Students will be introduced to kitchen safety, food handling, reading and modifying recipes, measuring, kitchen tools, meal planning, setting nutrition goals, reading food labels and presentation, assessing restaurants and menus for appeal and nutrition, food additives and allergies, eating disorders, cultural foods and customs, and careers in food and nutrition and much more. If you have any questions about the Teen Volunteer Program, please contact the Novi Public Library Teen Volunteer Program Coordinator. Grades 9-12. 1 semester, .5 credit. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Students will also be afforded an understanding of the major political institutions in the United States. Novi High School placed in the top 5% of all schools in Michigan for overall test scores (math proficiency is top 5%, and reading proficiency is top 5%) for the 2020-21 school year. This is a two semester, one credit course designed to prepare students for a successful transition to Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 2 semesters, 3 credits. The creative opportunities are endless. Grades 9-12. Students perform choreography by the program director and notable guest artists within departmental concerts, community events, competitions, and festivals. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.3 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Students construct a Microsoft Excel workbook, containing a series of spreadsheets. 1418 / 1419 IB French SL 1 This course focuses on understanding and practicing basic skills and techniques of lifetime sports and activities in a friendly competitive setting. As such, this course is designed to prepare students for further study to work in mathematics focused fields. Percentage of students involved in athleticsat 7-12 level, which includes three Unified teams. Being a consultant demands a high level of rigor for it is in teaching content that one demonstrates advanced mastery. Hands-on problem solving (e.g. If you have any trouble accessing your parent or student portal, please email. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.2 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Prerequisite: None Units of study in the present, past, perfect, commands and subjunctive tenses will include autobiographical information, childhood, disasters and accidents, movies and TV, cooking and travel, and cultural topics from around the Spanish-speaking world. Students will gain an authentic retail experience through running the Novi Cat Rack school store, while participating in interactive lectures, discussions, application projects, and activities. Execute shop operations in a clean and efficient manner. Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Application Students will prepare to take the SL (Standard Level) IB test second semester of either their junior or senior year. 0305 Applied Engineering: Fabrication 1454 / 1455 IB Spanish SL 1 1107 Human Anatomy and Physiology Please contact the NYA Office at (248) 347-0410 for the application or. Students then test the vehicle on a track. This is a course for the highly self-motivated student that will provide instruction in various training methods to help reach and maintain high levels of individual physical fitness. Grades 9-12. 1114V / 1115V Physics. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA Summer refresher classes offer a review and reinforce what students learned during the past school year. Fuel efficiency is the goal. During the mock trial portion of the course, students review evidence, script a case, and perform two live trials in front of student jurors. If you have questions regarding enrollment, please email, For Summer School information or questions, please call, Students can earn one (1) credit total (session 1 & 2) upon successful completion of course, final exam and required attendance. Prerequisite: Art Fundamentals or Drawing 1 recommended 1004 Weight and Body Training This course includes the study of linear, quadratic, polynomial, radical, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students reinforce payroll, depreciation, inventory methods introduced in Accounting I while learning basics of cost of goods sold, plus the declaration and distribution of dividends to stockholders. Coursework is contained in an auto-graded portal with weekly demonstrations, exercises and assessments. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Students will continue to gain more advanced levels of proficiency in expression and inquiry, constructing meaning, linking language and culture, acquiring knowledge, and using strategies to communicate in Japanese. Attendance violation will result in being dropped from the class, no refund, and loss of credit. Prerequisite: WIDA 2-4 Recommended This is a one semester, college level course that will give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the economic system. This class may not be retaken. Included is the use and care of painting materials and tools and the introduction and understanding of art terminology. Designed to continue to build on dance technique and repertoire. high balance bins for carding. Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) method, by a SIOP-trained teacher. SOLD JUN 14, 2022. 1 semester, .5 credit. Grades 9-12. During his . $148,000 Last Sold Price. This course will guide students through the creative writing process. Students who complete this program will earn an elective science credit in Anatomy and Physiology. Because vocal and sight-reading skills are attained developmentally, it is required that students participate in two semesters of regular choir (not a cappella), as students will already be expected to have learned these skills. This course covers all content specified by the College Board as required for designation as AP Calculus AB. Topics include History/Research; Biopsychology; Developmental Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Abnormal Psychology; and Social Psychology. Grades 11-12. Fundamentals covered include: budgeting, paying work-related taxes, banking options, goal setting, saving for purchases, reconciling cash, calculating income taxes, productively using credit, and comparing vehicle ownership to leasing all-in costs. Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) method, by a SIOP-trained teacher. (Ages 5-12) The Best Summer Camp For Kids Ages 5-12! All students are required to have appropriate eye protection (safety glasses). Reporters will have options to incorporate video and podcasting into the online newspaper as well as utilize social media to inform the student body of breaking news. Prerequisite: Digital Imaging I Background in writing mechanics must be strong. An audition is required. Students that complete this course will cover the following 2-D CAD topics: Pre-Engineering Concepts, Basic CAD system operation, Basic CAD Draw, Edit, Display, and File commands, Output commands, Geometric construction, Isometric drawing, Dimensioning, Sectional views, Auxiliary views, and Manufacturing design projects. 2 semesters, 1 credit. It is designed for the self-motivated student who is interested in developing their own personal fitness program. This class may not be retaken. It is a thought-provoking course in which students develop analytical skills in problem-solving and divergent thinking while working towards technical proficiency and confidence as art-makers. Units of study include: the study of traditional and popular choral repertoire, quality tone production, primary to intermediate music literacy and musicianship, concert / performance preparation, and participation in Michigan School Vocal Music Association (MSVMA) Festival Performances. The content is appropriate for all advanced Spanish students. This is a go-cart style vehicle that runs on a small gas engine and is powered by a drivetrain that the students design. 0210V Computer Applications(This course may also be offered virtually) Prerequisite: Pre-Engineering Design Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra II or Honors Algebra II Prerequisite: None Students will gain a working knowledge of color mixing, color schemes, color harmonies, brushwork, and the principles and elements of design. It is applied to two and three dimensional figures in real-world contexts developing spatial visualization skills and shape relationships. Identify and use specialty tools for working on small gas engines. The. In addition to anchor texts, students will also read supplementary texts and independently chosen texts. In addition, students will learn responsibility, pride, self-discipline, and teamwork. Students will achieve beginner level proficiency in expression and inquiry, constructing meaning, linking language and culture, acquiring knowledge and using strategies to communicate in German. Grades 10-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. For every course a student enrolls in at the local college, the student will reduce their high school course load. 1206 Psychology In addition, students will have a certified Novi High School teacher who serves as an on-site mentor for students taking an Edgenuity course. There is a $75 cancellation fee for classes that are cancelled within 72 hours of course start date. This course meets and exceeds the Algebra II requirements for the National Common Core State Standards. 0908 / 0909 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) 1 (Junior year) The course is designed for students who want to go on to further study of visual arts in higher education as well as for those who are seeking lifelong enrichment through visual arts. 1 semester, .5 credit. Grades 10-11. 1450V / 1451V Spanish II(This course may also be offered virtually) Disassemble a four stroke engine and completely clean, inspect, measure, and reassemble the engine back into working order. The IB Physics SL course will provide students with a challenging and rewarding experience in Physics. This is the first course in a two-year IB HL curriculum. Prerequisite: Earned a B or above in all previous Social Studies and English courses This course explores the interactions of civilizations from the decline of ancient empires through a study of the impact of globalization. Tel: (248) 449-1500 SAVE SCHOOL Novi High School serves 2,054 students in grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Application Required The Medical Careers Exploration course is part of the Providence Park HospitalNovi Community Schools Partnership. Prerequisite: Art Fundamentals recommended Prerequisite: Application Required This is a sheltered class for ESL students only. Assessment will include in-class participation and unit quizzes. Students are assessed through culminating performance tasks: academic thesis paper (approximately 5,000 words) with a defined structure; a presentation, performance, or exhibition; and oral defense of research and presentation. Grade 12. Prerequisite: Marketing I and Application The Symphony orchestra will learn and perform music at a moderate level of musicality and technical difficulty. Percentage of students involved in performing arts (band, choir, dance, orchestra, and theater) for grades 9-12. Units of study include: scientific foundations of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, motivation, emotion, and personality, clinical psychology, and social psychology. Registration begins May 2, 2022 - June 3, 2022, $15 processing fee for all dropped online classes, Full refund if a class is cancelled by the office, Family Requested Refund: A request must