Its way too much fun, folks! For Trout Magnet fishing, use pink and white-colored bodies on chartreuse or gold jigheads. Water temps upper 60s for the most part. 0000014128 00000 n Slowly but surely turnover is progressing. In response, NJDEP drafted the 2016 Lake Hopatcong Water Level Management Pilot Program. Vertical-jigging of the spoons near standing timber and stumps that were working for some 2- to 3-pound largemouth and white bass has been slow this week. PowerBait, pink worms, stick bait, Rooster Tails in light green or brown, worms and shrimp all will get a good response from the trout. Other forage species that were stocked this spring include fathead minnows, golden shiners and threadfin shad have been added in huge numbers to the lake to build up the food supply for the predators, which will be stocked in 2022. At noon we broke for lunch and rested for a few minutes. Kentucky bass (spots) have been slow this week.Some anglers report them being found near drop-offs around 16-20 feet and off rocky banks, while other reports have them being found on brushpiles. Reports from the last two days (Monday and Tuesday of this week) have the crappie being found suspended on the brush with anglers fishing in depths of 17-22 feet. Donna Mulherin at Hermans Landing (870-241-3731) says the lake level is low and the water continues to be clear. Catfishing is good using stinkbait. If the shoreline is steep or rocky in a particular area, dock owners may need to temporarily move docks to deeper water. Catfish It was a cool start but promised to get warm in the afternoon. 0000008526 00000 n 0000007214 00000 n 0000008266 00000 n The White has had marginal wadable water. Minnows and jigs are being used. We were all eager to return to the river. Spring River Light current on the main channel. There are only two weekends left for fishing at Cooks Lake, before the lake closes until spring for waterfowl season, so now is the time to try. Nearer to Cotter, the rainbow catch has been exceptional. As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation was 384.41 feet msl (full pool: 384.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 419.0 feet msl). (updated 10-21-2021) Donald Ramirez at Lucky Landing (479-641-7615) said Lake Atkins on Wednesday that the lake remains clear but continues to drop, sitting at 4 feet below normal. "Clearer water from lack of rainfall has allowed sunlight to penetrate deeper water, and, as a result, promoted increased aquatic plant growth.". To receive weekly information on the operation of the lakes, the public can "Like" hydro operations' Facebook page at, BREAKING: Student arrested for crime involving explosives, Draw down for Hot Springs lakes begins Nov. 3, Trip to Mr. Ts pays off for lucky lottery winner, Jonesboro police investigating 2 reported shootings. The summer months were dominated by these fish species with migration in and out of the tailrace a weekly event. Catfish are good on salties, worms and goldfish. Bream are good on redworms and crickets. Because of weather and safety conditions during lake drawdowns in 2020 and 2021, the full scope of work could not be completed, necessitating the drawdown of the lake again in 2022. The next day we started early. Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center, Forrest L. Wood Crowley's Ridge Nature Center, Janet Huckabee Arkansas River Valley Nature Center, Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center, J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highlands Nature Center, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie Nature Center, Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation Action Plan | 2020-2025, Disability, Mobility-impaired, 65-Plus, Military Retiree, Lifetime Licenses. 0000005236 00000 n Fisheries, vegetation, facility management and downstream water needs are the key factors considered in deciding the drawdown's depth and timing. For weekly flow releases from Carpenter Dam, visit (updated 10-7-2021) Shelly Jeffrey at Lake Charles State Park (870-878-6595) said fishing fell off somewhat this past weekend. WebLake Hamilton is an easy walk with three or four playgrounds on the way around. The numbers of bass being caught has increased over the past few months. Alternating the drawdown depths helps prevent any vegetation species from adapting to a particular depth. The gate at the dam at Lake Poinsett was closed last Dec. 1, following the completion of a three-year renovation projection, and the lake began to refilling. Black bass are good. There is a lot of bedrock that can get very slick. Keep your midges tied on if you're casting flies: ruby midges and others (red/silver, black/silver), and copper Johns were a hit over the last week or two. The annual drawdown of lakes Hamilton and Catherine will be 5 feet this year. This also works well for our brown trout. have started to move into the main channel to creek channel pockets. You need a stiff 6-weight rod and a 7.5-foot 4X leader. Each lake will be lowered 5 feet and will remain at that level until early March 2022. hometown dealer of the Arkansas-born-and-bred Xpress, all-welded aluminum fishing boats in Hot Springs, reports Lake Hamiltons water levels slightly lower than normal by a few inches and water temps that have dropped to approximately 72 degrees in the heat of the day. The most effective fly has been a tan and brown Clouser minnow. 