Born in West Virginia, Smith developed his interest in music through his interaction with the church, learning piano and singing in the choir at an early age. I would never have heard of Bob Goff nor Tammy Trent if it wasnt for this cruise. Staff, food, decor, were all top-notch and the beds, although small, were very comfortable. Rate This Show. CST#2008327-40. Huge fan of Michael W. Smith ~ that must have been a memorable cruise! Tickets and RSVP information for Michael W. Smith's upcoming concert at Alaska Cruise Ship in Skagway on Jan 09, 2022. Endicott Arm is a jewel in Alaskas crown. Explore one of the worlds oldest collection of totem poles at the Totem Pole Heritage Center, or stroll along Creek Street. There was a lot of tourist shops here. I am Ivy, the founder of livin the life of ivy. We had a great time. We were lucky, if you noticed from our pictures, it wasnt too cold. My sister and I recently took a cruise to Alaska on Holland America's OOSTERDAM. Plus the staff is well trained if anything did happen. 4384 E Ashlan Ave Ste 101 Fresno CA 93726Toll Free 800 247 1899 US/Canada 559 224 5427Privacy Policy. The OOSTERDAM was beautiful and the only TINY complaint we had is that there is a shortage of outlets in the cabins. However, there were some things that really surprised us! The Inspiration Healthy Traveling Experience, For information about Christian cruises & tours, please contact, Insight For Living Ministries Holy Land Tour, Pathway to Victory Biblical Prophecy Tour of Israel, The Isaacs, Tim Menzies, Jimmy Yeary & The Isaacs Foundation Holy Land Tour, Insight for Living Ministries Alaska Cruise Adventure, Turning Point Ministries Alaska Cruise Conference, Salem Media Group Presents Deeper Faith Mediterranean Cruise, Gospel Music Celebration Washington D.C. Tour. Or savor tree-inspired bites at our very own Sappy Hour. Otherwise, it was nice. "Theres something about getting together with the family of God in a gorgeous setting that leads. Read about Alaskas must-see attractions, signature cuisine, and how to prepare for a wild adventure into the heart of The Great Land. Attend VIP dinners before each concert, have a Meet & Greet with Amy and Michael with wine and hors d'oeuvers before a magical concert that will feature selections . Alaska offers cruisers a truly unique experience and shouldn't require a sabbatical to experience. We did the white pass rail train ride. very attractive public rooms. Encounter wildlife in their natural habitat at the Fortress of the Bear. It is my goal to get on an Alaskian Cruise! Leave a Comment Cancel reply comfortable beds. Our Alaska Cruise 2022- 6 Things That SHOCKED Us: Our Lessons Learned The Travel Scouts 32.3K subscribers Subscribe 5.8K Share 341K views 7 months ago We just got back from our Alaska. Its so wonderful you were able to have this experience in gorgeous Alaska! Tricia check out, they have a list of artists and speakers. Get a free exclusive T-shirt for Choir members. Order drinks that find you. Entire ship was chartered by Christian entertainer Michael W. Smith and he brought along pastor/author/speaker Max Lucado, award winning singer Natalie Grant, singer Matthew West, comedian Henry Cho, and others. With an abundance of landmarks and wildlife, take in the sights and sounds of the Inside Passage from the comfort of your ship or on a thrilling excursion ashore. Snuggle sled dog puppies in the ship's Piazza, or see the Northern Lights in the planetarium. You can get more . Ivy has just recently been featured in Liox and where can I fly. amzn_assoc_linkid = "667b027ac4b6996260908e27b6218041";
The Orpheum CHRISTMAS WITH Michael W. Smith (all tickets from 2022 rescheduled concert valid) Minneapolis, MN Ticket. Only complaint is the poles. On an Alaska cruise, take your pick of attractions in the port of Sitka. This means if you purchase through my links I may receive a small commission at no cost to you Please read mydisclaimerfor more information. King's Blues Club and Billboard Onboard. Meanwhile, here are some of my Alaska cruise highlights. Watch lumberjacks in action, learn from Glacier Bay National Park rangers and craft with a Native totem pole carver. decent closets and shelf space. Explore destinations easily on a MedallionClass vacation. Join Michael and our team as we not only pray for our cruise and all God has planned but also please add Darlene and her family to your prayer list. Knowing Darlene, we are certain that this will be yet another platform for her to draw others to Christ and to testify of His healing power and grace. But he got over when I told him it was to Alaska, he braved it for Alaska . Alaskans are inviting people who love to share what makes their state unique. Alaska Cruise Onboard Experience Our award-winning North to Alaska program brings local personalities, culture and cuisine on board and ashore to