be made prior to the end of the first week of classes, regardless of attendance, There is a $15cancellation fee per class for processing a refund. Prerequisite: Automotive Technology I-A ***, ***A completed emergency card is required to be turned into the teacher on the first day of school. Students may be required to attend events outside of class. In addition, students will learn design fundamentals and be able to critique their own work as well as that of others. This course is part math class and part language arts class. Along with photography and design, students will learn to conduct interviews and write journalistically through a variety of assignments, working to create materials of publishable quality. Attendance at after school rehearsals and performances outside of class is required. Students will gain an understanding of how marketing impacts our economy, the decisions they make as consumers, and how companies try to influence individual purchase decisions related to these industries. Students can ONLY take 1 total credit maximum in any high school summer offering (either in seat or online). 1 semester, .5 credit. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.0-4.0 on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA Grades 9-12. The basic structure of this course is comprised of modular, hands-on, engaging activities that focus on six key skill areas: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking and professionalism. Successful completion of this course is required for graduation. 0722 Dance II Further information about course offerings in the Imagine Edgenuity program is available online at Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Students will prepare to take the SL (Standard Level) IB and the AP exams second semester of either their junior or senior year. Roeper Specialty Programs is for kids grades 2-11. Students in chorale, an intermediate SATB choir, will learn to perform a varied repertoire of music. It is equivalent to the first semester of college calculus and will provide students with a solid foundation to ease the transition to college mathematics. Mock Internal and External Assessment testing will be administered. Students will apply Geometry to two and three dimensional figures in real-world contexts developing spatial visualization skills and shape relationships. 1 semester, .5 credit. Prerequisite: IB Diploma Candidate, home language proficiency Units of study in the present and past tenses will include daily routine, descriptions, interests, home and family, food and travel, and cultural topics from around the French-speaking world. The class will culminate in a Shark Tank: style presentation for school and community members called the Hatch. This Biology course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems, Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems, Structure and Function, Inheritance and Variation of Traits, and Natural Selection and Evolution. This a one semester course that will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for active participation in a democratic society. Must have successfully completed Beginning dance or have permission of the instructor. Grade 12. 1005E Health (ESL) Students must enroll in two semesters for this class. Down Payment Resource: Yes; Utilities. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 1610 Advanced Placement Microeconomics . Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade Final course availability and descriptions will be available in the spring. Prerequisite: Finance I with a B or better andAccounting I (can be taken concurrently) High School. Identify and use fabrication and metalworking equipment. Grades 9-12. 1 semester, .5 credit. Novi students target period poverty. This class offers a variety of yoga and mat classes that include power vinyasa, sculpt, mat pilates, and restorative, yin flows in an inviting, fun, and inclusive environment. May be taken more than once. This class may be retaken once with teacher approval. Units covered include safety, measurement, tool and machine set up, the processing of woods, metals, synthetics, welding and examines materials of the future. 1 semester, .5 credit. Students will be required to provide their own uniform. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Students will participate in a variety of sports and activitiesthat will improve overall fitness levels. Specific skills learned will be technical facility on an instrument, musicianship, reading music, writing music, key signatures, time signatures, and composition. Prerequisite: Application Required, Broadcast Communication Recommended; Students in Grade 9 who have completed WNMS may also apply Grades 9-12. Through class lectures, readings, discussions and simulations for each unit students will be able to: (Graduation Credit can be earned by taking general civics or a full year of AP US Government & Politics). They will learn to discuss, critique, compose and edit photos (portraits, candids, academic, sports and more). This choir will work to develop sight-reading skills at the Intermediate Level that will be demonstrated at MSVMA Choral Festival. This course is intended to introduce students to the field of Graphic Design, the art of advertisement and visual communication. Students will not be permitted to stay in their cars during school hours and smoking is not permitted on school property. Students will have the opportunity to cook in labs to apply the knowledge they have learned. Students will prepare and perform a variety of speeches that are appropriate for business and social settings. This class may not be retaken. Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) method, by a SIOP-trained teacher. Students in Philharmonic will participate in full orchestra activities. 