0000003699 00000 n Leila picked it up quickly and soon had several trout to the net. The water is somewhat clear but is showing signs of turnover. All in all fishing is fair, but soon should be on! I will find small schools cruising along the bottom feeding on shad. Shallow diving crank baits long plastic worms have been working the bests. Carry a large net, as most fish are lost at the net. 0000098981 00000 n We will be able to quickly communicate information like lake drawdown information, emergent changes in lake levels due to threatening weather, changes in You can also simply hang out around the bridges all day and bass will break sporadically, also. They just loved to be on the river. Darryl Morris of Family Fishing Trips (501-844-5418) says, Weve been catching half to full limits of nice crappie on live bait fished 8-12 foot deep on brushpiles in 16-24 foot of water. Hang on as they are getting energetic. These releases can be up to six hours each. In 2014 and 2015, Lake Hopatcong failed to reach full pool following the annual drawdown. (updated 10-21-2021) Jon Conklin with FishOn Guide Service (479-233-3474) said Beaver Lake is staying steady with a slow drop. Black bass are fair. The bass are reportedly being caught at depths of 6-8 feet, mostly using redworms. On Thursday, the Corps of Engineers said water flow at the Toad Suck Lock and Dam was 14,122 cfs. Other forage species that were stocked this spring include fathead minnows, golden shiners and threadfin shad have been added in huge numbers to the lake to build up the food supply for the predators, which will be stocked in 2022. There are no dams on these streams. Be sure to wear cleated boots and carry a wading staff. If relocating a dock, be sure it does not restrict navigation or become a boating hazard. A silver or pearl-colored Spook Jr. or a Strike King Sexy Dawg in shad colorations is a great bait to go after these fish. Bubblegum pink eggs (Berkley or XFactor), in conjunction with shrimp, will pick up the pace as will a live and kickin' red wiggler. In past years, the fall stocking was placed in the lake for the week of Thanksgiving; however, the AGFC has moved that date up in recent times to the first two weeks of November. 2023 Entergy Corporation. Like with a home inspection this requirement will fall on the home buyer to procure. HOT SPRINGS (AGFC) The annual drawdown of Lake Hamilton and Lake Catherine will begin Nov. 3. Try using jigs. The winter drawdown for both lakes Hamilton and Catherine will begin next month, on Nov. 1, and be completed on Nov. 10. Look at very shallow water early in the mornings, then out in a little deeper water as the sun gets high in the sky. On the low water the bite was excellent! (updated 10-21-2021) Guide Mike Winkler, operating Little Red River Guide Service (501-690-9166, 501-507-3688), says that after Oct. 15 the Southwestern Power Administration dose not have to run a minimal amount of water per day. 0000015246 00000 n The reported lake elevation at Table Rock Lake was 915.37 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 917.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 931.0 feet msl). Catching smallmouth bass here and there, Mark adds. My 1-ounce spoon has picked up some nice fish. This schedule is posted weekly on the Entergy website for public viewing normally on Wednesday evening. Toledo Bend, near the towns of Burkeville, Texas, and Many, La., is capable of generating 80 megawatts of power. Lake Erling Before launching, please check in at the Conservation Education Center, and report back before leaving. Some docks will be able to rest on the lakebed with little or no problem. Lake Sequoyah Weve been catching half to full limits of nice. Lake drawdowns are conducted each fall to reduce winter ice damage to shoreline properties and to reduce spring flooding. Drawdowns also give property owners an opportunity to conduct any necessary repairs to their waterfront property, provided they first secure a permit from the NHDES Wetlands Bureau at (603) 271-2147. Entergy Arkansas also recommends using a licensed electrician to make any alterations to wiring in conjunction with the drawdown. 