immerse you in all things Alaska during your cruise to the Great Land. I love these tours. Please join us for an evening with Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant for their popular Christmas tour this upcoming season. .css-z3owsf{display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-webkit-appearance:none;-moz-appearance:none;-ms-appearance:none;appearance:none;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;position:relative;white-space:nowrap;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;line-height:var(--chakra-lineHeights-normal);transition-property:var(--chakra-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--chakra-transition-duration-normal);height:auto;min-width:var(--chakra-sizes-10);-webkit-padding-start:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-inline-start:var(--chakra-space-4);-webkit-padding-end:var(--chakra-space-4);padding-inline-end:var(--chakra-space-4);padding:0px;vertical-align:baseline;color:var(--chakra-colors-blue-base);font-size:1rem;font-weight:500;border-bottom-width:1px;border-color:var(--chakra-colors-blue-base);border-style:dotted;border-radius:0px;}.css-z3owsf:focus-visible,.css-z3owsf[data-focus-visible]{box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-outline);}.css-z3owsf:disabled,.css-z3owsf[disabled],.css-z3owsf[aria-disabled=true],.css-z3owsf[data-disabled]{opacity:0.4;cursor:not-allowed;box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-none);}.css-z3owsf:active,.css-z3owsf[data-active]{color:var(--chakra-colors-gray-700);}@media screen and (min-width: 576px){.css-z3owsf{font-size:1rem;}}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){.css-z3owsf{font-size:1.125rem;}}.css-z3owsf:hover,.css-z3owsf[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;border-style:solid;}Read more. Be part of a once-in-a-lifetime concert for the people of Alaska. No one does seafood quite like Alaskawhich is why we brought the best of the Great Land on board, so you can experience it all with Princess. Travis joins Michael W. Smith and others on this amazing 7 day trip. Together with Beth, he has ministered to millions of people, in all 50 states and across the world. 4-Day America's Heartland 2022 Tour & Ark Encounter . BMO Centre Victorious Festival. This event does not have a brochure; 4384 E Ashlan Ave Ste 101 Fresno CA 93726. Cast your rod into a sea of opportunity on a cruise to Alaska. Listen to Margerie Glaciers signature crack and boom rumble across the waves. Our passion is to give you the best tips, tours, and money saving techniques available! This is a great way to get to know your fellow passengers before the cruise. At first glance many mistake Victoria for an English coastal city or northern European town. The package includes the cost of your hotel stay, transportation, luggage handlingand the services of the representative. Alaska is on my must- go list, its always interested me as a place. The group has traveled all over the world, offering energy, excitement and encouragement through its powerful brand of gospel music. would have preferred a cabin closer to the middle of the ship. At the Mt. An Alaska cruise is on my bucket list. Ive always wanted to go on a cruise and actually looked at Inspiration Cruises. Sheer cliffs of blue ice at the edge of a massive glacier. Otherwise, it's a very nice theater. I have to give credit to Holland America for this. It was a really inspirational night where both shared about their family and love of God. Learn more about our North to Alaska Program Alaska Seafood Meet Local Alaskans Unique Alaska Cruise Experiences Want more ALASKA videos? Sign up below to receive more information on Christian cruises as soon as they are available. * July 1 - Lancaster, PA * July 2 - Chautauqua, NY Sa fortune s lve 2 000,00 euros mensuels I met a few of them on this Michael W. Smith cruise that I was just on. I enjoy listening to every artist named above. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Disney Cruise Line 2022 en temps rel. See how bald eagles and local bird populations receive first-class treatment at the Alaska Raptor Center. Every cruise we plan turns out better than the last.-Michael W Smith, For more information visit: I would love to go back and see more. We even saw our ship the Nieuw Amsterdam,pull in from our room. Whether youre looking for a cruise for relaxation or be with others who are of like-minded in Christ, I would suggest checking out inspiration cruises. Join Michael W. Smith on a 8 day tour of Alaska. Dates November 1, 2023 . From the sweeping mountains of Juneau to the fish-bearing seas of Ketchikan, discover our Alaska cruise ports and set sail into the adventures that await you. With over 25 years of stage experience, Stephen Bargatze has performed throughout the United States, Canada, England and Australia. View cruiseswith Glacier Bay National Park | Learn more about Glacier Bay National Park. Also, I listen to Chuck Swindoll podcast, he is such a great teacher. We plan to keep in touch and maybe take another cruise again- hopefully on the OOSTERDAM! And, we love life! We dont think anyone gets more excited about these fabulous trips than we do! Nichole Nordeman and her family will be spending the week with us and we couldnt be more grateful. 