Leo said, getting off the half-charred armchair in his room. It was all pink, ranging from a reddish color to the palest peach. Jason looked at her and she knew the answer to that question. It was a comforting sound. He took off his boxers and threw them in the pile. "-agree." There was a makeup table stacked with items begging to be used, and Piper was sleeping on a heart-shaped bed with pillows full of pink unicorns and crowns and lipstick marks. She's got a following bigger than her Olympic-hopeful boyfriend and the hottest guy in school, Percy Jackson. After brushing her teeth and showering, she was ready to go. He started to panic, hyperventilate. Listen. Percy and Annabeth are finally together. Leo said, pretending to be thinking. She was furious that Percy sorta liked me, and I liked him, and we were so close to getting hooked. "I see you are already awake." Leo asked, staring at the paper. On the count of three one- two- THREE!". Piper knows she and Reyna and Annabeth would be great together, now only if the other two would get out of their heads. She sobbed slightly. I ducked in time and humiliated him in front of the whole class." Clarisse is furious that everyone will see her working with Percy, not to mention scared. She whispered in his ear, shooting furtive glances around the entrance of the school. That's when the bell signalling third period rang. Percy, Frank, and Hazel are a bit nervous--what will the Roma. I'm pretty sure the Arrows of Hercules or the Shield of Achilles is here somewhere?" Locker 233. Thank you for your patience!Hermes, Messenger of the gods. Hazel giggled and moved in. She said. "Oh my gods. Annabeth Chase is a Greek demigod, daughter of the goddess Athena and professor Frederick Chase, and the cousin of Norse demigod Magnus Chase. She could hear Hazel and Jason running to where her voice and light was. She mumbled. The big guy said. She gasped. ", Piper looked at him. All with weary task fordone. He said. "When is he going to be done?" There was nobody in the empty halls, and she was glad of it. While all the other demigods were squinting at the board, Frank could read it just fine. She practically spat. It was an exquisitely carved door handle, and by the way it was made, she knew it wasn't locked and that she knew it opened to the inside. Until he came across the creator of the universe and found out something that will chan. The handsome, powerful one. 100%. It will make sense I swear. That girl was scary in a innocent way, though he suspected she wasn't innocent at all. "Frank! The knife glinted in the darkness, and she could make out the silhouettes of Jason, Piper and Hazel. "He called me Annie Bell Carson. Hazel wondered what was bothering him so much, but she was smart enough not to probe. They said, getting up together, and leaving the room. Breakfast was subdued, and Leo noticed dark circles around Frank and Percy's eyes. He asked incredously. "That git. Annabeth had a flash of danger in her eyes, something Frank was glad to see. percy and annabeth broke up; Percy is still her best friend; Summary. http://www.wattpad.com/story/6259740-the-seven-in-high-school-percy-jackson-fanfiction. Tricked ya'! Annabeth and the girls left for the latter, while Frank and the others went outside to play basketball. Cursing at the god of sleep, Hypnos or Morpheus or whoever that was, he slowly made his way upstairs. He deserved a girl, too. "Bad dreams?" She tells Annabeth, hoping for advice but Annabeth realizes that someone could have remembered Percy as a 'girlfriend' too so she in a way, is mad at Piper so Piper feels ashamed and is worried if she is the 'bad guy' here. I walked into the Poseidon cabin with Percy, we were discussing who would win in a fight, a hydra or medusa. ", "It's just because I used to like Percy. Percy sat up and put an arm around her gray owl pajamas. It took forever to read, but Jason managed to make it out at the end: Dear Peter Johnson, Annie Belle Carson, Priscilla McDonald, John Green, Harriet Letterman, Leonardo Vexter, and Finnick Wang. "Jason, I'm here." ", "Yep." She nodded. The last three girls he had flirted with were Thalia, Reyna, and Hazel. He kept on stepping forward until his knees were touching the bed, and his girlfriend's face was in expanded view. I asked him nervously. "See ya later, Grace!". "She cornered me and tried to flirt with me. What kind of name is that? "Don't worry, if you're a mouse, at least you have a bigger brain. He turned around. Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Said another voice over the phone. She scowled at some lame joke Alan cracked, and looked ready to crack his head open. Annabeth's was neat and tidy, while Leo's was scrambled and kind of scorched. "I didn't want to be killed." Clarisse is furious that everyone will see her working with Percy, not to mention scared. Suddenly the nearby water fountain erupted and doused Alan and his so-called friends in water. "She did WHAT???" "Oh, you are so on, Peter Johnson." Now the hungry lion roars, "Yes, here you go." "Burned!" But his life changes when he finds out he is a demigod. "Everyone, prepare to use your swords and get out of here.". Percy said. In the church-way paths to glide, "What in Hades am I wearing?" "I've got a plan to make us popular". Percy J., Piper M., Leo V. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 15,954 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 92 - Updated: 1/19/2018 - Published: 10/14/2013 - id: 9766359 + . She was gracious and well-behaved. He suggested, and Annabeth nodded and snuggled in gratefully, her head resting on his chest. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! annabeth. Her chance to talk to Piper had passed. Frank asked, his beefy left hand about to punch the wall. (Was supposed to be a harem story, turning into a polyamorous story. She walked through it, and she saw Jason sleeping fitfully, his arms shaking and mumbling incoherent words. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are graduating college and have started their new lives . "You're below me with the wimps and the dorks. ", "I'm still here." Just as quickly, the fire disappeared, leaving no sign of it's presence, and left a crisp and unscorched letter on the table. Concentrate, Piper. That's when her cell-phone started ringing. "Let's go!" While our other friends have moved on and tried being social again I haven't seen the outside since Jason died. Join them as they try to navigate through the world of Remnant, make some friends and allies, wreak havoc, and maybe blow something up. Annabeth doesn't know what is happening but . "I think he's alright." That was the basis of his life, after all. "That'll teach them.". Only this time, something was different. Percy Jackson's Twin Sister by Joshua :) 535K 11.3K 20 . And since now is the time we're growing out of our dyslexia, why the Hades do you need help?" His Father, Poseidon does not talk to him and his girlfriend Annabeth cheated on him with his step-brother William. Clearing his throat and swallowing the black mass inside his mouth, he repeated his question. The look on Jason' face was priceless. But, it was too late. He could hear the angry mutters of his fellow demigods, and the scrapes from the bedposts against the ground. "Yes." "Percy told Frank that when he found you guys," Hazel pointed out. "You have two weeks to finish it, starting tomorrow.". Percy pulled off the bra and smiled at what he saw. "Hazel Levesque!" Aphrodite, or Mom, was saying with a tinkling laugh that eased the tension of the demigods standing uncomfortably in the room. Frank wondered what was inside of Leo's. She said, weaving the string through the small loop on the other needle. The dorky one with the black hair near the pretty blonde girl-", "The girls are sooo pretty! "Hazel? Leo said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Percy was out of options. She had a strange dream that night. Piper giggled. "Fountain gift from Athens.". Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg! Hazel screeched. Piper smiled faintly. However, here Thalia is, about to go from the frying pan into a molten volcano.~Thalia's been getting used to living as a Pirate. Frank had on a dark purple Hi, I'm Canada shirt, and he had a oversized pair of Lexi's. They followed the crowd as they moved slowly to their lockers to get their English textbooks. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Rachel's sure different without her hood and bandanna. He desperately needed to get popular. It was pretty, not store quality like Annabeth's, but in that homemade, cozy style. Piper. ", "Then what is it?" He heard Hazel hiss. "HEY!" Jason thought about it. No one made any mention of his name, which made him feel lonely and depressed. She stared harshly at Alan. Percy stared at me, and before I even knew it my lips were on his. If anyone could beat up a jock, it was Annabeth. The party. Piper said, wrinkling her nose. Shots! Annabeth gave a feeble smile and walked downstairs slowly, into the tensioned dining room. And no using my laptop. "Actually, I have changed my mind. Nobody talked to Annabeth for weeks after a week of "accidents." Annabeth looked up at her mom, she said, "I agree with Lord Zeus. Hazel dressed into her nightgown (She didn't like to wear pajamas), and as soon as her head fell on the pillow, she was asleep as fast as a candle dunked in water. Like, Alex is the only person that might understand what I'm talking about, but I can't talk to him about it. Percy Jackson, and Piper McLean both left Camp Half-Blood. Thalia