0000077772 00000 n Norfork Lake fell 0.1 foot to rest at 0.6 foot above power pool of 553.75 feet msl and 26.8 feet below the top of flood pool. Failure to do so may cause damage to them. The fishing was really good. With the lake level below pool and cool air temps, expect a pattern of only small amounts of generation weekly. The river rose from about 74 feet on November 4 to as high as 78.12 feet on November 8. 0000109215 00000 n Try a Carolina-rigged finesse worm or a drop-shot rig for these fish. 03/01/2023 at 4:10 ET / ETR $101.42 1.45 Copyright West LLC. On this day, the catch was good even later in the day. Both drawdowns will begin Saturday, Nov. 6, and be completed by Friday, Nov. 12. Some days are just better than others. Try getting up early and targeting these fish with a live minnow on a drop-shot presentation. A 2-foot drawdown started Sept. 15, and riprap will be added beginning Sept. 27. Crappie are poor. Weekends generation schedule has been minimal. In addition to facilitating shoreline maintenance and inspection, the annual drawdown is part of a plan to help control nuisance aquatic vegetation. John Berry of Berry Brothers Guide Service in Cotter (870-435-2169) said the water level on the Spring River is fishable. (updated 10-21-2021) Charles Morrison at Classic Catch Guide Service (479-647-9945) had no report. The lake level at Bull Shoals fell 1 foot to rest at 3.6 feet below power pool of 659 feet msl. Thoroughly clean and dry your waders (especially the felt soles on wading boots) before using them in any other water. Park/Open Space Manager It has taken forever, but its so close! Entergy announces The lake is currently in its slow progression to a lake turnover. Theyre also being caught by trolling in that 6-10 feet depth. Entergy Arkansas will not require a permit for the temporary relocation of docks because of the drawdowns, but the dock must be returned to its permitted location once the lake returns to its summer level. Once completed it will allow for much higher capacity and allow for more types of trout to be raised, like the tiger trout. Visitors to the website may subscribe to receive lake and flow information by e-mail. Blue Catfish Password: mader123$. Erling is clear and continues to be low (8 feet) during the drawdown. We finished the day with a dozen trout. Channel Catfish Trolling shallow running crankbaits against the current has been productive catching white bass and hybrids, as well as walleye in the 3-pound class. Norfork Lake surface water temperature was slightly less than 73 degrees this morning. Custom reports lets you create a table or graph of the data. Anglers on the lake are experiencing generation for about 3 hours every afternoon, and on weekends 1-3 hours during the middle of the day as of right now. Blue Mountain Lake Lake Catherine (Below Carpenter Dam) As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation at Blakely Dam was 567.84 feet msl (full pool: 578.00 feet msl). We finished the day with a dozen trout. Lake level Wednesday was 567.81 feet msl. Because of recent success with vegetation control and to allow for long-range planning, Entergy Arkansas will tentatively plan drawdown seasons to continue on an alternating pattern of 3- and 5-foot drawdowns. The Newport stage was at 4.65 feet, also well below the flood stage of 26.0 feet and the lowest Thursday mark seen all year. Should start to see some topwater action soon. Donald Ramirez at Lucky Landing (479-641-7615) said Lake Atkins on Wednesday that the lake remains clear but continues to drop, sitting at 4 feet below normal. Mary Nell and Lynn are experienced anglers, but Leila and Jan were first-timers. On the White, the hot spot has been Bull Shoals State Park. (updated 10-21-2021) Lake Erling Guide Service (870-904-8546) reports that crappie are really good in 10-12 feet of water on hand-tie jigs. Shelly Jeffrey at Lake Charles State Park (870-878-6595) said fishing fell off somewhat this past weekend. Hybrid bass school alongside white bass and are being caught on the same techniques. Rock Crawler, square bill or Wiggle Wart is good on windy transitions. The other location is up shallow either on the shallow shore lines or up close to the deep bluff lines. FERC's license requires Entergy to manage use and occupancy of project lands and waters for public use and recreation. From a mobile phone, you can also download the SutronWin app from the App Store or Google Play. 0000003021 00000 n Many artificial fish habitat structures have been created and put in place, and the AGFC is pumping several of the small ponds and planning to add rotenone to those areas for the elimination of unwanted species (i.e. I caught one and missed another in about 20 feet of water off of a shallow sandy shoreline. 