12-Day Denali-Alyeska Explorer - Northbound Cruisetour. We live close enough to drive to an Alaska cruise but I cant get my husband to think of a cruise that isnt warm all the time. The Michael W. Smith & Friends Cruise to Alaska has been sold out for a couple months now however, we did just release a few cabins from our "staff holds". An Alaskan cruise is definitely in our future! View cruiseswith Sitka | View Sitka shore excursions. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
View cruiseswith Glacier Bay National Park, Learn more about Glacier Bay National Park. From ship to shore, the best is at your fingertips on our Alaska cruises. Ivy is a pharmacist and a stroke survivor, after seeing her life flash before her eyes, she is determined to live her life to the fullest. Sign In; Register; Brochure Request. Watch migrating humpback whales from the deck of a catamaran or Native craftsman carve a traditional totem pole, and expand your Alaska cruise experience. Follow in the footsteps of miners with a ride on a scenic train along the famous White Pass route through coastal mountains. Travelling the world is what we do! It looks beautiful, and sounds like you had a wonderful time. Explore fjords, glaciers and Gold Rush-era towns onweekend voyages out of Seattle. Posts Reels Videos Tagged Show More Posts from mwsmithofficial Official Lyric Video from Michael W. Smith Michael W. Smith's first new Christmas song in over 8 years. you would have loved this cruise. I just got back from a cruise to Alaska hosted by Michael W. Smith. Seeing the glaciers I am reminded of how awesome God is and the verse Be Still kept coming to mind. My husband had the same fear too. Also, if you havent heard of Michael W. Smith check out his music on Amazon and also check out Bob Goffs book Everybody Always,
McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge, explore our treehouse and enjoy unmatched views of Denali. Royal Caribbean | Alaska's Boldest Adventure 2023 Save Big With These Alaska Cruise Deals View cruiseswith Juneau | View Juneau shore excursions | Watch video: Juneau port overview. Providing travel tips along with some lifestyle tips. Bring binoculars and scan both the shore and the waves for wildlife like brown bears and migrating whales while Park Rangers teach you the history and geology of the park. We bonded the first night and spent a lot of time together. The Official Michael W. Smith Facebook Page This went fairly smoothly. Ive always wanted to visit Alaska and ive never been on a cruise, maybe i can check them both off my list soon. If youre planning your next cruise and would like to have a themed cruise I would recommend checking out the inspiration cruises and tours website. Im not big on cruises but for some reason I always felt that if I was going to take one it would be to Alaska. Enjoy unforgettable moments in the presence of God with concert after concert from award-winning Michael W. Smith. View cruiseswith Icy Strait Point | View Icy Strait Point shore excursions. Sign Up. Special Summer Concert With Michael W. Smith. Lido deck restaurant was generally busy and there were long lines at times and some difficulty getting tables, but it was bearable. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. One thing I love about these cruises is that you can actually meet and talk to these artists/guest speakers. View cruiseswith Victoria, B.C. We, of course, understand and completely support this decision. Your Reservations. View cruises with Endicott Arm | View Endicott Arm shore excursions. The largest tidewater glacier in North America, Hubbard Glacier has been moving its mass towards the ocean at a rate faster than most of its kind. His heart for God and love for people is clearly evidenced in the strong fan base hes formed, that feels like a tight-knit community of Believers all desiring more of God. 5-day Post-Cruise Land Tour Denali & Alyeska. And I thought it was kind of hot in Ketichan. They work with various artists and speakers in the Christian communities, such as Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Sandi Patty, Chuck Swindoll to name a few. Request a Brochure. Have you been taken an Alaska cruise or been to Alaska? After selling more than 15 million albums as a recording artist, scoring 28 Number One hits, earning three GRAMMYs and more than 40 Dove Awards, Smith is still going strong as a creative performer. Feed your hunger for adventure