had whacked him on the head with her bow, Reyna had almost set her automaton dogs on him, and Frank punched Leo's face. Piper said sadly. Hera said. "Valdez, your wish." I saw Percy and Nice walk in together and they seemed happy, enjoying each other's company. Sorry. Someone dropped their books near them with a loud thud. Rachel said, smiling, her ponytail swinging. Piper's lips turned upwards in a smile. Piper wants one last night of pleasure before getting married with Percy? Percy was on his bed, drooling, still tied in rope like Annabeth had left him like, and there was someone over him. She told herself. There was no reply at all. Following the party incident yesterday,the boys had cleaned up every single bit of the mansion, dutifully started on their tasks, and were downright moping. I promised I would give him some space or whatever. "I don't feel like we're the Seven anymore." Jason replied under his breath. kisses under a waterfall// pipercabeth// 617 words, After a forced promotion to godhood and his girlfriend putting announcing that it was time for a break. Zeus said, and with that he turned to look at the remaining three: Frank, Hazel and Leo. Annabeth is the architect of Olympus and the former head . Jason's confused voice asked. Jason put a hand on her shoulder, instantly calming her down. I felt giddy, "Yeah it's ok. "I'll akways be with you.". Leo blinked, his mind in a endless stupor that went on and on. Percy mock gasped, clutching his hand to his chest and his face of pretend horror. Hey this is a collection of one shots featuring some of the characters from the Percy Jackson universe. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (12), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (12), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (1), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (1), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean (18), Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson (2), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson, Katie Gardner/Percy Jackson/Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Thalia Grace/Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Post-The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus), Aphrodite/Poseidon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Percy Jackson Winter Solstice Gift Exchange, Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Piper McLean, Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Annabeth Chase/Rachel Elizabeth Dare/Percy Jackson/Piper McLean, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Capture The Sex Flag, A Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus Sex Story, Why The F*** Are Pirates So Damn Attractive, Pirates and Officers Usually Don't Mix Well. Frank said, his big face all red and he wouldn't look at them. "Not so fast, are you, Grace?" look and Percy turned around to stare at Annabeth. I know I shouldn't care this much about Jason dying. "I wouldn't because I know you love me." She doesn't like posing for shallow pictures, or having people stare at her in magazines, or being . Now that Nico and Percy are smooching buddies what will this mean for the ship everyone comes here to see, Pipercy? Jason sat on the end of the dining table, holding hands with Piper, while Annabeth took the head, sneaking glances at Percy, who was next to Piper and Frank. As they approached Piper's room they heard laughter. "Lovebirds." Annabeth glared at them as she intently scribbled notes on the notepad. The Seven lined up against the wall, and through the vortex Leo managed to keep standing and hold his food down. Hazel inched closer to him. And Frank. "It's just that it's so hard to sink in, that you of all people liked Percy", "Yep. That door we opened, maybe that's the barrier between monsters and this house, Like Camp Half-Blood. Percy stays all by his lonesome now, the only person who can even get close to him is Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia. Piper Mclean and Annabeth Chase will stop at nothing to see him. Complicated relationships and problems. The Rumours consisted of a small child, with the ability to talk to sea creatures. He cooed at Annabeth. He asked, trying to sound innocent, as if he was and wasn't drinking Coca-Cola when he was supposed to be doing his Math homework (Stupid Algebra teachers that assigned homework on the first day of school!!!). Annabeth said quickly, sending a little glare to Hazel. Zeus, not Jupiter anymore, said. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, of course. She couldn't hide Percy's scent and they were attacked when he was just a fe redemancy But, the problem was that he was a male. He thought. Annabeth left the three boys to themselves and gracefulyy glided to her own room, smiling. Aphrodite cooed. Follow Piper and Annabeth's story and take a look at the Percico fanfiction to s. Jason Cheated on Piper with another girl. She said, smiling. She had been purposely ignoring him, but everytime he tried to talk to her, he would be stopped by either Hazel or Annabeth. "Believe me, I do know.". SMUT Story with some Plot, Some heavy Percabeth moments and 18+. Blackmail point one for Leo. Another plaque said Jason Grace. Piper said, stalking to her closet to change. Oh brother. Piper said. The daughter of Athena still looked more nervous than usual, her fingers picking at the sleeves of the Fleece- which had transformed into a red and gold high school letter jacket with a large glittery Omega on the pocket. Percy's anxious voice replied. : "Oh, at least you have it easy. As he stepped up the stairs, he saw Annabeth, wearing a gray T-shirt and jeans, stepping down. "Jason Grace." And then he realized it. Alan spat the name out. From A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 5:1, Lines 365-384. This is a Percy Jackson fanfic Percy is betrayed and lost until he fi. And once they were moving Percy focused on Annabeth, squashed between Grover and Piper- Percy was on Piper's other side. They then kissed the unconscious Leo on the lips, and then reclothed each other and got their armor back on. "And hello there, sexy lady." "I wish to have Aphrodite give me and Percy her blessing that we will always be together." Gimme a hug, there.". "First of all, we were never together, and second, I AM NOT A DEAD MOUSE!!". (Trust me, I know). Percy nodded, "I knew I'd win this argument!" Does that mean he doesn't have a weapon?" Piper asked. Frank cracked a smile. "So Percy, after Annabeth dumped you have you been interested in anyone?" Jason. Completed. "Wait- LEO! No tile gave a groan when she stepped on it, no locker echoed her soft footsteps. "What did they do?" Jason didn't bother fighting back, since that daughter of Athena could beat him up easily. I didn't know if it was I who kissed him or he who kissed me, but I didn't matter. And then Piper had to take it the wrong way. Or should we pray to Demeter with herher plantiness?. "Yeah, Piper?" "Annabeth." Piper and Leo are tested when seeing their legendary older siblings in action. It sounded like a boy's voice. Shake Annabeth awake and have her kill him or 2. "Yep." Frank asked, his dizziness abating as he stood up. Did not work." "Let's go!" if she was angry, storms would brew. He jerked his head with a start and looked at her. Percy replied in a whiny tone. Percy had on darker jeans then Jason and a light blue shirt with three ultramarine stripes running near the collar. "Hi. Leo turned red as everybody else laughed at his comment. SHe wheezed. Percy mumbled, looking down. "Stupid alarm clock." Is that okay?" Jason said, his throat tightening. Piper agreed. All of a sudden, a gang of boys almost as muscle packed as Frank blocked their way. And then they lunged toward the camera in Leo's hand. Annabeth muttered. He muttered, making sure no kids or adults were near them. Aphrodite will dress you up in the morning. A Pipercy Story: Broken Then Fixed by Lic. He had been a sort of scrawny kid three years ago, and people still remembered him as the loser he was. Percy had been acting very, very strange in the past few days. ", "Really? She had never experienced things like this in all her old life. Annabeth came in, "Hey Percy,". Today was a Saturday. "You know, Rachel's technically a maiden forever, so I can't fall in love with her." ", In the end, the four gave up and were about to meet up, when Annabeth found a door handle at the very edge. ", "I know." Story of a transfem Percy and also it's gonna be very gay. Panting, she crashed back into the room. Being kidnapped in your sleep and dropped into a strange world where evil lurks in every shadow sure doesn't sound fun, but it's business as usual for Percy, Annabeth, and Piper. "J-jason please let this be a d-d-dream.." I silently cried into my hands. They're not so hard, either. Piper thought as she looked around. "But you're his favorite son.". "Nobody can resist my irresistible charm. And no one knows what's wrong with Percy. "Shut up, Leonardo Vexter.". Piper shrugged, fiddling with the cheese on her plate. "Welcome to the real world, Seaweed Brain." In that homemade, cozy style owl pajamas gave a groan when she stepped on it, no locker her! His step-brother William fellow demigods, and she knew the answer to that.... Owl pajamas me, and through the small loop on the count of three two-. Jackson universe Seven lined up against the wall, and she could hear Hazel and Leo noticed circles. Demigods standing uncomfortably in the room love with her. n't bother back. 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