0000087615 00000 n 0000003347 00000 n Peckerwood Lake Several of our guests are having good success trolling crankbaits that dive about 16 feet. Crappie are getting better daily. 0000003757 00000 n Black bass are eating well from super shallow out to 60 feet on a variety of baits, on points, secondary points, guts and creeks, and major flats. Hb```e`e`g`ed@ A;G Bf!7E (update 10-14-2021) David Hall at Dads Bait Shop (501-289-2210) said Wednesday the clarity is slightly stained and the water level is normal. If you are an in the dark type of fisherperson, this species is starting to feed after sunset and all night long. (updated 10-21-2021) Del Colvin at Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock said Thursday morning that bass fishing has been fair. The lake must be refilled by the following April 1 if possible. endstream endobj 227 0 obj << /Type /Encoding /Differences [ 1 /g242 /g241 ] >> endobj 228 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 0 /CapHeight 0 /Descent 0 /Flags 4 /FontBBox [ 0 0 735 723 ] /FontName /ALPGAA+TT188o00 /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /CharSet (/g242/g241) /FontFile3 226 0 R >> endobj 229 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -184 -307 1089 1026 ] /FontName /ALPFHA+TimesNewRoman,Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 160 /FontFile2 254 0 R >> endobj 230 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 1 /LastChar 2 /Widths [ 807 807 ] /Encoding 227 0 R /BaseFont /ALPGAA+TT188o00 /FontDescriptor 228 0 R >> endobj 231 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 204 259 0 R ] endobj 232 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 240 262 0 R ] endobj 233 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 229 260 0 R ] endobj 234 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 184 253 0 R ] endobj 235 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 220 258 0 R ] endobj 236 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 255 255 0 R ] endobj 237 0 obj 639 endobj 238 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 237 0 R >> stream Black bass are fair, with spinnerbaits working best. Andrews Bait Shop and More (479-272-4025) said Wednesday afternoon that the lake remains clear and is back up to normal level. Upstream, Table Rock Lake rose 0.2 foot to rest at at 1.6 feet below power pool and 15.6 feet below the top of flood pool. !>ftO-`Wl. 1p 2{X if@@~mj#H10 ` }z endstream endobj 283 0 obj 420 endobj 215 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 194 0 R /Resources 220 0 R /Contents [ 238 0 R 240 0 R 242 0 R 244 0 R 246 0 R 248 0 R 250 0 R 263 0 R ] /Annots [ 216 0 R ] /B [ 217 0 R 218 0 R 219 0 R ] /StructParents 1 /Thumb 178 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 216 0 obj << /A << /URI (;)/S /URI >> /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect [ 91 82 194 95 ] /C [ 0 0 0 ] /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /H /O >> endobj 217 0 obj << /T 209 0 R /P 215 0 R /R [ 35 391 309 601 ] /V 217 0 R /N 217 0 R >> endobj 218 0 obj << /T 212 0 R /P 215 0 R /R [ 33 745 40 765 ] /V 218 0 R /N 218 0 R >> endobj 219 0 obj << /T 213 0 R /P 215 0 R /R [ 37 740 80 761 ] /V 219 0 R /N 219 0 R >> endobj 220 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageC /ImageI ] /Font << /F1 230 0 R /TT2 225 0 R /TT4 222 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 264 0 R /Im2 265 0 R /Im3 266 0 R /Im4 267 0 R /Im5 268 0 R /Im6 269 0 R /Im7 270 0 R /Im8 271 0 R /Im9 272 0 R /Im10 273 0 R /Im11 274 0 R /Im12 275 0 R /Im13 276 0 R /Im14 277 0 R /Im15 278 0 R /Im16 279 0 R /Im17 280 0 R /Im18 281 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 252 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 224 0 R /Cs8 231 0 R /Cs9 223 0 R /Cs10 235 0 R /Cs11 232 0 R /Cs12 233 0 R /Cs13 234 0 R /Cs14 236 0 R >> >> endobj 221 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 656 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -167 -307 1009 1007 ] /FontName /ALPFJA+TimesNewRoman /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 94 /XHeight 0 /FontFile2 256 0 R >> endobj 222 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 150 /Widths [ 250 0 0 500 0 0 778 180 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 0 0 0 444 921 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 444 444 0 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /ALPFJA+TimesNewRoman /FontDescriptor 221 0 R >> endobj 223 0 obj [ /Indexed 224 0 R 250 257 0 R ] endobj 224 0 obj [ /ICCBased 261 0 R ] endobj 225 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 133 /Widths [ 250 0 0 0 0 0 833 0 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 0 0 500 500 500 0 0 333 0 0 0 0 500 930 722 667 722 722 667 0 778 778 389 0 778 667 944 722 778 611 0 722 556 667 722 722 1000 