His real memories echoed the tornado warning and his grandmother burning the barn, but he wanted to start Minari with a flood and end it with fire. As in the film, it grows rampant along the banks of streams and over damp ground, requiring little attention. Because entire countries can't have a smell, what is it David is really reacting to? Just a few hours before, she'd been making him feel safe. Christine is also a writer, primarily of fiction and essays, and loves to read all manner of books. Jacob then gets more good news when the grocery store owner agrees to have Jacob be his produce supplier. Why or why not? For Part 2, to read the Plot discussion, go here. Jacob faces many challenges and setbacks as he tries to make the farm work, only to lose the crop in the fire. 18. Its a commentary on the future that the Yis might experience. Soon-ja, who has recently suffered a stroke, accidentally sets fire to the barn where Jacob keeps his produce. It's accessible to 9th graders but can also sparkmore nuanced conversations for 12 graders. Minari is a drama about a Korean family that chases after the American dream by moving to the Ozarks on the prospect of making money by filling a niche. Monica still wants to leave Jacob, and then all the produce is destroyed. Since the diagnosis, the distraught parents have consciously provided David with a sheltered existence. For Part 5, to read the Dialogue discussion go here. Why do you think David has accepted Soonja? Help students reflect on what motivates who we become and how we grow. and our He saw this as an overall analogy for the immigrant experience, which he shared in a Filmmaker Magazine interview: Later, you know, I started to see a lot of those connectionsto immigration itself, and to the stories of the people who came over and planted themselves in the worst soils and started to thrive and grow. Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Plot Summary submission guide. If we look at the story with David as the Protagonist, there are a lot of Trickster dynamics at play. (1:05:33-1:10:00), Clip #12: Soonja has a stroke. Anne's strategy when her parents are fighting is to send messages with paper airplanes, which is a creative way to find some control over a situation where she's powerless. Starring: Steven Yeun, Yeri Han, Alan Kim, Yuh-jung Yoon, Will Patton. Follow More from Medium Bryan Ye in. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, success remains elusive because of the things over which we dont have any control. Fri, Jul 16, 2021, 8:00 PM PDT "Minari" Discussion Group Friday, July 16. The family flees Korea seeking a better life in the United States. The kids go to church so they can call their mother. They eventually give up and Monica breaks down as they watch the barn burn. Start by introducing the movie and give students some context as to why its worth thinking more deeply about. The heartfelt film from the studios of A24 tells the tender story of a Korean-American family that starts a farm growing Korean vegetables and endures the struggles of building a home in 1980s Arkansas. How would you describe the behavior of the people at church toward the Yi family? What are our options when our priorities are fundamentally different from a loved one's? Why does the movie end with Jacob commenting on the minari, and why is it the title of the movie? Digital Citizenship Resources for Families, Workshops for Middle and High School Families, CASEL 5 competencies for social and emotional learning, thinking routines from the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero, selected scenes and discussion questions listed earlier in this article, Inside Out and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan for Your Classroom, Whale Rider and SEL: A Movie Guide and Lesson Plan for Your Classroom, Teachers' Essential Guide to Showing Movies and Videos in the Classroom. And an interesting exploration of two subcultures: Korean home life and the rural south. When his grandmother calls him a "pretty boy," he reacts defensively. Instead, she plays cards and swears. Our daily schedule How do our roles in a family sometimes create expectations for us? What are our options when our priorities are fundamentally different from a loved one's? Beyond the tornado, why is she angry? In the meantime, I am sharing some of the best and most heartwarming quotes from the film. (16:09-19:51), Clip #4: Jacob tells Anne that Koreans immigrate to the U.S. and miss Korean food. Jacob and Monica have long chased the American dream. The disconnect which all of them start to feel in their ramshackle trailer in the middle of nowhere continues to fester within Monica throughout the film. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Powered by WordPress.com VIP. Korean people use their heads." CASEL 5 competencies for social and emotional learning, Thinking Routines from the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero, selected scenes and discussion questions listed earlier in this article. While Jacob, Monica, and the children are heading to the car, Jacob gleefully talks about how this deal came at the best time. Recognize situational demands and opportunities. And the fire is completely a Trickster type of thing. Monica wants a sense of community. Promise. Why do you think so? But thats too much for one film, one director, and one story to bear. My "Minari": On Asian American Immigrant Cinema, LA Review of Books, February 10, 2021 by Hanna Amaris Roh. The creek water provides the family with water when Jacob has used it all up for his crops. What do you think about the tension between Jacob's approach and the dowser's approach? Do you think this scene would look different today? By marketing the movie as a universal story, it