on aroundtrip Alaska cruise from Vancouver, B.C. JULY 2-9, 2022. Travel the Inside Passage on 10 or 11-day Alaska cruises from San Francisco and allow the natural landscapes to inspire your days adventures. Immerse yourself in all things Alaska with our onboard program. One of the best ways to do that is by ship! Ive been on 3 of their events. Michael Whitaker Smith (born October 7th, 1957) is an American christian rock musician who has also achieved success in mainstream music charts. If you have a healthy fear of heights, I would suggest sitting on the side of the train that is next to the mountains. Theres something about getting together with the family of God in a gorgeous setting that leads to life-giving memories youll never forget. Venue Eurodam Request Brochure. Alaska is on my bucket list. Great pics and thanks for sharing your story! I had no idea Christian pop stars did this on cruises! One thing I have to say is take lots of pictures. As we get closer to July you will occasionally be hearing from the good folks at Inspiration Cruises & Tours as well as from your friends here at the MWS Group. After selling more than 15 million albums as a recording artist, scoring 28 Number One hits, earning three GRAMMYs and more than 40 Dove Awards, Smith is still going strong as a creative performer. Zipline over the wilderness, watch a tribal dance or kayak in coastal waters to see the wildlife up close during your Alaska cruise vacation. See all Alaska cruise articles and videos. Branson, MO Ticket. Michael W. Smith & Friends Alaska Cruise July 2-9, 2022 Legendary songs in a majestic landscape Venture into God's creation to explore towering mountains and mighty glaciers! Hoyt Sherman Place CHRISTMAS WITH Michael W. Smith (all tickets from 2022 . Looks like you had a great time! amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "livinthelif0b-20";
We hope you will subscribe and take the journey with us!Let's be friends!FACEBOOK PRIVATE GROUP: us help you book your next cruiseEmail us for more information: or visit Email us at thetravelscouts@gmail.comGet ready for your next cruise!Get some awesome CRUISE MERCH: out our CRUISE NICE TO HAVES LIST: little about us!Hi! Travis joins Michael W. Smith and others on this amazing 7 day trip. With a degree from Michigan State University, he served as a Lieutenant in the Pacific Submarine Force, then spent 11 years as Hawaii's number one afternoon radio personality before teaming up with Larry Price for 33 years of the . 7-Day Glacier Bay Cruise from Vancouver. Insight for Living Ministries Alaska Cruise Adventure, Turning Point Ministries Alaska Cruise Conference. As we get closer to July you will occasionally be hearing from the good folks at Inspiration Cruises & Tours as well as from your friends here at the MWS Group. Check out our Alaska playlist! Want to make the most of your time away? 12:00 PM. Understated, refined, welcoming and warm in the fresh floral arrangements, in the fine furnishings, in the impressive sculptures and in the gracious hospitality that is Holland Americas hallmark. What a wonderful cruise!!!! She and her family are great friends to all of us at the MWS camp. I had heard so much about it, so of course, I just had to see it. On a more serious note we want to ask you to join us in prayer for one of our dear friends, Darlene Zschech. Enjoy two glacier-viewing experiences on every itinerary including Glacier Bay National Park, andHubbard Glacier or College Fjord. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
Green forests, breaching whales, inspiring vistas. As your ship nears the craggy coastline of ports like Juneau and Sitkaor in awe-inspiring Glacier Bayyou'll come face-to-face with true wilderness. Visit Laura's site at: Visit Darlene's site at: Going on an Inspirational Cruise is on my bucket list! Michael W. Smith is a Christian music icon, well known as one of the most gifted worship leaders of his generation. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. About 10 years ago I traveled to Anchorage for a work conference and did not get to spend nearly as much time as I wanted there. Glacier Bay is a sight to see. Sign In; Register; Welcome to Online Booking! We learned a lot about the history of the Yukon Gold rush and even got to pan for gold at the end of the train ride. Inspiration has changed the event website to say Space is Limited Call for Availability to help create a Waiting List so we can fill any cabins that become available before we depart, but as of a few days ago, we are completely full! Learn more about cruises from San Francisco. I just wanted to share with you some of my Alaska cruise highlights here. I dont think I can ever go back to a regular cruise. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Otherwise, everything was wonderful. Inspiration Cruises put together this cruise and did a terrific job. Discover the magic with an Alaska cruise. With the largest collection of tidewater glaciers in the world, your scenic Alaska cruise through the fjord will make a lasting memory. Monica, you will not regret going to Alaska! Travel aboard our exclusive Direct-to-the-Wilderness train and unwind at Princess Wilderness Lodges. beautiful dining rooms. Plans for this cruise are well underway and we have some amazing things in store for you. Inspiration cruises is a travel company that arranges various group travel experiences for Christian ministries and churches. Signature Service Option - Click for more details. My sister and I are widowed and we were seated with 8 other single women, all divorced, all in our general age group. Please comment below. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates., This website may contain affiliate links. Holland America Line serves incomparable cuisine in a variety of wonderful waysfrom beautifully served dinners in the main dining room to sumptuous casual dining options throughout the ship. Thanks for all the information and pictures. It's a playground for wildlife where God seems to be having so much fun in the powerful displays of His creativity and beauty. I am planning to visit Alaska soon, and will have to look into this. We are also writing to let you be the first to know that our cruise is already SOLD OUT! I would go again in a heartbeat and so would my sister. shore excursions. Enjoy two glacier-viewing experiences on our top-rated 7-day cruise. Holland America offers everything you could want in this world-class floating resort. For the last 24 years, Travis has worked alongside Beth Moore as worship leader for Living Proof Ministries. With a Cruise Plus Hotel Package, a Princess representative meets you at the airport and pier, transporting you to and from your hotel. Michael W. Smith & Friends Israel Tour Israel Tour Michael W. Smith & Friends April 9 - 19, 2024 Harvest Ministries Israel Tour Israel Tour Greg Laurie May 1 - 12, 2024 Calvary Church Israel Tour Israel Tour Skip Heitzig For information about Christian cruises & tours, please contact 800 247 1899 . great balcony. From top-rated cruises that visit Glacier Bay National Park to scenic rail travel and exclusive Princess lodges, you will find a seamless Alaska experience with Princess. Read my personal story here. We saw about 7 to 8 whales on this outing. These times are full of opportunities to draw closer to God and deepen your understanding of Him. In doing so, she hopes to inspire others to do the same. Upon entering the room we saw a panoramic view of the port and the city. Wind your way through fjords, by bright-green forests and through quaint Gold Rush-era towns on your way to the wonders of Glacier Bay National Park. During your Alaska cruise, explore the Yukon's pristine wilderness, pan for gold with professionals or meet sled dog puppies in training. Our first stop is our hotel Pan Pacific. Turning Point Ministries 2023 Alaska Cruise . I love Bob Goffs book Love Does how awesome that you got to meet him. Ivy, Im so excited that you got to go on an Inspirational Cruise. Enjoy three glacier-viewing experiences on every itinerary including Glacier Bay National Park, Hubbard Glacier and College Fjord. Cruise Critic offers deals on Alaskan cruises as short as 7-days with well-know cruise lines . Travis also serves as Worship Pastor at Brentwood Baptist Church in Brentwood, Tennessee, where he serves with his wife, Angela. Together, they have three childrenJack, Lily and Levi. Beautiful pictures! I had gone on a previous cruise about six years ago which was charter and 100 % of the passengers were with the group, so you can tell the difference. Combine a cruise + train + lodge + Denali for an in-depth Alaska experience. Why did I book an Alaskan cruise with inspiration cruises? If you enjoy this post, please subscribe and share on facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Revel in the beauty of Mother Natures masterpiece and listen closely as the scenery whispers secrets of times long ago during your cruise to Alaska. Toll Free 800 247 1899 US/Canada 559 224 5427 Mon-Fri 8:30AM-5:00PM (Pacific Time) This is a great way to explore any city that you may be visiting. Everything seems huge in Alaska, and a Christian cruise to the largest state in the U.S. is every bit the bold adventure of your dreams. We will look into this line for sure! Inspiration Cruises Reservations. Travel back in time and pan for gold like a prospector during the Gold Rush. This 30-mile waterway is surrounded by cliffs, valleys and dozens of waterfalls. It would seem like that theres nothing to do. Of course they were all Michael W. Smith events. Full of greenery, pubs and Victorian architecture, it's difficult to believe that this was a tent city full of rough and tumble miners just 150 years ago. I hope to encourage you all on living your lives to the fullest through travel, adventure, health, and wellness. amzn_assoc_asins = "B078HN6XPM,0718078136,B00DMM8GLS,B0070VDS3S";