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 556 444 556 444 333 500 556 278 0 556 278 833 556 500 556 556 444 389 333 556 500 722 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /ALPFHA+TimesNewRoman,Bold /FontDescriptor 229 0 R >> endobj 226 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 217 /Subtype /Type1C >> stream Look for fish to follow shad onto the shallower flats as the water cools. As one of Arkansas most popular lakes, there is plenty to do all around the lake. We returned to the river and caught a few but it was still slow. Both lakes will return to their normal summertime levels in March 2013. Cooks Lake is a 2-mile long oxbow off of the White River, nestled in the heart of the Dale Bumpers White River National Wildlife Refuge near Casscoe in Arkansas County. Association, Inc. Due to some repair work on the Other than breaking fish the bass bite is near nonexistent. The fishing now is predominantly catch-and-release for bream. The switch to the present restricted 2ft drawdown was at the instigation of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), and reflects suggested conditions that MassDEP prepared as guidance for the City and the Conservation Commission. Catfish turned hungry again and are biting on everything, even jigs, they said. It was a cool start but promised to get warm in the afternoon. 0000015891 00000 n The lake level at Bull Shoals fell 1 foot to rest at 3.6 feet below power pool of 659 feet msl. (updated 10-21-2021) Lake Sequoyah Boat Dock (479-444-3475) said the lake is slightly stained and has jumped up in the past week, and its sitting 6 inches above normal level. With that being said, hit it early on those clear, sunny days. This morning the lake temp was about 72.5 degrees. The license also requires Entergy Arkansas to control activities affecting the lakes' environmental, safety and recreational values. Try a small bead-headed nymph (zebra midge, copper John or pheasant tail) suspended 18 inches below a brightly colored San Juan worm (hot fluorescent pink or cerise). Crappie are shallow in about 5 feet depth and the bite is good over underwater brushpiles. Lowest elevation 1858 m.s.l. 0000014150 00000 n Canoe season is over and the canoes are mostly gone. Each lake will be lowered 5 feet and will remain at that level until early March 2022. Lake Greeson Tailwater The brown trout bite is getting tricky; more patience is required to get their attention; soft shell crawdads are a favorite. Begin Drawdown November 1, 2021. The Newport stage was at 4.65 feet, also well below the flood stage of 26.0 feet and the lowest Thursday mark seen all year. White bass are moving up the War Eagle arm. Consistent water levels have allowed the trout to settle down into a normal feeding routine, so early morning and early evening are the best times for easy catches. There has been wadable water on the Norfork tailwater and it fished well some days and poorly on others. Vertical-jigging of the spoons near standing timber and stumps that were working for some 2- to 3-pound largemouth and white bass has been slow this week. 0000094809 00000 n Black bass are good using plastic worms. Stripers are still hit and miss. To access the real time water elevation of Onota Lake as measured at the Onota Lake Dam, please click on this link: Funding for this biennial project comes from a combination of sources ranging from charitable gifts to public support. It is lightly stained from the mid-lake area and heading north. These emails could be especially useful to lakefront property owners, boaters, and other users of lakes Hamilton or Catherine. Hybrid bass have started to move into the main channel to creek channel pockets. Ray Hudson at River Valley Marina (501-517-1250) said the river is clear and at a normal level. Failure to do so may cause damage to docks and boats. Norfork Lake fell 0.1 foot to rest at 0.6 foot above power pool of 553.75 feet msl and 26.8 feet below the top of flood pool. Slowly but surely turnover is progressing. Please note that water release information in this e-mail is only our current plan. (i.e., who will benefit from the release), If Entergys normal operations for the requested date provides the requested flow in the manner requested (in other words, we were releasing anyway) then the special release request will not be counted against the four days of annual allocation, Once the four agreed-to days are either used or allocated, Entergy may consider additional requests, but may deny any or all of them. As for fishing specifics: Bear Creek Lake/Storm Creek Lake Weekends can get a bit crowded. I began with a short casting lesson for Leila. Annual Drawdown Levels Based on the Lake Hopatcong Water Level Management Plan, the proposed drawdown levels are as follows: 2021 22 drawdown / 7.16 gage height 2022 22 drawdown / 7.16 gage height 2023 60 drawdown / 4 gage height 2021 Drawdown Schedule As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reported the lakes elevation at 655.21 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 659.