2018-2019 SUMMER CAMPS; BASEBALL 2019 PRE-SEASON TRAINING CLINIC; SCHEDULES . Students use an electronic calendar and self-pace their time on task. Child Car Seat Inspections CPR Classes File of Life Fire and Fall Prevention Fire Extinguisher Training Home Inspections Public Fire Education Firefighter for a Day 2 semesters, 1 credit. The term project is a multi-step report called Living on my own at age 24. Students will develop critical reading skills and use their critical reading to inform the positions they develop about controversial issues. An audition is required. Prerequisite: WIDA 2.8+ Recommended Course satisfies .5 credit VPA Grades 9-12. Novi High School offers 22 Advanced Placement and 15 International Baccalaureate courses. This course may be retaken for credit. Meal planning techniques will also be a part of this class. Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: Audition Prerequisite: Completion of IB Math A&A SL1, Pre-Calculus with an A, or Honors Pre-Calculus with a B or above 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus with a recommended grade of B or above 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science HL 1 1229 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) 2 (Senior year) Students that successfully complete the 3-D CAD program will possess the design skills of being able to produce complex, accurate three-dimensional computer aided designs and solid models that contain various rendered and/or animated, geometric features while adhering to proper drafting standards and techniques. Students will have the opportunity to engage in all steps of the engineering process, including material testing, design, construction and implementation. Students will be evaluated using both the district writing and reading rubrics. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 11-12. 0605E / 0606E Geometry (ESL) 1 semester, .5 credit. Students in the past have created YouTube Channels, podcasts, hype videos, creative social media accounts, and produced short films. 1:1 NCSD is a 1:1 learning environment. Grades 9-12. Enjoy the opportunity to move beyond the microwave and into a creative class that is fun and challenging. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA 1 semester, .5 credit. This is an elective credit course. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 11-12. Grades 9-12. Students will prepare to take the SL (Standard Level) IB test second semester of either their junior or senior year. Percentage of students who graduated from Novi High in 2018-2019. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Right triangle trigonometry and the Laws of Sines and Cosines are also studied. Throughout the course students learn to develop important questions, conduct inquiry, and evaluate evidence. Grade 11. Students will use methods of calculus, when appropriate, to study and solve problems in the classroom and laboratory. 1414 / 1415 French II Show proper measurement techniques while examining auto parts. Grades 10-12. Students in Concert Band will learn to perform with moderate skills on their instruments. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of rules while officiating with their classmates in a controlled setting. Grades 10-12. Students demonstrate comprehension of the accounting cycle through a two-week physical simulation and Excel spreadsheet creation. 1110V / 1111V Chemistry Approximately 10 elective classes are available for .5 credit. amibroker professional edition. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: None 2 semesters, 1 credit. The majority of this course will be taught in French, all texts will be in French, and students are expected to speak in French. This course picks up where Building Wealth leaves off, having students focus on starting retirement planning by age 27. Posted on 08/24/2022; View All News. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 2 Beds. It will be an introduction to the design, implementation, and understanding of computer programs. Kim Gearns and her team provide youth at all levels a forum to showcase all they can on stage! 2 semesters, 1 credit. This Biology course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Matter & Energy in Organisms & Ecosystems, Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems, Structure & Function, inheritance and variation of Traits, and Natural Selection & Evolution. Grades 9-12. 0805B Collision Repair & Refinishing The prerequisite for this course is the successful completion of Computer I, with a grade of C or higher. It utilizes graphing calculators extensively to help explain concepts, solve problems, understand results, and enhance the enjoyment of doing calculus. Health is a required course that emphasizes the practical application of knowledge to healthful daily living. Grades 10-12. Grades 11-12. Grades 9-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. You will receive a confirmation email before June 20th. Grades 11-12. 0605V / 0606V Geometry(This course may also be offered virtually) 2 semesters, 1 credit. The class will focus on both the academic skills necessary to develop relevant and realistic products as well as the soft skills needed to market and present a product effectively. This full year course introduces students to the history of the United States with a focus on the post-Civil War Industrial age to the present day. Please plan accordingly for this most important week. This course is a continuation of Digital Imaging I. 1:1 NCSD is a 1:1 learning environment. 0209 Finance II: Investing for the Long Term The use of technology and collaboration will be stressed. All students who have completed German III are encouraged to take this course. 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