. It is much calmer group. Our good friends at Samaritans Purse will be with us, again, and we always look forward to blessing them for their tremendous work. If you have any questions, drop them in the comments below! Combine this with the benefits of Christian travelspiritual renewal, your favorite artists, speakers, and spiritual leadersand a cruise to Alaska may prove to be the trip of a lifetime. What an amazing adventure! We had a cabin with a balcony and we had an incredible view. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The gracious crew members are dedicated to your satisfaction and are known for impeccable five-star service. Towering above the water over 30 stories, the glacier often calves 100-foot chunks of ice into the ocean. From exploring historic gold mines to venturing in the footsteps of early explorers, learn about Alaskas Inside Passage and discover the wonders awaiting you. 15,917 talking about this. Sail the Inside Passage, a series of channels and waterways formed by the march of glaciers, on your 7-day roundtrip Alaska cruise from Seattle. That was good because our 2nd day at sea was rough (10' waves and gale winds) and about 1/2 the passengers were sick, including me. We so look forward to seeing you all in July. As some of you may know, within the past few months Darlene was diagnosed with breast cancer and, upon diagnosis, began immediate treatment. Hate to wait when boarding or disembarking in port? Alaska is home to a rich array of wildlife, from the famous Big Five animals that live in Denali National Park grizzly bears, wolves, moose, Dall sheep and caribou to bald eagles and humpback whales that migrate through the Inside Passage. View Travel Events. Michael W. Smith & Friends Israel Tour April 2 - 12, 2024 VIEW EVENT Harvest Ministries Israel Tour with Greg Laurie April 9 - 19, 2024 VIEW EVENT Calvary Church Israel Tour with Skip Heitzig May 1 - 12, 2024 VIEW EVENT Salem Media's Deeper Faith Mediterranean Cruise with Alistair Begg August 26 - September 4, 2023 VIEW EVENT It will be here sooner than we can imagine. How fun! Our shipmates were from all over the world,including all 50 states, Australia, Canada, South America, and Europe. We are Jason and Kellie! . Taking in balcony or top deck views, and dont want to move? I love inspirational cruise. Meanwhile, Glacier Bay National Park has over 2,000 square miles of glacial coverage. *More guests choose Princess in Alaska than any other cruise line. We walked around the town and did some window shopping. Thank you for sharing! Choose from a variety of Alaska cruise and cruisetour itineraries and connect with loved ones, locals and Alaska's wilderness with Princess. The nearby Spasski River Valley holds one of the worlds largest populations of brown bears, who are often found hunting for salmon in the rivers. Ernie Haase & Signature Sound is Grammy-nominated and GMA Dove Award winners. Dive deeper into what makes the Great Land special on your cruise to Alaska. music you grew up on. With a multimillion-dollar art collection as the backdrop, your universe will revolve around a myriad of activities, plush staterooms, soaring spaces and attention to every detail. Alaska cruisetours combine our top-rated Voyage of the Glaciers cruise with three to ten nights on land exploring Denali National Park. There is nothing that can compare to this experience. It will be here sooner than we can imagine. We went whale watching and learned a lot from the tour guide. Manage Settings I love his book. I didnt know that inspiration Cruises existed. Alaska is beautiful for sure! Michael W. Smith - Cruise To Alaska - 2007 - YouTube 0:00 / 4:59 Michael W. Smith - Cruise To Alaska - 2007 1,261 views Sep 27, 2008 Michael W. Smith - Cruise To. Inspiration Cruises Reservations. Every year Princess introduces more people to Denali National Park than any other cruise line. Alaska Cruise Ship. This is on my bucket list and my parents just went last month. 2022-AlaskaCruise-07.05.2022 | Michael W. Smith Home NEWS MEDIA Tour ABOUT Music STORE MWS EXPERIENCES 2022-AlaskaCruise-07.05.2022 Hometour-dates2022-AlaskaCruise-07.05.2022 NextPrevious 2022-AlaskaCruise-07.05.2022 By||0 comment|18 June, 2021 |0 No tags. Everything seems huge in Alaska, and a Christian cruise to the largest state in the U.S. is every bit the bold adventure of your dreams. On a cruise to Alaska, live a nature lover's dream in the land where guests can catch postcard-worthy sights. On an Alaska cruise, let us show you Glacier Bay National Park a UNESCO World Heritage Site Endicott Arm & Dawes Glacier, College Fjordor Hubbard Glacier. 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