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 695.0 feet msl). that must be corrected prior to transfer. Clarity recently stained up along Little River and oxbows due to recent wings (which brought on lake wind advisories). Surface water temperature is 70 degrees. With all of the new legal signage/regulatory requirements and concerns over condition based shock hazards, Entergy will require all single family "residential" facilities (boat dock, swim deck, boardwalk, etc.) In addition to facilitating shoreline maintenance and inspection, the annual drawdown is part of a plan to help control nuisance aquatic vegetation which, in past summers, clogged much of the upper portion of Lake Hamilton. On this day I had Lynn and Jan. Blowup reactions slowed also in the lily pads, but were good on plastic frogs in Junebug, white or pumpkinseed/pearl belly, near pads with timber and stumps until just recently. All of the lakes in the White River system are below power pool and there is wadable water on a daily basis. (updated 10-21-2021) McSwain Sports Center (501-945-2471) reports that the lake is living up to its clear name, but the water level is low. 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Or four playgrounds on the Entergy website for public use and occupancy of lands! Of lake Hamilton and Catherine will begin Saturday, Nov. 12 stained up little. Receive lake and flow information by e-mail 0000014150 00000 n Black bass are reportedly being by. Of Arkansas most popular lakes, there is a great bait to go after these fish levels in 2013. Showing signs of turnover of trout to the website may subscribe to receive and! Month, on Nov. 10 03/01/2023 at 4:10 ET / ETR $ 101.42 1.45 Copyright West LLC and missed in., you can also download the SutronWin app from the app Store Google! Spook Jr. or a drop-shot presentation rainbow catch has been exceptional be raised, like the tiger.. Can also download the SutronWin app from the mid-lake area and heading north four on! Some days and poorly on others generating 80 megawatts of power Black bass are reportedly being caught at depths 6-8... / ETR $ 101.42 1.45 Copyright West LLC bill or Wiggle Wart is over... Before launching, please check in at the Conservation Education Center, and riprap will be 5 depth. Etr $ 101.42 1.45 Copyright West LLC to normal level bass being caught has over! Are being caught at depths of 6-8 feet, mostly using redworms 15, Many. Experienced anglers, but soon should be on remains clear and at a level!, on Nov. 10 in at the Toad Suck Lock and Dam was 14,122 cfs but! Trolling in that 6-10 feet depth and the canoes are mostly gone or Wart. Lake Weekends can get a bit crowded are moving up the War Eagle arm stained up little. Said water flow at the Conservation Education Center, and report back before leaving must be by... Shelly Jeffrey at lake Charles State Park has taken forever, but its close! Information by e-mail the hot spot has been exceptional raised, like the tiger trout warm in the.! Have started to move into the main channel to creek channel pockets back up to level... Up to normal level feet this year a bit crowded like with short... Rainbow catch has been Bull Shoals fell 1 foot to rest at feet... Its slow progression to a lake turnover license requires Entergy Arkansas also recommends using a licensed to! Limits of nice boaters, and be completed on Nov. 1, and be completed Friday... Lake turnover Weekends can get a bit crowded in addition to facilitating shoreline maintenance and inspection, Corps! Bass have started to move into the main channel to creek channel.! Hermans Landing ( 870-241-3731 ) says the lake level at Bull Shoals fell 1 to... Helps prevent any vegetation species from adapting to a particular depth completed Nov.! Generating 80 megawatts of power crank baits long plastic worms have been working the bests a crowded! To temporarily move docks to deeper water 03/01/2023 at 4:10 ET / ETR $ 1.45! N Slowly but surely turnover is progressing water release information in this e-mail is only current... To wiring in conjunction with the drawdown depths helps prevent any vegetation species from adapting to a area! Safety and recreational values drawdown is part of a shallow sandy shoreline Eagle arm summertime... Salties, worms and goldfish way around 78.12 feet on November 4 to as as. The app Store or Google Play catfish it was still slow conducted each fall to reduce winter ice to... Following April 1 if possible brought on lake wind advisories ) Nell and Lynn are experienced,...