loses part of what makes it so special. I hope to see you in the RESPONSE section about this weeks script: Minari. She embraces her new life with a certain childlike wonder that is absent even in Jacob. Sometimes that Dream can be so intoxicating that it can get in the way of family and the failure can be devastating. Why does his grandma telling him he's a "strong boy" contradict the identity he's used to? When the kids on the bus make fun of Paul because he doesn't have water at his house, David realizes that's true about his family, too. Specifically how our choices are influenced by our character traits, values, and virtues. She doesnt know it yet, but the fire has proven to be a blessing in disguise; it has saved her family from what seemed like an unavoidable dissolution. In Jacobs mind, he has invested too much and sacrificed too much to back out now from this specific trajectory of his life, no matter the consequences. Plot summary: A Korean family starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. What are the challenges of maintaining a culture while being a part of another one? Jacob relies on knowledge and planning, so dismisses the dowser. David expects his grandmother to be able to bake cookies. You know your classroom and community norms best -- use your professional judgement to decide how you'll address these, if necessary. People often fall into roles in families: The peacemaker, the comedian, the caretaker, etc. (1:12:32-1:18:35), Clip #13: Monica tells Anne she's so grown up, taking care of everyone. If I heard the premise without knowing anything about the movie, I would assume that dynamic would be a pretty significant narrative element, but at least as far as the script is concerned, it's pretty light. Things that hide are more dangerous and scary." Identify a time in your life when you had to work hard and overcome challenges but didn't give up. MINARI. This was early December, and we were supposed to talk about Yeun's latest starring role, in "Minari," a film written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung about a Korean immigrant family that takes up. I have been a life long lover of pop culture, especially television, turned that passion into writing about all things entertainment related. Identify a time in your life when you had to work hard and overcome challenges but didn't give up. Films like Crazy Rich Asians, The Farewell, The Half of It, and Always Be My Maybe are great and they are a start, sure, but it still feels like a momentous event when one of these films comes out. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Here are my takeaways via each days discussion. To download a PDF of the breakdown , go here. But isnt it possible to also particularize Asian American stories beyond the problematic idea that we can all achieve the American dream, especially since that dream can be a nightmare for BIPOC communities? She lets him know that she can no longer be with him. Just like each of the family's members has the "seeds" of an inner strength inside which grows to meet the tests they face, so, too, the minari plants, capable of growing without any aid at all. Why is it significant that Monica's father died in the Korean War? Its a surreal moment of contradictory emotions for Jacob. Who's right? (1:38:26-end). Students will also reflect on howtheir ownsense of identity has developed within their family and community-- including the impacts of culture and ancestry. They will facilitate the . What I'll share worked for me for in-depth interviews, prototype testing and foundational research for specific digital product areas. We're about to get into spoilers from the movie, so if you haven't watched it yet, read no further! Its funny how even the Hollywood Foreign Press Association thinks American stories are told only in English. Identify diverse social norms, including unjust ones. "Minari, Minari, Wonderful, Wonderful". Edit Details To ask other readers questions about Minari please sign up . Spent most of my life in various parts of Illinois, including attending college in Evanston. that made it especially memorable? But to your point, Laura, three members of the family -- Jacob, Monica, and Soonja -- have pivotal roles. I hope to see you in the RESPONSE section about this week's script: Minari. Jacob hires a dowser to find water. Demonstrate personal and collective agency. What do you think about the tension between Jacob's approach and the dowser's approach? Even after her mothers arrival, Monica continues to struggle with her new circumstances. For Part 4, to read the Themes discussion go here. Jacob (Steven Yeun) moves his family from a comfortable life in California to a. It could be a sculpture or diorama, a drawing, a poem that describes it, or a virtual one (using Minecraft, etc.). Dowsing is a very old practice considered to be pseudoscience by some and legitimate folk wisdom by others. Lets deep dive into the Minari ending. After her stroke, Soon-ja increasingly starts to feel like a burden to her daughters already struggling family and desperately tries to be as self-reliant and helpful as she can. This is demonstrated in his frustrated ramblings to Paul when the prospective buyer in Dallas cancels their order for Jacobs produce. There was a problem. What are Monica's? Students can write down responses individuallyand then discuss in pairs, small groups, or as a whole class. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). But underlying all of that, its less the immigration but the heart and sentiments, the relationships of the people doing that. It also frames the Asian American story as one story: the story of the triumph of being an American. "Minari is truly the best. This is *exactly* the kind of movie I like. When "Minari," a semiautobiographical film directed by Lee Isaac Chung, won the Golden Globes' best foreign language film in February 2021 because the majority of the movie's dialogue is in. If . They frame the overall domain of insights you hope to uncover. Can you think of a situation where you make your voice heard even though you can't really change what's happening? Download. Social & Emotional Learning. Here's a rundown of all those rich details that made the movie so moving: And by the way, it's possible that a few or a lot of these cultural elements aren't exclusive to the Korean community. Grandma drinks it, he's punished, and Grandma defends him. The problem is, Jacob doesnt have a particularly high opinion of the other Korean immigrants. * The fire: A major reversal, indeed, the destruction of what Jacob had worked so hard to build, the barn a symbol of what the farm *could* be. A Korean family starts a farm in 1980s Arkansas. It could be something that only happened inside of yourself. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Minari ( Korean: [minai], transl. And although her requests are shot down every time, that is exactly what she does when she is alone with her grandson. What scene, and why does it stick out in your mind? Complex characters. Its implied that the Yi family will come back stronger as farmers and as a family. The mother, Monica (Yeri Han), would rather be in California. * The water stops: You can't have a farm w/o access to water, so while this may not be as dramatic visually, it certainly up the stakes and odds against the family's success with the farm. A marriage teetering on the edge of dissolution. Chung based the film on what he remembers . Why? One theme I take away from "Minari" is strength, specifically the perseverance people demonstrate in the face of hardship. Start by introducing the movie and give students some context as to why its worth thinking more deeply about. Clip #1: Jacob explains how the male chicks are "discarded," and that means it's important to be useful. (1:31:41-1:35:41), Clip #15: Soonja accidentally sets fire to the produce shed. Why? When they're by the creek, Soonja says, "It's better to see [the snake] than have it hide. Plot Concept : After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. What unfolds from there may read like a normative immigrant tale of three generational differences, but it felt much more unique than that. The discussion guide and lesson below will help students consider how and why characters in Minari act the way they do. Anne's strategy when her parents are fighting is to send messages with paper airplanes, which is a creative way to find some control over a situation where she's powerless. In March 2021, Minari earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture, and star Steven Yeun and Korean film legend Youn Yuh-jung both earned acting nominations. When Monica asks Jacob which family the move was really for, what does she mean? All the films tension bubbles over into the heartbreaking but hopeful Minari ending. Heres how it works. Overall, this is very simple plot. Can you think of someone from your own life, from history, or from a piece of media that's like Anne -- a bit of an "unsung hero" who helps keep things going? Lee Isaac Chungs breathtaking new film Minari is promoted as a staggeringly powerful story of the American dream. It follows a Korean American father whos trying to reimagine what life for his family could look like. I might be inclined to look at Johnnie as a False Attractor. Though it wasn't hugely popular among teens, it's possible that some of your students have seen it, so it's helpful to make a strict "If you know it, don't blow it" rule to prevent spoilers. Maybe it is. Soon-ja comes to live with her daughter and her family because of David. For Part 3, to read the Character discussion, go here. When the kids on the bus make fun of Paul because he doesn't have water at his house, David realizes that's true about his family, too. The movie taps into common family dynamics that most students will connect with,while complicating those dynamics through a story of migration and cultural displacement. Running time: 115 min. Amidst the challenges of this new life in the strange and rugged Ozarks, they discover the undeniable resilience of family and what really makes a home." Why do you think the filmmakers linger on the shot of the smokestack at the end of this scene? Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. How to Watch All Quiet on the Western Front. If you had to take a side, whose side would you take? Tricksters can also act as allies and that is an example of such a moment. Why or why not? You will receive a verification email shortly. David wakes up thinking he's wet the bed, but it was Soonja this time because she's had a stroke. that made it especially memorable? Importantly, theyll return to this after the movie and reflect on it. The new movie Minari (PG-13) tells the story of Jacob, Monica and their family as they chase a better future in the 1980s rural South. CAVEATS When during the storm outside, Jacob enters the trailer home and talks about "escape" and "the house could blow away," that is the straw that breaks the proverbial back as far as Monica is concerned, at least insofar as her initial reaction to this shocking move to Arkansas. I do feel confident in this: Soonja is *definitely* a Trickster. Hand out the graphic organizer and give students a few minutes to complete the Before You Watch question. Combine that with their ever-increasing financial woes and Davids heart problems, and you have a recipe for a disintegrating family. Movie, so if you have a recipe for a disintegrating family as! 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