliably use the website. Below we give you a summary of what to expect for each Year groups White Rose maths planning and link to all the classroom and home learning resources available on the Third Space Learning Maths Hub. Please leave feedback and rate my resources. Applicable for the 2021-2022 WRM assessments. At the end of March, White Rose Maths announced that we would be discontinuing our Year 1 mini assessments. This resource will save you many hours work when trying to use Assessment for Learning in your class. Based on the advanced information for 2022 examinations, we've created a full suite of Edexcel, AQA and OCR GCSE practice papers for your Year 11 students! Please leave feedback and rate my resources. Many schools find this not only cheaper than a full schemes suite of resources as well as easier to manage. If you'd prefer that certain types of cookie are not saved on your browser when visiting our website, use the toggles below to adjust those preferences and click "Save choices". In addition during the Covid-19 lockdown the White Rose hub started releasing some of their resources for use at home, but these were usually just for week in the block that schools should have been teaching. The questions are designed to stimulate mathematical thinking. To find out more about cookies and the types of cookies we are setting please visit our cookie policy. Please read our, The Ultimate Guide To The Bar Model: How To Teach It And Use It In KS1 And KS2, What Is A Growth Mindset And What Does It Mean For Kids And Parents, What is The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) Approach And How To Use It In Maths, Maths Mastery Toolkit: A Practical Guide To Mastery Teaching And Learning, How Maths Manipulatives Transform KS2 Lessons [Mastery], The Year 1 White Rose Maths Small Steps SOL, The Year 2 White Rose Maths Small Steps SOL, The Year 3 White Rose Maths Small Steps SOL, The Year 4 White Rose Maths Small Steps SOL, The Year 5 White Rose Maths Small Steps SOL, The Year 6 White Rose Maths Small Steps SOL, White Rose Planning With Third Space Learning Maths Resources, Year 1 Place Value Within 10 Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Place Value Within 10 Worked Examples, Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Within 10 Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Within 10 Worked Examples, Year 1 Independent Recap Maths Worksheets, Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Addition and Subtraction Worked Examples, Year 2 Independent Recap Maths Worksheets, Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Slides and Worksheets, Year 3 Addition and Subtraction Worked Examples, Year 3 Multiplication and Division Worked Examples, Year 3 Length and Perimeter Worked Examples, Year 3 Independent Recap Maths Worksheets, Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Slides and Worksheets, Year 4 Addition and Subtraction Worked Examples, Year 4 Length and Perimeter Worked Examples, Year 4 Multiplication and Division Worked Examples, Year 4 Properties of Shapes Worked Examples, Year 4 Position and Direction Worked Examples, Year 4 Independent Recap Maths Worksheets, Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Slides and Worksheets, Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Worked Examples, Year 5 Multiplication and Division Worked Examples, Year 4 Perimeter and Area Worked Examples, Year 5 Decimals and Percentages Worked Examples, Year 5 Position and Direction Worked Examples, Year 5 Independent Recap Maths Worksheets, Year 6 Four Operations Slides and Worksheets, Year 6 Position and Direction Worked Examples, Year 6 Perimeter, Area and Volume Worked Examples, Year 6 Properties of Shape Worked Examples, Ofsted Deep Dives: The Questions To Expect in Maths, request a personalised quote for your school, Why SSDD Problems Are Such An Effective Tool To Teach Problem Solving At KS3 & KS4, 25 Time Word Problems for Year 2 to Year 6 With Tips On Supporting Pupils Progress, What Is A Rekenrek? Our partners will also collect data and use cookies for ad personalisation and measurement. We hope that our new mini assessment task slides will support Year 1 teachers in their classrooms. outdoor and practical Maths program from aged 22 months to the end of Year 1 supporting White Rose Maths. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. View our resources. We use cookies to help provide a better website experience for you, and help us to understand how people use our website. White Rose Maths have teamed up with TV presenter, teacher and parent Michael Underwood to bring you a mini-series called Maths with Michael. This anonymous data helps us improve the website with a focus on its users, for example, ensuring the most popular content is easier to access. Our class of characters bring the schemes to life, and will be sure to engage learners of all ages and abilities. bar modelling) to support learning throughout each lesson. 2023 Third Space Learning. 19.25 per 10-copy pack of termly tests for each subject and year group. For example all year groups still start with place value and continue onto addition and subtraction. Find out more about the key changes here. Find the answer to our frequently asked questions here. All rights reserved.Third Space Learning is the trading name of Virtual Class Ltd, Contents to jump you straight to the section you need, An education publisher, content editor and primary school governor, Sophie works at Third Space producing resources and sharing best practice. TUESDAY EXTRA MATHS CHALLENGES. Suggestions for manipulatives are given in the notes section below each question slide. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at Building 3, 1K views, 3 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from White Rose Maths: Our Year 8 End of Block assessment on Angles in parallel lines and polygons is available now! Our starters are designed to allow them to begin reasoning from the first slide. Year 4 Maths Assessment Pack Term 3. View our resources GCSE practice papers Based on the advanced information for 2022 examinations, we've created a full suite of Edexcel, AQA and OCR GCSE practice papers for your Year 11 students! Currently, KS1 are following the Mastering Number Scheme from NCETM. Topics Covered. They are used to store a limited amount of information. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Perfect for a Maths coordinator looking to have detailed discussions with class teachers about the specific strengths and areas for development for a whole cohort or individual children, these QLA/Gap Analysis grids for each of the White Rose Maths Autumn term assessments will help you support teachers to draw accurate and impactful conclusions from their assessment data. But there are some clear advantages and disadvantages of using the White Rose SOL. any changes to the blocks, such as order and timings. By Year 4 most pupils have a firm grasp of more basic maths skills and their mental maths recall should slowly be becoming automatic even with calculations involving 2 and 3 digit numbers. The total score thresholds auto-calculate and change colour to help indicate which children are working at approximately an expected standard (EXS) level or a Greater Depth (GDS) level. As always we welcome your feedback on this new resource. Oak Academy English Revision. MONDAY EXTRA MATHS CHALLENGES. 1. Year 1 Number and Place Value End - of -Strand Assessment and Tracker 5.0 (16 reviews) Maths Assessment Year 1: Number and Place Value 5.0 (17 reviews) Year 1 Addition and Subtraction End - of -Strand Assessment and Tracker 4.8 (11 reviews) These are copies of the White Rose Maths end of term assessments. For example, logging into your account or completing forms. An opportunity for the children to finish the lesson as they began, reasoning and explaining what they have recently learnt about maths and a final opportunity for you to assess their progress, mathematical vocabulary and the depths they have achieved as a result of their learning during that days mathematical tasks and activities. By the time pupils reach Year 5 they should be confident with both one and two-step problems using the four operations, either singularly or mixed operation problems. Assessments Full term schemes Guidance Activities Barvember Problems of the day Parent resources IWB files Digital tools Happy teachers Moving towards the White Rose Maths scheme of learning has transformed the teaching and learning of our department. Find out more about what each symbol means in our sample brochure. This anonymous data helps us improve the website with a focus on its users, for example, ensuring the most popular content is easier to access. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Links to all these White Rose maths resources can be found below. Our top tips for using the assessments are: 1. From Years Reception to 6, planning overviews follow 'White Rose Mastery Overviews - term by term' as closely as possible, employing their Premium Resources and End of Unit/Term assessments. When will the new schemes be available? Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. Thank you. White Rose Autumn Block 3: Multiplication and Division, White Rose Spring Block 2 Measurement Money, White Rose Spring Block 4: Measurement Length and Perimeter, White Rose Spring Block 5: Number Fractions, White Rose Spring End of Block Worksheets and Assessments, White Rose Summer Block 1: Number Fractions, White Rose Summer Block 2 Measurement Time, White Rose Summer Block 3: Geometry Properties of Shape, White Rose Summer Block 4: Measurement Mass and Capacity, Year 3 End of Block Worksheets and Assessments. Year 1 Geometry Shape Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Place Value Within 20 Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Place Value Within 20 Worked Examples, Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Within 20 Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Addition and Subtraction Within 20 Worked Examples, Year 1 Place Value Within 50 Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Place Value Within 50 Worked Examples, Year 1 Length and Height Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Weight and Volume Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Multiplication and Division Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Multiplication and Division Worked Examples, Year 1 Position and Direction Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Position and Direction Worked Examples, Year 1 Place Value Within 100 Slides and Worksheets, Year 1 Place Value Within 100 Worked Examples, Year 2 Multiplication and Division Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Multiplication and Division Worked Examples, Year 2 Multiplication and Division Within 20 Worked Examples, Year 2 Geometry Shape Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Length and Height Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Position and Direction Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Position and Direction Worked Examples, Year 2 Problem Solving Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Mass, Capacity and Temperature Slides and Worksheets, Year 2 Mass, Capacity and Temperature Worked Examples, Year 3 Multiplication and Division Slides and Worksheets, Year 3 Length and Perimeter Slides and Worksheets, Year 3 Geometry Shape Slides and Worksheets, Year 3 Mass, Capacity and Temperature Slides and Worksheets, Year 4 Length and Perimeter Slides and Worksheets, Year 4 Multiplication and Division Slides and Worksheets, Year 4 Properties of Shapes Slides and Worksheets, Year 4 Position and Direction Slides and Worksheets, Year 5 Multiplication and Division Slides and Worksheets, Year 4 Perimeter and Area Slides and Worksheets, Year 5 Decimals and Percentages Worksheets, Year 5 Geometry Shape Slides and Worksheets, Year 5 Position and Direction Slides and Worksheets, Year 5 Converting Units Slides and Worksheets, Year 6 Position and Direction Slides and Worksheets, Year 6 Converting Units Slides and Worksheets, Year 6 Perimeter, Area and Volume Slides and Worksheets, Year 6 Properties of Shape Slides and Worksheets. 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